The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 28, 1910, Image 4
HltliYßß TRUST CO. Corner North Broad and Luckie Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Capital $250,000.00. ’ Surplus $50,000.00. Paid in SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 4% Compounded Semi-Annually. SI.OO O pens an Account. BANKING BY MAIL A SPECIALTY. We want you to open an account with us. Acts as Executor, Administrator, Assignee, Guardian, as Fiduciary Agent, as Trustee for Bond Issues, Transfer Agent and Registrar for Corporations. A General Trust and Fi nancial Business. Write for Booklet. B. B. CARMICHAEL & SONS, MCDONOUGH, CA. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Day Phono No. 51 Night Phone No. 53 All call* answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefully done and according to best methods Oar stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled. Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had. We furnish the best steel, brick or oement Vaults. ' 5 liSp it ) e Sard Tdep&onejj IK’ QOORER cr later, Mr. Farmer, you’ll 1 ii ij j L? v/aafca telephone ia your home. When i \ |‘ ! i ’} you get it, you’ll wonder how you got jj A* ;}!•!.'! Hong without it, for nothing can do the e % |<rrr.-r.]l ;]•' telephoned work. Its services become jj •,L •;• ij '] indispcarttble for calling a physldanj for 'JA*'** ,c .7! jj sumc oning help in n hurry; for ordering y," 1 ' ii/]j PU] i-Lcs when it's inconvenient to go to aji W '".'v-.jor for communicating with persons wherever there’s pVt g' ; j a Fell telephone. |(\v-V' | f :.‘Ziv.z? wiSiont a telephone j\ ' i £3 Zli ; :e a fersi wish r© Iskor / < saving Kkachisiery. ■ l 'J- ■ vc a \ Jen for Girnislung you and your neighbors wilh full ha .d and long-distance telephone facilities at a figure so low it will sucprlao you. V lor free booklet describing plan and giving par* lieu lues. Andress nearest Fell telephone manager or FARMERS’ LINE DSPARTKEST Southern Bell Telephone If *mm & Telegraph Co. IS Jf ts S with Pryor Sheet Atlanta. Georgia hocaU. Mr. Clarence Turner, of Winder, has been visit!:;;; relatives near McDonoi a. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Oglesby and; Miss Mauve Johnoa visited Atlan ta last week. Miss Bird Nette Manley, of Jack ssn, spent the week-end at the Brown House. Mr. a id Joe! Bankston an 1 family spent Sunday with relatives at Roberta, Cm. Mrs. R. C. Miuhews, of Annis ton, Ah., in the guest of brother, Mr. J. A. Foaehe. Prof. Claude Gray represented Locust Grove in the city Monday. —Jackson Argus. Miss Hattie Pottle; of Milledge ville, is the attractive guest of Miss Ruth Turner. Misses Fannie Crumbley and Oglesby, of Love’s District, visited McDonough Tuesday. Mrs. Thurman and Miss C. E. Attaway, of Millen, are the guests of Mrs. J. P. Simpson. Mrs. Joe Cook, of near Stock briige, w.ts the guest of friends in town Thursday night. Mr. Glenn Henderson, of Hamp ton, has been in our city this week as a member of the jury. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Noel, of At lanta, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Borders. Hamilton Watches at very low prices at P. B. Cheek, Jeweler. Little Miss Leonora Weems is very ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Weems. Mr. J. W. Stephens, of Hamp ton, was in our city Tuesday, the guest of Judge E. J. Reagan. Clocks of all kinds, SI.OO to $25 at Cheek’s, the Jeweler. The Rev. J. A. Simpson, wife and sons left Tuesday for a visit to Mr. Simpson’s parents at Toccoa. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Copeland and sons spent Sunday in Locust Grove with Mr. and Mrs. Aldine Combs. Rooms for Rent, furnished or unfurnished. Apply to u tf. Mrs. J. H. Turner. Miss Nettie Gray, Locust Grove, was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Wagner early this week. —Jackson Argus. Messrs. Jim Henderson and Homer Fields made an auto trip over from Hampton Tuesday af noon. Cut Glass at your own price at Cheek’s, the Jeweler. Sheriff J. B. Jarrell, of Meri wether county, was one of the at tendants on Superior Court here Tuesday. Misses Fannie and Annabelle Harper spent the week-end with relatives in McDonough.—Jones boro Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Fouche Lemon occupied a box at Atlanta Horse Show on Thursday evening. Cut Glass and hand-painted china dishes at Horton Drug Co. Mesdames Joel Bankston and Asa Oglesby and Miss Mamie Johnston spent last Saturday in Atlanta shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Callaway and little daughter, of Locust Grove, were the guests of Judge and Mrs. W. T. Dicken on Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Nolan entertained at tea on last Saturday evening, her guests consisting of the teachers in the McDonough city school. Mrs. E. J. Reagan is at Carters ville this week in attendance upon the U. D. C. State convention, rep resenting the McDonough chapter. Mr. R. L. Price, one of Luella’s most progressive citizens, attended court here Tuesday and remem bered The Weekly with some of tiie "‘wherewithal.” There was no preaching at the Baptist Church on Sunday owing to pastor’s absence. There will be services on the fifth Sunday: instead. Mrs. W. W. Ward, Mrs. J. G. Ward, of Stockbridge, and Mrs. Rosa Ellison and Mr. Rosser Ward, of Atlanta, made an automobile visit to McDonough Saturday. Mr. Morgan Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cowan and daughters, Misses Della and Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stroud and daughter, Miss Vera, were among the buyers from Henry county on Tuesday. —Jack- son Argus. The visiting lawyers attending Superior Court here this week were: Messrs. C. L. Redman and J. T. Moore, of Jackson; Judges J. J. Flynt and T. E. Patterson, I. W. Thurman and Lloyd Cleveland, of Griffin, Mr. Allen, of Senoia; E. A. Stephens, of Atlanta, and the Solicitor General, J. W. Wise, of Fayetteville. For Sale ‘lvory Cement Plaster” by Planters Warehouse & Lumber Co McDonough, Ga. AN INSURED BANK THE BANK OF STOCKBRIDGE is an i. sured bank and is thereby able to guarantee a safe return to each and every depositor oi ali money deposited with them.—The safety and conservatism of The Bank of Stockbridge is second to none in this section, the city banks not excepted. Their almost unlimited financial connection places them in the position that no bank is more able to meet the demands of their customers than The Bank or Stockbridge. Your bank business is earnestly solicited and you will always re - ceive courteous treatment. Your account, whether large or small, will be highly appreciated and will receive the personal atten tion of the Cashier. The Bank of Stockbridge Stockbridge, - - Georgia WEDDING SUGGESTIONS sterling" shyer. JELLY KNIVES, PRESERVE SPOONS, OYSTER FORKS, PIE FORKS, TEA SPOONS, CHESTS OF SILVER-26 PIECE AND 24 PIEuE SETS. A HANDSOME BRONZE CLOCK. CUT GLASS IN MANY ELABORATE DESIGNS. CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU THE GOODS. Yours for business, P. B. C H E E K. JEWELER, McDonough, Georgia. a h Bp Pif PicturßS ifiiii We have a lot of bean ies 1 pictures to give Come in and let us show them to yon and ex= plain how you can get one Absolutely FREE. A. C. OGLESBY & CO., McDonough, Georgia.