Newspaper Page Text
Offick Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M.
dk, tjios. .i. uor/roN,
R. F. i>. X). 1, K: Ga.
Bit j, l'liOAK. Re:-, at M. 0. Whit*
l i s t'
Offior Hours :
7,«»!> to v. m. i > m.
Ot!iC€“ in jiVw jo f<* >niitliuc.
Office over .star Store.
McDonough, Ga.
JOBS under th* U. S. Govern
ment pay well for short hours
and easy work. 100 for 6 months snb
•eriptloo wilt keep you posted on the
ehanoca for YOU. Send today—stamps
•are of Henry County Weekly.
Plaster your walls with “Ivory
Cement Plaster*’ sold by.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber Co,
McDonough, Ga.
Statement of the oonditlon of
The Bank of Locust Grove
located at. Locust Grove, Ga., at the close
of business Mar 29, 1910.
Loans and discounts 44,535.95
Demand loans 12,625X6
Overdrafts 893.51
Banking house 4,724.97
Furniture and fixtures 1,651.80
Due from banks and bankers
in the state 5,244.86
Due from banks and bankers
In other states 343 41
Currency 981 00
Gold 50.00
Silver, nickels and pennies 284.17
Ch ‘cks and cash Items 108.19
Total 70,891 21
<• ip! ml stock pa id in •?:> fifth ((i
Undivided pr dits. lius'oulfrejit 1 ’
etpenses and taxes paid 8,360.26
Due to banks and bankers
in this stale
Dae unp.i <1 dividends
Individual d m -.sits subject toc'k 35.(573 25
Tinieoert iiieutes 1,833.75
Cashi >r's checks 3).1*5
Total 70,891.21
S at >« 0.'.-:' >. !' mi, y county:
D >foi\> ino ■ ■ ■!. ’?• ‘own, c;: V\r
of sail 15. nl;, v > hoi i,;- duly sworn, > .ys
that tan ah >vo nd far 'going statement
i . a t-ruo eo tdiiion of said bunk, ns shown
by the boot;s of 11 le ias dd b »nk.
J. W. Brown.
Sworn to a i 1 mbs c.-ibed ivlorc me, tl»it*
4th Clay of April im >.
1). L. Burk, C. N.P.
St.item nt of tao condition of
The Bank of Stockbridge
located at Sfookbridge, Da., at the close
of business Mar. 39, Win.
L tans and Discounts (>3,083.66
Demand Loans 13,434.39
Overdrafts. 2,'.tßi>. 1
1 md> .v S; a s own dby Bank l, lift.On
Bank in ■: it a:se 2.1 •>.*.(!*>
Fu.-nit,. ■■d Ki v u-s 1,f31.80
I >ef, a, I . hankers
in me -tiiie o, :-, : .2.13
■ *,'. ;■> f ("6 65
>S 1 k e'.ni - 61 0.3
* " •• a-o : items 42.8-1
e Fund 2 ' |6
IQO .00
16,000 00
1 1 1 ’ > - rrrent
e - ; aid 7,310.46
Dr. i> .> .... i' 1 :.:i r a
oi • 10,001.00 : .d, . jlibjict to c’k 49,052.63
Time C i i!i an s i 8,041.76
Cashiers checks 112.15
Total 100.523 00
State of C' ' hi. e unity of Henry:
Bef ire me came C M Power, cashier of
Bank of S • khridge who )>i ; ng duly
sworn, -avs that the above an 1 f >regoing
statement B a true c mdition of said
Bank, as i- -,h jwn by th hooks of file in
said hank. 1 21 Power, cashier.
Sw >rn to and «nhs -ri'-v.l before me, this
6th day of Mar. 1910. A h Swann, N P
substance of the people, or to defend the
Institutions and glorious traditions of
oar own section, I have responded to
that call with all tin* force and vigor of
my being. As the Representative |of a
free people, I have denounced tyranny in
whatever form It lias appeared, and fur
tively participated in the movement to
wrest the control **f tin; Rouse from the
arrogant despotism that has bet a ore; ted
I i hi>.anil ti ll other mat levs will most, coil
to my constituents ai *1 party.
