Newspaper Page Text
In Bad Fix
“I had a mishap at the age of 41, which left me in bad
fix,” writes Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Ga.
‘‘l was unconscious for three days, and after that I
would have fainting spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick
headache, heart palpitation and many strange feelings.
“1 suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of
life and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded
to try Cardui.
Since taking Cardui, I am so much better and can do
all my housework.”
The Woman’s Tonic
Dq, not allow yourself to get into a bad fix. You might
get in so bad you would find it hard to get out
Better take Cardui while there is time, while you are
still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength
and keep you in tip top condition.
In this way your troubles, whatever they are, will grad
ually grow smaller instead of larger—you will be on the
up-grade instead of the down—and by and. bye you will
arrive at the north pole of perfect health.
Get a bottle at your druggists’ today.
The Roads are being made BETTER than Ever.
Jno. R. SMITH, Georgia.
For General
Machine Repairing
Steam Engines, Gasoline Engines,
Automobiles, Gins, Pipe Fittings,
J. A. Kimbell,
Phone 161. JACKSON, GA.
Complete line of styles and prices,
Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru
sted to me.
Embalming done according to latest and most im
proved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Calls answered promptly day and night.
Phones 28 and 30.
HcDonough Ga.
“Once a Year”
is as often as you need buy a pair
of Work Shoes if you call for “Once
a Year Red Seal Shoes.
Made by the J. K. Orr Shoe Co., Atlanta. They
sell for three fifty and wear like seven.
Bethany News.
The High Falls Musical Conven-j
tion, composed of the counties of
Jasper, Butts and Henry, will hold :
its annual session with County
Line church in Butts county on
Friday and Saturday before the
third Sunday in September.
The South River Association
will hold its annual session at
Woodville church, near Stone
Mountain, in DeKalb county, Sep
tember 21st, 22d and 23d. J. H.
Jackson, W. G. Thompson, J. P.
Rodgers, and M. A. Norman, will
represent Bethany church.
Prof. Sam Rosser who recently
closed out a singing school at
Philadelphia, has entered Locust
Grove Institute for the next term.
His many friends wish him suc
Mr. A. W. McGarity purchased
the home place of Mr. T. J. Bow
den, one mile north of this place,
this week. The price paid was
$50.00 per acre.
0. L. Thompson spent several
days with relatives in Atlanta last
Misses Bertha Rodgers and Kate
Stallsworth attended the Butts
County Singing Convention at
Macedonia church last Saturday.
Prof. 0. W. Jackson, who was
formerly principal of Union Graded
School, spent Sunday in this vi
cinity. We understand he will
teach in South Georgia in the fu
Arthur Duke and Leroy Rape
took in the sights in Atlanta on
Labor Day.
The Henry County Singing Con
vontion will be in session on Fri
day and Saturday of this week and
everybody is cordially invited.
Ip on ic
= - - r -
A Bottle Purchased Today Starts You
Bight on the Road to Health.
Guaranteed to Give Satis
faction or Money Refunded.
Horton Drug Co.
McDonough. Ga.
The Dr. T W. Red wine & Co.
H amp ton, Ga .
The market has recently been flooded with
a great amount of BAD Milling Corn. You
can always be sure that REX MEAL does
not contain that kind. We accept no Corn
that will not make sweet, dry Meal.
Estes Manufacturing Co.
Rex, Georgia
J. <3. Ward,
Dealer In
A Specialty ol the AMCC Top Buggies
Celebrated AM LO at $55.00
Best Buggies on the Market for the Money.
TEL. NO. 11 .
Will Hold Fifth Annual Fair in
November Next.
We have learned a fact which
has surprised us a little.
A few days ago a gentleman, in
discussing a proposed county fair
for Henry county, made this asser
tion that a county in Georgia had
never, during the present genera
tion, held two fairs in succession.
He favored county fairs, but stated
that, for lack of support or other
reason, they were never perma
| nent.
We could not dispute the prop
osition and were inclined to agree
with him.
There has recently come to us,
however, a little booklet bearing
the title:
“Premium List Putnam County
Conducted by the Putnam County
Fair Association, Incorporated.”
