The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 08, 1910, Image 7
The Henry County Weekly VOL. XXXV Big Singing at Eetl acy Church. Wears requested to announce) that there will he a sinning at' B 'ihany church, 4 milts east of! McDonough cn next 3rd Sunday! afternoon, and everybody is cor-1 d tally invited to attend. A number ; of good tnu de leaders have been j invited and some coed is I expected. Don’t forget- the date j next third Sunday afternoon, ! hAILBOAO LJUAL. There will be an otu sacred harp singing a.b Libei ly j.oi» lie than , in' Agi-if -v i e'i‘j bbd r is 1 lii j vitpd to come nr.d hr A f heir i b odke a-nd aw 11 iiil.-d . j .u»’ Walter Welch und/wEita, or. • WilFc -Gall a i : / n i d vi; , Mr-p L ira otto and. son irtunGrivhi to-n the guest-pt- ,ir a,cd iff YvViftt Barnette of Hampton Sunday. Mrs. Nervie Stanfield is improv i"g slowly. Her mbny friends hope fpr'ber to so be "-'II a grin A HAPPY m : HOME Is one where health abounds. With impure blood there cannot be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood* revivify the torpid LIVER and restore its natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood. Pure blood means health. Health means happiness. Take no Substitute. AH Druggists. Just received a lot of all size packages International Stock Powders. W. B. J. Ingram Company E-rgs For Hated.:. . T . bred Rhode I: land Lil s, 51.T' for 15. J. C Harris. WHEN IN ATLANTA E\T AT ELIOT'S QUICK IS w'u- lj i ji! I liti ‘ it Quick, Clean Service. Moderate Prices. Good Coffee. E. W. ROBERTS, m. H TvTNd N'-a. f--" 7 \ k.jyUj’ars K %; ' i% a ; •• i’j It Jtvys a Sirictly ImjN ' ' •** • .*. " ■Clavi 11,I 1 , i . ' ' •; ■ ■•" , i I • Nii >*', .< .fc ? v ” * c • 5 all ido ii; to-1 » i" f* !: foil- them, and Cie cciva i . •: :ou * * ariah i. Fr» ?” on ’• r '”*J 2E57u .) DAYS FfttSH v:S:If: PROFIT, hhvitut jou t: > JobiHT'B. Uevalirr :s and y Tj'-t Agent’s profits and s.-il- Y***jner expi -uses. -texai-Uy \ -■■ the same : laeliine tin J l“ ,• 1 11 X-'-Vi will ask \'>u a 10.00 fr. j, V Send r.t iiNi 'E mv OL :i S£W,NG K Ata * N£ jffi'j u ) Most complete and in structive b( >k of its character ever publish jl y ed in the South. Itpict urtsand describes every part and particular of the create at line of positively Hurh-Grade Sewinjr Machines ever offered. We aro (he Sew inp I Machine distributors in the South, and. at prices asked, for quality guaranteed, our Machines are lin matchable. This catalog ue dcpcribfs and prices hi fib-grade Pianos. OrprßL«b Steel Ranirrs. Cookin f; Stovea. Heating Stove*. Phonocraphß, Dinner anr. Toilet Seta ihompt shipments. Fafo d< livery aiid satisfact’ n guaranteed, or youi money back. MALSBY, SHIPP & CO., Dept y 41 S. Forsyth Street, ATLAITTA, GEORGIA 12 ii’DSlMea Ft-BiiG SCHOOL. Seventh Scholastic Month. HONOR HOLT.. Ist Grade ; Joel Bankston Norris Bright, Bernice debar os. Pi 1 * rr a Klotz, Harris McCurrv. Elon N< r untn. Hollis Rape, A. G. Sowell, ChaHicLne Stroud, H. M. Tolle son, Ola May Thompson, Eusvard Turner, Frank Fields, Velma Ma son, J W. Morrow. 2nd Grade; Clarence FHictt, Lillie Lee Elliott, M err el Low, Earnest Mays, Cora Nelson, Frank Rodgers, Blannie Stallworth. G. B. Welch. 