Newspaper Page Text
Money to Loan.
On Farm Latnds for long term at
w rate of interest.
E. M. Smith.
*■ * * w O * *
Mrs. Paul Turner vu.” ‘d tlu
M,- '/, ”* •; .p«l. «>f Albert on
; 1- >.l ••• 1•!
pis '•'“•.ic nv his parent
ir «•; i ♦;••«>. ! i > aUH.utid. an.
)> '**) •' : OS
*i ii u. Johnson speiu 'Ved
< oty i vm apito 1 City.
:i A . Tu. * , who li.
■ c.. P! ir. Avian**, nn<l»*r
-I •■ ir f ; ->pi»ei i >;.-.t, is reported
■i » r * >idly improving : andshe will
•’'y to return homo in a sboi >
. i »i •«
vi J- A. V o 1 I'nulh 1, spent
‘••jo’ in unreit •
1 < *A 7 ood vard nno of ouj
: -.,v •><•. O'j] > finest t ichers, speni
Vrt'-Mv v.iv lit vi!.h relatives a*
• 'CllSt (j;" vo.
AJr. A -ft \, Lemon made an au
tomobile *r- t t < Atlanta Wednes
Vim- El m Neal has returned from
i vvokr 1 ’ visit, to her anni
r i.artvtvll M■ n. .lack Craft. On
uer jet urn sbt spent several days
i: At*-" ela * t the gnesiof Miss Ma
bp Jones.
Thell .ii Tiios D. Stewart, of
A tlanta.was shaking hands with
ms host of McDonongh and Henrv
ountv friends on our streets
Wed oosdav.
''.Tr. W L. Pressou, of Route 6,
x" i f d McDonough Friday and
aided in The Weepy's phrase
coinage hy handing ns the real
Mrs. R. A Henderson and Mrs.
Chnnn, of Hampton, spent Wed
uesdav h oming ip Atlanta.
LMrs. Charles T Zueiiry is visit
nig re’ati'. ;s in McDonough and
will retuuin long enongb to attend
Presbytery next week.
Mrs. Annie M. .Nolan made a
business trip to Allan.a Wednes
Miss Minnie Price, who is re
si ling away ou' at Orsliing. Okla
ir mm. hotno-iie' ping for her broth
or sterling, si ads for Too Weeklv
t > cure th r homesiokness tc r old
.ui Air. Sterling Price is
. min. ir •’ .t fei tile and tin m
Is ng st u to, and The Weekly’s
besr, v ishes go to him and his sis
M. v Harry D nn ; s v>i fc in;c his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dunn,
after spending the winter in ti»:>
s ipvao of one of s
•in )>t hotels.
Some of the distant ones wh
can iot f.orget old Henry mid so
k mp The Woekly fuming to them
v’ltii n \vs from old home are : L.
A. Folsom, Eastman, Gh ; E U.
K‘<rr», Texss ; -nd Mrs. I. F. ’«S*t, ■•-
son, Doernn, Ga.
On account of a quorum’s not
bring present, no business whk
tr 1 nsuated by the County Board of
Education at its regular quarterlv
s.-ssioti first. Tu- sdav. A meeting
vill be called on Saturday 9th in
Mr I 0. Vandnzcr, of ihbortnn,
1) 1 i i rho Weekly a visit and a dol
-1 ing the recent visit to Mc
r> < hof him and Mrs; Vandn
v. ’’heir many frii-nds in Me
1) ,o.)Ugh are always glad to vrel
c one them here to Mrs. Vnrnln
z.'r’s old home.
Dr T '-V Redvvire, of Hampton,
s’) >n? day in McDonough.
Dr iicd'wine is one of Hampton’s
and Henry county's host physic
ians and a clever gentleman.
Mr John Bocd, f Sboekbrnlge,
was a visitor to oil) citv Tuesday.
Mr. .T R. Brown of Hamilton.:
spent Saturday in McDonough and ;
a dollar in The Weekly. Mr.
Brown is a good citizen and a gen
ial man whom we always gladly
Mrs. T. A. Ufsey and Mrs.
Howard Carmichael went to
Atlanta Wednhsday to attend
matinee and see “The Old
No. 7069. Report of the Condition of
The First National Bank,
•t McDonough, in the State of Georgia, at the clone of business Mar. 29, 1910.
Kenbiiro t-
Loans and Discounts 120,15i.00
Overdrafts, secured & unsecured 7 09n 09
C. b. Bond* tosw.'.r -.h. ~!v.V.,>n JO.Ouu
Banking house, f n uitare, t nd
fixtures • '*
Due irom National jc.aitk* »not
reserve agents) 9499.71
Dae front a Lit* an .iv.t„o Linus
and Bankers, Trust t - n ; rr.v
aiid Savings banks 897 77
Imefrom approved reserve nprntn in.toi.L.i
lawful Money lu-serv* in Bank, v»*.