This booklet bears right at the
top of the corner the words: “The
Best County Fair Ever Held in the
Best County in Georgia.” Its thirty
pages are filled with Information
about Putnam county and Eaton
ton, its capital city, as well as the
list of premiums and large num
ber of advertisements.
Among the things in the agri
cultural department for which
prizes are offered are best acre of
barley, oats, corn, best field peas,
baled hay, sugar cane, cotton
stalks with cotton in boll, vegeta
bles, and best collective exhibit of
field and garden crops raised on
one farm.
Then there are the departments
of Flower culture, Cookery, Need
le and Machine Work, etc., Fine
Arts, Cattle and Hogs; Horses,
Mules and Cows; Poultry; Racing,
We admire Putnam’s determi
nation in this matter. We know,
however, that they have no better
j county and town than we have. If
; they can have five county fairs,
1 we can have one and many more.
WANTED —Cosmopolitan Mag
azine requires the services of a
representative in McDonough
and vicinity to look after
subscription renewals and to ex
-1 tend circulation by special methods
j which have proved unusually suc
| cessful. Salary and commission.
I Previous experience desirable but
j not essential. Whole time or spare
'time. Address,with references, H.
C. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Maga
zine, 1789 Broadway, New York
City. 9-16*
For Sale or Rent
One 6 Room House on Bryan
Street. One 8 Room two story,
house on New Street. Apply to.
E. M. Smith.
(From The Times, Union, S. C. Au*"'
gust 2ft, 1910.)
There is no disputing the fact
that the rural telephone has come
to stay and that it is one of the
greatest conveniences of modern
times. The efforts now being put
forth by the Southern Bell Tele
phony and Telegraph Company t<y
establish these rural lines should
receive the hearty endorsement of
all our people. The line out to*
Kelton is already proving itself a
very great convenience. Now
that the election is to come off on
August 30th we expect to get the?
returns within a few minutes of
the time that the vote there is
counted. Now if we had a direet
line to Cross Keys and to West
Springs and to Meador’s and to
Whitmire what an easy task we
would have to get the returns-
from every box in the county.-
Not only that, but the people liv
ing along those lines could get
the returns from all over the
county just as fast as the papers
could add up and tabulate the re
sults here. Look here, Mr. Farm
er, let’s get busy and get these
lines scattered throughout our
county before another two years..
And election returns is but one of
the many advantages. If we had
good roads and telephone lines
how easy to get a doctor in time
of sudden illness.
Then, too, how easy for the res
ident in the country to ring up
Union, Jonesville, New York —in
fact any market, and get prices
and other valuable information in
connection with the marketing of
his products. We believe the
day of the rural telephone and of
good roads / is at hand. An ad
vancing civilization is crying loud
ly for these two marks of a pro
gressive people.
f When you buy a watch—ask how long the
S fete'll.filled case will wear—who stands back of
B th ; guarantee. Crown Watch Cases wear—
B guaranteed ggft by one of the finest
B w?tch case or- ganizations in
jP the world. Let us show you
y T owncasesfit- ted complete
with any make ofmovement—
signs, Plain Polished and
Trade-Mark stamped inside exery genu-
Sold by
McDonough, Ga.
’Just Published"
Webster’s NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary, j
(G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass.)
surpasses the old Internationa! as much as that
hook exceeded its predecessor. On the old
foundation a new superstructure has been built. j
The reconstruction has been carried on through
many years by a large force of trained workers,
under the supervision of Dr. W. T. Harris,
former United States Commissioner of Educa
tion, and reenforced by many eminent special
ists. The definitions have been rearranged and
amplified. The number of terms defined has
been more thao doubled. The etymology,
synonyms, pronunciation, have received un
sparing scholarly labor. The language of
English literature for over seven centuries, the
terminology of the arts and sciences, and the
every-day speech of street, shop, ar.d house
hold, are presented with fullness and clearness.
In size of vocabulary, in richness of general
information, and in convenience of consulta
tion, the book sets a new mark in lexicography.
400,000 words and pfcrases.
6000 illustrations.
2700 pages.
Write to the publishers for Specimen Pages.