3rd Grude ; Ruth .Cavmiobf ch \E i May F i e 1 cVs. Am.ia Peru-) Smith, Mary Jo Smith., 4th Grade; Tb^rifdn* Mattie B. Mays, IrexeVarrf r, Lo*-; vi Turner, Henry Ffetew, Wessie Tixasliep, Laoy Foley ' l'nry r; Myr tice Hurt. Plo't-sio Vetch; 51 b Grade ; Nellie 3, rfi, Lorfine Huling, 61h Grade : Bessie Sowell. 7th Grade ; Lollie Avery, Pan! ine Bowden, Bovd Carmichael, Eva, Barretc, Irene Gunter, Frtd Varner, Boykin Newman. Bcce Elliott, Elliott, Ethel Smith. Bth Grade ; Pass Elliott, Robert McDonald, Orlena Welch, Eva Tolleson, Lenhie Thrasber, John Varner, Harvey Woodward. 9th Grade ; Dcziei Fields, John Pnllin, Wyman Sloan. 10th Grad© ; Alla B. Carmichael, Eva Cathey, Grady Ingram, Ear nest Tarpley, Blake Turner. LIST OF DISTIXOTIISFED STUDENTS. 1 Murry Copeland, Howell Dick son, Harris McCurry, Claude New man, Charlie Lee Stroud, H, U. Tolleson, Mollie Whitehead 2 Frank Rodgers, Blannie Stall worth. 3 Solomon Klatz, Annie Pearl Smith. 4 Vessie Thrasher, Annie Ola Sloan. 5 James Alexander. 7 Paul Cowell, Annie Lemon, Irene Gunter, Beco Elliot t, Lucilc Bowden. 8 Orlerui Welch, Ahi Rnsteß. i) Margaret Brown. Goiih u iAm son, Mae Glass, Ida Lon Tarpley. L r, eile Tollesor, I- id rr r r< 10 Louise Arnold, Eui net v Tar pi p y- Notice. 1' yon love a girl, That’s y. uv bvsinc-ss. Tf u girl love?’;. ;>u, her business. If they pet married that’s their business. If you want m Photograph, or one enlarg'd come to my place, that’s my busi 7j' SS. .J. A. Forsyth, Photographer, Masonic building McDonough.Ga. BUY Mantels' •- 1 IS i p .1 J. £- W vxi ‘ates F^rorri l TILE CO. 56 West Mltcriell St, ATLANTA, GA. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. McDonough, Georgia, Friday april 8, 1910. LIST Of LE TO PRS Remaining Undelivered from P. O. at Mc- Donough, Ga. For the period ending April ;, 1910. S. E. Dailey, l\ 1.1. Messrs. Mesdames. Curdy Sim Crittleton, Will Gatling, M. T. Burton, S. A. Holland, Abb Hutchins, Ida Natie, Will Lewis,Matty R. rßign, Bob - Polsot. k ,ma StiUvell, E E- Weems,; Vanity ■Misses: Boatwright, No'a ; Bar ron ton, Sybil ; llutson, i oisoiila ; Redding, Alma. Stockbridge Gii cuit Notes- At tbe.fotir church» n the cir cuit chuich work is mo s ing cn favorably. • The Sunday school? are doing -well They arc coutriT utir-g t< the support of a foreign mission ary. At Stockbridge on the fourth Sunday and at Bethel on the first Sunday the schools contributed about SI.TS each for the mission ary. The pastor was greeted on the first Sunday at Bethel by a fine congregation and for one hour the subject of the “Flesh” was elab orated Text: Galations v. ii 4. Sunday the 10th, preaching at Union church ; on the same day there will be a union holiness meeting at Rex. conducted by leaders from Atlanta. This meet ing is held monthly. On the first Snnday in May there will bean all day meeting at Bethel church The pastor will he assisted by help from Atlanta. Basket dinner, and holiness meet ing after dinner. Last Sunday night the pulpit at Bethel was filled by Rev. W elter Austin, of the South V. . st E; i.. . :■ Conference. Walter j >■ y ; County product, a son. or Mr. Sol X. Austin, and gi e.