Newspaper Page Text
Miss Linnie Wilson left today
for Atlanta to spend a week with
Miss Ethel Edwards.
After a pleasant visit to Atlanta,
Miss Ethel Moore has returned
home to the delight of her many
Mr. E. D. Hawkins, of R. F. D. 1,
is taking his annual vacation. Mr.
Thos. C. Jones is filling his route
while he is away.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Derrick and
family, of Atlanta, are spending a
few days with Mr. R. H. Moore.
Mr. T. Alwyn Wilson spent Sun
day in Griffin with his sister, Mrs.
Jessie Turnipseed.
Mr. R. Manley Harris left for
Atlanta Saturday to spend several
days with friends.
Dr. C. H. S. Tackson, President
of Bessie Tift College, spent Tues
day with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore.
Mr. Chas. L. Hammock spent
Tuesday in Atlanta on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Turner, of
Luella, spent the day with Mr. H.
A. Turner Thursday.
Miss Delle Tarpley is visiting
her cousin, Miss Francis Church,
of Graysville, Ga.J and will also
visit friends in Chattanooga before
her return.
Messrs. C. R. Nix, H. H. Harris,
11. A. Turner and E. R. Harris left
Sunday morning for Summerville,
Ga., in the latter’s automobile,
but on account of the extremely
heavy rains above Atlanta the trip
had to be abandoned. Mr. H. A.
Turner and H. H. Harris returned
home Sunday afternoon and Mr.
C. R. Nix and E. R. Harris made
the remainder of their trip by rail.
Miss Linnie Wilson spent Sun
day and Monday in Griffin with
Mr. W. C. Edwards, of Atlanta,
was down Saturday looking after
the construction of his new home
on West Main Street.
Mrs. J. L. Chapman and son,
Master John, spent Sunday in At
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Funderburke
and daughter, Edith, of Bain
bridge, visited Mrs. J. E. Lyons
last week.
Dr. L. W. Austin has retnrned
after spending three weeks in
Miss Lucile Weems, of Luella,
v/as in town Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Minnie Hubbard Smith, of
Atlanta, spent Wednesday and
Thursday here as the guest of
Mrs. W. J. Harris.
Col. 11. Stile Hopkins, of Atlanta,
made a business trip here Thurs
day afternoon.
Miss Francis Arnold left for
Athens Thursday where she will
join a party of friends who will
spend a week at Wrightsville
Beach, N. C.
Mrs. Robt. Adair and daughter,
Miss Irene, have returned home
to Greenville, after spending sev
eral days with Mrs. J. V. Chunn.
Hampton Public School will
open Monday, September sth. The
prospects were never better for a
good school during the coming
year. The Trustees were very
fortunate in selecting the teachers;
every one being a specialist in
his department.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis and
family left for the Indian Springs
Camp Meeting Wednesday and
will spend ten days attending the
During the month of August we expect to sell all our SUMMER
STOCK and in order to do so we are going to sell some of the
different Sines at ACTUAL COST. A man acquires a lot of
wisdom after it is too late to use it, be wise COME EARLY and
share in these good VALUES-
1500 yards of good Prints and
Ginghams in this Sale at the
low price, per yard
5 cents.
Special low prices on all col
ored Lawns, Silk, Mulls, Foul
ard Silks. Goods we sold as
high as 25 cents, our price for
this sale
17 1-2 and 19 cents.
A few pieces of pretty Bastiste, in
stripes and checks, our old
price 20 and 25 cents, for this
10 and 15 cents.
at all times a complete stock
of Notions, consisting of the
latest fad in Belts, Ribbons,
Dutch Collars, Jabots, and a
good selection of Hair Orna
Mr. Glen Henderson spent Sun
day in Atlanta.
Rev. J. M. Long, of Fort Valley,
Ga., is conducting protracted serv
ices at the Baptist church. He is
preaching heart-to-heart sermons
and the people are attending and
manifesting quite an interest in
every service.
The dwelling being erected on
West Main Street for Mr. W. C.
Edwards will be ready for occu
pancy about September Ist, at
which time Mr. Edwards will move'
his family here from Atlanta.
The dwelling being erected on
the school grounds for Prof. C. C.
Gilbert is nearing completion and
presents a very sightly appear
ance. Mr. Anderson, the contrac
tor, has rushed the work, at the
same time he has not slighted it
in any manner.
