The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 16, 1910, Image 3
Application for Charter. Georgia, Henry County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of M. R. Wall, J. A. Combs, Virgil Williams, L. H. Dan iel, W. V. Gibson, Jr.. A. S, Mills, Alvin Davis, J. F. Tingle, A. D. Tingle, James Hubbard, W. F. Hub bard, E. S. Combs, J C. McKnight, W. E. Combs, L. L. Pitts, John S. Brown, Joe J. Smith, W. H. Bryans, Jr., H. E. Cook and W. J. Elliott, all of said county repectfully shows: 1 That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to be incorporated under the name and style of “Locust Grove It ace Track Company” 2. They desire to be incorporated for a pe riod of twenty years with ihe privilege of renewal at the expiration of said time 3 The Capital stock of said proposed cor poration is to be Fifteen Hundred Dollars to be divided into shares of the par value of Twenty-live Dollars ($25) per share. They ask for the right to increase said Capital stock from time to time to a maxi mum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) dollars. All of said amount has actually paid iu. 4. The object of said corporation is pecun iary gain to its stockholders, and the de velopment of the stock industry in Henry county. 5. The particular business to be earned on by said corporation is that of raising, training and developing horses, for them selves and others. 6. In the conduct of said business they ask for the right to buy, hold lease, rent, sell and convey all kinds of property, real, per sonal and mixed, to take and make deeds, mortgages, notes and any and all other kinds and and be eu \. : :-■■■: > < h: ; .\ e all the pi'ivie . j e • r- ■ ait-; 1 r ; ■ e-e*. 7. The principal office and place of busi ness of said corporation is to he at Locust Grove, Ga., in said Cou ’ Whercfor* p•. i tic,. ■. rs ] .-y u be made a body corporate, under the name and style afoi -said, entitled to toe rights, privileges and immunities and. subject to the liabilities f i by i • • E. M. SMITH, Petitioner s Attorneys. This Dec. Ist, 1910. Georgia, Henry County. I, .T. A. Fouche, Clerk of the - ’ Court in and for said county • that the foregoing is a true and c< ■■ i copy of the petitio filed in this of fie;- : M. 11. Wall et. al., to he i rp • “Locust Grove Race Track Company,’’ as appears from the records of file in this office. Given under my hand and seal of office t.l Dec. Ist, 1910. J. A. Fouche, 12-83,4. * &L., H - c - Ssrdis Lego’s. . Yve are having yotrm A.- weath er - ' Christmas is r.t here. I guess the iug bells will soon begin to T i' . Mrs. W. A. Ba ks and Mrs. Frank Turner, at* Locum:'Grove, visited Mr. L. H. Mason and family Sunday. Mr. Charlie Dnnliam is all smiles over new arrival. It’s a boy. Miss Vera Stroud and Mr. Ken nie Garner called on Miss El on Mason Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Pope and children were up to see Mrs W. A. Banks, who has come to spend Christmas with her people. Mr. Glenn Rosser attended Sab bath school at Sardis Sunday. Come again we are glad to have you. Prof. Range was called home to the bed side of his father in Ten nessee, who is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Odus Mason and children spent the afternoon with Mr. L. H. Mason. Subscribe for The Weekly and •help your friend secure a prize. Cross Roads. Miss Inez Ferris has a flourish ing school at this place. Mrs. Elizabeth Fnlson returned home Monday after a few days’ visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rowan. Mr. Jim Fields went to MoDo nough Saturday. Mr. H. H. Mays and family visit ed the latter’s parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mays and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Callaway and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry West Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. E. Smith and family vis ited Mr and Mrs. J. H. Mays Sun day night. Mr. Rosser, of Alabama, is spend ing some time with Mr. aud Mrs. W. B. Rowan. Mr. T. O. Callaway spend Thurs day and Friday in Atlanta. Mrs. Annie Mitchell visited friends and relatives in Jonesboro last week. Mrs. M. E. Mays visited Mrs. S. A. Wilkins Tuesday afternoon. Mr. J. T. Mays and family and Mr. Will Kennedy and family vis ited Mr. Will Mays and family Sun day. The Candy j ailing g ven by Mr. and Mrs. Parker Flo) 1 Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Mr. Carl Wise and frtnih "pent Saturday wiih Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Callaway and family. For Pent 3-room ho se on Covington St. hi ty, i\. F. IX p-io. 4.