Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
One of McDonough's Fairest
Daughters Marries Macon
Man Wednesday.
The marriage of Miss Lena Price
to Mr. Hugh M. Brantley, which
occurred a t the home of the
bride’s sister, Mrs. \V. H. Huling,
o n Wednesday evening a t 6
o’clock, was one of the beautiful
affairs of the season in McDon
The dining room and parlor
were thrown into one and were
attractively decorated with south
ern smilax and yellow chrysanthe
mums, a n d .exquisitely worked
battenburg pieces-adorned the
tables and mantels. The effect of
the scene'.was made even more
charming b y the mellow candle
light from the handsome candela
The guests were received by
the bride’s sister, Mrs. Huling,
attractively gowned in black satin,
trimmed in jet, and by Mr. J. 11.
The wedding march was played
by Miss Ethel Sowell, who wore
yellow satin with pearl trimming.
The beautiful bride was attired
in a travelling suit of golden tan.
The bride and groom stood be
fore a beautiful bank of ferns,
while the Rev. S. R. England, o i
Toccoa, pronounced the words
which made them one.
The happy couple left immed
iately after the ceremony on their
honeymoon trip to Niagara, the
cities of the east and other points
of interest. Upon their return,
Macon will be their place of resi
dence, where the best wishes of a
host of friends follow them.
Among the guests
at the wedding were: Mrs. Brant
ley, the groom’s mother, and Miss
es Leila and Mary Brantley, his
sisters, and Mrs. McLucas and
children, all of Macon; and Mr.
John R. Price, of Flippen.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McGarity’s
Daughter is Taken by Death..
Little Bessie McGarity passed
away Thursday night of last week
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. McGarity.
She had been sick but little
more than a week with that
dreaded disease, croup, and ev
erything was done in the effort to
restore her health.
Bessie was a bright and charm
ing little girl, who would have
been three years of age next
February, and her departure is
indeed the going out of a light
from the home and the bereaved
hearts there.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the home Friday afternoon
by the Rev. W. W. Arnold and
the interment was at the McDon
ough cemetery.
The Weekly joins the host ol
friends of the bereaved family in
Patronise oar Advertisers.
Go to W. B. J. Ingram Co. to
get your Breech-loading Shot
Guns for $4.48.
Last Sunday Was a Eanner Day.
The services at the Baptist
church last Sunday morning were
uniqe and interesting and inspiring.
It was in the nature of a trumpet
blast to all the militant “sbluiers ol
the Cross”, who belong to this
garnd division of the army of the
great King.
The services began at 11 o’clock
with the devotional exercises, and
then Mr. J. B. Brown called the
roll of the membership, a n d a
proportion responded.
Enthusiastic addresses were
made by the following speakers
on the subjects indicated:
Mr. E. M. Copeland, o n “Our
Deacons”; Mr. R. 0. Jackson, on
“Our Snnday School”; Miss Lilah
Copeland, on “Our Women’s Mis
sionary Society”; Mr. T. T . Brown,
on “Our Laymen-,” The Rev. W.
W. Arnold on “Church Member
Singing and the benediction
closed the services.
Locust OrcDve Locals
Miss Carrie Lee Combs
Hostess at Halloween Party.
A pretty, unique affair of Mon
day night was the Halloween party
at the heme of Miss Carrie Lee
Combs. Invitations were signed
by the Black Hand, demanding
the presence of the guests who
came as marked, white robed
After th e guests unmasked
many interesting Halloween games
were played. The rooms down
stairs were very pretty with Hallo
ween decorations.
Punch and fruit were served.
Miss Combs’ guests were: Misses
Fannie Ellie, Leone McVicker,
Allie Gradner, Mattie Joe Pitts,
Ophelia Hubbard, Sallie Missie
Combs, Lucile Holsombach, An
nie Mae Williams, Floy Parr.
Messrs. Grady Castellaw, How
ell Gardner, Jim Hubbard, Elbert
Parr, Walter Hubbard, Julian Mc-
Knight, Cary Ragsdale, Wilson
Walker, Prof. Gunn and Mr. Wat
Miss Lillian Price spent Tuesday
shopping in Atlanta.
The following lawyers were in
our city Saturday arguing motions
before Judge Reagan: Messrs.
Robert L. Berner, Walter Harris
and John R. L. Smith, of Macon;
Mr. 0. M. Duke, of Flovilla; Mr.
H. M. Fletcher, of Jackson; Judge
T. E. Patterson, Mr. Lloyd Cleve
land and T. W. Thurman, of Grif
fin; Mr. Wise, of Fayetteville;
Judge E. F. Dupree and Mr. Em
mett Owen, of Zebulon.
Mr. G. S. D. MaLaier, one of
Hampton’s finest and most enter
prising citizens, visited McDon
ough Tuesday.
Mr. J. C. Craig, of Tussahaw,
was in our city Tuesday.
Sheriff A. C. Sowell visited the
Gate City Tuesday.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November 4, \qio.
Estimable Lady Yields to
Paralysis at Her Home
near Ellenwood.
Mrs. A. C. Peterman passed
away at her home near Ellenwood
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock',
aft<T an illness of but a few weeks.
A few Sundays ago she was sud
denly stricken with paralysis at
Anvil Block church, where she
was attending the services. She
had to be carried to her home and
was never able again to rise from
her bed.
She was an excellent woman,
possessing many beautiinl traits
of character, and she leaves many
friends who join with the bereaved
family in mourning her loss.
