Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
VOL. XXXV Writes To The
McDonough* Ha.
March 28 1910.
Mr Editor:
As my physical condition pre
vents me from meeting the voters
or Henry County in person, I kin
dly ask space in your valuable
paper to talk with every voter in
Henry County.
1 have lived in old Henry Comity
all my life, and prior to my af
fliction I t'aithfuily endeavored to
discharge my duly as a citizen as
a neighbor and as a hnsband and
father in mv humble way. I
labored faithfully to support n.y
family, as I believe all ot my nei
ghbors will testify.
M/ affliction and helpless con
dition is beyond human control,
y it. I have the same ambition and
the same derire to he placed in a
position to provide for my loving
wife and children as I did before I
w is stricken down.
I am not unmindful of the nnpre
eendented kindness that has been
shown me by fellow men during
all lof my illness Words cannot
convey to you all the ifrue appre
ciation of myself and family of
your many kinddeeds and chari
table acts. It is only the God of
Heaven alone that knows the true
feelings of myself and family for
the many favors that have teen
shown ns in our alflicton.
In asking your generous snpport
for the office of Connty Treasurer,
I feel that lam asking for some
thing that will bring you no cost,
but will add joy and happiness in
my household ; that it will give me
new life and will remove from my
self and family the painful neces
sity of having to depend upon tiie
goodness nf our friends and nei
ghbors who have so long adminis
tered to our necessities.
Ido hope that no man in Henry
Comity will raise the question of
inability on my part to perform
the duties of the office, because
we all know that the bank's of the
county handle the county money,
and the methods of disbursing tne
funds are so 7>lain and simple, that
th?'re is lit tle chance for mistakes.
The county funds in my hands
would he perfectly safe, because it
would always be found in the
vaults of the banks in McDonough.
The cashier and assistant cashier
in the Bank of Henry County can
easily explain to you the simple
method in which the money is
I need the office to support my
family, and if I thought that I
could not faithfully perform its
duties I would he the last man to
ask your support, as everyone
knows I am in a helpless condition
with hut little hope that I will
ever be better. I love my wife and
children the same that you love
I want every voter in Henry
County to take this, my personal
appeal, toyonr homes and firesides
and read it to your wife and chil
dren. On the morning of the pri
mary, when yon are just, starting
to the polls and when your good
wife throws one loving look into
your face and says, “John don't
forget the afflicted man to-day,”
and when your bright prosperous
looking children take you by the
hand and say, Papa don’t forget
the afflicted man to-day, I feel that
all will be well, and that sunshine
aud happiness will invade my home
and thud every voter of the county
will rejoice in my good luck.
Jnst one word to my opponents.
I entertain for each of you the
very kindness feeling. I am at
peace with all mankind. My long
affliction has been instrumental
in cansing me to love my neigh-
More Than 300 A Day
That Number Must Register Every Dayif AH Entitled
To Register Do So.
Below \ve give a table showing
in its first column the total num
ber of voters entitled to register,
in its second column who has ac
tually registered up to last Monday
the 28th day of March, and in its
third column the number who re
gistered during the two weeks el
apsing between March 15, and
Voters Registered Reg since March 11
McDono 506 355 37
Hampton 330 109 19
Sixth 182 96 13
Flippen 111 72 12
Stockbridge 207 115 10 ‘
Shakerag 115 63 ‘ 14
Bi'shy Knob 128 66 3
Loves 189 108 8
HcMullin’s 193 112 21
Beersheba 209 93 9
Sandy Ridge 221 109 14
Tnssahaw 242 133
Locust Grove 286 123 3
Lowe’s 139 63 - 5
Totals 3061 1617 175
hors and friends with a stron
ger devotion than I could have
ever doue otherwise. I believe that
on the morning after the primary,
that if you find that I have been
nominated for County Treasurer,
that each of you will come to me,
take me by the hand and say,
Floyd, ' Id boy I am glad you have
got it, for you need the office far
more than I did.
I respectfully ask of my friends
throughout the county when they
are in McDonough to come to my
home and keep me posted as to Ho
race, if you can't come to McDo
nough, please drop me a card and
tell me that you are going to sup
port me in the coming race. I de
sire to say that in advance of pri
mary day, I desire to thank each
and every voter of Henry County
who has, is and will take an inte
rest in my behalf.
