Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Society Happenings
Popular McDonough Couple Were
Married Wednesday Krmiing.
A most beautiful and interesting
event of the season was the wed
ding of Miss Elon Tolleson and
Mr. Marvin Turner, which occurred
Wednesday evening at the Baptist
Before the entrance of the bridal
barty Miss Ethel Beyer played some
charming selections.
The party entered the church
to the strains of Lohengrin’s wed
ding march, the maids being Misses
Bess Fouche, Corrie Bridges, Ruby
Walker and Lucy Reagan. They
wore point lace dresses over yel
low satin and carried pink carna
The groomsmen were Messrs.
Ed Reagan, Ralph Turner, Otis and
Dee Tolleson. The bride entered
on the arm of her maid, Miss Nina
Harris, and the groom on the arm
of his best man, Mr.. George Mal
The were met at the altar by
the Rev. S. B. Cousins, who per
formed the ceremony very beau
tifully, under a canopy of pink -and
yellow chrysanthemums.
The bride’s bouquet consisted of
bride’s roses and filies of the val
ley. Miss Harris carried yellow
After the ceremony the party
left the church to the strains of
the same march.
The happy couple left amid
showers of congratulations and
rice at 9:30 o’clock for Atlanta to
attend the Horse Show. They
will go to Florida later in the sea
Mesdames Weems, Neal and
Smith Entertain.
On last Friday afternoon Mes
dames Julian Weems, Benton Neal,
and Ernest Smith were the charm
ing hostesses at a “Forty-two”
party given at the handsome new
home of Mrs. Smith.
The colors, green and yellow,
were beautifully carried out, the
decorations throughout being
golden rod and graceful ferns in
brass jardiniers.
The guests were served de
lightful sherbet before the game,
progressive “Forty-two,” and was
most enjoyable. The hostesses
were assisted in entertaining by
Misses Agness Dunn and Ellene
Neal, wearing dainty white dresses.
About forty guests were pres
ent. '
Miss Ethel Sowell, Hostess.
Miss Ethel Sowell entertained
Monday morning in honor of her
guest, Miss Stevie Brogden, of
The game of “42” was enjoyed
and delicious refreshments were
The charming hospitality of the
fair hostess was thoroughly en
joyed by all present.
Miss Bertha Bunn Hostess.
Miss Bertha Bunn was hostess
at tea on last Friday evening. Her
guests included all the teachers of
the McDonough City School.
McDonough, Georgia, . Friday October 2i, 1910.
Mrs. Tolleson Hostess.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson was hostess
at a lovely buffet supper Tuesday
evening in honor of the attendants
of the Tolleson-Turner wedding.
After the rehearsal at the
church the wedding party return
ed to the home of the bride where
the excellent supper was served.
On the back of the attractive place
cards were toasts, which were
given, the Rev. S. B. Cousins act
ing as toastmaster. The wedding
cake was cut, Miss Harris cutting
the ring, Miss Bridges the thimble
and Mr. George Mallet the dime.
Punch was served by Miss Lueile
Tolleson and Miss Eva Tolleson.
Those present were: Misses
Elon Tolleson, Nina Harris, Bess
[Fouche, Corrie Bridges and Lucy
Reagan; Messrs. Marvin Turner,
George Mallet, Ed Reagan, Ralph
Turner, Otis and Dee Tolleson.
Mrs. H. L. Carmichael, Hostess.
Mrs. Howard Carmichael enter
tained the young people delight
fully on last Friday evening as a
compliment to her guest, Miss
Ella Turner, of Atlanta.
Punch was served on the veran
Games and conversation were
enjoyed until a late hour, and later
an ice course was severed.
Those who enjoyed Mrs. Car
michael’s hospitality were: Misses
Bess Fouche, Ruth and Ruby
Walker, Eddie Erie VanDeventer,
Ellen Neal, Lucy Reagan, Ethel
Sowell, Ruth Rape, Stenie Brog
den, of Suwanee, Jane Stanfield,
of Jackson, and Ella Turner, of
Atlanta, Mess. Edison Smith, John
Hightower, Arthur Bowden, Tom
mie Tolleson, Tom Wall, Q. R.
Nolan, Adam Sloan, Walter In
gram, Fred Walker, Otis Tolleson
and Hendley Daniel.
