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I.—■!!■■■ INI ■ ■ ' ~ "- 1 '- - ' • • '
FRANK UF. \ii IN. Ertitor.
Shrtored at the postofflc# at McDoa
•wjfr u second-clasa mall matter.
Advertising Rate*: 11.00 per lack
fi: ronth. Reduction on et£.&dt«f
v*Lra:U by special sKrocruent
McDonough, Ga., April 8, 191
Shall We Abolish Childhood?
Revolution ridden Russia is 6o
p r netted with !h revolt against
von touted authority, t li a t ir
seems to Till the very atmosphere.
Every inhabitant has the thought
of it constantly on his mind wheth
er he favor or oppose the revolt),
tion. The consequence is that
children catch the excitement and
tha t vague uneasiness which tills
even the adult mind facing politi
cal chaos is too much for the
child’s immature mind to endure.
Startling is the number of infant
suicides in Russia which result,
The same alarming rate of self
destruction among the children
goes on in Germany. The cause
there is different, it is true. There
it is attributed to the nation’s
over-indulgence in education- So
advanced have become the courses
of study even for those of tender
years, so great the strain on their
minds in preparing for the exami.
nation, that they give way under
the anxiety to pass and suicide
often results.
It is a question worth consider
ing whether we in America are
not tending that way in onr edu
cational affairs. But we desire to
discuss an entirely different phase
of the matter now.
Both Russia and Germany, by
their diff jrent methods, are abol
ishing ohildhood.
We always have loved childron
and childhood. We have a rela
tive who s tys that there is some,
thing radically wrong with the
man who does not love to fish ; and
the man who does not love child
ren, —-what cm we say of him?
Truly 1) 1e s e d is ho who has
children of his o .vn, and tho age
of selfishness in one’s own child
ren is puss in g away. Many a
childless mm or woman finds a
genuine joy iu these little ones
an l oft >n ■ insolation and a large
measure of co.up sns it.ion in the
fact that they often seem to be
his own dr *am children come true,
which his fancy lots often pictured
is playing about (ns feet as he sat
by his fireside at the end of a wea
ry days work, and would have
realized, it' only—.
Living children, \va of course
lov.e to see then have genuine
pie. lour », in ko iping with their
nit ares As we have seen them
aitmiobil ng, however, we have
f dt that they were not natural in
1 1 iir no us are nor in their enjoy
ment' of .t Are the tense features
and fivc l stare ahead of the con
firmed automobilist becoming to
childhood ?
D ) you recall that day or night
in your o vn early childhood when
st'iifl terrific explosion sounded
near yon or so:re disastrous tiro
occurred in vmr town, with loss
of life possibly, and how, for
m mtlis after, you would wake
with a j i no from your sleep and
tiVar with t‘ri:.rht that sound or
s*e th >-e levoivin r flames, and
h>v to lit •:•! 1 *>i * ' lisped the call
for , !>im jy” t !x..yon may
s •> n'-uvln t grasp onr meaning.
*r >-• not the natural place
f>r til© ooi'd'o-o on th si r*-et>‘. Be
nifstoo-t’ 1 careful on this
statement : for onr Bible pictures
that as nart of the highest state of
bliss of the Redeemed in H e new
Jernsalen. Listen at the beautiful
picture :
“There shall yet old men and
old worn io dwell in the streets
of Toruoa 1 mi. and <* *ery man with
hi < it-i T i ? his hand for very aye
“y 1 1 th < stve ‘»s “ c th • citv shall
be f ull of bavs and 'iris plaving ii
the stiu I*l s tlm r< of”.
Many Christian students of tin
word in who n we have co ifldenee.
tell us that it is piobable, or at
least possible that the new .)< rnsa
lem may be this very earth purged
and and purified and so made fit
for God himself to establish his
throne hereon If so we as his
t hildren may have u large pai t o
helping Him m i’ e this earth cotter
andpuTcr in preparation foi his
finally and ’all.} renou eting t .
So keep the children playing in
tho streets but. make tho Mnvs
fit, both inoittily and otherwise,
ior their play n g then in.
These observations were inspi
red by a little incident which
cnine within our notice v few day s
ag o A little girl, one of our town’s
favorites, not morn than ten year
old, and leading by the liHnd ar
other not more than four, came tip
the street, reached the square and
halted at the crossing, looked lon
gingly and long at the other side,
but would not dare walk across,
t inally a Kind lady took her hand
and led her across in safety and re
peated her aid on the return.
