Newspaper Page Text
Society Happen logs
Miss Elon Tolieson Entertains.
Miss Elon Tolieson entertained
her friends in a charming manner
on last Thursday evening.
The guests of honor were;
Misses Adelle Nutt of Jackson,
Corrie Bridges of Atlanta, Claire
Langford of Atlanta, and Mrs.
Hall of Lumber City.
It was a delightful affair and en
joyed thoroughly by every guest.
Miss Hattie Sue Lowe Hostess.
Miss Hattie Sue Low was the
attractive hostess at a party Mon
day evening.
Music and conversation were en
joyed and punch was served
under the trees.
Those present were; Misses
Elon Tolieson, Bess Fouche, Lena
Price, Ruth and Ruby Walker,
Ruth Turner, Ethel Sowell, Lucy
Reagan, Agnes Dunn, and Claire
Langford, of Atlanta. Messrs. Mar
vin Turner, Dee Tolieson, Benton
and Talmadge Thompson, Lum
Ingram, Tommie Tolieson, Q. R.
Nolan, John Hightower, Adam and
Carl Sloan, Eugene McMichae! of
Mr. Ralph Turner is at Tybee,
spending his vacation.
Messrs. Sidney Smith and John
Wolfe, of Savannah, were in our
city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ward were
in McDonough Wednesday after
noon in their handsome new auto
Mrs. Hugh Hutton and daugh
ter, Cornelia, and her father, Col.
G. W. Bryan, are spending n few
weeks at Hendersonville, North
Mrs. P. M. Carmichael, of Mon
ticelio, Florida, is visiting Mrs. T.
A. Lifsey.
Mrs. Charles Boeland and chil
dred, of Atlanta, are spending a
week with relatives in McDon
Mrs. M. J. Harper left' Saturday
for a visit in Atlanta before return
ing to her home in Mississippi.
Mr. and Mrs. Bellinger, of Dou
glas, Georgia are the guests of
Mrs. Juiia McDonald.
Mr. Andrew Sloan, of Monti
cello, Florida, is the guest of his
aunt, Mrs. Julia McDonald.
Little Miss Sara Smith, of Jack
sou, is the gues>t of Mrs. E M
Smit b.
It is pleasant to hear again the
old names of beloved citizens and
friends who have departed this
life. Little Cam Turner Carmi
chael is a new guest with an old
and honored name at the happy
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Car
Mr. Ike Sowell is one of our
most progressive citizens and is
helping to make McDonough grow
by erecting a nice new residence
on the lot adjoining the home of
Sheriff A. C. Sowell.
Miss Addle Nutt, of Jackson;
was the guest of Miss Elon Tolle
son several days last week.
Miss Nina Wall has returned
home from several weeks spent
in attending the Summer School
at the University of Tennessee at
The many friends of Mrs. A. F.
Bunn are gi.;h that she is row
rapidly recovering from a severe
attack of typhoid fever.
Lawn Parly.
Tuesday afternoon Misses Fran
ces and Flora Neal entertained for
Miss Sara Smith, of Jackson, at a
very enjoyable lawn party.
The little folks amused them
selves with many jolly out-o’-doors
games that allowed the hours to
slip by unnoticed until they were
good and tired, and then cake and
cr. am were served to them seated
about in little groups on the .lawn.
Miss Dorsey Entertained at
Miss Leola Dorsey, of McDon
ough, was complimented with a
heart-dice party Tuesday evening
by Miss Nellie Thomas.
The house was prettily deco
rated for the occasion with many
pot plants and cut flowers.
Miss Thomas was gowned in
white stain.
Miss Dorsey wore a becoming
pink dress, lace trimmed.
In the games Miss Annie Scott
won first prize, a box of candy,
and the booby, a bottle of ketchup,
fell to Mr. John D. Stewart.
Ice cream and cake were served.
—Griffin' Herald.
Mr. John Lowe visited Atlanta
last week.
Mrs. A. N. Brown and little
daughter spent several days in
Atlanta this week.
Mrs. Hall, of Lumber City, who
made many friends here as Miss
Annie Laurie Langford, on her
former visits; and her sister, Miss
Claire Langford, of Atlanta, have
been visiting Miss Elon Tolieson.
Miss Corrie Bridges, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Miss Elon Toile
son last I’hursday night and Fri
Lamar Etheridge, who has beer,
spending the past three months
in Europe, arrived in the city
Tuesday. Dr. VanDeventer, his
companion in his travels, is ex
pected this, Friday, evening, he
having stopped a few days in
Norfolk, Va. The members of
the Baptist church have planned
a reception for his home-coming
this, Friday, evening, on the
church lawn. —Jackson Argus.
