Newspaper Page Text
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Not for u h>-v- '■■ 3 lias such v
wa \ c of nai ■ <v.n i sw.-pt ovei*
this to ~ a as that ou Monday after
noon about 1.0 ) o’clock when it
was known that Mr. Cliff C. Tye
had killed himself in the store of
Messrs. T. A. Sloan and Co. No
motive is known for this rash act.
Mr. Tye walked into the store
with some money and handed it to
Mr T. A. Sloan and asked him to
give him crebit for it on his account
there, and as Mr. Sloan turned to
go to his office to givo the credit
Mr. Tye drew a 32 caliber pistol
and fired into his right temple the
bullet passing almost entirely thr
ough the head, and he fell to the
floor dead. There were several
near him who saw him pull the
pistol but before they realized why
he should draw the gun from his
pocket there they were startled by
the report of the pistol and a mo
ment later they saw him fall to the
floor dead.
“Cliff Tye” as he was called by
his hosts of friends, was one of the
town’s most genial and affable
young men. He had a large circle
of friends all of whom deeply de
plore his untimely end. For a
year he had been the popular and
efficient assistant post master at
McDonough. He was about 36
years old,
The funeral was held from his
late home at 2 o’clock Tuesday af
ternoon and the interment was in
the family lot in the McDonough
cemetery, Rev. J. A. Simpson, of
He is survived by his aged mo
ther, Mrs. M. A. Tye, two brothers
Colonel John L. Tye, of Atlanta,
and Dr. Robert L Tye, of New
York City, and five sisters, Mrs. T.
A. Sloan, Mrs. Paul Turner, Mrs.
Ethel Wright and Miss Nena Tye,
of this place, and Mrs. Ludie Hen
derson of Atlanta.
M Paper Next Week.
There will be no paper next week
th • d •: or . . ■ ■ : • help make
it will take a vrtk.'n rest Christ
m • / u‘K
We wise for evcvv one all the
h s- c. ad h- to that this
s v. want to
th: a) * a correspon
d n - io havo a .!•••., so faithful
da: .* : s year, a v.d we hope to
ha mifiem
all folhhg oi all th ! events that
happens during the h olidayjseason
in all parts of the county.
Nearer, My God, To Thee.
Nearer, my God, to thee,
Nearer to thee !
E’en tho’ it be a cross
That raiseth me ;
Still all my song shall be,
Nearer my God, to thee,
Tho’ like the wanderer,
Th. ■ sun gone down,
D u n ss be over me,
Y . s TV !>-
Nearer my God, to ihee,
Thou, lot the way appear,
Steps unto heav’n ;
All that thou sendest me,
In mercy given ;
Angels to beckon me,
Nearer my God, to thee,
•Or if, on joyful wing,
Cleaving the sky,
Sun, moon, and stars forgot,
Upward I fly,
Still all my songs shall be,
Nearer, my God, to thee
„ nJcOI 1, 1 . • .
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eakj_■ W w a >. kuo
is j hs * g idUWiiiß
Misses IN man and Thrasher,
have inanocra td a contest by
which tlu y will give nwr.y a l< p
buggy nbsoluiely FREE to the
successful party.
With each five dollar’s purchase
a ticket will be given which will
entitle holder to a chance at this
handsome buggy,* which will be
g yen away tho latter part of Jan
uary. The number that will draw
the bnggy will he placed in a
scaled envelope and put in the
bank vault and at the end of the
contest the one holding duplicate
number will get the buggy FREE.
Fiaternal Lodge Elects Of
On last Saturday night the an
nual election of officers for Frater
nal Lodge was held and the follow
ing officers were elected.
T. J. Brown, Worshipful Master.
J. G. Smith, Senior W T arden.
J. E. Hooten, Junior Warden.
J. F. Bowden, Secretery.
H. M. Turner, Treasurer.
J. S, Duke, Tyler.
H. M. Amis, Senior deacon.
A. M. Bowden, Junior deacon.
E. D. Tolleson, Senior Steward.
P. B. Cheek, Junior Steward.
On the first Friday night in Jan
uary 1910, will occur the public in
stallation of these officers.
This will be a pleasant occasion
for not only the members of Fra
ternal Lodge, but to all their
’drives, daughters, sisters and lady
This will be the first public
meeting since the completion of
the new masonic hall and it is ex
pected to be one of the most pleas
ant in the lodge’s history.