Believing thu my lngexperience will
poop • if the *)’strict in the next House,
which, from ill indie . .ions, ]). m
ocratic, and with grateful appreciation
• f t heir support and confidence in the
past, I ask a renomination at the hands
of my constituency.
C. L. Bartlett.
To the people of the Sixth Congressional
I am a candidate for Congress subject
to Democratic nomination.
In this announcement I will not un-
dertake to incorporate my entire plat
form, but cannot refrain from sayinlf
that as a member of Congress I would
strenuously oppose all extravagant
expenditure of the people’s money and
all unnecessary und burdensome tax
ation, and every effort made to en
croach upon “states rights’* and would
stand unflinchingly and unfalter
ingly against all laws In conflict
with the principle “Equal rights for all
and special privileges to none.”
I believe that this should be In reality
as It Is In theory a goverment of the peo
aple, by the people and FOR the people
As your representative I would devote
to the duties of the office my time, my en
ergy and whatever of talent I have and
requests from any oltizeu of the District
howeverhumble he might lie would ro
celveprompt and careful attention.
If elected I will enter upon the discharge
of my duties without pledge orpromise to
any man or set of men but absolutely free
and independent to do my full duty ns
God gives me the light to see It.
Very Respectfully.
O. H. B. Bloodworth.
To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional
I have a laudable ambition to represent
this district in the 02ml Congress, there
fore I submit to you this formal announ
cement of my candidacy, subject to the
Democratic primary, and I earnestly
solicit your vote and support.
T shall en l avor to canvass 0.-eh county
and see irsmmy of you personally ns it, is
possible forme to do between thisand the
date the primary Is held. And then should
you vote for and elect me I promise to
consecrate my very best efforts and what
ever talents and ability I possess to your
service. It »spc t folly yours.
Fellow Citizens:
I announce to you n:v wish to represent
the Sixth Congiesv-ional District in tin
Congress o! the United* e.
. ; ell, j ini a lf-g* yet on ent; the !
preservation of ;he ais tourney and lights
of the States; and the maintenance of the
the general government uiuler the consti
I favor a free a* well a pure ballot,
1! fo. the democratic primary, you 1
shall know ful iy anil in detail no views of
the principles and policies of government,
on which I will seek your approval and
and abide your patriotic judgment.
When elected, I will dedicate myself to
the public service as your representative.
John P. Ross.
For Judge Superior Court
To'fche Voters of r h * Flint Circuit:
lam ;i candidate fop Judge of the Su
' perior Court of the Flint Circuit, subject
|to the I).>m >era, ic pvinvun .
I «••licit a-.i will appreciate the sup
|'rl .. :.d vate of tk- •• ;de, of the eiremit.
Roukkt T. Damkl.
i\. :he olers of the Flint Circuit:
! . -v ,n? . candidate for
1 ; r . ■ io; S;if : r t'< arts of the
o il the up
~f * J ; e ,pi*-
0 i : jC vi injury »o)h?
, - a ;■ or;, . 1 reti r you io House
.! no '}:! f ] n 9 as to hoe T have -er cd
. .1 ti: u r.k ii ex liter.- for
He ir suppor: in the pa-t, find will apprec
iate your sui portin thecomihg primary.
Yours Truly
i;. C. Brown.
Me D-inough, Ga. March 3 7th 1910
To the White Voters of Henry County.
1 am a condidate for Representative
subject to the primary to be held on May
1 solicit and will appreciate the support
of every white Citizen of Henry County, j
K. M. Smith.
For County School Commissioner.
To the White Voters of Henry County.
I am a candidate for the office of County
School commissioner of Henry County,
subject to the Democratic Primary to be
held on May 12. ffflO. I shall deeply appre
ciate yoursupport.
Yours respectfully.
Lawrence Duffey.
