Newspaper Page Text
Census Man Gives Us Icrease
of 1,325, or 7.12 Per
The 1910 census for Henry
county and the state of Georgia
has been announced.
Our county has a population of
19,927, In 1900 it was 18,602, so
that our increase is 1,325, or 7.12
per cent.
This is not as good as we had
hoped, but it shows that we are
growing at least steadily, if not
The population of Georgia is re
ported as 2,609,121, a gain of
392,790, or 17.7 per cent. This
also advances Georgia from the
eleventh position among th e
states of the 1900 census to the
tenth of this census.
The state leads the Southeast in
number of persons, square miles
of area, actual increase and aver
age increase per square mile.
This means that Georgia is grow
ing faster than any other South
eastern state.
The census shows that, if the
present apportionment is held to,
there vil! be 59 additional repre
sentatives in congress, making
the total membership in the house
450. The present membership is
391. Georgia will get one of these
additional congressmen.
The Sixth congressional district
does not have enough population
for one congressman if the appor
tionment is increased, but will
have to borrow another county or
Luella News.
Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Bailey went
to Atlanta Monday shopping.
Mr. 0. L. Wells went to Griffin
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mrs. O. G. Wells visited Mrs.
Harold Nutt last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. W. H. Bailey and Miss S.
A. Patrick went to Griffin last
Mrs. S. B. Caudle and Mrs. S. P.
Brown went to Griffin Tuesday
Mrs. B. F. Thompson visited
Mrs. O. L. Wells last Thursday af
Mr. W. H. Thompson visited
Mr. C. C. Goodman and family
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nutt went
to Griffin Thursday.
Mr. 0. L. Wells and family vis-
Big Reduction in
Ladies’ Coat Suits, Ladies & Misses Jackets
15.00 " “ 11.50
10.00 “ “ 15.00
15.00 ** “ 10.00
All Ladies’ and Misses Jackets at a Big Reduction.
ited Mr. Lonnie Huey and family.
Mrs. J. F. Dupree visited her
father, Mr. Will Strickland, last
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. S. P. Brown and Mrs. S. B.
Caudle spent Monday afternoon
with Mrs. O. L. Wells.
Miss Lucy Harrison and little
brother, went to Atlanta for a few
days’ visit.
Dr. R. L. Crawford went to At
lanta last Friday.
Mr. Jordan Johnson is boarding
with Mr. W. S. Steele.
Mr. P. R. Martin has sold his
stock of goods to D. G. Neal.
Mr. Joe Henderson spent Tues
day with Mr. and Mrs. Van Tur
I am again in business at my old
stand, which I was compelled tem
porarily to abandon by the fire of
the 12th idstant, and have a large j
quantity of millinery goods, rib
bons, trimmings, etc., all of which j
I shall sell at ridiculously low pric- i
es during this special sale, lasting!
through the holidays.
With thanks t o my former
patrons, and the hope that they
will continue their visits to me and
be joined by many new friends,
at this .sale and through the fu
ture, I am
Yours Respectfully,
Miss Blanche Wentzell.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
W. C. and W. W. Milam, ad
ministrator of estate of W.vley Mi
lam, deceased, having in due form
made application for leave to sell
all the lands belonging to said es
tate, this is to notify yon that said
application will be heard, at. the
next regular term ol Court of Ordi
nary for said county on the first
Monday in January, 1911.
This Dec. 5, 1910. A. G. Harris,
12-30,4 Ordinary,
Daughters of Confederacy
Meet Thursday Next
The regular meeting of the
United Daughters of the Confed
eracy will meet next Thursday,
the 22d instant at the club-room
in the Masonic building.
A torpid liver deranges the whole
system, and produces
Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu
matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
There is no better remedy for these
common diseases than DR. TUTT’S
LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove.
Take No Substitute*
Locust T ,
Grove Locals
Miss Ophelia Hubbard returned
home Friday from Woolsey, Ga.,
where she was the guest of her
cousin, Mr. George Jones.
Messrs. Jim and Walter Hub
bard, Elbert Parr and Mi-. Elbert
Watkins attended the dance in
McDonough Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gardner
and Mr. Julian McKnight spent
Sunday in Scnoia, going through
in Mr. Gardner’s automobile.
Miss Grace Mixon, of Atlanta,
was tiie guest of Miss Allie Gard
ner Sunday.
