Newspaper Page Text
Wien ,*« buy » watch—ask how loni; the
wM.fUledctH will wear—who stands l*ck of
ill ruarantee. Crown Watch Ca*e* we«r
. wrn aaaaht <<• <<>mpieta
Trade Mark
.Sold by
p p c^-y-ZK
■ B iltv » " -*.a 1... '\k J
,!pw«! rR
W M w •*•*' *•*■*•' *»** t * J
McDonough, Oa.
* r iH . %
jKk ''i&c'/v.'ziej- . vI ’LTd/ ziL/d
For Liver
Gout, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
Affection 3 of the Bladder and
Kidneys, Costiveness, Sick
Headache, Biliousness and all
Bowel Ailments.
is a reliable and effective rem
edy - and has been for several
generations. It can be taken
S 3 a dinner pill, laxative, purga
tive or cathartic with excellent
Sold by all druggists
in 25c and lOc boxes
Dr. D. Jayne’* Tonic Vonalfntfa
is a natural toni* for both adults
and children.
ak Kidneys
.kache, Lumbago
and Rheumatism
immediately relieved by
Delays are dangerous. There
is no more common complaint
than Kidney complaint.
Nature always
gives due warn-
Jtj ing and failure to
heed same may
I h\\l result in Diabetes,
\ W Lumbago, Bright’s
J/ Disease, or some other
serious affection of the
Fi f Kidneys. A trial will
4 convince you they
|y are unequaled. Pine
'' \ ules are quickly ab-
Kfflk \ sorbed and readily
wmi I but naturally elimin-
F fj ate poisons due to dis-
I iyj / organed condition ol
|jJ 2 Kidneys and Bladder.
They purify the blood
and are a tonic to the
entire system. Do not suffer from
Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism
or Kidney and Bladder trouble
when you can get Pineules.
Two sizes, SI.OO and 50 cents. The dollar sizs
contains 2| times as much as the 50 cent size.
Pineule Medicine Company
Chicago, U. S. A.
If you wa it it> ■ -t.-
1 r five-room h »r. .-«•*, s« «> mo ui
V lan l
T. A L;fs
Bethany Locals.
We have recently received a
number of requests from people
who formerly lived in this section,
but who now reside in other
places, to continue as a correspon
dent to The Weekly, so here we
come again.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Duke were
called to Butts county last Mon
day, on account of the death of
the little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Duke, which was buried at
Macedonia church.
There lias been more rain in
this immediate section than has
been known for a number of
years, and the growing crops have
suffered to some extent.
The little infant of Mr. and Mrs.
V/. H. King died at their home in
Atlanta last Thursday and its re
mains were brought to this place
for interment Friday.
Rev. I. G. Walker, of Decatur,
will fill his regular appointment
at this place next Saturday and
The all day singing at Sharon
church last Sunday was well at
tended. A number of good signers
were present and those who were
present report some good singing
on that occasion.
ihey say that Mr. Tom Ingram,
Arthur Duke, Leroy Rape and
Oliver Thompson recently went
ii a fishing expedition, and for
further particulars in regard to
the trip ask them.
Uncle Ben Lane is in better
health than he was a few months
Rev. ,J. A. Jackson, who has
been in declining health for the
■mst year or two, has been greatly
improved in health, and" finds
ti ne to do considerable farm work
on in’s farm.
Mr. L. IT. Thompson, who suf
fered a partial stroke of Paralysis
two years ago, has greatly im
proved in health.
•*gs. R. IT. Nutt and iittle son,
Robert i elurned home Tuesday
from Gainesville, where she has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hunt.
Mr. Harold Nutt and family
spent Sunday with Mr. R. F. j
Nutt and family.
i^ rs *. Dais y Hampton, of East
Tohit, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
W. T. Pruitt.
-T.. and Mrs. J. T. Head, of,
College Park, spent Saturday
oifcjit and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. S. P. Brown.
Miss Gladys Miller of Sunny
diae is visiting her Grand parents,
Mr. and Mr. T. T. Barham.
Miss Lonnie Nutt, of Spalding, is
visiting her cousins, Mr and Mrs*
Eicm Dupree.
Miss Mignon Spencer, of East
Point, is visiting her cousin Mrs.
3. P. Brown.
Mrs. John Coder and little girl is
v siting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Steel.
Mr. P. R. Martin and family
spent Sunday wti Mr. Henry
Carr and family.
Mrs. 0. L. Wells and children
spent Monday with Mr.* Lonnie
Heny Wells and family.
Mr. C. C. Goodman and family
spent Sunday with Mr. B. F.
1 hompson and family.
Mr. S. P. Brown made a busi
ness trip to Griffin last Friday.
M anted—lo9o Pictures to frame.
7 i 5 The Variety Store.
Ripe peaches, maypops and no
water melons at all.