Specie V6O. 38
Legal-tender note* 214.00
Redemption fund with 17. >S. T'rev
urer (6# of circulation) 1,060.0>'
Due from U. E. i to. «,<V4i.59
Total id»,B7o (O
State of Georgia, County of Tit ry, st,.
I. A. M. Stewart. Cashier, of foeal - ... ,k<' 8.-„k, do jfi mnly stu-ar i|»at the
aborestatement ir true t». i-be h-.-* c • \ h ,wted r'l !.e? f
\ M c f'’ -ait. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
rliis lsth day of Apr. 1910.
A. G. li arris, Ordinary
Statement of the condition of
The Bank of Henry County,
Located at. McDonough, Ga ,at the olos° of busino s ' [t.r ?c jpio.
Loans and Discounts 126,038 89
Demand Loans 80,818 65
Overdrafts, mostly on Cotton 30,210.63
Banking House 8,007.09
Furniture and Fixtures 2,652.68
Due from Banks and Bankers
in the State 17,334.67
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States 8,386 80
Currency 1,439.00
Sliver, Nickels and Pennies 1,006.70
Checks and cash items 3,740 12
Total 223,740.00
State of Georgia, County of Henry. . . .
Before me came J B Dickson, Cashier of the Bank of Henry County, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true corn?'Mon of said
Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B. Dickson, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 4th day of Apri’ 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary Henry County, Ga.
Mr. 11. J Copeland spent WVd
nesday in AtUnta
Mrs. Lilah Cop ‘land visited rel
atives in Atlanta.
Mr. Neill Branan, of Macon, v. is
the guest of friends here Sunday.
Miss Thompson, of
Woodbury, spent Sunday lnne,
the guest of Miss Nettie Bess
“Nolean” and •‘Como” horse *nd
mule feed, the feed for v\oi»ing
slock, you cant, go amiss on buying
some of this feed.
Copeland Turner Mer. Co.
Mr Fred Kelley, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with his parents
B ; g Chicks and little Chicks
thrive and grow when using o«r
“Corno” chick feed Hiss Uanacea
a nd Louse Killer
Copeland-Tnrner l\ ; erc. Co.
liost—One Black mare mule,
i weight about 750 pounds, shod in
j front and unshod behind Return
! to or notify Joe Arnold. Rex, Ga.
: Mrs. Henrv Amis, of Green
wood, visited Atlanta Wed
! J
I Mr. John Henry Gilbert, ot
! McMullin's District, visited
McDonough Thursday.
Just receivf d shipment of nice
calibaee piants, good time to r. *o*
yonr garden
Copeland Turner Mer. Co. t
M rs. J. F. Wall has return
ed from Macon where she
was called to the bedside ot'
! her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Bee
land. Mrs. Beland had a bad
fall and, because ot her ex
treme age, was unable to re
cover and died trom the in
fury. She was the only re
maining aunt ot Mrs. Wall.
All her t r i e n d s and The
Weekly extend her their
deepest sympathy.
Capital «t/ock paid in 30,000.00
Surplus fund 6.000.00
9 i'i .1 li.*! l , let-. , '1 sH
National rt, V- note-, ci jtai ding 30,000.00
T ' .iv 1• I . ik-'nj- salty If«oe. ')•)
JL llilC C<?l l. ii .3 AM UCpCnIU o J
«ir -in. . . o.iL"u-inii. g iT'kid
i‘;i« p !n- u • ■.<’ : rtcatei
of denosb far r,-..' t..,ci- .w«-d 30,'iOO.Oij
Total 189.870
f' irr: n f—Attest:
T. A. 1o u,
B. L. ( u: n ui !'ml
Juo J. fcmith, F/irectors.
Capital Stock Paid in 50,000.00
Surplus Fund 5,000.00
Undivided Profits, lr.-s Cur. r at.
Expenses and Taxes Paid 20,604.28
Due to Banks and Bankers in
thisSrate 720.10
Individual I>ep isits Subject to
Check 90,347 04
Time Certificates 47,107.48
Cashier’s Checks 40.43
Notes and Bills Eodisccunt-ed 10,000.00
Insurance Premiums Colle- ted 20.67
Total 223,740.00
A Card.
We Larn that a leport is in cir
oulaiion t’nat the Bank ot ITeuvy
County or some of its olficers, hau
or would interest themselves in
the coming Political t ampaigr
or County oflicei •’, and we *Yisn
Emphatically deny thifc report,
it is not, the Bank’s business to e -
ter Politics in any wav, and v. >
havener, nor could not. lend as
sistance in the conduct of the husi
m ss of any cfiice, ci offioer. as v
ar f> busy attending to our own af
And furthermore, as far bs w r e
know every candidate in the race is
our Friends, and the officers of elii*"
Bank w r ill tuko ru sides whatev r,
Except to Express their Choice at
Hia Ballot Box, which is privj
leire of ever v free horn Citizen. and
ve enter tail for each candidate
nothing tut the very kindest feel
The Bank of Henrv County,
Bv J B Dickson, Cashier.
