Newspaper Page Text
I have bought out the entire Stock of Sowell & Knight at a large discount, which beats going
Some will tell you that this is the old stock they have had on hand. Sure enough it is, but we
know of no other merchant who sold all of his old stock out before going to New Yoik.
The Stock We Bought Amounts to $14,000.00. To This We Have added $4,000.00
Worth of the Latest Novelties.
In other words, when in town, come to my store before buying and take a glance and let Miss
Annie May Atkinson show you through our stock o fDR Y OODS, and if we do not sell you,
we will not be mad with you, and will make you buy by making PRICES and QUALITY
Inter*! et the postofflee *t McDo*-
pujjh, ** aecond-clase mail matter.
Advertising Retee: 11.00 per t»ch
|i? month. Reduction en standing
ti'.£traeta by special agreement.
e i i.'-'-i >
McDonough, Ga. Oct. 28, 11*10,
Obituaries not containing more
than one hundred words will ho
published free. All obituaries con
twining more than one hundred
words must he accompanied with
one cent per word for all in excess
of one hundred words. We cannot
undertake to cut them down to
the one hundred word limit. Man
uscripts, not accompanied with
postage, will not be returned.
No statements purporting to
come from The Henry County
Weekly are genuine unless they
have written on their face the
signature of Frank Reagan,Editor,
or are presented by him in person,
any person receiving such a state
ment without the signature will
please notify Frank Reagan Editor
McDonough, Georgia.
We are informed that unauthor
ized parties are using the sub
scription list of The Henry County
We wish to warn all our sub
scribers and readers against such
No person holding himself out
as representing The Henry County
Weekly other than the regular
office employes, has any authority
to collect or receive subscriptions
or business unless he bears writ
ten authority signed by Frank
Reagan, Editor and Publisher.
The following resolutions were
adopted upon the death of Mrs.
Jane R. Robinson:
Whereas, God in Ilis all-wise
providence has seen fit to call from
earth to heaven our friend and co
laborer in the church, Mrs. J. R.
Robinson, who was sixty-five years
of age, died August 22, 1910, and
was identified with this church for
a number of years.
Our hearts are saddened and
we are sensible of a great loss,
and while she will be missed from
hes accustomed place, for she at
tended the services of the sanc
tuary when her strength would
permit, we bow in humble sub
mission to the will of our Heaven
ly Father, who doeth all things
well, therefore, be it
Resolved, 1. That in the death
of Mrs. Robinson (Aunt Bettie as
so many lovingly called her) our
our church has lost a valued and
loved member, that the husband
has lost a devoted wife, and the
brothers, nieces and nephews a
tender and fond friend.
2. That we extend to the be
reaved ones our tenderest sym
pathy and love and beg them to
look forward to that brighter and
happier world where the sundered
ties of this earth are reunited.
She joined the Presbyterian
church when she was eighteen
years of age, and ever lived a con
sistent life, a life of service, win
ning the confidence and love of
all with whom she had to do. Her
religion was not that of formality,
but a conscious knowledge of sins
forgiven and the abiding presence
of Christ filling her life with a joy
that is unspeakable and full of
3. That a copy of these resolu
tions be spread in the minutes of
this church, a copy be sent to the
family of the deceased, and a copy
to The Henry County Weekly.
Elm Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodward Peter
man visited Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Wilson Sunday.
Misses Alice and Vick Hinton
were the guests of Misses Lillie
and Lizzie Henderson Sunday af
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Conklo vis
ited the latter’s parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Hayes. Saturday and
Mrs. Sallie Wilson visited Mrs.
Louis Wilson Sunday afternoon.
We are glad to know that Mr.
and Mrs. George Henry, who have
been sick for several weeks, wore
Miss Susie Conkle visited Miss
Hilda Rowan Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Charlie Wilson and Miss
Lois Gilbert were out riding Sun
day afternoon.
A five room house for rent or
rent on easy payments or would
rade for anything of value.
T. A. Lifsey.
Try the Hampton Buggy and
my fine harness. Pries right, at
Edd Goodwin’s, McDonough, Ga
Walker’s Mill
Satisfies in
A Trial Convinces.
Edwards Bros.
For I .pave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. Mary E. Evans, administratrix of
the estate of R, C. Patillo, deceased, ha v
ing in due form made application for
leave to sell the lands belonging to said
estate, situated in Henry county, this is
to notify you that said application wiil be
heard at the next regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said county on the
first Monday in November 1910. Given
under niv hand and seal this this the 3d
day of October 1910.
10-28,4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
R. E. Henderson, administrator of the
estate of W. D. Henderson, deceased, hav
ing in due form made application for
leave to sell all the lands belonging to
said estate, this is to notify von that said
application will l)e heard at the next reg
ular term of court of Ordinary for said
county on the first Monday in November
1910. Given under my hand and seal this
:kl day of October 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order from the court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold be
fore the court house door, within the le
gal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in
November, 1910, one acre of land in the
town of Stockbridge, on the west side of
Southern Railway. Sold as the property
of M. It. Berry. Sold for benefit of heirs
and creditors.