We know that none of onr towns,
men who possess automobiles
would pursue their own pleasure
to the point of endangering others
safety. We are sure that if they
only thought of these little ones
they would not run their cars over
the street crossings on the public
square exoept when necessary, nor
make any unnecessary noises,
which inspire as mnch dread in
the childish minds as the running
cars themselves, a dread none the
less real and natural to them be
cause it may be groundless.
Surely in this pleasure, as in
.svery proper pleasure, a porson
can have the spirit inspired by the
“leading of a little child.”
Special Tax Ordinances,
YADonough, Ga., 1910.
Sec. 1. To provide a revenue for
the support of the oity government
and for all other purposes, ordi
nary and contingent, there shall
be levied annually an ad valorum
tux on all property, real and per
sonal, money, notes and bond or
other evidences of debt not ex
oeeding 1 per cent.
hoc. 2. Special Tax—Be it or
dained by the Mayor and council
of the city of McDonough, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, that the following
specil tax be levied for the use of
the city for the year 1909, and that
no person shall engage in any busi
ness hereafter named without first
having obtained license from the
clerk of the council, for which he,
she or they shall pay the sum spec
ified in such cases for the year
1910, or any other part thereof.
Sec. 3. Each dealer in Merchan
dise of any kind, or character in
the city of McDonough, whose
capital stock does not exceed
SI,OOO shall pay a tax of $5,00.
Sec. 4. Each dealer in Merchan
dise of any kind or character whoso
capital stock exceeds $1 000 and
not exceed $2,000 shall pay a tax of
Sec. 5. Each dealer in Merchan
dise of any kind or character whose
capital stock exceeds $2 000 and
does not exceed $3,000 shall pay a
ax of $8.50.
Sec. 6. Cash dealer in Merchan
list* of .*! i y kind or character whose
*&pital stock oyooods $3 000 and
loos not exceed $5,000 shall pay a
ax (if $lO.
Sec 7. E ach dealer in Merchan
ts.- f any kind or chan.cti l w hose
•upital stock exceeds $5,000 and
iocs not cxceid SIO,OOO shall pay a
tax ut ti 12.50.
Sec 8. Each dealer in Merchan.
lse of any kind or character whose
apifal stock exceeds SIO,OOO and
» not exceed $15,000 shall pay a
tax of sls.
S, c. 9. Each Auctioner shall pay
i tax of $5. provided that this or
dnance shall not apply to the
■ heriff of the county or adminis
rrn tors or executors selling at
their own sale.
Sec. 10. Each Accident Insuranc
Company doing business in the
oitr of McDonough shall pay a ta
>f $lO.
Sec. 11. The proprieto'* of earl
Barber shop in the city of r
»nch shall pa* a tax tf $2 50 or
each barber chair.
See. 12. The iw ner ot each 81l- j
lard Saloon foi public playing in j
the city of McDonough, shall j ay a
tax oi SIOO.
See. 13. Each person, him or cor
poration seeing c r delivering fresh j
or butchered meat (Farmers sell- i
ing at of their own raising ex-1
cept-ert in the ci fcy of McDonough j
independent of any business shall j
T'H v a tux ■ f $5
So. J 1 Each person 'Arm, cum !
t/auy or corporation doing a Rank
! ■ s businessi: sttid city shall pay
<i ti.x ol sls.
Sec. 15. Each person, firm or cor
pora ion doing r. Brokerage and j
ommissiou or a, ‘ltukeruge or (Jon |
mis-.ion business in said city shall
pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 16 Euch person, firm or cor
poration operating a Blacksmith
Shop and Wood Repair Shop, or a
Blacksmith Shop or a Wood Re
pair Shop in the city of McDo
nough shall pay a tax of $5.
See 17. Each contractor or firm
of contractors employing hands
for the building or moving of
hong* sin the city of McDonough
shall pay a tax of $5.
Seo. 18. Each Circus shall pay in
advance for each performance a
tax of $25. Circus parades, if exhi
bition it given outside city, $25.
Sec. 19. Each Sido Shew accom,
panying circus, menageries, or me
s«mm, charging additional fees
for each performance $5.
Sec. 20. Each show on concert-,
sleight of hand or legerdemain
performance, or theatrical perfor
mance. except, by the citizens of
the citv. from $2. to $lO, to be fixed
by the Mayor.
Sec. 21. EHOh Cotton Warehouse
keeper who weighs cotton and
charges storage on same, offer to
bay or sell ootton seed and its pro
duce in the city of McDonough in
dependent of anv other business
shall pay a tax of $lO.