P. L. Johnson, of Locust Grove,
was a visitor to this city Saturday.
—Griffin Herald.
Rev. R. F. Smith, of Locust
Grove, was a prominent visitor
to this city Saturday.—Griffin
Mrs. S. N. McGuirt, of Morgan,
Ga., is the guest of relatives here.
Miss Mamie Alexander, is visit
ing friends at Sunnyside.
Miss Maria Tucker, of Sunny
side, was tiie guest of Miss Eve
lina Pendley several days last
Messrs. Benton Thompson,
Raymond Cathey, Lum and Walter
Ingram went to Indian Spring
Mr. John H. Chafin, of Route 7,
brought The Weekly a very fine
watermellon Friday. It weighed
57 pounds and was the finest in
size and flavor we have eaten this
year. Mr. Chafin is an excellent
gentleman and a fine farmer, who
does nothing without doing i.t well
\Ve sincerely appreciate this re
membrance. Who will be the next
for The Weekly prize.
Mr. Arthur Bowden visited the
Gate City Saturday.
Miss Ruby Walker spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Protracted Meeting at Hampton.
Tiie protnteted meeting nt the
Christian church tit. Hampton, Ga.
will begin Satuiday morning, Au
gust IHtb.
Services will be conducted by
Rev. Howard J. Brozelton, of
of Macon. Singing will be led by
Mr. Williams, of Griffin. You are
Capt. John Norman, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Mr. M. A. Nor
man, last Thursday and Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Duffey,
ot McDonough, will arrive in the
city today and for some time will
be the guests of J. A. Woodward
and family.—Wednesday’s Griffin
Judge E. J. Reagan and Miss
Kate Reagan returned Friday from
Nacoochee Valley, driving through
in two and a half days.
Mr. Cecil McGill, who has been
the guest ot Mr. Air Fouche, Jr.
for some time, returned Sunday to
his home at Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brown, Mr.
J. B. Brown, Mrs. Mary Alexander,
Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Cathey and
their families left on Tuesday to
spend the week at Sims Shoals on
South River.
Misses Azile and Kate Maxwell,
and Marie Kitchens, of Atlanta,
were the guests of relatives liere
A large crowd from here at
tended the Shriner’s Barbecue at
Cold Springs Saturday. Those
who went were Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Amis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Carmichael, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Johnson, Misses Elon Tolieson,
Adel Nutt, Claire Langford, Ruby
Walker, Mrs. Hall; Messrs. Dee
Tolieson, Marvin Turner, Arthur
Bowden, Will Walker, and others.
Mr. L. R. Ricks, of the fertile
fields of East Henry, gladdened
our hearts with his smile as he
greeted us Monday and whetted
our melon hunger by presenting
to us a fine water-melon. He
would not have us weigh it, for
he said it was not contesting for a
a prize but for our good feeling.
This latter he surely won for us
and we have weighed him in the
heavy pulling scales of our re
gard and he was not found want
ing. May his tribe increase.
When is a white man’s grin like
the negro’s? When a watermel
on’s in sight, of course.
Mrs. John Shields has returned
to her home in Atlanta alter a
visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Bunn.
Mr. John R. Price, of the Sixth
District, was in our city Tuesday.
Miss lone Price, of the Sixth
District, spent Tuesdy in McDo
nough as the guest of Mrs. E. J.
Closing out Icc Cream Freezers,
Preserving Kettles, Etc.
Variety Store.
Miss Mattie Armentrout, of
Ashburn, is visiting relatives in
McDonough for a few days and
will go from here to Indian
The Hon. O. H. B. Bloochvcrth
spoke to a large audience at Jack
son last Saturday in the interest
of his candidacy for Congress.
Messrs. Harold Mallet and E. D.
Tolieson are on a business trip to
New York. —Jackson Argus.
Mrs. A. C. Smith is in McDon
ough with Col. and Mrs. E. M.
Smith. —Jackson Arguj.
Mrs. Annie M. Noian and Miss
Annie Lemon visited Atlanta Tues
Misses Blanche Wentzell and
Cora Betts spent Monday in At
Hits Inez Lifsey, of Roberta, is
the guest her brother, Dr. T. A.