- p •; c . useful minieter. Tlie different churcl s ■ r v,..r ; iag to the mission <• •> ' far li; 10. They have ] • id . 1 .■ _ . i *up to date $103.00 h r h -no ; j foreign missions, li avirg onl> s'/ ,oo yet to collect in oi tier to be id out in full. Ibis irg i. very creditable. ! Rev. H. L. Crumbley, ot At’-tnl | preached at Stockbridgo on a re c .t f- an day night and took a col P-ction for the orphansiit Dectitur. 1' ,r many years this oonserattd minister has carried the bufdtn ol ii g for the nrfcrir-i:: A Hi; : e*.\ >rd will he a gieat ere. li e following no on .. . - iade : Qi;ai t( rl> c- n f re* , liams Cmijx ion Mi. , : Saturday preaching at V "lilin \ i el on Apr 11.1. i ’ i !•: r prt '-H 1 ; : . • < ird Stir:day, A pri 17 pr< aching at Ellt nwood at 3.30 p. '..pri! 17th. Preaching .-it Si:r\ - Id go br.nday night, April 10, b, the pa stor. W. O. Butler, Pastor. Found — One Gold Link Cub Button, with the monogram M. G. engraved on same. Loser will please bring us the other one and leave ns his name or pay for this notice and receive the Button at The Weekly office. ANYONE, anywhere, can star a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, Lockport, N. Y. FOnX CHEEK. ATr. Editor, as there are soveiul around here that take your paper, I will give you a few dots from this community, Tho farmers are all very busy planting corn and cotton. Rain is very much needed in this community now. Wheat and oats are looking line. After several week’s Hires?, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stephens are now able to be out again. Mr. Joe Tanner, of Conley, is improving very slowly. Mr. Boee Tanner and Miss Myr oll Moore were out riding Sunday. Rev. Btirdei t preached a very interesting sermon at Tanner's ohurch. last Sunday. Mr. KelVt Abererr.mine, of Lib erty Hill, visited Mr. and J. M. Avery lust Saturday. Messrs. George and Otis Camp hell, of Atlanta, visited their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Camp bell last Sunday. Mr.G.C. Morris has the finest wheat in this neighborhood. Mr. W. M. Stephens bought, a fine horse a few weeks ago. Mrs. J. G. Campbell visited Mrs. J. M. Avery one day last week. Mrs. E. M. Battle is on the sick list. We hope to see her np soon. Mrs. Jimmie Rapperds visited her daughter at Forest Park last Friday. Sunday school at Tanner’s church every Sunday afternoon. When the polls are closed in Henry County, I hope to lx ar of Mr. Floyd Hand being elected. I am a true friend to him. J. M. A very. FOR VIE, STORE KGUSE ADD LOT. Our brick store in J ocr st Grovi size of same 30-80 sr,m of L t :p M'O large plate glass, sh« v wind--', s, oval sbajie ceiling lav < si y light and three large trims* r.. m r*;;r, give lots of light. New building ■ st building in t.< vs u, s’, ortli easy $3000.( 0 our i r ; -■<■ only $2500.00, ( m: g<v ♦of husi ness. Dickens & Sandifnr Locust Grove, Ga, AN intelligent pi :0.