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Being opened up and put on display as quickly as possible.
Visit us before you make Your Fall and Winter purchases.
Our Stock is Large and Well Selected.
Phone 25. McDonough, Ca
Miss Ethel Moore was the lucky
contestant in the nail driving con
test given by the Modern Remedy
Company Monday night, the prize
being a silver sugar bowl.
Col. Harl G. Baily, a prominent
young attorney of Logansville,
Ga., spent Sunday here.
Mrs. W. J. Harris visited rela
tives in Jonesboro Tuesday.
Mr. W. C. Edwards and family
have moved here from Atlanta.
Misses Marie, Katie and Lizzie
Redwine are spending the week
with Mrs. Nona Hartshorn, of
Mr. A. M. Henderson went up
to Atlanta Sundav.
Mr. and Mrs. B. North spent a
day with Mr. W. A. North last
Mr. E. H. Darsey, of Gripeland,
Texas, visited Mrs. W. D. Hender
son, Mr. Thos. Glowers and Mr. D.
W. Glowers last week. Mr. Dar
sey left Georgia several years ago
and has been successful in farm
ing in the Lone Star State. Mr.
Darsey speaks in flattering terms
of Texas and likes it better than
Within the next two weeks all
of the boys and girls will have re
turned to the different colleges.
Hampton will be represented in
the following colleges during the
coming year: Agnes Scott, Bre
nau, LaGrange Female College,
Bessie Tift, Shorter; N. G. M. A.,
Ga. Tech.; G. N. and I. C., Univer
sity School for Boys at Stone
Mr. G. C. Moore happened to a
very painful accident Saturday
afternoon. While closing a ware
house door at the Hampton Cot
ton Mills the door slipped and
crushed his right thumb.
Mr. R. L. Harris, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Har
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris at
tended the Annual Singing at Sun
ny Side Sunday afternoon.
Miss Eunice Arnold spent the
week-end with her father, Rev.
W. W. Arnold, of McDonough.
Mr. J. W. Stephens has been on
the sick list for a few days, but is
now able to be down town and at
his post of duty.
Invitations are out for the mar
riage of Miss Mattie Harper, of
Jonesboro. Her many Hampton
friends will be sorry to knew that
she will not visit us any more as
Miss Harper, but in the future as
Mrs. Mayfield. We congratulate
Mr. Mayfield upon his very wise
selection of a life companion. And
may the future have in store for
them nothing but happinbss and
Miss Marian Bowen, of Jewell,
Ga., will spend the week-end with
Miss Irene Moore and leave Mon
day for Forsyth, where she will
attend Bessie Tift College during
the coming year. Miss Moore will
also leave Monday to attend Bes
sie Tift College.
Miss Ethel Moore and Miss Liz
zie Redwine spent Tuesday and
Wednesday with Hon. R. P. Min
ter, of Woolsey.
Mr. J. B. Brown has been quite
ill for the past two weeks with
fever, but at this time is slowly
School opened here Thursday,
September Ist, with 104 pupils.
Mr. R. H. Moore, Sr., left last
week to spend some time in Jack
son and Indian Spring.
Mrs' A. F. MacMahon, of- Jack
son, spent Sunday and Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stephens.
Miss Irene Moore returned home
Saturday from Jewell, Ga., where
she spent a week as the guest of
Miss Marian Bowen.
Miss Frances Arnold is home
from a house party given by Miss
Combs, of Locust Grove.
Mrs. R. J. Arnold and Miss
Frances Arnold, of Hampton, were
visitors to the city Saturday. —At-
lanta Constitution.
Miss Ethel Minter has just re
turned home from a pleasant visit
to her brother, Hon. R. P. Minter,
of Woolsey.
Mr. R. E. Henderson went over
to Jackson last Friday afternoon
in his auto.
Miss Lizzie Redwine, of Atlanta,
is spending some time with friends
and relatives here.
Mr. Harry Harp and Dr. J. A.
Chambers, of Inman, were here
Friday afternoon on a business
Mr. Alton Steel, of Concord, was
here Saturday on business.
A large number from here at
tended the Annual Singing at
Sunny Side Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. S. P. Hooten, of Eastern
Henry, is visiting relatives in At
lanta. Her daughter, Miss Francis,
accompanied her to Atlanta and
from there has gone to Athens to
attend the State Normal School.
Mrs. H. W. Copeland and chil
dren are visiting in McDonough.—
Butts County Progress.
Mr. Ralph Turner visited At
lanta Monday.
Miss Leona Welch is with the
most reliable and high standing
firm, Walker Bros. & Co., and
she will be glad to see all of her
Miss Lizzie Brown has returned
to her home in Calhoun after an
extended visit to Mrs. J. H.
Jeff ares.
Mr. Theodore Benning, of At
lanta, visited Mr. Q. R. Nolan sev
eral days this week.
Miss Lucile Hendrix, of Waver
ly Hall, has returned home after
an extended visit to Mrs. H. S.
