The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 12, 1910, Image 6
BPKRY CB&NTY WEEKLY. FRANK KlvV(a.\, Fall tor, Keterad at tbe poatofflc* at MeBo« PBgk, aa i«con(l-cl«s8 mall mattar. ~ 4£r«rtlf>tns Ratna: SIOO per J»ofc pt moot*. Reduction on ataa4l»o •mftraurU by ip«o*al agreement .ms-mst—- ~ —±-L3nt McDonough, G*., Aug. 12, 1910 "rrrr.'rrrr - " - ' ' ■ Obituaries not containing more than one hundred words will be published free. All obituaries con taining n:or© than one hundred words must be accompanied with one cent per word for all in excess of one hundred words. We cannot undertake to cut them down to the one hundred word limit man uscripts*, not accompanied with ]>ostage, will not be returned. No statements purporting to come from The Henry County Weekly are genuine unless they ha\t‘ written on their face the signature of Frank Reagan,Editor, or are presented by him in person, any person receiving such u state ment. without the signature will please notify Frank Reagan Editor McDonough, Georgia. WARNING ! We are informed that unauthor ized parties are using the swb soription list of The Henry County Weekly. We wish to warn all our sub scribers and readers against such persons. No person holding himself out aa representing The Henry County Weekly other than the regular office employes, has any authority to collector receive subscriptions or business unless he bears writ ten authority signed by Frank Reagan, Editor and Publisher. Co-Operative Road Building. We quote below an interesting little item from a recent issue of the Conyers Free Press. ‘‘The following is from the min utes of the county eommissisners at their meeting Tut sday; “Proposition of citizens along Oak iliil or Air Line road offering to give the county 167 days work with teams and drivers to work the Airline road to the county j line carried over to the July meet ing in order that the rest of the county may compete, and as the commissioners desire to encourage this kind of co-operaticn,,it is now ; up to the community that offers I more inducement, with the under standing, of course, that right of way for any and all changes be given. “So if you want to help your district to get valuable graded roads get busy and come forward with your best offers.” In a later issue of the same pa per we are informed that the Oak Hill and Air Line road has won and has had its proposition ac cepted by the county oners. It seems to us that this news ar ticle is worthy of study by the people of our county, and even contains some valuable sugges tions to us for the improvement of our own road system. We have always commended the work of our Ordinary in the fine work done on our roads dar ing his aTu nis ration, and we see hi n still continuing in the good work. Permanent road improvement, however, is very siow work, with the men and means at oar com mand and so some people in those sections of our county not yet touched by this permanent work have grown impatient and have complained that thha roads in tneir sections have not received i ' attention. The Rockdale county people’s proposition to furnish aid and co operate with the county in build ing a road furnishes a fine sugges tion to our people who wish good roads without further delay. While this particular application of the idea of co-operation is probably new. the idea itself is not new. Our own law intends by its provisions that the citizens of each district shall work the roads of their district, or Co-operate with the road working force in doing so. With the placing upon our roads of the convicts, the law has begin to be little regarded and poorly observed. Then the co-operative plan for the state has been adopted by New York state. New York’s legislature a year or two ago adopted an excellent public road law. A state highway Commissioner has supervision of all the road building in the state. Fifty million dollars was appro priated, to be expended in such counties as would themselves fur nish a certain proportionate part of the expense and labor for the work in such counties. Really the conduct of our gov ernment, in its every branch, is co-operative. Without the co-op eration of its citizens in the en forcement, by public sentiment and otherwise, and the adminis tration of the laws by which gov ernment is operated, our nation would fall to pieces. Then why not voluntary co-op eration in road building? The people along one road can give many days work for such purpose and never miss the time so given, but receive returns many fold in the benefits derived from superior roads built earlier per haps by years, than they could otherwise be obtained. Let our citizens in different sec tions think of this and begin to make bids to our Ordinary similar to those of the Rockdale County citizens. Singing Convention at Bethany. As previously announced by your Bethany correspondent, the first session of the Henry County Singing Convention will meet at Bethany church, four miles east of McDonough, Friday and Satur day, before the second Sunday in September. It is not necessary