The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 28, 1910, Image 8
... Ir% ’■ .gw • § -AM Everybody Listen! ; ;ia Everyone in this County who intends \\ VAA \\ %■’ l - \\X/jA \A\ ; buying a new Stove or Range this Fa!!, |M M f /A.Afmi will save money and have better Stove 4WA y ;> > nmt ‘ 111 11 l,iaiap —— .m w i wi—— ■mu nrm?niwwwi \\ *> / * \ . v Service if they’ll but heed our message and \ Wtf ■■ J i m make “Buck’s” their choice. Vy : 'H J' <fpT (I Avery Disc Plows, Harrows, W- ■ X ||| and Stalk Cutters. sfE : A m Wm. J. Oliver, Syracuse and Ip other leading turn plows. | I™ Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. fi.V. . ‘ fCW E»| •• • A FULL LINE OF EXTRAS .. . WSoi^}W G It always has been, and still is, the policy of this store to offer to its friends Iftlll; and customers the very best of all classes of merchandise. |H And when we chose “Buck’s” Stoves and Ranges as our line —we did so l| because investigation proved to us conclusively that they are the very best stoves ¥§& Their beauty will more than please—their ease of operation astonish you — if' ' M-\V the years of service they will render, you 11 marvel at —and their fuel-saving qual- lw l •; X Q fhliuK. ‘ties readily convince you that they are the most economical of all stoves and ranges. . U\i&E , A;.v>v3 p : , GET OUR ECONOMY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. tf'A B THE COPELANB-TURNER lEHBANTILE CO.. * ......B . HtCB.B.I. C. DBi. 8... Locals. Mrs. H. S. Williams spent Mon day in Atlanta. Mr.Lum Ingram spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Lowe visited Atlanta Tuesday. Dr. C. L. Tucker, of Griffin, was in our city Tuesday. Mr. G. W. Cavenaugh is on the sick list this week. Mr. Carl Sloan spent the week here with his parents. Mrs. W. A. Simpson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Bond, at Ellenwood. Mr. J. S. Barnett, of Hampton, was in our city Monday. Miss Lizzie Matthews is visiting her neice, Mrs. Asa A. Lemon. Sheriff Hutson, of Spalding Co., was in McDonough Tuesday. The Rev. R. H. Smith, of Locust Grove, visited our city Tuesday. Miss Mary Barker was the week end guest of Miss Lizzie Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith and family went to Salem on Sunday. Miss Hatte Sue Lowe’s friends were glad to see her at home Sat urday and Sunday from Shorter College. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cook an nounce the birth of a baby daugh ter. Dr .J. A. Combs, Locust Grove, attended Superior Court here on Monday. A tonic ibat Invigorates both old and young. For weak* nervous* . men and women. Every bot- tie guaranteed. «■ Get Horton Drug Co., McDonough, Ga. Ihe T. W. Redwine & Co., Hampton, Ga, Miss Eunice Arnold was the week-end guest of Mrs. Fouche Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Smith and family worshiped at Timberbridge Sunday. Mr. Homor Harris came up from Locust Grove Institute, for the week-end. Mr. Jerome Cook, of College Park, has entered the McDonough high school. Miss Ruby Walker went up to Atlanta yesterday, to resume her study at the Atlanta Conservatory of Music. Miss Stevie Brogden, who has been visiting Miss Ethel Sowell, has returned to her home at Su wanee. The Favorite Tonic Will convince yen this Sold by ) ***!>••*. > Horton Drug Co. McDonough, Ga. The Dr. T. W. Redwine & Co. Hampton, Ga.