Miss Ella Harrell left Thursday
for Palmetto to visit friends and
relatives, after a visit to Miss Liz
zie Nolan. t
Miss Blanche' Wentzell returned
Wednesday from a pleasant visit
to her old home at Harper’s Ferry,
Va., and relatives at other Vir
ginia points, and a business trip
to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and
New York, where she bought an
excellent line of the latest styles
in millinery.
I have my Ginning outfit in
perfect order and want to sell.
Will make price and terms right.
R. C. Brown,
9-9. Locust Grove, Ga.
Miss Minnie Forrester, who was
in charge of the millinery depart
ment for the Copeland-Turner
Mercantile Company last season,
has arrived in the city and will be
in charge of this department the
coming season.
Miss Rosa McDonald, of Snap
ping Shoals, visited in Atlanta last
week, accompanying Master Mc-
Donald on his return home from
several weeks visit to his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Mr. P. B. Cheek made a visit to
Atlanta last week.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson and Miss
Elon Tolleson visited Atlantaj Fri
Stockbrldge Social Items,
Miss Willie Eve has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. W. W.
Ward, the past three weeks, and
left Monday to attend the State
Normal School at Athens.
Master James Allen has returned
to Mrs. John Walden’s to attend
school here.
Mrs. John Mays and children
have returned home, after a visit
to relatives in Atlanta.
Mr. Joseph B. Shields spent
Sunday here.
Miss Dora Milam expects to
spend this winter at home and
take music lessons in Atlanta.
Miss Milam is talented in music
and her musicals greatly are ap
preciated here.
Misses Laura May and Lillian
Davis have gone to Finleyson, Ga.,
to be the guests of Mrs. Slade at a
house party.
Mrs. W. W. Ward spent Tues
day in McDonough as the guest of
Miss Annie Nolan. She was ac
companied home by Misses Ruth
Walker and Lucy Reagan and Mr.
Carl Sloan.
Miss Leonora Grant is attending
school in McDonough.
BEST of work at LOWEST
prices, Ford, Specialist in filling,
experienced Baltimore first-hon
o r dental-graduate. Masonic
Building. 9-16
I will loan money on improved
faims at six percent interest, long,
time. If you need money write me.
Lester C. Dickson, Atty.
Fayetteville, Ga
Go to Atkinson’s for Bread
Phone 68. i 9-9.
A Good Position
Can be had by ambitious young
men and ladies in the field of
“Wireless” or Railway telegraphy.
Since the 8-hour law became ef
fective, and since the Wireless
companies are establishing sta
tions throughout the country,
there is a great shortage of tel
Positions pay beginners from
S7O to S9O per month, with good
chances of advancement. The
National Telegraph Institute op
erates six official institutes in
America, under supervision of R.
R. and Wireless Officials and
places all graduates into positions.
It will pay you to write them for
full details at Memphis, Tenn., or
Columbia, S. C. 10-28.8.
Miss Ward McWilliams, who is:
attending school at Locust Grove,
spent Sunday and Monday at home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ward spent
Sunday in Atlanta.
School opened Monday morning;
with sixty scholars. We are glad
to welcome Mrs. O. E. Ham, Misses
Florence and Felicia Morrison
back as teachers. Miss Nina Har
ris, of Hampton, is the music
teacher for this year. Stockbridge
is greatly benefitted by this splen
did corps of teachers and is ex
pecting the best school we have
ever had.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mann were
the guests of Mrs. James High
tower Sunday.
Protracted services will begin
at the Stockbridge Presbyterian
church next Sunday, the 11th in
stant. The pastor, the Rev. L. B.
Fields, of Conyers, will be assisted
in the preaching by the Rev. Jas.
Bradley, of Jackson. Everybody
is urged and invited to attend.
Misses Florence and Felecia
Morrison will take up their school
work at Stockbridge Monday.—
Butts County Progress.
Miss Ella Harrell, who is the
guest of Miss Lizzie Nolan, and
Miss Annie Lemon, went to Atlan
ta Saturday for the matinee.
Mrs. Tom Patterson and her
sister, Mrs. John Brown, of Locust
Grove, were called to Atlanta last
week by the death of an uncle,
Mr. S. M. Sutton, who died from
an operation. He was a traveling
man and was often at McDon
ough, where his death is regretted
by a number of friends.
Mr. E. M. Copeland visited At
lanta Friday.
Mrs. H. L. Dunn and Miss Helen
Dunn spent Friday in the Gate
Miss Lena Moore, of Atlanta,
visited Mrs. R. A. Sloan Sunday.
Mrs. A. C. Dunn, of Bullochville,
is spending this w'eek as the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. R. A. Sloan.
Miss Hope Thrasher left Satur
day for Cave Springs to resume
her position as a teacher in the
High School there.
Mr. T. A. Sloan spent Friday in
Go to Atkinsbn’s for Bread.
Phone 68. 9-9.