She is survived by her husband,
one son, Mr. Woodward Peter
man, and five daughters, Mrs. Em
mett Clark, Mrs. Ed Waggoner,
Mrs. Lou Scarborough, and Mipses
Nettie ana L,ucy Peterman.
The funeral and interment oc
curred at Cedar Grove church at
11 o’clock Wednesday morning,
the Rev. J. A. Anderson conduct
ing the services.
The lecture by Mr. Camp of the
Lyceum Course was given Satur
day night at the L. G. I. Audito
Miss Minnie Lou Mahone, the
guest of Miss Margaret Heflin the
past week, has returned to her
home at Unadilla.
Miss Allie Gardner and Miss
Esther Smith spent the week-end
in Macon.
Mrs. Carl Combs, of Atlanta, the
guest of Miss Annis Combs last
week, has returned home.
Miss Trella Castellaw and Miss
Ruth Rape, of McDonough, were
me guests oi Mrs. Ed Combs Sun
Miss Janie Fields anu Miss
Adams, of Hampton, were pres
ent at the football game between
L. G. I. and Stone Mountain Mon
day afternoon.
Miss Francis Arnold and her
mother, Mrs. Dr. Arnold, of Hamp
ton, were also present.
Mrs. W. 0. Welch is visiting in
Atlanta for a few days.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson and Mrs. H.
M. Turner spent Tuesday in At
Judge E. J. Reagan visited his
sister, Mrs. A. J. Smith, at Con
yers, Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown and
Mrs. R. A. Sloan attended the
“101 Ranch” in Atlanta Monday.
Miss A.nnie Nolan will attend
the automobile races in Atlanta
the latter part of this week and
the operas, The Bohemian Girl
and Faust.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and Miss
Lizzie Nolan spent Saturday in
They Are Working
For The Weekly Prizes.
Another Week Passes and the
Race Grows Warmer Air
the Time.
The workers, in Tho Wr»i !y
Contest for the Diamond Rim?;,
Sewing Machine, and Bicycle
spent another busy we *k, and the
votes are still pouring im
The race is just becoming spir
ited now ana tue triendly rivalry
between the candidates is grow
ing intense.
Let all keep at their work.
Those whose standing is not right
along near the top should not be
discouraged, but take a new start
and work harder than ever.
There are many old subscribers
yet in arrears from whom some
body should secure some votes,
and there are many who might be
secured as new subscribers.
Even the very lowest Contest
ant in standing has the possible
chance to climb to the very top
before the Contest ends.
See the important announce
ment concerning the Contest in
another column of this issue.
We are thinking of adding an
Society Happenlog's
Misses Walker Entertain.
Misses Ruth and Ruby Walker
entertained their friends most
charmingly on Monday evening.
A delicious salad course was
served late in the evening.
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Turner
Mrs. J. G. Smith and Mrs. W.
W. Turner entertained the ladies
at a “42” party on yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Smith.
r*:rs. Farrar ar.d Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Sidney Farrar and Mrs.
Homer Turner entertained most
charmingly at the latter’s home
on last Friday afternoon.
Misses Ruth and Ruby Walker
presided at the punch bowl in the
The game of “42” was played.
Later an ice course was served.
About fifty-five ladies enjoyed
the occasion.
List of Letters.
Remain in# Undelivered Fom l'he Post
Office at McDonough, Ga., For the
Period Ending Oct. 23, 1910.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Misses: Knight, Mary; Rawls,
Myre; Turner, Lend.
Mesdames: Barsu, Lillie; Lew
is, Mattie R.
Messrs: Coady, Dick.
additional prize, even more valua
ble than any now being ■ ff t .d,
making a total of four prices hi
st cud of three, F it meats the ap
proval of the contestants.
Here is the s upding on r ni r ~,_
day morning, the 3d instant.
Miss Nettie Coukle .‘RCF)
Miss Lillie Craig 31X450
Miss Fannie Crumbley 3,950
Miss Gertrude Crumbley )0
Mr. Boce Elliott 19,925
Miss Myrtice Fields 1,150
Miss Mae Glass 4.825
Miss Cora Hand 5,125
Miss Dora Hattaway . 0
Miss Ellen Knight l/>OO
Miss Lula Johnson poo
Miss Annie Pearl Jones 8,875
Miss Trellis Lane 10,300
Miss Elan Mason \ 7.^5
Miss Byrd Mitchell io,9uo‘
Miss Lucy Moore 30.650
Miss Mattie Morgan 6,850
Miss Anna McKibben 63,475
Miss Lee Wilkins ~,./,o
Mrs. W. C. Woods p jo
Miss Pendiey Hostess.
Miss Evelyn Pendiey e h r
tained a number of friends ; a
Halloween party Monday c ■
Miss Ruth Turner Entertains.
Miss Ruth Turner enter d
Saturday evening in honox u ner
attractive guest, Miss Potih , of
Mi'ledge vilia.
Gaines and music were indulged
in and refreshments served.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon enter
tained a few friends last F ■ 'ay
evening at a delightful ‘“possom”
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Turner and Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Lemon.
Miss Dunn Hostess.
Miss Agnes Dunn entertained
the Salimagundi Club on yester
day afternoon.
Cut the coupon from The
Weekly and vote for your choice
in the Diamond Ring Contest.
Watch our advertising column
for bargaint.
Misses May and Estelle Wood
ward spent last week end in At
lanta with friends.
$! A Year