Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Father of Former MeHonoiigh Attor
ney l’msts Aw»y »t M
Conyers Homs.
We copy the following from
the Constitution of Tuesday:
—“Judge George W. deaton,
of this place died at 1:30 a. m.,
September 12, after a severe ill
ness of two weeks’ duration.
Judge Gleaton was 65 years old
and leaves a wife and four child
ren —Colonel John S. Gleaton, of
Atlanta, W. S. Gleaton, of Louis
ville, Ky.; Miss Lucy and Miss
Sallie Fannie Gleaton, of Con
yers. He was a very prominent
attorney and a Confederate sol
dier. Funeral will be Tuesday
afternoon, September 13* it 4:30
p. m.”
Judge Gleaton was well knowq
in McDonough and Henry county.
His son, Mr. John S. Oteaton,
lived here for several years and
practiced law here, and Judge
Gleaton himself often visited his
son and was a practitioner at the
bar here. He also leav§# two
brothers living in this county,
Messrs. C. C. and T. J. Gleaton.
Judge Gleaton was a Confed
erate veteran and a gentleifcan of
the old school, of excellent char
acter and high ability in his chos
en profession.
His many friends in Henry
county join with the bereaved
family and brothers in sympathy.
A. P. 3,
“The good old summer time” is
drawing to a close, and many of
the good things of that season
are playing out.
Cotton picking is beginning to
furnish employment to the peo
Messrs. Austin and Bartlett
have returned from the low coun
try with their saw mill machinery,
which they will operate a while in
the home land of Henry now.
Rev. W. J. Debardeleben
preached excellent sermons to his
Mt. Bethel flock Saturday and
Sunday, and their home raised'
evangelist, Rev. Ed Cowan, did
the same Saturday night and Sun
day night.
Mrs. .Elbert Andrews and son,
Paul, of Rockdale, visited rela
tives in Beersheba and attended' 1
services at Mt. Bethel from Fri
day till Monday.
Mr. Bob Smith and family, of
Rockdale, visited Mr. Frank
Strawn and family Sunday. They
brought some song books with
them and dispensed some excel
lent vocal music.
We had with us at this station
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bledsoe and children. And Mon
day morning, Mrs, W. H. Austin
and children, and afternoon, Mrs.
Will Lane and children and Mrs.
Walter Evans and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Hooten
are entertaining a young lady vis
itor from fairy land this week.
Mrs. J. A. Presson is on a visit
to relatives in Alabama and Mr.
Presson is taking advantage of
her absence to have their home
repaired and improved. -
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver vis
ited relatives in Butts Sunday
and went shopping to Jackson
Monday. A. P. S.
Daughters of the Confederacy
to Meet Again.
Mrs. T. J. Brown, President of
the Charles T. Zachry Chapter,
United Daughters of the Confed
eracy, requests that all members
be present at the regular meeting
in the Chapter’s club room in the
Masonic Building on the afternoon
of the fourth Thursday in Septem
ber a t 4 o’clock, a s important
business is to be considered.
Miss Ella Harrell returned from
her visit to Palmetto via McDon
ough and left here Thursday for
Albany, to resume her school du
Miss Annie Nolan will spend
the week end in Atlanta as the
guest of Miss Laurie Benning.
Mr. M. R. Johnson, of Jackson,
is engaged this week in adding to
the interior beauty of The Bank of
Henry County, by some artistic
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith and
little daughter, Louise, and Mr.
Smith’s mother visited Atlanta
Miss Hattie Sue Lowe spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Miss Cora Betts spent .Wednes
day in Atlanta.
Society ttiappeeiegs
Mrs. J. M. Carmichael Entertains
Mrs. James M. Carmichael was
a most charming hostess last Fri
day afternoon.
The rooms and hall were attrac
tive with their decorations of
nasturtium and jardineers of ferns
and beghnias.
There were eight tables of pro
gressive dominoes.
Punch was served by Misses
Alla B. Carmichael and Helen
Later delicious sandwiches,
pickles and sherbet were served.
Those invited were: Mesdames
J. F. Wall, T. A. Lifsey, Howard
Carmichael, Lawrence Duffy, E. J.