A party of young men com
posed of Messrs. Elbert Parr, Jim
and Walter Hubbard, Lon Pitts,
Mr, Carter and Mr. Peeler went
up to Atlanta Thursday to witness
the opening of Thd Great White
Mr. Robert Peeler returned to
his home in Gaffney, S. C., where
he will spend the Christmas holi
Mrs. Carrie Mayo, of McDon
ough, spent Sunday in Locust
Grove, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Upchurch.
Mr. Otis Watson and Mr. Wat
kins spent Monday in McDon
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Combs spent
Sunday with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Castellaw.
Miss Mamie Lou Upchurch will
leave Saturday for Vidalia, Ga., to
be the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.
S. Odom, for several days. The
remaining holidays will be spent
at Perry, Ga., as one of the mem
bers of Miss Leuna Baskin’s house
Mrs. Will Nolan, of Atlanta, and
two little daughters, Alice Jane
and Mildred, will arrive next week
to spend the Christmas holidays
with Miss Annis Combs.
Mr. and Mrs, ( L. C. Holsomback
spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs.
George Dixon.
Mr. Tip Reagan, of L. G. 1., re
turned to his home in Atlanta last
High Hill.
Christmas will soon be here.
Mrs. J. H. Carr spent last Satur
day night with her sister, Mrs. W.
E. Copeland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sanders and
family spent Sunday with the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Duncan. *
Misses Mary and Mattie Walker
Get Something of Value.
What would be any more
appropriate than
Sterling Silver Toilet Set $3.00 to $25.00
Sterling Silver Manicure Set 1.00 to 15.00
Sterling Silver Coat Brush 1.00 to 6.00
Gold-Diamond Set Lock 10.00 to 40.00
Solid Gold Plain Lockets 1.00 to 12.50
“ “ Chain, ot any length, 3.001025.00
“ “ Cult Links 2.00 to 8.00
“ “ Ladies Watches 18-50 to 45
Ladies Watch
VANITY Boxes, Sterling and Gold filled.
Vanity Hatpin a New Fad.
We make no charge for engraving.
P. B. C H E E K.
McDonough, Georgia.
spent Sunday afternoon with Miss
es Helen and Annie Kate Carr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Norman, of
McDonough, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wells.
Mr. Walter Chappell and sister
Miss Hester, spent Sunday after
noon with Mr. J. H. Carr and fam
Mrs. J. W. Sanders and family
made a shopping visit to McDon
ough Saturday last.
Miss Mary Eliza Chappell spent
Sunday afternoon with Miss Claud
ibell Wells.
Mrs. C. H. Martin spent Sunday
afternoon, with Mrs. J. H. Carr.
Messrs. J. H. Carr and C. H.
Martin made a visit to Mr. E. F.
Adams Sunday last.
Mr. T. M. Bunn, of Hampton,
passed through here Thursday af
Mrs. R. C. W T alker and son, Da
vid, spent last Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Milton Walker.
' * * . ■
Misses Vera and Maud Sanders
spent last Saturday with Miss Mary
Eliza Chappell.
Miss Anne Adams spent last Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Mr. Milton Walker made a busi
ness trip to Stockbridge Saturday.
Mr. Jim Gardner visited Mr. Mil
ton Walker Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Chappell,
and little daughter, Lillian, were
out riding Sunday afternoon.
Mr. J. W. Sanders made a busi
ness trip to Zebulon Monday.
Mr. J. H. Weems visited Mr.
Milton Walker Sunday afternoon.
Cotton River Locals.
Mr. Editor, will you allow me a
little space in your valuable paper
to write a few dots from this place.
Mr. W. S. Crumbley hasreturned
home from Kentucky and reports
a nice time.
Rev. J. A. Banks preached his
first time at Salem last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Knight dined
with his mother last Sunday.
Mr. H. A. Steele, of Atlanta,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with his parents.
Mr. Ed Bunn has moved to his
new home at Mr. B. S. Elliott’s
Mr. John Fannin spent Saturday
night with Mr. Clinton Crumbley.
Mr. H. H. Crumbley spent the
night with Mr. Bob Crumbley Sat
urday night.
QMiss Mamie Steele spent Saturday
night with Miss Mollie Steele.
Miss Odell and Essie Mae Knight
and Miss Annie Mae and Mr. Bunk
Steele went to Atlanta Satuiday
and returned Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Knight spent
the day with his mother last Mon
Mr. J. W. Cook has bonght two
young mules weighing over 1000
pounds each.
Well. Mr. Editor, I had better
close till next time.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
All creditors of the estate of J. L. Alex
ander, late of Henry county, deceased, are
hereby notified to renderin their demands
to the undersigned according to law, and
all persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment.
This Dec. 10.1910. Edd Alexander,
1-21,6. Administrator.