10-28,4 Emma Berry, Administratrix.
For Administration.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. Fannie Stallsworth having made
application to me in due form to be ap
pointed permanent administratrix upon
the estate of E. B. Stallsworth, late of
said otrnnty, notice is hereby given that
said application will lie heard at the reg
ular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county, to be held on the first Mon
day in November, 1910. Witness my
hand and official signature, this 3d day of
October, 1910.
10-38,4. A.G. Harris, Ordinary.
Aiiin inistrator’s Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in No
vember, 1910, at the court house in said
county between the legal hours of sale,
the following real estate situate in said
county, to-wit: One half (1-3) undivided
interest in one city lot in the city of Mc-
Donough, Ga,, said lot being 23 1-2 feet
x 80 feet, and bounded on the north by
the property of B, B. Carmichael and C.
W. Walker, on the east by an alley, on
the south by a lot, the property of Mrs.
Annie Nolan, and on the west by Griffin
street. Terms cash. This Oct. 6, 1910.
Administrator of Mrs. Eudora Lemon.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA- Henry County.
Whereas, J. A. Fouche, Administrator
of Violet Eason, represents to the Court,
in his petition duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully administered
said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cuuse, if any they can, why said
administrator should not be discharged
from his administration, and receive Let
ters of Dismission On the first Monday in
November, 1910. A. G. HARRIS,
This Oct. 13, 1910. Ordinary.
Edd Goodwin has the agency
for the famous Hampton Buggy.
See him and buy one. He also
has Wagon and Buggy Harness
of the highest grade.
Complete line of Cfeeketsall styles and prices.
Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru
sted to mo.
Embalming done according to latest and most im
proved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Calls answered promptly day and night.
Phones 28 and 30.
flcDonough Ga.
Treatment ot diseases of all animals. All calls
promptly attended to. SURGERY a specialty
Correspondence solicited.
Bell Phone: Residence, 13 i: Office, 44.
_ juSM. ~ii*J 30 DAYS driving test
.fift iijPff* »■ / i / / "I A guarantee as (rood as? a Gold Bond; a trial as liberal as
/ W >» any one could ask for, and a positive saving of from S:10 to
r —l: ajfig "X^ —1 s to - We def - v any reputable concern In the U. b. to duplicate our
t rife ’M ~~ 1 prices on vehicles of tile qualities we guarantee. Our guarantees
ji^//pr > C ,7 arc the strongest and most liberal ever made, and are positively
\/ fi y \\/\y r\ '/V|\\/ binding; and our vehicles must prove them in actual service
"sJ K>/ \ y .1 \Jr before we’ll expect you to be satisfied. We do not compete with
—I people who have no reputation to lose, or who misrepresent their
RETAILS REGULARLY FOR $65.00 vehicles.
i iiiniHMiiMMWninn » ii inie wnmrgnmmir ' imiiphw'piiii iii hwii mi nmii mi nmwiiminnnm. n i.
Send To-Day For Our Big New Free Catalog, No. 105
■ ' in mini Hi wiHi i i «r~ir ii rumn n■■ i Mil— wi—liur nfwrrrnm rm iiiwiiiirmrimTi it i !»■■■■ iimii i i
It describes, pictures and prices upwards of two hundred modern styles of the highest grade Runabouts,
Speeders , Buckboards, Top Burr tries, Stanhopes, Phaetons,
Surreys, Spring 1 , Farm and Mail Wagons,Road Carts and Har
ness at actual factory prices. We sell Dilil.l’T and save yotl h trlßjLjij i Jl CL
the dealer’s profits. Don’t delay. IVrite today. BAYE while you pay. Dept. 41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia*
The Georgia Trading Company
22.") acres, eight miles southwest of Forsyth. This farm has
a four-room house and barn and two three-room houses, all
comparatively new. There is 125 acres in cultivation, 30 acres
bottom land and 30 acres original woodland. The place is well
watered and in a splendid community. Price - - - $3600.00.
25-acre farm, only half mile from the public square in For
syth. Has four-room dwelling, barn, garden, etc., and practi
cally all of the place is in good state of cultivation.
Price $1850.00.
300 acres of land, sour and a half miles of Forsyth. This
place has about 50 acres of cleared land and 250 acres pine tim
ber and about 20 acres bottom land. On the place is a four-room
frame house and barn and a two-room house. Price - $2250 00
110 acres, four miles northwest of Forsyth, 50 acres in cul
tivation. On this farm is a good five-room dwelling and barn
28x38, cribs, etc., and tenant house, 35 acres in pasture, hog
wired, 10 acres original woods. Price - . . S2IOO 00