Miss Lizzie Nolan and Miss
Blanche Wentzell will leave Sun
day to spend several days in Mon
Miss Myrtipe Newman returned
home Thursday * after a pleasant
visit to Atlanta and McDonough. —
Woodbury Georgian.
Mr. Q. R. Nolan spent last Fri
day in Butts county.
Mr. Benton Thompson spent
Sunday at Indian Springs:
Miss Mabel Gray, of Atlanta,
spent the week end in McDonough
as the guest of Mrs. Howard Car
Messrs. Lamar Etheridge and
Eugene McMichael, of Jackson
were in the city Monday.
Messrs. Elbert Parr and Claude
Watkins, of Locust Grove, visited
McDonough Friday.
Miss Anna Riviere, of Thomas
ton, arrived last night to be the
guest of her cousin, Miss Lucy
Reagan, for a week.
Miss Nena Turner has returned
from an extended visit to friends
in Columbus, where she received
man social attentions. .
Milk Cows Wanted.
I shall be in McDonough next
week to bnv all the fine Jersy milk
cows I can. Those having any for
sale see me.
J. F. McGarity. 8-12.
Union Meeting at Sardis.
There will be a Union Educa
tional Railey at Sardis on the 20th
The State School Commission
and several of the. Union’s fine
speakers will make addresses.
Everybody is invited.
Hole! at the Camp Ground.
We will again run the Hotel at
Shingle Roof Camp Ground.
Same plan and prices as before.
W. E. Touchstone,
8-36 L. E. Dailey.
xy. | / a 1 a guarantee as good as a Gold Bond; a trial as liberal aa
-leaWaiaßSPigSa? / / 1 any one could ask tor, and a, positive saving otirom Santo
\ StO. We defy any reputable concern in the U. S. to duplicate our
i 1 P r * ces on Tehicles sf tba qualities we guarantee. Our g jarnntees
/ t PfxTlYX —y the strongf-it imM most liberal over made, and arc positively
\/ \\7V /iyy \\/ binding;; and our vehicles must prove them in actual service
j\y - HZ. ,| \ y before we’ll expect y.u to bo satisfied. We do not compete vith
"—*—«—-A people who have no reputation to loss, or whs misrepresent their
« -<■ .-.rwarwitnws.i-rv.- trrsxwr- a»» 'M»n»miMu.j.. IBM
Send To-Day For Our Big New Free Catalog, No. 105
ft describes, pictures and prices upwards of two hundred moiiacK. styles of the highest grade Runabouts,
Speeders. 15uckboard 3, Top Buggies, Stanhopes, Phaetons,
Surreys, Spring, Farm ami Mail Wagons.Unad Carts and Har- MAT CI(V (eHIPP <?> dPOi
ness at actual factory prices. We sell DIRECT and save yott 1 j oUEIaJtJI tdL
the dealer’s profits. Pou’t delay. Write today. SATE while yon pay. Ib-pt. 41 Soath Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia.
you may have and let us
Frame them for you.
is complete and can save
you some money.
A. C, Oglesby & Co.
Wanted: A Collector And Sales
Onr business is growing so large
wo cannot handle it with the pre
sent force and must employ an
other collector in this section. Ex
perience is not accessary, as busi
ness is well established and we sell
over three fourths of the world's
Applicant must be able to fur
nish bit own horse and buggy, and
make bond.
Singer Sewing Machine Go.
Griffin, Ga.
.On November 25th 1909 the
death angel visited the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowan and
took from them their darling Nina
Gladys. She was just 5 years and 4
days old. She was such a sweet
child to her loved ones. I would
say weep not for she is safe in
Jesus’ wms never more to suffer
pain nor death. We can all meet
her some sweet day. Never can
we hear her sweet voice again as
she bids all good night in her us
ual way. We miss thee more than
tongue can tell. Farewell sweet
Nina farewell.
N. W.
List of Letters.
Remaining Undelivered Fom The Post
OfßcHftt McDonough, Ga., For the
Period Ending Aug. S, 1910.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Misses V. V. Toles, Minnie
Welch. Mesdames; 'Mary James,
Annie Jackson, J. W. McDonald.
Messrs. C. C. Clore, Thomas Cotts,
Walter rlayle (2), S. C. Paul, Jen
nie Savage, W. C. Williams.
The annual protracted meeting
at Mt. Bethel church will begin
Saturday, August 13th. Evange
list Will Hill will preach at each
service. Song service will be in
charge of Mr. Wayland Hooten.
Every one is invited to attend.
Wm. M. Debardeleben, Pastor.