Sec. 22. Each person, firm or
corporation buying or offering to
or sell cotton seed or its product
in the city of McDonough indepen
dent of any other business shall
pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 23. Each porson, firm, corpo
ration dealing in ordehveringcoal
independent of any other business
shall pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 24. Each person, firm or. co
pora tion doing u Public Prayage
business shall pay a tax of $lO.
Sec 25. Each and every person
known as Drovers and Traders,
or selling or offering for sale stock
in tho city of McDonough snail
pay a tax of $lO.
Sec. 28. Each and every person,
firm or corporation t urning a Bye
liouse, cleaning or pressing clothes
in the citv of McDonough shall pay
a tax of $2.
See. 27. Ehch person, firm or cor
poration selling or offering for sale
or soliciting orders for the sale of
Guano or delivering Guano in the
city of McDonough independent of
any other bu iness shall pay a tax
of $5.
Sec. 28. Each Feather Renovator
doing business in the city of Mc-
Donough shall pay a tax of $5.
Sec 20 Each person, firm or cor
poration running or operating an
Iron Foundry or Machine Shop in
the city of McDonough shall pay a
tax of $5.
Sec. 30. Each parson, firm or co
rporation running and operating
a cotton ginnery in the city of Mc-
Donough shall pay a tax of $lO.
Sec 31. Each person running a
hick line (except livery stables
auu hotels) shall pay a tax of $5.
See. 32 The keeper of each hotel
in tne city ol' .McDonough, shall
pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 33. Itinerates, including all
itinerants, physicians, or profes
sions, venders of proprietary arti
cles, books, maps, pictures, toys
all articles sold by itinerants on
the streets and from house to
house, shall pay a license tax of
not more than $500.09 anil not less
thru $2.50, the amout of which
shall be fixed by the Mayor upon
application to him by such persons
desiring to engage in such business
saih license to be collected frcm all
persons alike engaged in sneh bus
iness. whether resident or non-re
sident, and without regard to the
location of the growth of the nw
terial or of manufacture of the ar
ttolo, sold or for tv.le ot w uieh -
Imitation is made.
Sec 3t. E 4<*h ’ife insurance com-;
pany doing 1 r 5: .fr in *'>n cPy of i
MoDonougi; u.rough ho agent ,»r ■
otherwise 11 ».)<*” rf; ,-f f'p j
a nd i nC,h Fi. n In ' r y
doin'* hi sines' it s>-. fi pit- ' b • ’ •rh
ar agent or ot her vise • ha! ■ pay a
tax of $5
S o 35 Each iewoler rWing bus-'
incf« in the cit- r , J McDonuugh
sl-.1l | hi a in ' of $3.
Sec. 36 The keeper of Sale
,r T ivory S tables in the citv
r>* McDonough shall pav a . 1 ’ * o e
M . 37 H .viii p’-raon, fir' io r c-.r
poration oper uk g a newspaper in
be citv of MeDouough shall pay a
tax of $7 50 : and each person op
en ting a Job Press shall pay a
tax of $"..50. But when the news
paper and job press are owned
and operated by the same party or
mrties the fee of $7 50 shall cover
Sec. 38. Each wholesale dealer
in Oil, hating an agent or doing
busiresein the city ot McDonough
shall pay a tax of $5.
Seo. 39. Each Photographer
shall pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 40. Eaoh and every Piano
Tuner, or organ tnner soliciting
business in the city of McDonough
shall pay a tax of $2.
Sec. 41. Eaoh person, firm or cor
poration operating a Planing Mill
in the city McDonough shall pay a
tax of $lO.
Sec. 42 Each Shoemaker or firm
of Shoemakers or harness repair
ers doing business in the city of
MoDonongh shall pay a tax of
$2.50 for eaoh person working in
said shop.
Sec. 43. All persons, firms or
corporations running a Soda Fount
selling lemonades, milkshakesand
hot or cold drinks independent of
any other business shall pay a tax
of $5,
Sec. 44. Each proprietor of a
shooting gallery in said city shall
pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 45. The proprietor of each
tin shop shall pay a tax of $3
Sec. 46. Each person, firm or
corporation doing a Millinery busi
ness in the city of McDonough
shall pay a tax ot $5.
Sec. 47. Each person, firm or cor
poration dealing in Lumber, Shin
gles, Laths, lime, brick and build
ing material in the city of Me
Donough independent of any oth
er business shall pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 48. Each telephone company
doing business in the city of Mc-
Donough shall pay a tax of $7.50
Sec. 49. Each person owning a
cemetery lot in the city of Mc-
Donough shall pay a tax of sl.
Sec. 50. Each person firm or cor
poration buying cotton indepen
dent of any other business shall
pay a tax of $5.
