Newspaper Page Text
Stoekbridge Social Items.
A Lovely Social.
A pretty social event of last
week was was the “Burks Party”
given by Mrs. W. W. Ward in
honor of Miss Ethel Sowell, the
guest of Miss Ruth Clark. The
tables were arranged on the lawn.
Punch was served from an attrac
tive little nook on the lawn. The
scene was quite picturesque on
this hot afternoon with the happy
young women together, Delicious
refreshments were served, The
color scheme was yellow and this
was carried out in every detail.
The invited guests were: Misses
Leo and Laura Davis, Lillian High
tower, Corrie Gossett, Artie Bel
lah, Myrna Berry, Mesdames Rob
ert Hawkins, of Shreveport, La.,
Camden Sprayberry, of F ippen,
Charley DeLong, W. F. Grant,
Augustus Swann, Parks Lee, John
Walden, Hardy Askew, Ab Harris,
of FI ippen, Z. D. Ward, and Misses
Usher Hinton and Mary Ola Lee,
ot Atlanta.
Miss Green Livingston, of Red,
is the guest this week of Mrs. John
Walden and Mrs. Parks Lee.
Miss Willie Berry has returned
home from several weeks’ visit to
These in tv be found about every community. They are men who
s::am to have tiin ■ for everything but earning a living.
T i i.y are n >t pro Dicers an 1 ad l nothing to the value of property.
As they never have any business with banks they do not interest ns.
There is however, a lot of loafers in this community in whom we are
in to rest-.* 1. .Many of them bear the legend : “In God we trust.” They
are hidden in out-of-the-way places, pork barrels, old sacks, bed ticks,
tin cans. etc. They are earning nothing for their owners, nor ar<
they o. tin slightest b motifc to the community, and there are enough
of linn 1 iif-u*-; in this e>n n l lity to run a bank if put to work. N<
farmer would keep a hired man around who did not work, and if all
his hens stopped laying eggs and the cows refused *o give any mon
milk, they would be disposed of. Let's get these dollar loafers busy
and the la st place to start tli-r.i is at tips bank. And the owners may
rest assured that they will be safe in our li inds, but they will be put
to work at once. If all the idle money in in this county was at work
all *the time, ns it should !><•. the prosperity of everyone in the county
would be geratly increased there!) . .
Now do not allow any such loafers to lie idle about yon, but rush
them into the bank and watch them work. We are open every day to
receive them.
McDonough, - Ga.
A tonic that Invigorates both old
and young. For weak, nervous,
1 men anil women. Every bol-
guaranteed. Get
Horton Co.
M'.'Donongli. Ga.
The Dr. T. W. Rod wine & Co.
Hampton, < in.
A frill snoplv of Legal Brinks
on hand at. Bank of Locust Grove.
At*torney-at- Law,
Ottii e o\rr * :nr store.
1 >pT:ok Horns:
7 ito to M. to 5 P. v.
O.Ti m \ ‘.v 'l;*'4>>t ie Ituilrliie.
Ohvtck Hours :
to 12 A- M. 1 to 5 P. M.
Senator S. C. McWilliams spent
Sunday at home. Mr. McWilliams
was one of the special committee
from the Senate that spent the
week-end at Chattanooga looking
after the state’s property there.
Mr. Mac Carnes is leading the
I singing in the union meeting now
in progress here.
Mrs. H. M. Glass is spending a
few days at the home of Jier fath
i er, Dr. Raleigh Hightower, at
White House.
Mrs. Olivia Ward and Mr. Rcs
[ ser Ward were the dinner
of Mrs. W. F. Grant Tuesday.
Mrs. John Ward and childrc n
are visiting friends in Jackson.
Mr. A. W. Mays spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Misses Bessie and Aldine Crus
selle are the guests this week of
Miss Sarah Mays.
Mr. John Tucker Dorsey was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Augus
tus Swann Tuesday night.
Revs. James Bradley and J. A.
Simpson will begin services at Flat i
Rock Presbyterian church the sth
Sunday and carry them on through
the week.
I At’ THIS PRICE sp- f Sjfc
I It buys a Strictly S
1 I 'guar an'lFeed"V ©""years
: TillTl HIT— »Mi
a And has all the up-to-date Improvements that
every lady appreciates. It is splendidly built rC
thoroughly dei>endable material and handsomely
l u finished. Has elegant Oak Drop Leaf 6-Drawer Cab-
Id Lift, complete Set of Attachments, full instruo
II lions how to use them, and the outfit will be sent
11 you "Freight Free” on
!I pays”re'e^trial
Li.’riKivfmaMin We
Jobber's, Rctaiirr’s and
A trout's profits and seit
inir expensps, &o*actiy
the same machine they
will ask you BSG.OO for.
Send at ONCE for OUB
Most complete and in
structive book of its
character ever publish
ed in the South. Itpict
■ii ih7h i Haul !■—iiJi ores and describes every
Kft part and particular of
S»a the greatest line of positively High-Grade Sewing
I« “ Machines ever offered. We are the largest Sew ins
Machine distributors in the South, and, at prices
flfifred for qnahty guaranteed, our Machines ar«*un
matchahle. This catalogue der*cnh'S and prices
high-grade Pianos, Organs. Stc*l Ranges. Cooking
Stoves. Heating Stoves. Phonographs, Dinner ana
Toilet Sets. Prompt shipments, sale delivery iuml
satis fact* n guaranteed, or your monev back.