Fourth Scholastic Month.
(Neither absent nor tardy. Deport
ment 5 ).
1. Murry Copeland, Claude Ne
wman. M Mile Whitehead, H. M.
2. C i Amis, Bernice Bai;-
retr, I v ! N den, Ruth Car
michm , ■ -uric 'enough, Daisv
dev >1 . ' J. Cope-
Pi n, . > ’ unie Mor
.o v. C . . ■ . i . Ftod.rers.
Annie Pearl Smith, Mery Jo Smith
Blai l ie - 'h, K ,n, st Tho
mpson, G. B. Welch, Marie Welch.
3. Lueile J.hfarts, Addie Kate
Patterson, Kit'' 1 ' n Tlnling, Orin
Barrett, Sadie Dufiey.
4. Annie Ola Sloan, Frank Dick
son, Effie Lee Nail, Myrtice Hunt,
Mattirf B. Mays. Mary Lon Rod
gers, Louise Brow n. Ruth Dickson.
7. Russ Elliott, Robert McDon
ald, Eva Tolleson, Ben White, Or
lena Welch.
8. Eva Barrett, Lucile Bowden,
Pauline Bowden, Boce Elliott,
Irene Gunter, Bovkin Newman,
Troy Smith, Fred Varner.
9. Mae Glass. Joi n Pullin, Wr
it) a. r Slor- n. Charlie Welch.
10 Loir .lie mod, Alla B. Car
michael, Grady In-rrim.
h-d Test,
1. M arry Cop l ied, Claude Ne
wman, Mollie Whitehead, H. M.
2. Carolyn Amis, Ruth Carmi
clioel, Frank Rodgers. Annie Pearl
Smith, Mary Jo Smith, Blannie
Stallworth, Marie Welch.
7. Paul Sowell, Irene Gunter,
Lucile Bowden.
9. Ida Lou Tarpley, Paul Tur
10 Earnest Tarpley, Blake Tur
ner. Berta Wallace, Mamie Wood
ward. ,
f.l, ti . .’il 1 .. ,0 •:• .ii i..i j
! V:) i«f B '■: P. K I
, ... —-* On k • •.■ • -]>?. ;
... ■ ? y_. Deo 2 th. at «even
5j * o’oluOi., at the new
• V' • h ; rfie ball will
\ !,kk, ' < oro r the a nual
. • % d<-cti“r <f of cors j
• / of 'UDono Ch«p-
V ter No. 28, R. A M.
All companions
arc cordially urged to be present
at this annual election.
J. C. HAHtds, High Priest.
To the Voters of the Flint Cir
cuit :
lam a candidate for Judge of
the Saperior Court of the Flint
Circuit, subjeot to the Democratic
I solicit and will appreciate tho
support and vote of the people, of
the circuit.
Robert T. Daniel.
We desire to extend to
our many friends and cus
tomers our heartiest
thanks for their Überal
support during the past
and beg your kipd consid
eration of us when in the
market for goods-
We carry a full line of
seasonable gooda at all
times and hope to please
you even better during
the coming year, 1910.
Wishing one and all a
merry, merry Christmas
and a prosperous New
We are very truly,
PHONE 2 r.
L;.j [: .
Auer tiiis week ginning,
days Tuesday and Friday
until further notice.
A. N. Brown.
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is highly
recommended, especially by mothers in
Cases of coins or Coughs It drives the
cold from the system through the bowels
and at the same time heals irritation of
the throat and allays inhumation. Sold
by Horton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward, Stock bridge, (-a.
We are agents for the
celebrated Badger and
A ert Fire Lft Are is A: r
you ought to protect year
home, oifice ana Property
by keeping ora on iiaiid
come and let us show you.
A. C- Oglesby & Co.
This Is Worth Remembering.
When you have a sough or cold, just
remeJßiber that Foley's Honey and Tar
will cure it. Remember the name,
Foley’s Honey and Tar, and refuse sub
Soldby Horton Drug Co.
McDonough Drug Co.
L* ♦ c * • * “'*it
iv. ft Jr arty.