To The V d r* of Henry County. '
wavy elect ieii for nominal ion to the
If ,r.minuted end elected I shall en
deavor to serve you faithfully imparti
ally and efficiently. I*olll the legal and
; incii'er ’ dc.b < pertaining to’this office
shall rceeu-e ray *■; i. f'.ll eel disinteres
ted a! teriion The honor and grandeur
of our s; ite depend in grant measure
upon tl.eet.yaird ehw■aeterundefficiency
of her common schools. At all times l
shall it.ili avor to cooperate with you in
united effortsto maintain for your school
or schools a high standard of excellence.
I. J. Richardson.
For Clerk.
With deepest gratitude t« the people of
Henry county for past favors, I am a can
didate for re-election as Clerk of the Su
perior Court, subject to the Democratic
primary, pledging renewed effort always
for the best service in my power.
J. A. Fouche.
For Treasurer.
To the white voters of Henry county.
lamacondidate for the office of Trea
surer subject to the Democratic primary.
If elected I will discharge the duties of
the office In accordance with the law. I
will also appreciate all favors that may
be given me in the ooming election.
( Respectfully.
I. Brooks Bryans.
McDonough, Ga., Feb 23d 1910.
To the White Voters of Henry County.
I am a candidate for re-election to the
office of Treasurer, subject to nomina
tion in the primary to be called by the
Democratic Executive Committee.
I am deeply grateful to the voters of
Henry county for their support in the
If elected, I will continue to discharge
the duties of the office in accordance with
the law, and will not be a candidate for
re-election two years from now.
1). J, Green.
T ) the Hvhifce'voters of Henry County.
la.nnouoce i\iys; if as n candidate ; r
x n:ashrer,9‘'Subject to the Demoomoic
primary. <|wing c6my Condition T SvHl
not liv able to canvas the county but will
appreciate, and be grateful for your sup
port. And if elected will promise to dis
charge my dub, in accordance with the
W. F. Hand.
Stockbridge. Ga.,
Io The v otersof Henry County.
o y*-;; .go in withdrawing from ;
the race for County Treasurer, i announ
ced Thai i won 111 be a candidate for that!
office for this incoming term. 1 now an I my -elf a caiujidati for the above (
office Subject to the Democratic primary
and if elected 1 promise not to ask for it
a civond time. Thanking you in advance
for all favors you may grant me. I beg to
remain. Yours Respectfully.
I. S. Mays.
To the White Vot ei sof Henry County
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County Treasurer, subject
to the Democratic Primary on May 12,
1910. If elected I pledge faithful and com
petent service. I shall sincerely appreci
ate all support given me.
Yours respectfully.
M. c. Lowe.
‘ h .IV*"?vh't in the pi_*i<-,-ii-. i
h ' vip 3 i ■' -r the law,
: !• u ,f. • :,j
u!s«* t » v\: i v flu t . -wi\ o!>li4;!tioii ? >
in- ! o lnve Tuition d me with !
Fat ‘ ' am’ or-?’,],. *e. During j
ihe e:> i. ■ peril a of my service in tin* j
lion-. I have been fae* d by a R -publi-
can majority, strongly adverse, in senti
ment anil policy to the best interests of
the people of my section, but my record
here will demonstrate that in every word
I hav.* spoken and in every vote I have
east, 1 have had an eye single to the hon
or and welfare of the people I represent.
Whether my duty as a Representative
has r died me to resist the insiduous at
tempts that are being constantly made to
undermine the sovereign dignity of the
State, to oppose the encroachments of
nguni/ed :non >pu y upon the rights and
Quality represents VALUE
and the yield of your crop.
pent, itpott Si e c, ua, ** t ..■ ~,; *.
quantity of fertilizers used.
For ten years we h ie studied
carefully the needs of the land:
in this section, and the fertilizers
best adapted to them, and now
unhesitatingly recommend our
! various brands to the trade.
In addition to our regular es“
tablished brands we are intro
ducing two brands ammoniated
with PURE FISH material to
; which we call your special at-
I tention.
j Upon our past record we soli
cit your future business, and it
shall be our endeavor to merit a
! larger share of your valued pat
Green & Tarpley,
For Sheriff'.