Dept, y 41 S. Forsyth Street, ATIAXTA, GEORGIA
Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and chT
dren. of Ociila, will arrive next
week to be the guests of Mrs. J.
H. Rape,
Mr, C. E. Kernaghan, of Macon,
was a pleasant visitor to our city
iast Sunday.
Got the best Blown Tumblers ot
40c per set at
W . B J. Ingram Co
% New from Cover ta Cover |
Chief, Dr. W.T.flarria,former U. S.
Com. of Education. The Webster
Tradition Developed by Modern
ScientifkLejico{jraphy Key to Lit
erature of Seven Centuries. General
Information Practically Doubled.
2700 Pares. 6GOO Illustrations*
400,000 Words and Phrases.
in Scholarship, Conven
ience, Authority, Utility.
Writ* for Specimen Pages to
You will do uk a favor to mertlon this publication.
A full lino of Legal Blanks at
Bunk of Locust Grovo.
The Tri- Weekly t Atlanta Constitution
" • AND =~ ■ ■ . 7
The Henry County Weekly
Together with New Home Library Wall Chart Showing a
Splendid New Map of Georgia and its Governors; all for only
The Tri-Weekly Constitution Monday, Wednesday, Friday, three
. times a week. The newsiest, best,
brightest, and biggest Great Southern Newspa- f)tip DnlJnr n Vo nr
per. Almost a Daily, yet the price of a Weekly U G UoUar a i ear
01 The Weekly Constitution— twelve pages once a week, with each of the
above (except that The Weekly Constitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly)—all
for one year for only
The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area of events. The
news of the country, state, nation, and the world is given'in each complete issue. Each week
the departments of harm and Farmers, Woman’s Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, Farmers’
Union, Rural Tree Delivery, Poultry, and others of wide interest, edited by experts anneal
directly to those addressed • re
The Meekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference
between it and the Fri-Weekly is that the one is issued once a week (on Monday
only) and the other three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you want The Constitution alcne, without any clubbing offers, vou can get the
Tri-Weekly Constitution at SI.OO per year, or the Weekly at 50c pef year
by addressing Ihe Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. One sample copy sent free on request!
A club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. F. D. route above the minimum
average required for daily mail service. It is the great news purvey rof the whole
Southland, as good in the Gulf and Mississippi States as on the Atlantic Seabqard.
Clubbed with The Constitution we have the New Home Library Wall Chart.
The Constitution has had engraved, at heavy cost, a splendid map of the state of Georgia K „ r ' rn „„K ol , . ...
portraits that could be secured of the governors of the state, in «u\ almost unbroken bj the
James Edward Oglethorpe, in 1732, to the last of the distinguished gentlemen wShavl fiiw.Tb ° U J.A rSt *P° vernor *
to lion. Hoke Smith, whose term will expire in 1909. The map is upon a larg P d ° wn
giving the congressional districts in clear outline, bringing out the county sites prominemlvVe-tw- 3! k! C °L° r ?'
water system in our state, as well as the railroad lines. A splendid featur e of the
distance between stations shown in plain figures in every case. e railroaci s >stem is given in the
The nine new counties recently established are properly given, with every detail shown up to date
Besides the splendid Georgia map, which is but faintly outlined above, the second slmet of the I ibrarv Wall
Chart gives maps of all the insular possessions of the United States, together with a newly engraved
State, map surrounded bv portrait, of the president, of the United State.. Another page shows the growth of
our country in the population of all towns of 3.000 and over for the last th re** census periods The third sheet
gives Mercator*. Projection of the World, together with a United States map showing the various accession, of
territory up to date. This page is surrounded by flags of all nations in proper colors and also by the portraits
of the rulers of the world correctly given to date. The last page gives a topographical relief map of the Pan
ama Canal and surrounding territory, together with a profile, or cross section. Of the country to be excavated
With this feature is a historical sketch and map of the Isthmian Canal that is quite complete. ’ y
Remember, our paper one year, and the Tri-Weekly Constitution, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, three times a week, for one year and all of the above
splendid maps for $2.00; or the whole combination, (except that the Weekly Con
stitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly) for only " $1.65
Send at once. Get right on. Don’t miss a copy. Address all’orders for
above combination to
A short while ago we found one of the best
Chair factories in the country with ari over suppiy
of Porch Rockers—and badly in need of money. So
we got busy with the ready cash and bought a
CAR LOAD at a price that was
And we are going to give our friends and cus
tomers the advantage of our “pick=up.”
We think, if you will come and see them, you
will agree with us that there is a saving of at least
20 per cent for you on every one of them.
They are made of Oak throughout and finished
in red, green arid natural color, with every arm fas
tened on with an iron brace, making it absolutely
secure. The designs are right up to the minute.
Fou will see them in our window
95C, $2.25, AND $3.75,
Don’t put off seeing them, as we
do not think they will last long.