Prof. C. C. Gilbert will move his
family here next week from Ro
berta, Ga. Prof. Gilbert is a very
high-toned Christian gentleman
and we are more than glad to wel
| come him in our midst.
Judge Paul Turner passed
through town Wednesday after
We are going to sell our entire stock of Low
Shoes AT COST, in order to rush them out to
get the room for our immense Fall and Winter
Stock, which we are expecting every day.
Our stock consist of some of the very best makes
and styles, such makes as Lewis A. Crossett, R.
T. Woods and the Red Seal Lines. Our Men’s
prices arrange from
$1.20, $1.55, $1.90,
$2.65, $2.90, $3.55.
The Ladies arrange in price at
$1.05, $1.20, $1.30,
$1.35, SI.BO, $2.15.
The Children’s start at 42 cents and we can give
you almost every size and price from the lowest up
to the high grade welts and turn.
We want it positively understood
that we will not CHARGE any of these
Shoes at the above prices.
Mrs. W, J. Harris left today for
Rockmart, Ga., where she will
spend two weeks with her aunt.
Protracted meeting will com
mence at Berea tomorrow. Mr.
H. J. Brazelton, of Macon, will as
sist Brother Foster in the meeting.
Mr. Brazelton preached here last
year and is a very forceful speaker.
O to Mrs J. E. Lyons for yonr
false hair, also all kinds of hair or
naments nets etc. quality and price
to suit the season. I have also a
nice line of hose, collars, handker
chiefs, Belts, Belt Pins, and Shirt
Waist Sets. In fact almost any lit
tle novelties that, lady or child
could deed. Prices all right.
Miss Lizzie Hammond, of Pomo
na, and Miss Bertha Williams, of
Hampton, are guests of Mrs. Alex
Aiken—Worthville in Jackson
Misses Ossie and Emma McCord
left this, Friday, morning for a
visit to friends in Hampton. —Jack-
son Argus.
A full supply of Legal Blanks of
every kind on hand. They can be
obtained at Hampton from Mr. G.
S. D. MaLaier.
I have just received a pretty lot
of Torchon and Irish Clnny laces
and to make quick sales shall make
a run on them at Sets per yard and
my 10 and 12%cts embroiders, I’ve
cut the price to B%cts. Dali i* l ant T
see for yourself.
Mrs. J. E. Lyons, Hampton, Ga.
On account of the death of a
nephew in Atlanta Sunday, Col. 0.
H. B. Bloodworth cancelled his
speech here Monday, but spoke
Wednesday afternoon to a very
appreciative audience, He touched :
on the issues of the day and called
especial attention to the fact that
it was not a bad idea to change
Congressman at least every ten
For Administration.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern
Asa A. Lemon, having made application
to me in due form to lie appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
Mrs. Dora B. Lemon, late of said county,
notice is hereby given that said applica
tion will be heard at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said county, to
be held on the first Monday in September
1910. Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this Ist day of August, 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
The bird has faith in its wings
because it knows how to use
them. WE have faith in our
Clothing because it
up in a nice All Wool Suit
$3.00 up to $22.50.
Our Boys and Young Men’s
Suits will share in the good
values, prices from
$2.00 up to $12.50.
If somebody told you it is not
a secret, so we want our
readers to know that we have
the best line of Shirts that we
can buy in the Country, made
well and a plenty of. stuff in
them for the price we ask.
A big assortment for
50c and SI.OO.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
J. A. Fouehe, administrator of estate of
Violet Eason, deceased, having in due
form made application for leave to sell all
the lands belonging to said estate, situat
ed in Henry county(in the town of Hamp
ton,) this is to notify you that said appli
cation will be heard at the next regular
term of court of Ordinary, first Monday
in September 1910. Given under my hand
and seal, this 4th day of August 1910.
A.G. Harris, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. M. B. Langston, administratrix of
estate of X. J. Langston, deceased, having
in due form made application for leave to
sell all the lands belonging to said estate,
situated in Henry county, this is to notify
you that said application will be heard
by Henry county court of Ordinary on the
first Monday in September 1910. Given
under my hand and seal this 4th day of
August 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
For Twelve Months’ Support.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. M. B. Langston, having made ap
plication for twelve months’ support out
of the estate of X. J. Langston, and ap
praiser duly appointed to set apart the
same, all persons concerned are hereby re
quired to show cause before the court of
Ordinary of said county on the first Mon
day in September 1910. why said applica
tion should not be granted.
This 4th day of Augnst 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.