Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Former Resident of McDonough
Weds a Jackson Lady
We copy the following from last
week’s Pike County Journal con
cerning the marriage of Mr. Dil
lard Sams, who was for a year or
two a resident of McDonough, be
ing engaged here in the cotton
business, and his many friends here
united in congratulating him upon
his good fortune:
“Mr. Dillard Sams and Miss Lola
Edwards, of Jackson, were mar
ried in Griffin Sunday, the cere
mony being performed by the Rev.
Dr. Murray, pastor of the Griffin
Presbyterian church.
“ Mr. Sams left here last Sunday
in an automobile, accompanied by
Mr. Lewis Milner and Dr. K. C.
Burnley, and went over to Jack
son, where the bride was in readi
ness for the party, and they left
ostensibly for a trip to the big
power dam on the Ocmulgee, but
came directly on to Griffin and
were married.
“The bride is the daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. T. S. Edwards, who
served the Methodist church here
in 1905, and is well known here
where she has many friends who
admire her for her many excellent
“ Mr. Sams is a son of Mr. J. R.
Sams, who has traveled this terri
tory as a drummer for many years,
. and is a highly esteemed young
man. He has just recently ac
cepted a position as bookkeeper
for Means-Dickson Company and
has made many good friends here.
The popular young couple have
the best wishes of their many
friends for a long and happy
wedded life.”
Stockbridge Circuit For 1911.
The fourth Quarterly Confer
ence on Saturday, the 22d, closed
up the business of the circuit for
1910. The stewards reported the
pastor’s salary all paid. The pas
tor reported all the missionary
assessments paid, leaving a bal
ance to be collected for worn-out
preachers. Dr. J. H. Eakes com
plimented the circuit as making as
fine a showing as any charge in
the Griffin district so far report
ing on the last round.
The officers elected for next
year are as follows:
Stewards: At Stockbridge —S.
C. McWilliams; W. W. Milam,
Uriah Askew, Ward Crumbley
and A. W. Mays. At Bethel —W.
G. Callaway; J. W. Thurman, W.
N. South, J. W. Pattillo, T. G.
Swann. At Union —T. G. White
W. 0. Mann, C. P. Aiken, W. A.
Bellah; Edgar Cowan. At Wil
liams’ Chapel —L. C. Butleu, J. T.
Lambert, A. W. Farmer, L. S. Pea
cock and Thos. D. Alexander.
Sunday School Superintendents:
At Stockbridge —W. K. Brannan.
At Bethel —W. N. South. At Un
ion—W. A. Bellah. At .Williams’
Chapel—H. E. Gray.
The first degree will be con
ferred at the regular meeting of
Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A.
M., on the first Friday night in No
vember. On the following Tues
day night, November Bth, the third
degree will be conferred. All
those qualified are cordially in
T. J. BROWN, W. M.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday October 28, \pio.
Children of Confederacy Meet
Friday Afternoon.
The Children of the Confed
eracy will meet Friday afternoon,
at 3 o’clock, upstairs in the Ma
sonic building.
It is desired that not, only the
present members be 'present, but
that other children come and join.
The impression seems to prevail
among some of the children that
this excellent organization is not
intended for boys, but only for the
This is a mistake, but the boys
can join and are wanted as mem
So go Friday and join and be
gin early to be useful in this way.
Superior Court Tries Many Casss
As we go to press Superior
Court is still in session, trying
criminal cases.
The criminal docket is one of
the heaviest in years, and many
cases have been disposed of.
The grand jury brought in their
general presentments and ad
journed Wednesday afternoon.
Letter From Stockbridge.
The Joe Wheeler Chapter U. D.
C. will give a barbecue Saturday,
October 29. The public are in
vited to help a good cause.
Miss Myra Berry was in Atlanta
Saturday the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Frank English.
Mrs. Berry Hinton and Mrs. Au
gustus Swann are attending the
U. D. C. convention at Cartersville
this week.
Miss Hah G. Branan has re
turned from a visit to her sister,
Mrs. Merritt, in Atlanta.
Mrs. Walter Hightower and Mrs.