to to say that it has a good home for the first session, for when it comes to entertaining a Singing Conven tion Bethany is there “with the goods” and those fail to attend will miss something grand. There will be some of the best singers in the State present. Now I want every church in the county at their next Conference to send three or four delegates, select those that will come. Lets have the best singing convention in the state and have it right at the start. I am requested to announce that Evangelist B. G. Smith will preach I a series of sermons in the pro tracted meeting at Sharon church, beginning next Sunday, August 7th, assisted by the pastor, Rev. I. G. Walker, to run one and prob ably two week ?. A cordi il invitation is given to all friends in the community and sister churches in the county — especially singers. A. C. N. WANTED —One male teacher for Progress Literary School. Salary will be mada satisfactory, over and above county, if re quired. Apply to J. W. Foster, Trustee, Rt. 3, Stockbridge, Ga. (Communicated.) W. i. Speer Continues to Receive l Strong Endorsements for Re- Election to Office of Treasurer Perhaps no man seeking office j was ever given more unanimous j support from the Press of the State than is being accorded Hon, W. J. Speer, who is asking the voters of Georgia to put him in charge of affairs at the State Treasurer’s office. This gentleman served the State in this capacity for twenty years to the complete and entire satis faction to all, If the Press of Georgia is really powerful, indications are that Mr. Speer will be returned to the office j of State Treasurer, for from every section of the State comes Press endorsements and commendations Here are a few of the many | comments gleaned from Georgia papers. From Clinch County News: Hon. W. J. Speer, candidate for State Treasurer, enjoys looking back upon a clean, spotless and uncriticised twenty year record in public office, which to us is the strongest, most forceful argument that can be brought to bear touch ing his competency and his wor thiness. We are as willing for him to serve us now as we were when, he, as a Confederate sol dier, took up his gun, went to the front, and bared his breast to the enemy, in defense of our property and our homes. From Cleveland Courier: Mr. W. J. Speer, candidate for State Treasurer. He filled the of fice for many years, and if an ex cellent record in the discharge of official duties is what the people waut in official, then this old Con federate Veteran most assuredly merits your ballot. From the Lumpkin Independent; Hon. W. J. Speer has large ex perience in the administration of the office of the State Treasurer, and has proven himself a capable, j vigilant and efficent custodian of; the State’s resources, and the peo- 1 pie of Gecrgia could do no better than to elect him to the position again. A FEW BARGAINS IN FARIVIS Thai Will Never Be ’Any Cheap er. They Will Go Higher. A pood 500-HCro farm on railroad about (JO miles south of Atlanta.. Large 9-room bouse, 5 3-room bouses, barn and ether outbuild ings. Lays Well and produces well. Price s!.') DO per acre. Worth $25. Will give terms. 600-acres good land on public road, 2 miles from railroad station. Pour 4-room houses with barn to each, situated so it can be out, into four farms. This is cheap at $15.00 per acre; worth $25. Will give terms. 100-acre farm just in the edge of a nice.little town on the Sou-hern Railway, about 60 miles south of Atlanta. Has a nice little home of sor 6 rooms. Good well improved lard. Cheap at $2500.00; worth $3500.00. A valuable farm just outside the little manufacturing and educa tional city of Barnesville, Ga. Has 100 acres 2 good residences, large barn, good land that lays well. Here's a sure, bargain. Can be bought for $5500.00 now on terms ; worth SIOO per acre. I have two of the nicest, dairy farms in the state, near Macon Only the farm «nd improvements for sale. No stock. Chances here to build a little fortune. 1 have some valuable small and large farms in South Georgia Some unimproved land in South Georgia cheap. Some handsome little garden farms of 5 and 10 acres close in to the bustling city of Jacksonville, Florida. These farms will n ake one independent for life. Eusy Terms. Address, E. A. PARKER, Barnesville, Ga. For Sale ‘lvory Cement Plaster” by Planters Warehouse & Lumber Co McDonough, Ga. DIAMONDS By our Divided Pay ment Plan you can soon own a beautiful stone of known value and rec ognized worth. Durham Bros. Optical Company 20 EDGEWOOD AVE. Atlanta, Ga. It Takes Just a Trial At Walker’s Mil! To make you another one of our satisfied customers. Even if it does take the best to satisfy. We run any time, Day or Night. We siay ready to Grind Your Wheat. EDWARDS BROS., Millers BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, McDonough. Ga, I will loan money on improved fuims at i-ix per cent interest, lon£, time. If yon need money write 1 me. Lester C. Did sen, At t’y. Fayetteville, Ga FOR SALE —In Locust Grove, 8 room house and lot, splendid lo