The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 16, 1910, Image 5

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    Christmas Shoppers
You can save money by buying for Christmas
here. Fireworks, Toys, Glassware of every kind.
Finest and Freshest of Fruits, Nuts and Candies. ■
Largest and Most Select Line
of Holiday Goods in Town
General Merchandise at closest prices.
/ ' .
McDonough High School
H appenings
Cantata Next Friday Night.
On Friday evening, the cantata
in charge of Misses Nolan and
Beyer, will be presented at the
school auditorium. The admission
fee will be 25 cents.
All are cordially invited to at
tend and aid in the effort for the
upbuilding of the school.
On Thursday afternoon the High
School girls and boys went on a
hunt for holly and evergreens to
decorate the school auditorium.
School closes Friday afternoon
for the holidays.
The School Library Growing.
The school library has been
opened and intense interest has
been shown in it. All books do
nated will be appreciated and will
certainly help not only those who
are now in school, but those who
will attend in days to come.
Miss Bulah Rosser has been ap
pointed librarian for the ensuing
Miss Ethel Beyer, the efficient
music teacher, was the guest of
home people in Atlanta for the
past week-end.
Miss Ludie V. Bond will depart
for her home in Ellenwood Satur
day to spend the holidays.
Misses Artie and Ida Rowden,
of Ellenwood, and Leek Clark, of
Atlanta, will be the week-end
guests of Miss Ludie V. Bond.
The friends of Mrs. Laura Alex
ander regret to learn of her, re
cent illness.
Mr. Fred Bond was a recent
visitor to our city.
Those Who Are Moving.
Mr. Will Stewart is moving his
family to the house he bought on
Brown avenue, and Mr. Kimble
Patterson is moving into the one
which Mr. Stewart is vacating,
' and which Mr. Patterson has
Mr. I. L. Nail has moved into
the house bought by Mr. J. B.
Jackson on the Cleveland place.
Mr. J. F. Bowden has moved
just outside of the corporate limits
of town. Mrs. Fannie Stalworth
has bought and moved to the
place where Mr. Bowden has been
living. Mr. Bowden’s mother and
sister have moved from the Beth
any settlement and are at home
to their friends into the house
where Mrs. Stallworth has been
residing for several years.
Revival Services in the
Holidays at Stockbridge
Rev. C. M. Dunaway and Rev.
Sam Hayes will conduct a revival
meeting at Stockbridge Metho
dist church, beginning on Christ
mas Day and running a week to
ten days. The public is cordially
invited to attend. The prayers of
all Christian people are asked in
behalf of the meeting.
W. 0. Butler, Pastor.
IVlrs. J. A. Graham Dead.
Mrs. J. A. Graham, wife of Rev.
J. A. Graham, of Monroe county,
died suddenly at the home of her
son, J. W. Graham on Dec. 4th.
She retired on Saturday night well
as usual, but was taken ill early
Sunday morning and died in a
few minutes. Rev. J. A. Graham
is a brother of Mrs. J. A. Culpep
per and an uncle of Sheriff A. C.
Sowell of this county, and his
many friends in this county sym
pathize with him in his bereave
ment. The interment was at
Rocky Creek church in Monroe
county, Rev. W. F. Hanna con
ducting the funeral services.
Mr. Stefling Price and Miss
Minnie Price, who went to Okla
homa some time ago to live, have
returned to McDonough for the
holidays, and will make their
home in Middle Georgia. We
welcome them back.
Miss Lizzie Nolan spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. Eliza Crookshanks is very
ill, and her many friends hope for
her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Amis went
to Atlanta last week and witness
ed the performance of the play,
Ben Hur.
Mr. Q. R. Nolan spent several
days in Covington on business this
Mrs. I. D. Crawford was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Annie M.
Nolan, Monday.
Mr. Ben Bankston was at home
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joel Bankston.
Misses Buby and Ruth Walker
spent Tuesday in Atlanta.
Miss Many Barker, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Miss Lizzie Nolan
for several days last week.
The Misses Gamble left Wednes
day for their home in Louisville,
after a visit to Mrs. Ethel Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. visiM
Atlanta Monday. ‘
Miss Mary Cook, of College
Park, is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. B. E. Horton.
Dr. B. E. Horton has gone to
Butler, and other south Georgia
and Florida points in the hope
of deriving benefit for his health.
His many friends hope that the
trip will do him all needed good.
Misses Ruby and Ruth Walker
went up to Atlanta Tuesday to
see “The Lion and the Mouse,”
which is being played at the Or
pheum this week.
Miss Ruth Turner left Monday
for Athens to spend a w r eek with
her sister, Miss Nena. They will
both go to Mississippi for the
Christmas holidays, to be the
guests of Governor and Mrs.
Fruit Cake ingredients, Nuts,
Apples, Oranges, Grapes, Raisins,
Figs and candy at
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
, Miss Edith White will leave Sat
urday, to spend the holidays with
her parents at Danielsville.
Miss Ethel Beyer will spend
Christmas in Atlanta.
Misses Ezell and Marion Maxwell
of Atlanta, spent a few days here
last week with their aunt, Mrs. B.