I feel confident, that when you
have listened to my appeal, when
you have discussed it at your
homes, talked it with your neigh-1
bors and given it your prayeilul
consideration that I will have no
cause to fear the results. With
kind regards to each and everyone,
I am truly your friend,
W. F. Hand.
It seems like good old summer
time is almost here again.
The Easter egg hunt given by
Oakland school was enjoyed very
much by all present.
Several from this place attended
the singing at Liberty Hill Sun
day afternoon.
Misses Minnie Fields, Lethia and
Brunett Sorrow were the guests of
Miss Annie Lou Callaway Sunday.
The children and grand child
ren of Mr. and Sirs. E.M. Barnett
took them by surprise Sunday, all
carrying well filled baskets and
several presents were also given.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett seemed to be
very glad to see their children all
gather home once more. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mays visited
their son and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Liny Barnett.
Mrs. W. P. Welch is visiting her
son, Mr. J. J. Welch, of Tussahaw,
this week.
The singing given by Mr. and j
Mrs. J. S. Barnett was enjoyed by j
a large crowd Sunday night.
McDonough. Georgia, Friday april i, 1910.
March 28t.h, by militia District's.
The List shows that 58 new
names have been added to the list
of those entitled to agister not on
former lists
With only 4 more days until the
registration books close, the voters
will have to register at the rate of
358 every day in order for all to be
Brown States Position.
To the voters of Henry Connty I
believe that the people who elect
their ttepresenative have theright
to know the position of one who
asks such election on questions af
fecting the peoples interest’s. And
when a particular county is forced
or may be forced by qnestions af
fecting distinct from
any interest of the people of other
counties, I believe it fair and
propea for n candidate voluntarily
to declare how he stands on these
Therefore I wish now-, both for
my present term as your Represen
tative and, if honored with re-el
ection, for my subsequent term or
terms of office, to pledge my active
opposition to creation of a city
court for our county with its
heavy expense of several thousand
dollars to be paid out the tax pay
ers pockets.
1 believe in adhering to the re
comenclation of onr official bodies
and carrying out their recomenda
tion as far as believed to be the
wishes of tlie people and when not
fully satisfied that the masses of
the people apprt ve a measure
then all bills to the ratifi
cation clause, to be approved by
majority of people and that no of
flee shall be fillc d by appointment
but by an officer elected by the
I oppose increased srliarys and
extravagant oppei aliens and be
lieve in safe and sound goverment
on economical principles.
R. C, Brown.
Mrs. A. F. Lemon will leave
Tuesday for Lawrenceville as a
delegate from the Missionary So
ciety of the McDonough Presbyte
rian church to the Presbyterial
Union which meets there.
Mr John S. Bonner genial greet
ing made its way into our hearts
as he visited The Weekly last Fri.
day. A dollar was added to the
Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison and
Messrs J.C. Walden and W. W.
Ward were among Stockbridge’s
visitors to Atlanta Wednesday.
Mr. G. W. Crumbley, of Route 3
Atlanta, cannot forget old times
and old Henry, so sends ns the
wherewith for a year of The
List of Letters Remaining
Undelivered at Mc-
Donough, Ga.
For The Period Ending
March 28 1910 S. E. ”,
Dailey. Post Master.
Mesdames W. H. Cawthon, Mary
Cleveland, Nina B. Gills, Mattie
Johnson. .1. H. Mills, Misses Aland
Downs, Fauiiio Lee Bnrcli, Lula
Dunn, Margaret Johnson, Ida Mob
ley, Mary Weems, Trellis Warren,
E. P. Cusdine. Alexander Duft'ey,
Claud Loyd, Dick Smith, Charlie
Tingle, J.M. Walton.
Attention Everybody.
I have located in Locust Grove
for a short time to renovate, re
pair and make over mattresses of
all kinds Cull and get my terms
or leave orders at Locust Grove
Hotel can refer yon to 100 or more
of the best citizens of McDonough
who have had work done in the last
two months. Satisfaction guaran
E. L. Kirk.
Judge Ross in Congres
sional Race.
Judge John P. Ross /announces
his candidacy for Congress in this
issue of The Weekly.
Judge Ross is well known for his
ability as an attorney and orator,
not only in this city, but through
the state. His experience ns a pra
ctitioner covers a wide range, es
pecially in the Sixth district. Since
leaving the city court bench of
Macon, ho has enjoyed a handsome
practice in all of the courts, and
stands very high in the profession.
