Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
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Those who fell in fiercest: fighting and sleep beneath
the sod ot every southern state, tor they gave the blood
which cemented a confederation into the Federal Union.
Those who have passed away in the alter years ot peace
and whose ashes now hallow old Henry’s hillsides; those
who, like a benediction, still w. Me m.l ‘’: ;j. in our midst,
all scar ed and maimed; tor these, though in war they lost a
government, in reconstruction saved a civilization.
May God preserve forever in our hearts their memory
and in ail minds a knowledge ot their motives and their
Overture Ban d
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host :
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Prayer.. Rev. J. A. Simpson
Music Band ‘
Introduction of Speaker Col. Frank Reagan
Memorial Address Col. Walter McElreath
Music Band
Address in behalf of U. D. C
Kev W. W. Arnold
Music Band
March to Monument
Dixie Band
Unveiling of Monument
By Thirteen School Girls
~Decoration of Monument
By the Student Body
Song. “Dixie” Audience
Music Band
Presenting of Monument to Yett rat s
Mrs. T. J. Brown,
Pres. Chas. T. Zachry Chapter U. D. C.
Music Band
Receiving of Monument for Veterans
Rev. J. E. England
Music Band
Song, “God Be With You” Audience
Benediction Rev. W. W. Arnold
Marshal of the day, Mr. P. B. Cheek.
Ushers. Messrs. R. L. Turner, E. D. Tolleson, T. B. Thompson,
H. M. Turner.
Hon. Com. Judge E. J. Reagan, Judge Paul Turner, Col. T. J. Brown.
Mayor W. D. Tarpley, Judge G. G Weems, Col. E. M. Smith, Col,
R. O. Jackson, Mr. Chas. M, Speer.
McDonough, übokuiA, Friday april 15, 1910.
McDonough Sunday
Schools Meet Together.
Next Sunday at Method
ist Church.
The Henry County Sunday
School Association w ill meet with
the McDonough Methodist Church
next Sunday
All the McDonough Sunday
Scnools and all the delegates from
the schools of the county will at
tend the Methodist Sunday School
at the regular hour, 9:45 o’clock,
A. M.
The classes of the Baptist and
Presbyterian Sunday Schools will
report to the corresponding class
es at the Methodist School, as in
dicated below, when ‘the Superin
tendent of Ihe Methodist school
announces the time for school to
divide into classes !
Baptist classes :
Mrs. Eliza Crookshanks’ class
will report, to Miss Stephens class.
Mrs. A. G, Copeland’s class will
report to Mrs. A. W. Turner’s
Mr. E. M, Copeland’s class will
report to Mrs. A. W. Turner’s
Mr. O. O. Tolleson’s class will re
port to Col. G. W. Bryan’s class.
Miss Liluh Copeland’s class will
report to Col. G. W. Bryan’s class,
The Rev. W. W. Arnold's and
Mr. H. J. Copeland’s class will re
port to Mr H, B. Neal’s class.
Miss Laura Smith’s class will re
port to Mr. li. B. Neal’s class.
Presbyterian :
Mrs. Roy Turner’s class will re
port to Mrs. O. R. Brown’s class.
Mrs. E. M. Copeland’s class will
report to Mrs. A. W. Turners
Mrs. Julia McDonald’s class will
report to Col. G. W. Bryan’su-lass.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan's class will
report to Mrs. A. W. Turner’s
Rev. J. A. Simpson’s and Mr J.
C. Daniel's class will report to Mr.
II B. Neal’s class.
At 11 o'clock the s rmon will ho
preached at the M Mlr GbM church
by the Rev. J E. England,
At.2:30 o’clock P. M., will la
hekf the buMr- <s jv- ding when
the President elect and other new
oflicers will be installed, and in
formal talks will he made.
Let every Sunday School at,
once send the names of two dele
gates to Frank Reagan, Seen tary,
McDonough, Ga.
M J. C. Harris visited Atlanta
one day last week.
Miss Gardner, of Locust Grove,
spent Wednesday in McDonough
Mrs. A. G. Harris bee been suf
fering for several days with rlieu.
Mr. S. M Oglesby’s many friends
are glad to know that he hussutlic
iently recovered from his long ill
ness to be brought home from the
Atlanta sanitarium and is now
rapidly improving
Mr. and Mrs D. C. Hendricks,
of Waverly Hall, and Mrs. S. G.
Mnnn and D. K. Hart, of Atlanta,
will spend next Sunday in McDon
ough as the guests of Mrs. H. S.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stewart have
gone to New Orleans, where Mr.
Stewart is attending the meeting
of the Shriners.
Mr. George R. Wilson, of Locust
Grove, visited our city Wednesday
and favored The Weekly with a
dollar. Mr. Wilson is one of our
county’s most prominent citizens
and aclever k gentleman and we are
always pleased by his visits.
Town bull of Able and Codlv Ministers and
Devout Elders.
■ V • ■ . v. J
The Atlanta Presbytery held its
regular semiannual meeting in
McDonough Presbyterian church
from Tuesday evening to Thurs
day evening of this wuek.
The meeting organized ty elect
ing the Rev. John Q. Armstrong
Moderator. The Rev. II C. Ham
mond is the Stated Clerk.
The Rev. E. D. Brownlee, con
ducted the devotional exercises
Wednesday morning, at 11 o’clock,
a. m. Dr. A. A. Little preached an
able and excellent sermon on The
Relation of the Christian Religion
to Socialism.
Wednesday afternoon the Rev.
C. C. Carson preached a sermon of
beauty and power.
A most inspiring meeting was
McDonough gets first joint de
Messrs, Bloodworth and Flynt to meet here
Court Week,
Judge J-J. Flynt, of Griffin, has asked Judge Reagan to
give him time during the noon recess of Superior Court to
address the voters ot Henry county next Monday, the ißih
Judge Flynt has a standing invitation to all the oilier
candidates to meet him at any ot his appointments, or to
make appointments to meet him at such times and places in
the district as may be agreed upon.
Mr. Blood w orth has replied that he is willing to meet
Judge Flynt in in every Militia District, provided every
other candidate participates.
Mr. Bloodworth will be engaged next Monday, the
ißth instant, in the Supreme Court arguing ihe Perdue
murder case lrom Pike. lie states, however, that if Judge
Flynt will postpone his speech till Tuesday, the 19th in
stant, or Monday, the 25th instant, he will be glad to meet
Judge Flynt in joint debate at McDonough.
The 18th and 19th are on the first week of Court, and
the 25th is on the second or criminal 'week. We believe
they would have a larger crowd on the 25th than on either
ot the other days.
The people of McDonough and Henry county would
appreciate the opportunity ot hearing these two distinguished
gentlemen, and it is hoped that Judge Flynt will so change
his appointment as to make this possible.
Plaster your walls with “Ivory
Cement Plaster” sold by.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber Co,
McDonough, Ga.
the Wednesday evening’s meeting
on Local Home Missions. This was
participated in by the riov. Lyurn
R. Walker, Chairman, of Htm*9
Mission Committee, Dr A. A
Little, Dr. H. B. Aibuekle, and
tha Rev. Frank D, Hunt, the evan
The Rev. J. G. Patton preached
a strong gospel sermon ami the
Lord’s Supper was partaken of
on Thursday morning.
The meeting closed TLreOay
evening with an inspiring sermon
by the Rev D. H. Ogden.
There were 75 ministers and el
ders present ane to have them in
our homes and in our midst v as
truly a blessing, really “showers
of blessing.”
Mrs. W. J. Smith, of Locust
Grove, visited McDonough a few
days last week as the guest of
Mrs. J. B. Dickson.