>u w ■ 1 *r t* .’<.'• p
t hcloe.; t chit pin rof i)
oi b;t C’t nt '<Urncy v ill huvi- >
lu ’squernu , ))i . y m the bashunoiu
ot th'' t'*>:;r ’• ric V v i!^3 }
E 'i- body is cordially inviuu
to attend, t;,? proceeds from the
party for the benefit of the Coufe
derate monnment fond.
Livery Stable For Sale.
On tho first Tnesday in Janoarv
1910, I will sell befoie the Court
house door my livery stable iuc
ated i.i Mcl-onough Ga. known as
the old McDonough Bnggy Factory
Part cash and other on good
J. R. Graves & Co.
McDonough, Ga.
Mr.GuvS Kelley Dead.
Mr. Gus Kelley died Tuesday
night at 9 o’clock at the homo of
his brother, Mr. John Kelley near
Bethel ohnrch in the northern
part, of the county, after a long ill
ness from dropsy.
Ho was about 50 years old and is
survived by his wife. The funeral
and interment was at Bethel
church on Thursday morning.
The Markets Thursday
Cotton 15^
Cotton Seed $1.55 per 100
Mrs. : S. Joyce, Claremount, N. H.,
writes: “Abouta year ago 1 bonght two
two bottles of Foley’s Kidney Remedy.
It curen me of a severe case of Kidney
trouble of several years stnnding. It ce
rtainly is a grand rood medicine, and I
hea;tily recommend it.”
Sold By Horton Drug Co.
McDonough Drug Co.
The BIG STAPLE of the South has begun to move, find every
hale that changes hands places money in some one’s pocket—A part
of it goes to you.
Why not saye a portion, if only a small one?
Don’t blow it all, but start n R - 115 account. Th.- ! st wav is to
DEI •)S IT ALL your money, :•- jiy all y.r; mv ui. is WITH A
CHK< 'K on tho Bank, thus y-vii •« oi a d v.b: •r< <• A...
Onr accomodations aro a ; 1 wi ’ 1 ■ hin all
Ways. ’Ti-i tho little that i kb 7 t]. ■ enre of yi-rt
i: nr OLD DAYS.
W : -,on you soli that b;,io f '-n, \ i r ‘ * ■ ‘Corls
here, arM we wi 1 t* ! i m 1: v t ) it frrowv
i<; niO H H ‘ V; T ' ? O' 1 ; }V
MrOOMOI Ii I e ; i ? l A.
iHv *Ji '• £Z f vj; '--m v > - •
Funeral Directors snd SEmbalmers.
Day Phone .No. ,51 Night Phone No. 513
V 11 iiiwiiiimiiiliirTi
*•> . ■<**•>.• hi®
%- ’
II J\, r '
r. *
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully dor e and according to best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults. )
i- - *. v.V 1 * '
A ui: ..DM' of U'«" ; i l . .-’■'r
> > * ' . ~;, • h S&.
*••,: iA () :•, 1! . 1 : X’ . 1 • 4* 41 ai) dl
• . 11. u. , fkii .. :..i j < ceurretk
ni- tko Baj. ii>: I'e.'G ii m «.. n
d :.y ■ ve ■ ) 1 c • ■ 0 n’d -ek, Rev.
W. W. Arnold oi'-.hiu ing.
They hi 1 both n 1 :> bt rs of old
and prominent families of Henry
county and they ha ve many friend *
who join the Weekly in wishirp
them much happiness and prospe
On Sunday night at, the home of
Mr. George Cmmbley at Kelley’*
town, Miss Minnie MoGarity, of
Tussaliaw district, and Mr, Will
Moseley, of Whitohonse, were uni
ted in the holy bonus of matri
mony, Squire Crumbley, officiat
They are two of Henry’s popu
lar young people and the best of
good wishes are extended to them
for a long and prosperous life.
They will reside at his homa
uiear White house.
On Shnday morning at Eleven
o’clock at the home of the bride’*
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. English,
of Tussahaw district, Miss Savepp*
English and Mr. Paul L. Jinks
were happily married Rev. W. E,
Moore, of Auburn, Ga officiating.
Tho wedding was a beautiful
home affair and a few of their fri
ends were present to witness th*
happy event that united these twe*
prominent and popular young peo
Their host of friends wish for
them much success and happiness.
Make somebody happy Xmas.