Reagan, Zachry Thompson, Robt.
Johnson, Roy Turner, Julia Mc-
Donald, Sidney Farrar, Tom Pat
terson, R. H. Hankinson, Paul
Turner, Homer Turner, Joe Smith,
T. A. Sloan, Will Turner, D. T.
Carmichael, Alex Brown, Ben
Neal, E. M. Smith, J. G. Smith E.
M. Copeland, Fouche Lemon, Asa
Lemon, Green Copeland, Arthur
Stewart, Annie Nolan, Henry Wil
liams, J. B. Norman, Henry High
tower, R. A. Sloan, Lon Sowell,
J. A. Simpson, J. B. Dickson, J. A.
Fouche, H. B. Carmichael, M. C.
Lowe, George Wright, Will Van
deventer, Will Welch, Miss Nena
Tye. Reagan Hostess.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan entertained
the ladies at a “42” party yester
day afternoon as a compliment
to Mrs. J. B. Settle of, Jackson.
The ladies were received on
the lawn, and were served with
punch by Misses Eleen Neal and
Ruby Walker.
Progressive dominoes were en
joyed for some time.
Cream and cake were served at
the conclusion of the game,
and W. B. J. Inrgram.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday septehber i 6, h>io.
Dr. Arnold Buys Stock in This
Excellent Institution.
Dr. E. T. Arnold, who has been
with the above named company
for a long time, has now bought
an interest in the same and will
locate here permanently.
He needs no introduction, for
he is now well known to the trade
and the public generally.
When he came here two years
ago, he was a perfect stranger; but
by his quiet, courteous manner to
those with whom h e comes i n
contact and his close attention to
business, he has become popular
at his place of business, and now
numbers his friends by the score.
He will continue to conduct the
prescription department, and all
who have prescriptions to fill will
find him a specialist in this line, as
he is a graduate of one of the best
schools of pharmacy in the coun
try, and is thoroughly competent
to fill any prescript,on.
The company has done well
with his services as an employee,
and expects to do even better with
him as a partner, and will apprec
iate the continued patronage of its
many frieddsand customers.
Mrs. Horton Hostess.
Mrs. B. E. Horton entertained
in her usual charming way at
“42” Monday afternoon.
A delicious salad and ice course
was served.
Among those present and en
joying Mrs. Horton’s hospitality
Mrs. Lifsey, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs.
Hightower, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs.
Turner, Mrs. Hooten, Miss Beulah
Atkinson and Miss Clara Bright.
Miss Juliette Payne and Mr. Jes
se M. Greer were happily united in
marriage Sunday afternoon at
the residence of Judge Robt.
Chappell, Judge Chappell officiat
They are two of Rocky Creek
community’s popular and well
j known young people and a host
I of friends extend best wishes.
The bride is the accomplished
I duugiiiei Ox iur. and i>u*. L. A.
! Payne, and the groom is the
: youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
j T. Greer.
Mr. and Mrs. Greer are making
| their home for the present with
I the groom’s father near Rocky
| Creek.
Mrs. Phil Pruitt Hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pruitt enter
| tained the young people delight-
I fully on last Saturday evening.
Games, music and conversation
! were enjoyed.
Those present were Misses
'Nora Smith, Kathleen Smith,
1 Fjoy Davis, Imogene Jenks, Lucy
Harrison, Elizabeth Biissitt, Birdie
Barham, Kate Ellis, Lila Pruitt.
Messrs. Alvin Davis, R. B. Har
rison, Sam Harkness, Sam Ellis,
McGoliough Bhssitt, Mr. Stall
t worth, of Griffin, Oscar Smith,
i George Moore, L. H. Moore, Clint-
I on Crawford, Tom Harrison.
Smyrna Items.
Miss Leila Farmer was the guest
of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Dodson, of Atlanta.
Miss Annie Townsend was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Pearl
Farmer, part of last week.
Several attended the fish fry
Miss Alberta Walcott and sister
are spending a while in Conyers
with their friends and relatives.
Mr. J. M. Leftwich and family
are going to move to Redan an
other year. He has rented out
the place where he now lives.
Miss Palestine Parker has re
turned home after a month’s visit
to her brother.