- Me Don- GUgll, OrS. if. fA i o i r p WE ARE OPEN AGAIN FOR BUSINESS IN THE : . [ :1r I cm OFFICE, in the Patterson Building. We tha k on many friends for their many kind expressions of sympathy and assure them it will long he re membered. F YOU HAVE mw.i TO DEPOSIT, BRING IT TO US. IF YOU HAVE MONEY ON DEPOSIT AND WANT IT, COME TO US. hud i tlrt IMmL dAiiK. B. B. CARMICHAEL & SOWS, McOCNOUCH, GA. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Day Phone No. 51 Niglit Phone No. 52 All calls answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefnlly done and according to best methods Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled. Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had. We furnish the best steel, briek or eement Vaults. Tntt’sPills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Saslow Skin and Piles. There Is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS, a a trial will prove. Take Mo Substitute. Flat Rock Locals. I will give a few dots from this place. Hurry, for Christmas will soon be here. Miss Hilda Rowan visited her aunt, Airs. Bradberry, near Rex, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Rowan visited her sister Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Bradberry had a music entertainment Saturday night in honor of her niece, Miss Hilda Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elliott visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. William Hinton, Sunday. Mrs. Fafinie Bradberry visited her sister, Mrs. G. W. Bowen, Sun day night. Miss Cynthia Rowan and Mr. Elliott visited Miss Hilda Rowan. Well, I will close anu come uguin. FOR SALE. House and lot an Lawrenceville street, or House and lot on Keys Ferry st :’eet. One of these lots must go. Terms. K. J. Turner. bam^:METWIW If : i'|BENT,SO —AN ACCOUNT fOHYOUR BOY TODAY Copyright 1909. b, C. E. Zimmerman CO.--NO. 28 I F for no other reason than the teaching or the value of money ■ you should have a bank account for your children in their in dividual name. It will grow with them, and augmented by the deposits of their savings by the time they become of ago will amount to a tidy sum. THE BANK OF HENRY COUNTY, Capital 50,000. Surplus 25,000. Deposits 120,000. OFF IF US: President, F. S. Etheridge. Vice-Pres. 11. J. opeland. aehier, J. B. Dickson. Ass’t. i-hior, H. L. Turner McDonough, Ga. Look! Read! I am now selling out all my goods at and un der cost, all of UlincTij , j 0 C?°cUs, .Ifotiona, ATf. mingSf Qic. lam going to have a nice stock of Xmas goods at < ! se prices, and am going to give a chance a* <i : it ! 1 prizes for trading lor cash. Come to see me. I t win pay you, MRS. D. FINCHER, i Snapping Shoals, Georgia, ~ —■ FOR PERSONAL I!SL A GOOD TIME PIECE IS YOU:? Come and let us fit you with our ; The BEST WATCH in the WORI D to-day. Also have ELGIN, W/XTH.U I, of any size and gi "e. Now is the time to make your sele ui, V T e have the largest assortment to select troui ' ever shown in this town and AND PRICE TO COMPARE WITH AMY CHE. Gents Chains $1.50 to $15.00, Gents Fobs si.oo to SIB.OO. Ladies Watch $6.00 to $40.00. Gents Watches SI.OO to $50.00. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, P. B. CHEEK, JEWELER. Best sewing machine at $20.00 at W. B. J. Ingram Co. DR. TRIOS. J. HOLTON, Physician ani> Surgeon, R. F. D. No. 1, Kkx, Ga. t. A. LIFSI-’Y, DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 I', m. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, McDonough, Ga, BUY LAND in PUTNAM Coui ty, Georgia. Health and natural advantages unsurpassed. I have listed several good improved farms, conveniently located as t* churches, schools and railroad, at prices half or one-third less 'thaa land in adjoining counties. These farms will especially interest home seekers. Call on or write W. H. HEARN, Real Estate Dealer, Eatonton,, Ga. For Sale. The W. P. Walker seed wh««t that was dead ripe when cut at $1.25 per bu. A. C. Norman, Rt. 1, McDonoiigh, %*.