Laying bye time has arrived
once more and the farmers are
doing all they can to get through.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Fields, of
Flippen, visited Mr. J. F. Johnson
and family Sunday.
Mr. Herschel Mays and lady, of
Dutch Town, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alexander
Mr. Carl Nash and Miss Cora
Hand, of Dutch town, were seen
passing through here Sunday
Mr. Lovick Johnson, of Atlanta,
is at home for awhile for his
Mr. Wayne Floyd, of near Love
joy, was the guest of the Strick
land boys Sunday afternoon.
Miss Virginia Freeman, of Senoia,
is the charming guest of Miss Es
telle Alexander this week.
Mr. J. H- Strickland visited Mr.
T. R. Tidwell Saturday night and
Mr. Clinton Alexander, accom
panied by Miss Estelle Alexandra’
and Miss Virginia Freeman, atten
ded Sunday school at Flippen
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. R. W. Exum and Mr. G. M.
Adamson made a business trip to
Atlanta Saturday.
We are sorry to say that Mr.
W. E. Johnson of Birmingham is
very sick with typhoid fever ar
tne home of his parents. We
hope for him a speedy recovery.
■f . r
= FOR THE fig
A Bottle Purchased Today Starts You
Eight on the Road to Health.
Guaranteed to Give Satis
faction or Money Refunded.
Horton Drug Co.
MeD. nongh. Gh.
The Dr. T W Red wine & Co.
H auq>ton, Ga.
’TP [9 If i s ll
n MW ft
I Kill p I tlld
A tcrpld liver deranges the whoir
system, and produces
dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheo
: latism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
There is no better remedy for these diseases than DR. TUTT’S
LSVUfi; FILLS, as a trial will prove
Take. No Substitute.
We arc requested to f Lite that
Wednesday before the Tth Sun
, day has been appointed as the day
|to work-on the cemetery and
i church ground at Bethany church.
All interested are requested to Le
Plaster your walls with “Tvcry
‘ Cement Plaster” sold bv.
Pltwiters Warehouse & Lumber Co,
| Ga.
TO THK \ < ii'iis Oi-‘ r.IiOUGIA.
I horiby ”aEnounci~iiiy candidacy
for the office of state treasurer, sub
ject to the democratic white primary
of 1910, to be held cn a date to be
•elected by the state democratic ex
ecutive coiumittoe.
In making this announcement I
feel that it Is appropriate for me to
•ay that my service for seven years
in both branches of tho Georgia legis
lature, during which tin.e many of
the present law 3 relating to banks and
banking were enacted, and my service
at the same time on the house com
mittee on banks and banking by
which these lav/s were considered, has
given me a clear insight into the
Georgia laws concerning banking and
In addition to tbe foregoing expe
rience, I have been, for ‘fifteen years,
president of the Eiberton Loan and
Savings bank, in which capacity I
may say, I have gainpd wide practical
experience concerning the operation
of these law's; and, as a result of
which I am in a position to recom
mend certain improvements in the
present laws, which will better safe
guard the interests of the depositors
in Georgia’s state banks.
-If elected to this important posi
tion, I shall give my every effort to
the faithful discharge of Its duties,
to assist me in which I shall secure
the services of trained expert and ca
pable assistants.
1 respectfully request the favors
bie consideration of the democretlo
Voters ef the state.
"Elbertou, G«... NEay 7, IfflQ. 1
To the People Georgia.
lam a candidate for State Treasurer
subject to the action of the Democratic
party at the a] pi (a< hirg priivaiy for
the selection of State Lome ( fl eers. an* faithful service in that cilice
as Treasurer nrd ftp Attislnr.t Trtaeoier
c< vering a peried of It wnly j < iup vith
oi t censure or com] laint from any
soi rce is the platform upon which my
candidacy is based. On this record I
beg the support of the people.
I a'm a candidate for renomination to
the office of Representative in Congress
from tlie Sixth District in the primary
election, which, under the law,, will be
held next August.
I belh ve that my record as a Represen
tative, of which l invite the closest scru
tiny, justifies me in trying that I have
discharged every duty and obligation to
the people who have honored me with
that high and responsible office. During
the entire period of my service in the
House, 1 have been faced by a Republi
can majority, strongly adverse in senti
ment and policy to The best interests of
the people of my section, but my record
here will uemcnstrum that in every' word
I have spoken and in every vote I have
I have had an eve single to the hon
or and welfare of the people I represent.
Whether my duty as a Representative
has called rue to resist, the insiduous at
tempts that are being constantly made to
undermine the* sovereign dignity of the
State, to oppose the encroachments of
organized monopoly upon the rights and
sul stance of the jet pie, or to defer,d the
institutions and glorious traditions of
our own section, I have responded to
that call with all the force and vigor of
my-being. As ihe Representative of a
free people, 1 l.ave denounced tyieuny in
w hatever form it has appeared, anti ac
tively participated in the movement to
vntsf the con trol of tbe House from the
arrogant despotism that has been erected
in the people’s fori.m by the Speaker and
his Committee on Rules. My record in
this and all other matters wiil most con
clusively show' tf at I have never on any
occasion faltered or hesitated in the
course of duty dictated bv perfect loyalty
to my constituents and party.