cation. Terms reasonable. Lock Box 109, 8-26 Locust Grove, Ga. Watermelons—Wanted. The Henry County Weekly gen uinely enjoys a good watermelon. So we are going to offer one year’s subscription free for the largest melon brought to us at The Weekly office. For the second largest we shall give six months subscription free; and for every melon weighing 25 pounds, or more, we shall give 3 months subscription. We are now ready for the mel ons. FOR SAGE. —I have plenty of Pears for canning and preservir at 60 cents per bushel. J. B. Grant. McDonough, Ga. Buggies and Wagons, home made, good ones now ready for the market. This is a chance you rarely have and wont have long. Come quick. Joel Bankston’s Shop. For the next 30 days we will Gffer our entire line of slippers at 25 per cent discount, W. B. J. Ingram Co. For Sale or Rent. One 0 Room House on Bryan Street. One 8 Room two story house on New Street. Apply to. E. M. Smith. Application for A Bank Charter. GEORGIA—HEJTRY (H)CXTY. To the Honorable Philip Cooi, Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. The undersigned, whose names, signed by each of them and residences are here to attached, bring this our petition, in pursuance of an Act of the General As sembly #f the State of Georgia, approved December 20th, IM<3. and Acts amendato ry thereof, and respectfully show: Ist. That we desire to form a corpora tion for the purpose of carrjing on the business of Banking. 2nd. The name and style of the pro posed Corporation shall be The Citizens’ Bank. 3rd. The location and principal place of business shall be the Town of Locust Grove, County of Henry and State of Georgia 4th. The amount of capital stock is Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), di vided into 300 shares of SIOO.OO each. sth. The nature, of the proposed cor poration shall be that of a Bank, with j continuous succession for the term of | thirty years, with the right of renewal ; for a like term. To sue and be sued. To have and use a common seal, and at pleasure to alter the same. To appoint such officers and agents as the business of the corporation requires, prescribe their duties, lix their compensation, and remove them at pleasure. To make such by-laws as may be 1 necessary or proper for the management of its property and regulation of its affairs. To hold, pur chase, dispose of and convey such real and personal property as may be neces sary for it s uses and business. - To dis count bills, notes or other evidences of debt; to receive and pay out deposits, with or without interest; to receive on special deposit money or bullion or for eign coins, or stocks, or bonds or other se curities; to buy or sell foreign ordomestic exchange, or other negotiable paper; to lend money upon personal security, or upon pledges of bonds, stocks or nego tiable securities; to take and receive se curity by mortgage, or otherwise, on property, real or personal; and general ly, to dw and perform all such other mat ters and things not hereinbefore enum erated as are or maybe incident to the business of Banking. We herewith enclose the charter fee of $50.00, and pray to be incorporated under the laws of this State. Signed.: J. L. Gardner, Locust Grove, Ga. J. A. Combs, ‘ ‘ “ “ J. J. Walker, “ “ “ H. B Sandlfer, “ “ “ W. T. Parr, “ “ “ Claude Gray, “ “ A. B. Combs, “ “ “ J. J. Walker, Jr. “ J. K. Dickens, “ “ “ Walter K. Hu bard “ S. H. Castellaw . ? “ “ S. G. Gardner, “ “ “ Petitioners. GEORGIA- Henry County. Before me, personally appeared the un dersigned petitioners, who on oath depose and say that $15,000 of the capital sub scribeil to the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove, Ga., for which Bank deponents are now seeking incorporation by the Secretary of State, has actually been paid in cash by the subscribers, and that the same is in fact held and is to be used sole ly for the business and purposes of the said corporation. J. -L. Gardner, J. A. Combs, J. J. Walker, 11. B. Sandifer, W. T. Parr, Claude Gray, A. B. Combs, J. J. Walkwr, Jr. J. R. Dickens, Walter E. Hubbard, S. H. Castellaw, S. G. Gardner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of August, 1910. A. G. Harris, (Seal.) Ordinary Henry, County. STATE OF GEORGIA. Office of Secretary of State I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify, that the two (u') pages of printed and type written matter hereto attached, contain a true and correct copy of the application of the Incorporators of The t icizeiis Bank for charter, as the origi nal of same appears of file in this office. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereun to set my hand and affixed the Seal of iny Office, at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this sth day of August in' the yvjtir of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten and of the Independ ence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth PHILIP COOK, ’ Secretary of State. T. A. LIFSFY. dentist Office Hours : 7.30 to a. M. Itosp. m. Stine pretty Mattings, R«g 8t a 39 cents while they last. aiiety Store.