I hereby ai'?, * ace os' a candidate for
Sheriff of Her y bounty, subject to the
Democratic Primary of May, 12, 1910. If
elect (I Mr. John S. Banner will serve s
my deputy. We ask anil will appreciate
your support.
John Bryans.
To the White Vo ers of Henry County.
lasi a candidate for Sheriff subject to
the Primary to be held on May 12th. lain
deeply grateful! to the people of Henry
County for past favors and will appreci
. u theirsiippui l in thecoming primary.
If elected 1 will ' >nti *.ue:is I have en
deavored to c.o in li e past to discharge
the duties of the office in accordance
with the law. If elected Messrs. W. A.
Ward and R. A. Payne will be my depu.
A. <k Sowell.
T the White Voters of Henry County.
lam a candidate for Sheriff of Henry
County, subject to the Democratic Pri
mary to be held on May 12 1910. I pledge a
faithful and conscientiousdischarge of the
duties of the office, if elected I shall be
grateful for all support given me in the
Yours respectfully.
Milt Walker.
Tothe Voters of Henry County.
I hereby announce jnyse’f as a candi
date "or the office «,f high Sb.erHi of tie
county of Henry 1, if eh • *l, I will do
my duty: :■ 1 :rr . .’lms of cons**
•• • lenccs. •• .■ -eh <■:; :! ’ ' < r i ■
yet to a f Depu m fir me, bu will,
i: >le -t-si. ric.i ;i i ■ H ■■at m;: n t'..-r my
1 A !
■ ' v ' 7' ' ' * !:1T * ' " - T ; |
: ■ • ■ v. Hi
! promise not io a si; on f )>• a third term
• J. S. Gilbert.
To The Voters of Henry County.
I am a Candidate for the Office of Tax
Collector, subject to the Demo ■ cat ic Pri
mary. I am sincerely grateful for the
favors gave me in the last election and
will highly appreciate your support in the
coming election. I am competent to serve
you and will promise not to ask for it a
second term.
Respectfully Yours.
S. W. Whittaker.
To the white Voters of Hanry County.
Having held the office of Tax Collector
several years ago for bill one term, 1 feel
that I should be given a second term, as
the custom has been to give two terms.
I therefore a Denounce my candidacy for
this offite, sebject to the Democratic Pri
maryto be held on May 12 1910. During
my former term I throughly learned the
duties of ihe office and can give competent
and satisfactory service. I shall appreci
ate your vote and support.
Seal) Darkness.
For Tax Receiver.
To the White Voters of Henry County.
1 am a Candidate for the office of Tax
Receiver, subject to the Democratic Pri
mary. I have tried to do my duty for one
term, ami ask for a second term; and, if
you will re-elect me this time, I promise
not to ask a third term. With thanks for
your former support, I am
Yours Respectfully.
T. T. Barham.
For Tax Receiver.
To the white voters of Henry County.
I am a candidate for the office of Tax Re
ceiver subject to the democratic primary.
Feeling very thankful for the many votes
given me in the last election, I will also
appreciate all favors that may be given
me in the coming election. Yours to
serve the people if elected.
J. T. Hendon.
T ) the White Voters f II nry County.
I am a candidates for the office of Tux
Receiver, subject to the Democratic Pri
mary to be held on May 12. 1910. I shall
be deeply grateful for all support given
me a r.d l promise l'uiifui . e.v e, if
Yours to s "ve,
J J. Sandifer.
T* thn White Voter-- 'Tien y Con. y.
’ : . li l • - u* " R ver of
be . >1 , on May .2, 1916. Tf oh , ;,-u. I
lodge r v H' to r i all ■he 1 ■ ai !•* prop
erty of the county on the t;::. dig; . o
that the burden ol taxation may fall
where it I elongs, on all alike.
1 shall app: e* into \ cur vo‘ e and support.
Yours Respectfully,
J. H. Wallace.
For Coroner.
To the People of Penry County.
I am a candidate for Corner, subject to
the Democratic primary, and if elected I
promise my very best services always
and in every respect to faithfully perform
theduiies of the office.
Samuel M. Coker.