Believing that my longexperience will
enable me to serve more efficiently the
people of the District in the next 1 louse,
which, from all indications, will he Dem
ocratic, and with grateful appreciation
of their support and confidence in the
past, I ask a renomination at the hands
of rny constituency.
C. L. Bartlett.
To the ] eople of the Sixth Congressional
I am a candidate for Congress subject
to Democratic nomination.
In ibis announcement 1 will not un
dertake to incorporate rny entire plat
form, but cannot refrain from snyinrf
t hat as a member of Congress I would
strenuously oppose all extravagant
expenditure of the people's money and
all unnecessary and buidenson o tax
ation, and every effort, made to en
croach upon '‘states rights” and would
stand unflinchingly and unfalter
ingly against all laws in conllict
with the principle “Equal rights for all
and special privileges to rune.”
1 believe that this si ouM *>e in reality
as it is in theory a govern.eut of the pt-o
npie, by the people and FOR" the peopJOjff
As your representative I would devote™
to the duties of the office my t ime, my en
ergy und whatever of talent, 1 have and
requests from any citizen of the District
however humble he might Ire would re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
If elected I will enter upon the discharge
1 of my duties without pledge orpromise to
I any man or set of men hutabsolutely free
i and independent, to do my full duty as
; God gives me the light to see it.
Very Respectfully.
(). H. B. Blood worth.
I To the Voters of the Sixth Congressiona
| District:
I have a 1 lud ible ambition to represent;
this district in fcheti’nd Congress, there
i fore I submit to you this formal announ
cement of my candidacy, subject to the
! Democratic primary, and 1 earnestly
solicit your vote and support.
I shall endeavor to canvass each county
i and see as many of you personally as it is
: possible for me to do between t hisand the
S date the primary is held. And then should
j you vote for and elect me l promise to
j consecrate my very best efforts and wlmt
| ever talents and ability I possess to your
service. Respectfully yours.
Fellow Citizens:
I announce to you my wish to represent
the Sixth Congressional District in the
Congress of the United States.
I believe in local self-government; the
preservation of the autonomy and rights
of the States; and the maintenance of the
the general government under the consti
I favor a free as well a pure ballot.
Before the democratic primary, you
shall know fully and in detail my views of
the principles and policies of government,
on which i will seek your approval and
and abide your patriotic judgment.
\\ hen elected, I will dedicate myself to
the public service as your representative.
John P. Ross.
for Judge Superior Court
To the Voters of the Flint Circuit:
I announce myself as a candidate for
Judge of the Superior Courts of the
Flint Circuit, subject to the Democrat
ic primary. I earnestly solicit the sup
port, and votes of the people of the cir
cuir' L- F. Dupree.
I o the 1 ot<-rs of the Flint Circuit:
lam a candidate for Judge of the Su
permr Court of tin* Flint Circuit, subject
to the Democratic primary
, 1 solicit a-d will appreciate the sup
i poit and vote of the people, of th * circuit. ,
RontciiT T. Daniel.
For Sale
‘lvory Ceruent Piaster” by
Planters V* urehouse & Lumber Cd ''
McDonough, Ga.
GEORGIA- lli:>riiY County.
To Whom it May Concern:
R. E. Henderson, having made ar plica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent Administrator upon the estate
of W. D. Henderson, late of said’ county,
notice is hereby given that said applica
tion will be heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county,
to be held on the First Monday in August
V it ness m.t harm end official signature,
this 4th day of July, 1910.
A. G.- IlAimis, Ordinary.
GEORGiA—Hknky County.
\\ herea*, J. E Miller, Administrator of
W. F. Miller, repre-ents to the Court in
bis petition, duly fiUd and entered on
record, that he bus fully administered \V.
F. Miller estate:
Ibis, is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned Kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any f,hey can, why said Admin
istrator should not be discharged from
his administration, and receive Letteis
of Dismission on the First Monday in
August, 1910.
A. G. Kauris, Ordinary.
Bridge Conti act to Lcl.
Georgia, Henry County.
W itl be let to the lowest bidder tl d
buildinsr of Hinton bridge, near Fiat
Rock, in Steckbridge Dhtiii t, on Satur
day July 30;h, at, 9 odes ka. m., at the
Plans and specifications can be seen at
Ordinary's office, or at W. B. Wilsons’
—Commissioner. JulyG, 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Attorney-at-L aw,
OftU e o\er Star Store.
2~,% discount <n Millinery.
Wilier Bros. & Co.
Point! pretty Mattings, Rugs, at
Jy cents while they last.
Variety Store.