Newspaper Page Text
For Miss Nottingham.
Miss Beesie Williams entertained
at an afternoon party Thursday
afternoon in honor of her gueM,
Miss Vern Nottingham, of Macon.
The game of heart dice was
played on the porch and refresh
mentr followed the game. Her
guests included Misses Grade
Castellaw, Marian Donovan, Eu
nice Pitts. Clyde Cleveland, Mattie
Wilson, Annibeil Peek, Mamie
Snead, Kathleen Combs, Coralee
Combs, Hattie Wiggins, Lillian
Price, Alma Wright.
Ned McCord has been visiting
Mr. Ed Peek’s family in Locust
Grove. —Jackson Argus.
Minnie Lee Wilson, of Locust
Grove, came Tuesday to spend a
while with her grandmother, Mrs.
M. J. Wilson. —Jackson Argus.
Miss Minnie Bailey is visiting
Miss Streeter in Locust Grove. —
Jackson Argus.
Mr. James Bennett Conyers has
returned to his home at Carters
ville Ga.
Miss Eunice Ragsdale is visiting
at Blue Ridge Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Shiroh of Macon
were the guests of the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Combs,
Mrs. R. C. Brown and Mr. Har
ris Brown have returned home
from a trip to Alabama in Mr.
Harris Brown’s automobile.
vv ntes Administrator. P -lJ§'W r 4^^S
Leads aH in Prompt Payment. “Your action makes a new Record
in the full and satisfactory settlement of insurance claims,’’ says
Hampton, Ga., July 9th, 1910.
Mr. Wilmer L. Moore, President,
The Southern States Life Insurance Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir:—
Yours even date, enclosing New York
Exchange for $5,000 00 in full settlement of policy
No. 6609, issued by you upon the life of my father,
Mr. W. D. Henderson, was received and I wish to
thank yen for your promptness and consideration in
handling this matter, and for the assistance given me
by the officers of the Company in the preparation of
the claim papers. The completed proofs of death
were received by you on July 9th and within four
hours New York Exchange, referred to was delivered
to me by your redresentative.
Your action makes a new record in the
full and satisfactory settlement of insurance claims.
The fact that The Southern States Life is located in
the heart of the South makes promptness of payments
possible, and gives a sense of nearby security not. to
be found elsewhere. I stand ready to commend The
Southern States Life for promptness and reliability.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) R E. Henderson,
Temporary Administrator.
The above tells the story. Prompt payments of death claims proves the insurance company’s integrity. “The fact that
The Southern States Life is located in the heart of the South makes promptness of payments possible, and gives a sense of
security not to found elsewhere. I stand ready to commend The Southern Stages Life for promptness and reliability.”
J. T. WEEMS, General Agent,
McDONOUGH, GA. HUBBARD & HARKINS, Agents, Locust Grove.
The Summer session at L. G. I.
closed last Saturday Aug 6. The
summer school has become an im
portant feature of the work done
at L. G. L, each year the summer
session grows in importance and
Miss Mamie Dixon was the guest
Saturday of Mrs. Luther C. Hol
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Combs,
of Macon were the guests of the
formers parents Mr. and Mrs. G.
P. Combs.
Miss Lucy Adams, who has made
many friends during her stay here
as a teacher in the summer school
at L. G. 1,, has returned to her
home at Juliette. She will be
greatly missed.
Misses Kathleen and Coralee
Combs have returned home from
Macon, where the;, have been vis
Miss Ruth Cousins, Luthers
ville, is spending a week at the
Miss Eula McVicker has retur
ned heme from Hampton.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo, of McDonough,
| spent Sunday and Monday with
! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
j Upchdrch.
Mrs. L. C. Holsotnback is spend
ing the week with her mother,
Mrs. George Dixon.
The Misses Huson of Atlanta
were the guests Saturday and
Sunday of Miss Fioy Davis.
The Southern States
Life Insurance Com
pany has never Con
tested a Death Claim.