H. Welch.
Mr. John Price and daughter,
Miss lone, of near Flippen, visited
McDonough last Friday.
Mr. W. C. Milam, of Stock
bridge, was a visitor to McDon
ough on Monday.
Remember the entertainment
at the School Auditorium on Fri
day evening. The proceeds are
for the benefit of their library.
Protection against poor biscuit,
Merry Widow and Miss Dixie
self-rising Flour.
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
’‘ i f
Mr. Rosser Ward, of Atlanta,
was the guest of friends here Sun
The young men of the town
were hosts at dances on last Fri
day and Saturday evenings given
in their hall under the Masonic
Temple. The visiting guests were:
Misses Lucile and Margarette
Gamble, of Louisville; Messrs. Jul
ian Mason, Charlie Watkins and
Carter, of Decatur; Elbert Parr
and Jim Hubbard, of Locust
Grove. The chaperones were Mr.
and Mrs H. M. Turner, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Sloan and Mrs. Ethel
Messrs. Fred Ball, Dee Tolleson
and Morrison Settle, of Jackson,
were visitors to our city Sunday.
Remember that the tax books
close next Tuesday, the 20th in
stant and see the tax collector.
Mr. Talmadge Thompson spent
the week end at home.
Mr. Q. R. Nolan is in Covington
on business this week.
The Variety Store Calendars
for 1911 are now ready. Come
and get one before they are all
Misses May and Estelle Wood
ward will spend the holidays with
home people in Griffin.
Col. Walter Wise, of Fayette
ville, was in the city Monday on
legal business.
Mr. Rosser Ward, of Atlanta,
w r as the guest of friends here
Get your Christmas fireworks,
fruits, nuts and candies and other
good things at W. 0. Welch’s.
Mrs. J. T. Weems visited Atlan
ta Tuesday.
Mr. Roy Turner made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. W. W. Turner spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Dr. D. W. Scott spent Thursday
in Atlanta.
Xmas Cake a surety when you
use Acme patent flour, the flour
that is ground from nothing but
the cleanest, best wheat.
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
Messrs. Asa A. Lemon, Tommie
Tolleson, Fred Walker and Ar
thur Bowden made an automobile
trip to Griffin Tuesday night to
see “The Man On the Box.”
Genuine Dill pickles at W. O.
All the good things to eat for
your Christmas dinner at W. O.
Mrs. Lawrence Duffey and little
daughter, Sadie, will leave Satur
day for Doerun, where they will
spend the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Zachry Thompson
and son, Raleigh V., spent Tues
day and Wednesday in Atlanta.
Mrs. Green Copeland spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Mrs. H. H. Stewart, mother of
Mr. Will Stewart, who has been
seriously ill with rheumatism, is
much better. «
I have sold the finest load of
Mules ever shipped to McDon
ough, and gone to Indiana to ship
another load from the same place.
Come see them next week.
H. M. Tolleson.
Mrs. Mary Alexander and Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Brown spent
Wednesday in the Gate City.
Messrs. Gordon Dickson and
Wyman Sloan will return Satur
day from the University School
for Boys at Stone Mountain, for
the holidays.
Judge Paul Turner was one of
our city’s visitors to Atlanta
Mrs. Delia Crookshanks, of At
lanta, was the guest of Mrs. Julia
McDonald Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brown spent
Wednesday in Atlanta.
Mr. Asa Lemon was a visitor to
Atlanta Wednesday.
Remember that the county tax
books close next Tuesday.
Mr. Park Dallas, of Atlanta, was
in our city Thursday.
Misses Annie Nolan and Ludie
V. Bond spent Sunday in Atlanta
as the guests of friends. In the
morning and afternoon they
charmed a number of fortunate
friends with selections of vocal'
and instrumental music. Miss
Nolan’s gifts of voice are known
and enjoyed by all here and it is
an equal pleasure to Miss Bond’s
many friends to note how she is
fast developing a remarkable tal-
ent as a pianist of individuality
and feeling.
The Hon. E. M. Smith went to
the Capital City Wednesday.
Miss Annie Nolan made a shop
ping visit to Atlanta Wednesday.
Mr. T. A. Sloan made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Wednesday.
Mrs. E. M. Copeland was hos
tess to the Bible study class Tues
day afternoon. When the study
was concluded, refreshments were
Mr. J. B. Cathey, of Godfrey,
spent several days here with Mr.
G. W. Cathey this week. Mr,
Cathey is an old Henry county
man, of whom we are proud. He
has just patented a new scrape
set, and went from here to Atlan
ta to arrange for its manufacture.
We wish him abundant success
with it.
Mr. 0. E. Cathey, of Barnesville,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W~
Cathey and Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Jackson this week.
Mrs. Ilendley Varner spent
Monday in the Gate City shopping.
Miss Margueritte Beyer, of At
lanta, will spend Friday night in
the city, the guest of her sister,
Miss Ethel Byer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Hooten and
little daughter, Francis, spent
Sunday in Atlanta.
Miss Ruth Dickson will spend a
few days in Atlanta the last of the
week with Miss Efhel Beyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hard Elliott an
nounce the birth of a daughter.
Mr. Asa Lemon visited Atlanta
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan has been
very ill for a week or more, but
is now improving slowly.