"■’lie Celebrated Barington fla.l
f’ofFeeon sale at Copulaad Turner
Merc. ( o
2026 Registeied in Henry
The following list: 1 in its
first column, tin- number of white
voters registered in Hioß, and in
i;s s oond column the lumber
re rhtered up to the time the bv.oks
closed >n the sth instant, accord
ing to militia Districts ;
1908 1910.
McDono 495 393
Hampton 320 in
Sixth 174 114
Flippen 108 76
Stockbridgo 201 151
Slmkerag 112 69
Brshy Knob 126 76
Loves 187 114
McMullin’s 189 126
Beersheha 204 116
Sftndv Ridge 219 150
Tnssahnw 236 173
Locnst Grove 285 20?
Lowe’s 138 94
Totals 2992 2026.
Proposed change would send out daily Papers on.
1 . f '
AUI UA i OliiVO U UUj) Jiuv.
W ednesday’s Constitution contains the following article:
“I; : reported th. CouHic; a is contemplating a
•t i iiuiu toi ui<* lucui which reaves rvtianta d&iiy at
5, 30 :i\, it-/ ColumhuF.
“ r l'his train, it is said, will he changed from its present
v>id.h c' tiiev it through McDonoueh nd Griffin, and
vviih ; i.v/W the iinc ol die old Tvtiaritn mid 1* Kirida ready
which runs direct iroiu Atlanta to VY illianison. It the change
is made McDonough wall have only one morning local in
stead ot tw r o, as at present, while Griffin will be lelt entirely
without ocai rnornir’u service, somnbound, bv the toutuern*
‘‘The reason for the contemplated change, it is said, is
the d. - i * * of the Southern to give to the section between At
.an a ami YViliiamson a double dail y service, for winch num
erous reqiu -.ts have been made. However, the citizens ot
N GP< *• i>uh and Griffin are tar from pieasd with the pro
posed v-hange.
“Griffin points out that the intended change robs it en
tirely of southbound morning service, so far as the Southern
is concerned. The local from Atlanta to Macon and Bruns
wick, wiucb leaves Atlanta at 7.45 a. m., vvul serve Mcl»on
ongh, though at a later hour, but the change will make it
impossible to reach Griffin by the Southern at any time dur
ing thv. forenoon. They are perfectly willing, they say, for
points dc tween Williamson and Atlanta to have the double
seryice, but not at their expense.
‘‘The change, which is said will take effect at an early
date, will not affect the service between Atlanta and Colum
bus, except as to ciiange the routing ot the morning train
from the way of McDonough and Griffin, to the route via
Fayetteville and Williamson.”
From another source we learn that it is proposed to put
this change into effect on the 15th instant, just one week
from to-day.
W e ?re also informed at the McDonough post office that
the rural mail carriers cannot possibly complete their routes
in the time required, il they should wait for the arrival of the
train now due here at 7.45 in the morning; that, therefore,
the Constitutions lor rural delivery subscribers w r ou!d lie in
the McDonough post office all day and reach all subscribers
at least a day late and many a day and a half late.
With seven routes going- out. irom McDonough, sev
cr-4 bundled people from the McDonough post office alone
would be affected by a change. Greenwood and Luclla
wou id have no morning mail at all.
Hampton might sufici by receiving Toe YYeek y a clay
later than at present.
Fortunately the Georgia Railroad Commission must
consent to this change before it can be made. It therefore
behooves us to bestir ourselves at once and let it be known
that we stand unalterably oppposed to this change.
P Mt' *ns, similar to the one below, can be circulated in
our towns lor signatures, and we are sure some of our ac
commodating attorne\s will volunteer to assist in preset hug
I the people’s cause to the Commission.
f>. t let every person w’ho opposes this change cut < 1 t
the letter at dressed to the Railroad Commission, given be
low. ngn same and mail to Ihe Henry County Weeicty,
1 McDonough", and we shah see that it is placed before the
[ C> mmis.'sion.
Mail same to The Weekly and not to the Editor, as he
mav be absent and it addressed to The Weekly, it will re
ceive immediate consideration.
Peisonalls we are n.a concerned about it, but we he
iieVv tha- the people’s interests are at stake and we wish to
warn them in lime.
We request and urge Griffin a d its excellent papers
to join with us in this fight and g .thering of petitions and
To the Honorable Railroad Commission of Georgia,
Atlanta, Georgia.
As a citizen ot Henry county, I respectfully request
that your honorable bod) do not allow such a change ot its
present schedule by the Southern Railway Company as
would have its morning train trom Atlanta to Columbus,
known as No. 30, run over the A. & F. Tracks to William
son and cease to run through McDonough, Greenwood, Lu
ella, and Griffin.
Gentlemen representing me and other citizens will pre
sent to you on my behalt and theirs, in detail, the good rea
sons why we make this request.
Yours respectfully,
P. O.
Route No.