Parks Lee spent last Monday in
Did court get you this time? It
didn’t me.
Fields begin to look like cotton
picking season is nearly over,
though it is said Bud Wilkerson
picked 400 pounds one day last
week and toted his own cotton.
Messrs. Jack Haines and John
Garner and families, of Woods
town and Sandy Ridge, and Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Bartlett, of
Tussahaw, visited Beersheba rela
tives Sunday.
Alex Carter broke bread with
us Saturday, while patronizing
Oliver Jones’ shop.
The morning breeze treats us a
little cool, and reminds us of the
old days when scraped shoats
came in fresh from the woods of
Next second Saturday, which
will be the last call of Rev. W. J.
Debardeleben at Mt. Bethel, un
less, when the annual conference
meets, he is resentenced. The
church people are talking of hold
ing a conference among them
Notice Patrons.
All patrons of McDonough City
School are requested to pay their
tuition promptly, not later than
the tenth of each month, as it
takes money to pay the teachers
and we have haye no time to come
to see you about it. Get certifi
cates at Bank of Henry County.
J. B. Dickson, Pres.
City Board ©l Education.
An Exciting Race Is
Diamond Ring Contest
Contestants Are Working Hard And The
Ballots Are Pouring In
The Henry County Weekly’s
contest for the Diamond Ring,
Sewing Machine and Bicycle is
aaousing more interest every day
throughout the county. The votes
are coming into our office in large
numbers every day.
The contestants are working like
beavers and our readers are re
sponding with a spirited interest
in the various young ladies in the
contest and are paying their sub
scriptions in large numbers and
new subscriptions are pouring in.
We give below the standing of
the contestants, as they stand on
Wednesday morning, Oct. 26.
Let all the contestants keep up
their efforts, as more than a month
yet remains in which to work, and
it is anybody’s race > et.
If others not in the race desire
to enter, they can get rules and
instructions by calling on or ad
dressing Frank Reagan, editor and
pablisher, McDonough, Georgia.
There is yet time for new entries
to push even the leaders for first
The contest closes December 17,
almost Christmas.
As an additional incentive to the
contestants and inducement to new
subscribers, we have the follow
ing offer to new subscribers:
Another Football Game
at Locust Grove Monday.
In the football game at Locust
Grove last Saturday, Locust Grove
Institute and Gordon Institute
played each other to a tie. It was
a beautiful game.
For next Monday arf'equally in
teresting game on the same
grounds is promised. The team
from the University School for
Boys at Stone Mountain will op
pose the Locust Grove eleven.
Both are strong teams and the
McDonough lovers of the game
are urged to come down and see
Announcement oi Liberty hi’;!
There will be another singing at
Liberty Hill on the afternoon of
the second Sunday in November,
at 3 o’clock.
Professor Lee and his three
sons, of Clayton county, will be
present with their musical instru
ments, and the occasion will be a
very enjoyable one.
Everybody is cordially invited
to come.
Hampton Buggy is of the best
quality in every way. Light run
ning and lasting; and harness to
go with it. For sale by Edd
Goodwin, McDonough, Ga. tf.
Cut the coupon from The
Weekly and vote for your choice
in the Diamond Ring Contest.
All who subscribe at any time}
between nowand January 1, 1911,
for one year, paying SI.OO in ad
vance for same, either at this office
or to any of the contestants, wiil
receive the remaining issues for
this year free and will have their
paid-up time marked Jan. 1, 1912.
By subscribing now you get four
teen months of The Weekly for
the price of twelve months.
This applies, of course, only to
new subscriptions received on or
after the date of this issue.