He was born in Taylor county,
reared in Houston, and after grad
uating in the literary department
of Mercer and the law department
of tlie University of Georgia, he
began the practice a t Fort Valley
and la ter moved to Macon where he
has since resided.
He has served with ability as
Judge of the City Court uf Macon
and is now President of the Macon
Bar association. Heisalsoa pro
minent secret order man and lias
served as grand chancellor for the
state organization of the Knights
of Pythias.
With ability, an attractive
speaker, and pleasing in person
ality, he will poll a go( d vote in
Henry Councy.
Poultry Farming Interests
Weekly Readers.
Mr. D. M. Weems, of Luellu
where ne operates the fine White
Fearlier Farm, visited McDonough
and The Weeklj Saturday. Be is
raising the finest breed of poultry
and making a success at it. because
he puts work and ability into it.
Mr. Weems says that he has ad
vertised in the Atlanta papers and
a number of others, but that he has
gotten more business from his
eight inch advertisement in the
Weekly than from all the others.
Onr friends kind words are sin
cerely appreciate d. We want him
and all onr advertisers to have
abundant success and shall aid
them all we can.
Jnst received a lot of all
size packages International Stock
W. B. J. Ingram Company.
Eggs For Hatching: Thorough
bred Rhode Island Rebs, $1.50 for
15. *
J. C. Harris.
Mrs. Styles Carmiddd'
Passes Away,
Mrs, S E. Carmichael, nes-*r*i«l
and beloved mother inlant* Vpsm
ed away at the family hom* m
Carmichael school
west of the city at 7 o’ctoelr
day morning, .March 2*. Aral
there is mourning and the r.rsnlt
: lug sei se of loss among tt* eryb
round about who knew lux.
Sarah Elizabeth, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. William Wood*xwi,
was born March 18, 1840, *k
ding connty, Georgia, «?*»* nw*
married to Air. Styles E. Carani
cbnel Nov 29, 1861. The j: ;ily
came to Texas in 1880, ar<c ’ ave
resided in their present lm#ne. m
Clay connty since 1 8 90,
children were born, of whom fear
are now living ; three sons, Hosts®.
W. M., R. F. and H. W. > mm
chael, and daughter, Airs, W. 6.
Copeland of McDonough, Ge ’***»
Air, and Airs. Copeland an ssosr
Willis arrived Wednesday.
Funeral services were aft
the grave in Hope cemetery yes
terday, many friends fce«* fyi*np
their sympathy by their jMWxanm
and floral tributes,
—The People’s Review. Item
rietta, Tex.
Airs. Carmichael and 'her ssn«-
bandwero both known to mat,, pop
ple in this county and also har%m
many relatives here besidei ITtSk.
W. G. Copeland, a daughtr- c-f tSm
deceased, and Mr. H. W. Oami
chael a son. The Weekly
them in sympathy with Mrs •
leiid and Mr. Carmiohael huo s!*
bereaved family for "fwnr
loss of this good woman,
is herself but the gainer e him
more abundant.
Bryans Runs For Sb**r<2L
Mr. Jolin Bryans anr.onrw fits
candidacy for the • fflre of SsurrsS?
in this issue of The Weekly.
Mr. Bryan’s commanding reprim
and genial smile arc kr*o .a to
many people in every sect, t
onr County. Ho resides in Doe*—
sheba. District and is a man cap
able and accommodating a . imu
that agreeable, manner in In. <*«1~
ings with men which inaffi Laos,
many friends.
Itis predict! d f liat 3 o will : na,
strong race.
Mr. Wallace Annoimous.
In t]iis issue of the Y e.. . «p
--pears the announcement ot I'.*- J.
11. Wallace’s Candidary for tt*»
office of Tax Receive r,
Mr, Wallace is a familiar fig . rfri
almost every person in* 1 my
county, and is one of or a*
popular citizens. He has be- *kw
office before and made a co ta.
and careful and and acccmcd
In all the relations of life and
his dealings with bis fed lew earn,
he has shown his loxe for foirms*
and his high regard for duty.
Mr. Wallace’s many friends.
the county aPe enthusiastic *in i;a»
interests and he will make sttriig
75 packages of Planters’ Stoeflc
Food, worth 25 cents, for 15 ce-aft*
at the
W. B. J. Ingram
For Sale
“Ivory Cement Plaster” bs
- Y.’arehouse & Lumber Ob.
McDonough, G«.
-100 Finger Rings for sale at ImM
price at The W. B. J. Ingram
$i A YJB*R