Mr. J. M. Leftwich and wife vis
ited Mr. J. M. Pair and family last
The show that was given at
Smyrna academy last Thursday
night was enjoyed by all that were
present, except those that were
scared by the cloud that was com
ing up.
The death angel visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ben
nett last week and carried away
her mother, Mrs. Gilmore, to a
world beyond.
A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
Georgia Girl.
Progress Movements.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton McCul
lough visited the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hand, Sunday.
Miss Maud Stephenson, of near
Hampton, is the guest of friends
and relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchett,
of Mt. Carmel, visited Mr. Henry
Mitchell and family Sunday.
Miss Dennis Fields, of Flippen,
spent Monday night with Miss
Estelle Alexander.
Miss Annie Stephenson returned
to her home Sunday afternoon,
after a week’s stay with her
brother, Mr. Jim Stephenson.
We are glad to know that Mr.
W. M. Alexander has about recov
ered from his severe illness of
typhoid fever, but his daughter,
Nellie, is still very ill. We hope
they will soon be well again.
Mr. and Mrs. George Adamson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Exum.
Little Miss Kate Burch, of Flip
per., visited little Miss Nellie Alex
ander, a while Sunday afternoon.
The ice cream supper given by
Mr. Walter Hand Saturday night
was highly enjoyed by all present.
• Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alexander
attended the barbecue at Rex
List of Letters.
Remaining Undelivered Fom i'he Post
Offieeat McDonough, Ga., Forihe
Period Ending Sept. 12, 191 u.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Misses: Martin, E. A.
Mesdames: Ashcraft, L. J.; Cal
loway, Mattie; Neal, Maggie; Wise,
Messrs: More, J. H.; Macon, L.;
H.; Preston, Mac; Turner, R. V. i
PAGES $' A Year
Has Just Opened With Excellent
Officers and Directors.
The progressive little city of
Locust Grove has taken another
long stride forward and now
boasts a right new bank.
It is the Citizens’ Bank and
opened its doors on the Bth in
stant in the store of the Hon. R.
C. Brown, which will be its home
temporarily until permanent quar
ters are provided.
The bank is organized with a
capital stock of $30,000.00, and an
unusually strong corps of officers
and directors.
Mr. John L. Gardner is the
president, and Professor Claude
Gray, the vice-president. Both
are local men and well and favor
ably known in the town and
The Cashier, Mr. J.C. McKnight,
hails from Senoia, but has con
ducted the affairs of a number of
banks in other towns with suc
cess. He is also a genial gentle
man whom it is a pleasure to
The directors are as follows:
Messrs. J. L. Gardner, L. O.
Benton, W. I. Parr, C. H. Castel
law, G. B. Childs, W. A. Combs,
W. H. Bailey, and Dr. J. A. Combs.
We congratulate the city of Lo
cust Grove on adding one more
excellent institution to its already
excellent banking facilities oud
wish for them abundant success.
Miss Ilah G. Branan returned
home last week from a visit to
relatives in Atlanta.
Miss Lollie Bell Patillo returned
to Atlanta Sunday, having been
the guest of Miss Ilah Branan the
past week.
Mrs. Margaret Frazier is the
guest of Mrs. James Hightower.
Misses Florence and Felecia
Morrison spent the week-end at
their home in Jackson.
Miss Annie Nolan, of McDon
ough, was the guest of Mrs. W.
W. Ward last Monday.
Rev. L. B. Field went to the
Presbytery Tuesday, returning to
Stockbridge Thursday to continue
his part in the protracted meeting
which is in progress at the Pres
byterian church here. Rev. James
Bradley has preached, some able
sermons. Services will continue
until next Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Britt, of
Atlanta announce the birth of a
daughter. Mrs. Britt before her
marriage was Miss Jennie Branan,
and was one of our attractive
young women.
Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison returned
home last week, after an extended
trip in the Northeast, in company
with Miss Mary Ola Lee, of At
Mr. R. A. Hemphill, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Walden last week.
Miss Ruth Clark will have as
her dinner guests on Friday Miss
Lillian Hightower, Miss Carrie
Gossett, Rev. L. B. Field, Mr. Hor
ace Hawkins and Mr. A. G. Smith.