Mr. C. C. Goodman and family
spent last week with Mr. B. F.
Thompson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown spent
Sunday with Mr. A. E. Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Henley at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Homer
Hammock, of Locust Grove, Sun
Miss Laura Sprangle, of Sunny
Side, spent last week with Miss
Birdie Barham.
Mrs. J. A. Wells and family
spent Monday with Mrs. B. F.
Thompson and family.
Mrs. Jim Miller and children, of
Sunnvside, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. T. Barham a few days
last week.
Miss Sweet Patrick made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Monday.
Miss Foster, of Jenkinsburg, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bail Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Will, Dobbs of
Newton county, visited their sister
and family, Mrs. B. F. Thompson
last Friday and Saturday.
We had a grand meeting here
last week. Mr. T. C. Carleton of
Oklahoma City was here a few
days. Bro. Drewry come and fini
shed the meeting. It will be pro
tracted again from Wednesday
Aug. 17 to the 21. Every body
come. 2 members were received.
Mr. O. L. Wells is having his
home repaired.
The Advantages
The usual promptness with which
all claims are settled by THE
SURANCE COMPANY, is due first
to its willingness and desire to assist
the beneficary; and, second the fact
that it is a Home Institution, located
in the vicinity of the insured, is easy
of access, has facilities for securing
information promptly; advantages
which, by the very fact of their
location, are denied to companies
whose home offices are in distant
Stockbrldge Social Items,
Misses Kittie and Kate Pendley
of McDonough, visited Mrs. John
Callaway here last week.
Mr. W. H. Cleveland and little
daughter, Daisy, of McDonough,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Terry last Sunday.
Mrs. Serena K. Swann, of Mc-
Donough, was a recent guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Swann,
going from here to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Swann.
Miss Kate Branan, of Flippen,
and Mr. Will Smith, of McDon
ough, spent the day with Mr.
Will Branan last Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sprayberry
spent a few hours here Sunday on
the way to the home of the for
-1 mer’s parents where, Mrs. Spray
berry will spend several days 4
| Mrs. John Callaway and child
; ren are visiting her mother, Mrs.
Pendley, near McDonough.
Mr. Robie Elliott, of McDon
ough, is visiting his brother, Mr.
H. C. Elliott, at White House.
Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison, o f
Stockbridge, and Miss Mary Ola
Lee, of Atlanta, will leave Sunday
for an extended trip in the east
' and expect to be gone three or
four weeks..
Mrs. D. M. Weems and children
and Mrs. O. L. Wells and children
spent last Monday with Mrs. S. P.
Miss Etta Chasteen visited Mrs.
C. V. Henley last week.
Mrs. M. G. Ward, Senator S. C.
McWilliams’ family, Mr. Will Mi
lam and family, Miss Anna Butler,
and Miss Ruby Branan left Wed
nesday for the Indian Springs
Campmeeting. Senator McWil
liams and Mr. Milam have a de
lightful cottage at the camp
ground and their families look
for vv arc! from year to year to
the days spent there.
Mrs. J. H. Merritt and children,
from Atlanta, came down Wed
nesday to be the guest of Mrs.
Sallie Branan for a week.
Mrs. Will Robertson returned
toAtlanta Tuesday, having been
the guest of her mother for a few
days. Mrs. Roberson before her
marriage was Miss Ruth Branan,
and was a favorite in the social
circles eere.
Mrs. H. Nottingham and daugh
ter, Virginia, of Norfolk, Va., are
spending a few weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Nottingham.
Mr. Otis Swann, of Conyers,
was the guest, this week, of Mr.
A. H. Swann.
Miss Willie Eve, of Keysville,
and Master Witzel Hume, of
Rome, came Monday to be the
guest of Mrs. W. W. Ward.
Get the best Blown Tumblers at
40c per set at
W. B J. Ingram Co
Wanted—looo Pictures to frame.
7-i5 The Variety Store.