Standing of contestants Wednes
day, October 26, 1910:
Miss Nettie Conkle 2,<00
Miss Lillie Craig ____ 21,575
Miss Faunie Crumbley ___.. 2,600
Miss Gertrude Crumbley 8,600
Mr. Boce Elliott !___ . 19,925
Miss Myrtice Fields _ _____ 1,150
j Miss Mae Glass.__ 4,325
Cora Hand 3,125
! Miss Dora Hattaway 3,750
Miss Ellen Knight
j Miss Lula Johnson _ 800
Miss Annie Pearl Jones ___ 725
Miss Trellis Lane 8,100
1 Miss Elon Mason 14,775
Miss Byrd Mitchell 13,8(X)
Miss Lucy Moore 30,750
Miss Mattie Morgan 6,850
Miss Anna McKibben 53,750
! Miss Lee Wilkins 22,425
I Mrs. W. C. Woods ... 2,700
Lillie Gordon Thompson Dies at
News has reached us of the
death of little Gordon Thompson,
better known as “Dooley,” which
occurred at the home of his sisler,
Mrs. Lula Peek Sullivan, at Gro
vania, Ga., on the instant.
The funeral and interment were
at the family burying ground at
Gordon was a bright boy of but
six years, and the many friends of
himself and relatives sympathize
with the bereaved ones in their
Ail Day Meeting at Rex.
Sunday, October 30th, will be
the next all dav Holiness meeting
at Rex. Revs. M. D. Smith, Sam
Hayes, J. L. Lofter and Jack
Penn, of Atlanta, and Mack Davis
and Mack Carnes may be present.
A stirring meeting is expected. A
basket dinner is in the program
and the public is invited to attend.
Miss Dorsey Entertains.
Miss Leola Doesey entertained
the Salamaguiidl Club most de
lightfully on yesterday afternoon.
For Rent or Sale.
5 room house on Bryant" street.
For further information see Mrs.
Anna Weaver, or The Weekly, tf.
Sterling Silver Chests of 24
pieces, at rock bottom prices at
P. B. Cheek, Jeweler.
McDonough baptist church
Services for Sunday, October
30. 1910.
Rhe following is the order of
11:00 a. m. Devotional.
11:10. Roll call of membership.
J. B. Brown.
11:20. “Our Deacons,” E. M.
11:50. “Our Sunday School,” R.
O. Jackson.
11:45. “Our W. M. Society,”
Miss Lilah Copeland.
11:55. “Our Laymen,” T. J.
12:10 p. m. “Church Member
ship,” W. W. Arnold,
12:30. Song and benediction.
Each member is earnestly re
quested to attend this service for
the church’s sake, and the general
public is most cordially invited to
be with us.
W. W. ARNOLD, Pastor.
LJsl of Letters.
HeUiainiPfX Undelivered Fom I'he Post
Ollioeat McDonough, (in., For *he
Period Endin'? Oct,. “M, mo.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Misses Carter, Lucy; Copeland,
Annie; Daniel, Della; Evans, Katie;
Low, Ida; Moore, Fannie; Nelms,
Cleo; Person, Puss.
Mesdames Brown, B.; Crowder,
Mary; Tate, Mappie; Thrasher, M.
Messrs. Bevins, W. B.; Ethridge,
11. N.; Laney, J. H.; Miller, Walter;
Renfroe, Perry; Stribley, J. W.,
Jr*.; Stewart M. A.
An election is hereby called by
the County Board of Education on
Saturday, November 19, 1910, in
the school districts of Henry county
to elect one Trustee for lull term,
and also to fill all vacancies that
now exist in all districts. The
school house is the proper place
to hold said election. Send voters
lists and talley sheets to County
School Commissioner.
Trustees and patrons will please
take due notice and comply with
above, as law directs.
11-18 Co, S- Com.
T. J. BROWN, Chairman.
McDonough, Ga., Oct. 25, 1910.
Wanted —One ambitious young
farmer, single, and 20 or 25 years
old, to learn Nursery business,
who has been used to hard work,
willing to push and lead help.
Good salary paid to right man.
Must be sober with other good
habits. Reliable references re
quired. Take position Oe.ober
15th or January Ist. A
Ga. 10-28.
A plantation containin 1 1
acres, 100 acres in fine s a of
cultivation, one half inulait nd
and one half gray land. Wei
proved, 5 room house, one e
room house, one two room
Located in 1 1-2 miles of
Point, Greene county, C
Two public roads run by tb
two good wells of water
wired in with bob-wire.