The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 08, 1910, Image 1

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    The Henry County Weekly
Tribute in Terse to Ties. 5. <A.
Sweetly she sleeps, at rest
Murmur not, God knows best,
She, who so young to die,
Gone to dwell in the sky.
So beautiful in death,
That stole away last breath,
An angel looked, as is,
For her far better ’tis.
To stricken loved ones say,
To grief do not give way —
But try to meet her there,
In regions bright and fair.
To him who loved her best
With all a lover’s zest —
May rest secure ’tis well,
Whose grief no tonge can tell.
For she’s with angels now,
A crown upon her brow
Where’ll wait loved ones to come
To that beautiful home.
On a lovely June day
From earth she passed away,
They covered her with flowers,
Sweet as her happy hours.
Ere illness, cold death came,
Warmed by his loving flame,
Ere lid on last did close,
He kissed his pale white rose.
A Friend,
G. J. F.
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Henry County
Loeated at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business
June 30th, 1910.
Jinans and Discounts - $ 178,467.77
Demand Loans - - - 13,020.10
Overdrafts - 6,142.45
Blinking House - - - 3,607.09
Furniture and Fixtures - - 2,652.68
Due from Banks and Bankers
in the State ... 3,799.82
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - - 5,485.37
Currency - 1,146 00
Hold 60.00
Silver, Nickels and Pennies - 539.96
Insurance Account - 87 40
Total - ... $ 215,917.64
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me came J B Dickson, Cashier of the Bank of Henry County, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank.
J. B. DICKSON, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th day of July, 1910.
O R. BROWN, C. N. P. of Henry County.
The Georgia Trading Company
Offers for Sale Farms in Monroe County and Homes in Forsyth, Cheap
and On Easy Terms.
214 acres, two miles north of Forsyth; 150 acres in cultivation, 10 acres bot
tom lands and 10 acres original woods. Place lies well and is productive;
well watered; good pasture under wire fence. Six-room dwelling,_three
tenant houses and barn. Price ... - $ 5000
225 acres, seven miles from Forsyth. Good lands, well watered <xnd a splen
did two-story eight-room dwelling in fine repair, three tenant houses
and barns. Pried - - - - - - S3XOO
400 acres, eight miles of Forsyth and four miles of Smarrs: 150 acres in cul
tivation, 25 acres bottom iand. On this place are four three-room houses,
almost new, each having good barn Price - - - 3500
221 acres, one mile of Forsyth. Farm lies well, and has 175 acres in cultiva
tion. Some fine timber and 1750 bearing peach trees. Six-room dwelling
with reception hall, large barn and cow house; four tenant houses.
Price - -- -- -- -- 02.>0
Monroe county is absolutely free from malaria and its clear sparkling
water and pure invigorating air make it an ideal place to live. No county
in the State hasa better school system, every school building in the county
bein# supplied with patent deck and only first-class teachers are employed.
The county has an almost perfect R. F. D. system, carrying daily mail into
neaflv every hofne in the counly.
Write for descriptive booklet of homes in Forsyth and farms in Mon
roe county.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday july s i 9 io.
Capital Stock Paid in - - $ 50,000.00
Surplus Fund - - 5,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 22,868.50
Due to Banks and Bankers in
this State - - - - 19.89
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check - - - 55,967.05
Time Certificates - - - 42,316.43
Cashier’s Checks - - - 16.90
Notes and Bills Rediscounted - 19,739.87
Bills Payable, Including Time
Certificates representing
Borro ved Money - - 20,000.00
Total - - - - $ 215,917.64
“Heretofore tlie rule for nomi
nating judges in the democratic
primary has been that the candi
date receiving the highest num
ber of votes was the winner, but
the state executive committee,
supposed to be ministerial in its
duties, has made a new law.”—
Monroe Advertiser.
We are glad the paper above
quoted from notes the same dan
ger to which The Weekly last
week referred.
The more wo think of it now,
the more confusion do these rules
seem to create or promise to cre
ate for the campaign now on.
The rules provide that the Ex
ecutive Committee of each county
shall appoint as delegates to the
State Convention men from the
friends of the successful candi
dates for the various Statehouse
offices, and the Judges of the Su
preme and the Superior courts and
Court of appeals.
Does this mean that a full dele
gation shall be appointed for each
successful candidate ? Hardly
that, for a hall large enough to
hold a convention so constituted
could not be found.
If it means, and it cannot
mean anything else.—that one
delegation shall go from each
county, then the county executive
committee must bo able to find
men who are friends of each of
each of the successful candidates
to appoint as delegates.
It will be a pretty situation to
see the convention assemble with
out any candidate for an office, —
say for Governor—how?