-en c n -• OIOQ monthly corresponding f * n>v. suapord. No oanvassl ,g. '••oral for pa Hculars Pm ss S;n - te. L.x-kperrt N. Y. Y { .V U W'’ J V WWATCH CASES k j? 5 V/hen you Vuy a watch—nsk how 1 * . Hk; B ; 1 / L I he s is .... Cfu’ivn IVstchCun Wi . - N P fT’Jnrartced by one of the finest pi r c k " v ; § -.v Di.ny,,: g / ■■■}\\ , . ‘.N Pj a-y c > —ary {i . . . &<■<:?. re.m y f t ta e.ixrave i m ,k\ \« ' • )/ e\ch e de- i, M J : : a *‘ V ,afn • ■' 1 1 r 1 N U I.! ;»ne r 1- - > €d. Crown j R Tru.e ' 'xr.: •; •' inside e%cry ; • j Inc Crov/ii *■" 7 Wat-h Case. C' or*"** . -. ■j / v-N | H A : ■- ~ ; \ r P. B. CHEEK, JEWELER, NcDonough, .. Ga. PAGES Editorial From TLc Con stitution Atlanta, Ga., March 1 1910. A recent Consti; ution dispatch from Juliette i ©ported the unva.d march of the rural telephone m Monroe county. Our correspondent sun marbied the numerical progress made by tins modern laciiity ip the hint few months, and stated that with in a relatively short period no county in Geoigia would be mor« completely equipped with Lem i llanos than old Monroe..' The tn.vui, -t ment in eoituOcrioa vs ith others of siniihi r nature, ii sign. ficuut. Hardly a day YjkTs. k without its particular, logon,. <4. advancement made by the r.uun telephone, lx. nuiih, iasv, souiJh and w est Georgia the “voice in •. j»e box is making headway, placiiig the fanner m touch with Ms neigh bors and with distant cities, «4 an annual expense of considerably h -is thuu the revenue Iroru a eUuc of cot ton. It requires little imagination see in the rapidlv increasing vegna of farmer’s lines an aid to the solu tion of the agricultnral proPP.-ws in America. Economists agree that, the prs mary cause of the abandoned Hum and insufficiency of production the isolation and lonliness of the country which (>i»er«tes, orratlvor has operated in the past, to drifts young men and w omen in urmios to the cities. Tho telephone is an antidote fur isolation. The two cannot exist i-n the same home. And since Hae rural phone walls side by side with rural free delivery and oil er advance agou.s ol develop ment, we may, with parti-:] b -c at least, entertain the hope tlxut together they arc lain,ling '•licck the tide cityward.—fix i: nicatcd. 7i packages or 1 milters * . i Foou, VN or ill 2i)Celita, JU je, e« . at the W. B. J. Ingram i ox.* For Hale “Ivory ' Viiifti i 1 ' ■ - < Planters \\ n, clk.ih . Li l i > ■ < McDfi i • b, Gn Oi ,1 . L d vibi'lul. Mr i bit, r, ja 1 ai.. at u . ■ :cr aw him, L w ill uiej-ill ** v-. * . c * so fit j- j i.hisc* iiiu.t.i.i<) ic y valuable jaaper. Burda; schc-ol met mu Srt t j * : neon •. ;Lit \ 1 . m u ' a nee. ' ; ' j: .• i f tl-i ct r. i : i lil.d the :■i■: hi ding dll fi( - enjoyed ikcn.H lv< t ei '.i; vu ry de ih oi,s el u\ * m O’. bi>' 1 Mi] pi . giV( 1 f-t j 1 SChool 1 OEM ! lllTlLo}, IV ht Mia. R< in. I * : . < ' ' *• 1.• ‘ I : ■ r. • C 'ui i tl i 11 1 < ]i 1 Mr. G. L. <1 ; (Is; r d iei: i, v ■the cv esth oj 3.r. L. L. j> i • mmilj . Bun (lay. Mr. V . J. Ovi wes the f r : • . . G. Jit-! - Sunday. Mr. Then as Collins, ium ri; Head’s shop, was a visitor in ll > •ouimunity h'uturday night. With hi st wishes to Tl Vi cl- ; md its manv readers, I will ring off for this time. FOR SALE -100 Finger Rings for sale at halt price at The W. B. J. Ingram Company’s. $i A YEAR