Miss Annie Nolan Guest of Honor.
One of the box parties at the
Atlanta Horse Show Thursday
evening was given in honor of
Miss Annie. Nolan.
The party was as follows: Misses
Annie Nolan, Bess Fouche, and
Laurie Benning; and Messrs. R. A.
Thompson, the host, and T. J.
Cheshire, and John McGhee.
Salmagundi Club Entertained.
The Salmagundi Club wa s
charmingly entertained yesterday
afternoon by the Misses Bunn.
The game of “42” was enjoyed
and delicious refreshments were
Among the out-of-town guests
at the Tolleson-Turner wedding
were Mr. and Mrs. Hall Turner, of
Jackson, Mr. Eugene McMichael,
of Jackson, Dr. Arthur Jones, of
Woodbury, and Mrs. H. C. Bridges,
of Atlanta.
P. B. Cheek, the Jeweler, is to
day moving into his handsome
new quarters, in the building re
cently completed by Mr. J. C.
Daniel. This is Mr. Cheek’s for
mer location, but in an entirely
new house, where he is much
better fitted up and will be pre
pared to welcome with pleasure
all who desire anything in the
way of jewelry, cut glass, etc.
Pike County Officers Remember
Him With Beautiful Gift.
Last week Judge E. J. Reagan
presided over Pike Superior Court
for the last time, as he retires
from the office at the end of the
year. ■
He was remembered in a most
pleasant way during the court, by
being presented with a beautiful
gold-headed walking cane appro
priately engraved.
Messrs. R. C. Mathews and M.
G. Harrison, the clerk and sheriff
respectively of Pike county, were
the donors, and chose a most ap
propriate way of expressing their
high regard and esteem for their
friend, the retiring Judge.
Judge Reagan thoroughly ap
preciates the valuable token and
is showing it to his friends with
much pride.
“Farmer 1 ' Carmichael Makes
Fine Corn.
Mr. B. B. Carmichael has shown
us a sample ear of corn from his
acre and one-half patch, which
yielded him 97 bushels.
This is the Fargason-Turner
variety of corn which has been
raised by these families for sixty
years or more, and is as fine any
that grows.
Mr. Carmichael used only 500
pounds of fertilizers and 200
pounds of nirate of soda on this'
patch, his fertilizer bill being
Mr. “Dock” Turner has one of
the finest fields of corn that we
have seen, with three and four
full formed ears to the stalk, and
there are many others.
Mrs. Sarah J. McKinney died
Saturday morning at 10 o’clock at
the residence of her son-in-law,
Mr. S. P. Anderson, near Peach
stone Shoals.
The funeral was at Zion church
Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Mrs. McKinney was a noble
Christian lady and will be missed
by many friends and neighbors.
She is survived by three daugh
ters, Mrs. Frank Anderson, of At
lanta, Mrs. Joe Wall, of this coun
ty, and Mrs. Sarah Glover, of
Birmingham, Ala., and one son,
Mr. Will McKinney, of this county.
Mrs. Mary Ann Driver passed
awa> Saturday afternoon at four
o’clock at her home in Love’s Dis
trict. The burial was at Palmer’s
burial ground Sunday afternoon
at 3 o’clock. The Rev. G. W.
Owen conducted the funeral serv
She is survived by her husband,
W. M. Driver, and three daugh
ters and one son.
Card of Thanks
I desire to extend, through The
Weekly, my heartfelt thanks to
our kind and good neighbors and
friends and our physician, for all
their loving care and kindly acts
during the illness, and their sym
pathy upon the death of my hus
band, Mr. I. L. Sowell.
Mrs. I. L. Sowell.
These Two Teams to Meet on
Grtdiron Saturday
Next Saturday afternoon, at 3:00
o’clock, on the Locust Grove In
stitute grounds, the football teams
of Locust Grove Institute and Gor
don Institute will meet in a game
which promises to be interesting
to the lovers of the game.
This will be'the first time these
schools have met in a football
game. A large crowd from Mc-
Donough will probably attend.
An event of wide spread inter
est is the Philomathean Reception
on Saturday night, October 22d,
at L. G. I. A number of former
L. G. I. girls and boys now at
Shorter and Mercer will be pres
ent. Among these are Miss Es
telle Castellaw, Miss Lueile Mid
dlebrooks, Miss Lorena Combs,
Miss Lois Walker, Mr. Tack Adam
son, Mr. Frank Hodges, Mr. Mack
Smith, Mr. John Jenkins, and
many others.