Sec. 51. Each person, firm oreor
poration carrying on any buni
noss in the city of McDonough not
above enumerated and herein pro
vided for, shall, before beginning
such business pay a license tax to
be fixed in discretion of the Mayor
or in his absence the Mayor Pro.
Tern., or in the absence of both,
the majority of the council.
S-e 52 Each male person in the
city of McDonough, between the
ages of 16 and 50 years, except as
herein provided, shall pay a street
tax of £3. or be required to work
on the streets of said city six days j
Sec. 53 Be it fnrteer ordained
that these Special Taxes herein
named shall he paid by April 1,
1910, and all persons, firms, com
panies or corporation, failing to
or refusing) to comply with the
requirements of these ordinances,
shall on conviction pay a fine of
not less than $5 nor more than $lO
or be confined in the calaboose of
said city to b wor k e d on the
streets not less han ten days nor
more than twenty days—one or
both at the discretion of the May
or nnd after said date execution
shall issue against said defaulters
and be enforced as prescribed b\
Section 13 of Amended Charter oi
Sec. 54. LICENSE —How Obtain
ed. AB appi b'Mtions and regigtra
t, n .nrd' r'hi provisoins of these
bvlaws shall i < made to the Clerk
c ji....], —ho shall issue
tl.e sum. under the direction of
the -a t oj a. d -hall be kept by
the p'i jurs obtaining them in a
eo’ ;.u ions in Iks, her or their
Pi -I -’ i <;! ' us) v ess.
c '* ' . r,H foregoing special
.ii-dinauces are hereby adopted by
the city of McDonough for the
year i. !0, and ail ordinances here-
K.l, i a ye-set.. which aie in con
i,.cu ih i-hese ordinances, are
hereby repealed.
This April 1, 1910.
All Ordinance.
Ordinance creating a speed lim
it for automobiles, not exceeding
ten milee per hour, within the cor
porate limits of the city of Mc-
Donough, Ga. and to provide &
penalty for the violation of said
bee. 1. Be it ordained by the
General Council of the city of Mc-
Donough, Ga. that from and after
the passage of this ordinance and
the proper legal advertisement of
same, as directed by law, that it
shall be unlawfnl for any person
to drive an automobile on the
streets of said city at a rate of
speed, exceeding ten miles per
Sec. 2. Any violation of said
above speed limit, of ten miles per
hour, slallbe punished as are oth
er violations of the ordinances of
the City of McDonough, Ga.
Sec. 8. That the Clerk of the
City Council, have prepared signs
at least four feet square on whioh
shall be written or painted the
following words: “Automobile
speed limit 10 miles per hour” and
have one of each such signs placed
on each street leading to the pub
lic square, at the corporate limits '
of said City of McDonough, Gt. n
Seo. 4. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict
with this ordinance arc hereby re
I. H. M. Turner, hereby certify
that the within is a true and cor
rect copy of an ordinance ] assed
at a meeting of the Mayor and
Council of the city of McDonough,
Ga . held on 4 day Apr., 1910.
H. M Turner. Clerk of Council.
Approved : W. D. Tarpiey, Mayor.
As I have been absent for some
time will try to write.
On account of small p x the prin
cipal teacher of onr school, Prof.
T. D. Harkins of Locust. Grove is
absent and Miss Clara Bright of
McDonough is filling bis place and
we still have a flourishing school.
Miss Bessie Crnmbley spent the
day with her sis"or, Mrs. L. E.
Tingle last Sunday.
There will be preaching by Rev.
P. A. Motes of Locust Drove at
this place next Sun lay afterr oon
at three o’clock, everybody is cor
dially invited.
Mr. Noel Jinks an l wife spent
the day with Mr. Lut ;er Jinksand
family last Sunday.
Several of the voting people
from here went fish r.g last Satur
day at tei noon, did’; t cti1 r, h any
thing, will try it a min sometime.
The Rev I G. V;. ]■• v r will pret ch
at S i lon ebu xh o tue 3rd 8 unday
night-in April. ,nsi< ; d of jj t J eth
anv as former! a j-t ouneed. After
April, he will r-v< h regularly at
Bethany each ‘r 1 and -1 th Sunday
nights of each mouth, when not
preaching at Sharon the 3rd Sun
day night.
Mr. Joseph Co kin. of Stock
bridge. visited M 'Dr rough Satur
day f>T*d while h■ re indulged in
snrr"' l irr' a broad t '~ over the
features of all The Wee -lv house.
The smile was a hnndre 1 and sev
enty five cents long, a- he secured
several papers on clubbing rate. I