Then, if there is a convention
at which no candidate for some
particular offices, —say for Gov
ernor and Judge of Superior
court—have the necessary major
ity to nominate, what a confused
situation will present itself, and
what an unparalleled opportunity
for trading : here trading the can
didates for Governor to nominate
a Judge, then the Judge to nomi
nate a Governor.
The primary election is supposed
to be intended to give every vot
er the opportunity to express his
choice ; but little is the hope of
his voice being heard or his vote's
being of any value under such
We see no further need for the
primary election now with these
GEORGIA- -Henry County.
To Whom it May Concern:
R. E. Henderson, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent Administrator upon theestate
of W. D. Henderson, late of said county,
notice is hereby given that said applica
tion will be heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county,
to be held on the First Monday in August,
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 4th day of July, 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—H enry County.
Whereas, J. E. Miller, Administrator of
W. F. Miller, represents to the Court in
his petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully administered W.
F. Miller estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said Admin
istrator should not be discharged from
his administration, and receive Letters
of Dismission on the First Monday in
August, 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Get the best Blown Tumblers at
40c per set at
W. B J. Ingram Co.
If you want to rent, buy or trade
for a five-room house, see me or
W. H. Cleveland.
T. A. Lifsey.
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Hampton
Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business
June 30th, 1910.
Loans and Discounts - - ji 119,507.72
Overdrafts .... 228.56
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank .... 2,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,200.00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in the State - - - 14,389.61
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - - 11,172.41
Currency 2,000.00
Gold 115.00
Silver, Nickels and Pennies - 294.46
Total - ... $ 150,902.76
State of Georgia--Henry County.
Before me came J. O. Rutherford, Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing stement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books on file in said Bank.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this sth day of July, 1910.
In and for Henry Co., Go.
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Stockbridge
Located at Stockbr»dge, Ga., at the Close of Business
June 30, 1910.
Loans and Discounts $ 76,603.85
Demand Loans - - - 9,330.82
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank - 1,400.00
Banking House - - - 2,169.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,531.80
Due from Banks and Bankers
in the State - - - 6,184.77
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - - 3,996.05
Currency 477.00
Gold ...... 2.50
Silver, Nickels and Pennies - 6.45
Depositors Guarantee Fund - 2,879.16
Total ... $ 104,581.40
State of Georgia—Henry County.
, Before me came C. M. Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank,
as shown by the bonks of file in said Bank.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this sth day of July', 1910.
A. H. SWANN, N. P-
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Locust Grove
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business
June 30th, 1910.
Loans and Discounts - - $ 54,158.18
Demand Loans - **>i ou
Overdrafts .... 2,264.88
Banking House - - - 4,720.97
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,651.80
Due from Banks and Bankers
in the State ... 4,377.64
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States . - - 1,318.35
Currency ..... 1,495.00
Gold ...... 135.00
Silver, Nickels and Pennies - 784.69
Checks and Cash Items - - 162.44
Total $ 71,295.75
State of Georgia-Henry County.
Before me came J. W. Brown, Cashier of above Bank, who being duly sworn,
says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as
shown by the books of file in said Bank. *
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this sth day of July, 1910.
D. L. BURK, C. N. P,
It is earnestiy requested of the
Stockholders of the Farmer’s Un
ion Warehouse Co., to be present
at their annual meeting on Wed
nesday July 6, 1910. It is hoped
that all will try and be present as
there is business of much import
ance to be transacted.
PAGES $1 A Year.
Capital Stock Paid in - $ 25,000.00
Surplus Fund - - - 24,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 3,621.48
Individual Deposits Subject
to Check - 40,745.00
Time Certificates - - - 7,514.76
Cashier’s Checks ... 21.44
Bills Payable, Including Time
Certificates representing
Borrowed Money - - 50,000.00
Total - 3 150,902.76
Capital Stock Paid in - - $ 16,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 7,227.70
Due to Banks and Bankers
in other States - - - 2,000.00
individual Deposits Subject
to Chock - 41,966.58
Time Certificates - - - 17,834.02
Cashier’s Checks - - - 58.10
Bills Payable, Including Time
Certificates representing
Borrowed Money - - 20,000.00
Total ... } 104.581.40
Capital Stock Paid in - $ 25,000.00
Undivided Profits, iess Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 8,727.84
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check .... 15,590.05
Time Certificates ... 1,942.61
Cashier’s Checks - - - 36 75
Bills Payable, Including Time
Certificates representing
Borrowed Money - - 20,000.00
Total | 71,295.75
List of Letters.
Remaining Undelivered Foin The Post
Office at McDonough, Ga., For the
Period Ending Juno 27, 1910.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Messes ; Cora Duffie, Mesdames ;
Mollie Morris, Messrs; Wilson
Barnett, A. B. Clark, Lee An
drews Fearr, G. W 7. Mitchell, Tho
mas Miller, W. E. Smith.