The dedicatory services of the
Methodist church at Locust Grove,
Rev. W. I). Deßardeleben, pastor,
occurred Sunday morning, Octo
ber 16. Rev. Mr. Akin, of Atlan
ta, conducting the services. In
the afternoon an interesting chil
dren’s service was held.
The remains of Andrew Davis,
aged 22, who died of pellagra at
Griffin. Gal, were sent to Locust
Grove for interment Sunday after
noon. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. W. D. Deßar
First Week of Fall Term Began
The regular fall term of Superior
Court convened here iast Monday
morning, with Judge Reagan pre
siding, and Solicitor General Wise
and Reporter Searcy at their posts
of duty.
Judge Reagan delivered his
usually appropriate and forceful
charge to the grand jury, which
was his last charge to a Henry
county grand jury, as he retires
from office at the end of this year.
The first three days of the week
were spent in trying civil cases,
and the criminal docket will be
called next Monday.
List of Letters.
Remaining Undelivered Fom The Post
Ofliceat McDonough, (Ja., For the
Period Ending Oct. 17, 1910.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Misses Betsie; Smith, Carrie Sue.
Mesdames Asbery, Beckie;
Brooks, Henry.
Messrs. Brooks, Arthur; Burns,
Charlie; Barnes, Johnnie; Connell,
Urel; Cook, J. D.; Daniel, C. M.;
Daniel. Charley; Goodwin, Ben;
Hartsfield, Mac.; Jesty, Walter;
Northon, J. J.; Phillips, Ike; Steph
ens, Sherman; Sowell, J. F.;
Thompson, J. W.; Wallace, Harry.
A pleasant trip in autos was
I made to Atlanta Monday by Mr.
| and Mrs. Brewery, Miss Glausier
and Miss Owen, in Mr. Drewry’s
car, and Mrs, R. C. Brown. Mrs.
John Brown and Mr. John Brown,
in Mr. R. C. Brown’s machine.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Arnold and
Miss Blanche Williams came over
Saturday from Senoia automobil
ing and were the guests of Mrs.
R. C. Brown.
Mr. J. 11. Bedgood and two*chil
dron, Miss Tommie and John
Henry, are visiting Mr. aud Mrs.
J. M. Walker.
Sunday Miss Ethel Coan enter
tained as her guests, Misses Ma
mie and Myrtis Moore, of Conley,
Miss Leake Clarke and Mr. Elbert
Parr, Mr. George and Mr. Clarke.
Miss Ethel Faulkner, of Monti
cello, is expected Saturday to be
the guest of Mrs. Drewry.
Mr. Elbert Parr, Mr. Jim Hub
bard and Mr. Walter Hubbard at
tended the marriage of Miss Elon
Tolleson and Mr. Marvin Turner,
in McDonough Wednesday night.
Miss Bessie Dixon spent the
week-end with her sister, Mrs. L.
C. Holsombach.
Mrs. Rob Brown, so well re
membered as Miss Mary Riley,
was the guest of Miss I dllian Price
last week.
Mrs. R. N. Callaway has return
ed home after spending several
weeks in South Georgia.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo, of McDon
ough, spent Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Upchurch.
Daughters of Confederacy Will
Be Hostess.
The Joe Wheeler Chapter of the
Daughters of the Confederacy of
Stockbride .will give a barbecue
next Saturday, tomorrow, at Stock
bridge, near the depot.
Let everybody come an encour
age these good people in their
great cause, and also enjoy the
good eating.
Mrs, Sarah Phillips Breaks
Her Arm.
Mrs. Sarah Phillips suffered a
painful accident this morning at
the McDonough House, which she
and Mr. Joe Chafin are now con
ducting. Mrs. Phillips walked from
the house into the front yard and
in some way made a false step
upon the large roots which spread
out over the yard from the high
oak tree. She fell upon the ground
and broke her left arm in falling.
Dr. Horton set the broken limb
and Mrs. Phillips is now doing
For Sale
One Fine Black Stallion. For
price and particulars apply or
write to Box 65,
11-11, 4. Locust Grove, Ga.