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at the poatoffle* at McDom
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aaatmoU by apaclal agreement.
II ' > fli - 1
McDonough, Ga. Dec. 16. 1910.
Obitnaries not containing more
than t>ne hnndrod words will be
published free. All obitnaries con
taining more than one hundred
words must be accompanied with
one cent per word for all in excess
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undertake to cut them down to
the one hundred word limit. Man
uscripts, not accompanied with
postage, will not bo returned.
No statements purporting to
come from The Henry County
Weekly are genuine unless they
have written on their face the
signature of Frank Reagan,Editor,
or are presented by him in person,
any person receiving such a state
ment without the signature will
please notify Frank Reagan Editor
McDonough, Georgia.
* warningl
We are informed that unauthor
ized parties are using the sub
scription list of The Henry County
We wish to warn all our sub
scribers and readers against such
No person holding himself out
as representing The Henry County
Weekly other than the regular
office employes, has any authority
to collect or receive subscriptions
or business unless he bears writ
ten authority signed by Frank
Reagan, Editor and Publisher.
A rosebud at first bp rely peeped
through its curtain of green upon
the world it hoped soon to bless
with its beauty and fragrance, and
day by day it grew to be more
charmed with the world about it,
less timid, and slowly pushed its
curtains more and more apart,un
til its youthful face 1 smiled forth
upon the passers by and cheered
many a weary one on his way to
work or play; and its youth was
promising ol a time when its full
blown beauty and maturity would
ripen its charm.
But an enemy lurked in the bush
and fina ly attacked the rose-bud.
marring all its beautiful features
and ire.: d\ ..sUroying it till riy.
Only an ugly worm, loved of no
one, had invaded, violated and de
vour e, a beauty and purity
loved ofall.
Other rosebuds, however, there
were, which escaped this sad fate,
ai d served well their cheering
aim o orous mission.
So, little barefoot boy, The
Weekly s youngest subscriber,
you furnish us with a text for a
sermon to ourselves— not to our
readers, for we have not the pre
sumption to believe ourselves cap
able of preaching to them.
And, if we shall sometime speak
to you, little fellow,-you may know
its just boy talk and we boys un
derstand each other, even if the
“grown-ups” cannot comprehen 1.
But what, you may inquire, has
this to do with rose-bud? vVI
simply this: The boy stir l,
and is fast opening in ■,<>'e !>
Don’t you see him s*
the fair flow rtlk
all the foliage u
And maybe the
in sight, but tb
and even no
boys, but a iit
These desw .
kind, and th .
our serho i .
The Week - - its
sometimes in our dreams, we
might be bold enough to hope
that it may be part of the sun
shine and only the smallest and
gentlest of the showers that shall
bring the bud to bloom into the
beauty and glory of a noble man
But it is about as much as we
can dare to hope that The Weekly
shall not be the branch upon that
rosebush along which the bugs
and worms shall find their way to
this rosebud of promise.
And herein lies the responsibil
ity of a newspaper, a responsibility
directly to men, but more fearful
in the accounting as a responsibil
ity to God himself.
And, as the end of our first year
approaches, we see so much of
our hopes unrealized; not in the
way of support, for that has been
far beyond our deserts and trans
cends our power of thanks; but
we have not produced as good a
pape ’ as we desired and still de
sire to do; but we ‘eel that in o e
respect we have succeeded. We
have been willing to speak of the
heart-throbs, but never of the
heart-stabs. The evil that men
do travels fast enough without
seeking passage on the printing
press; the good is not so fast and
needs more the acceleration of its
aid, and this is our aim.
And a step further, now; a step
back to the boy, too.
There is one of the sayings of
the Saviour, whose observance on
our part, we believe, would come
nearer to establishing a heaven on
earth, and 10 haste, ing ti e millen
nium than the observance of an;
other portion of the scriptures
dealing merely with man’s earthly
conduct: “Except ye become as
a little child, ye cannot ~e 11-
kingdom of heaven.”
Our little friend, stay a boy
keep always t. e cnild-n :o h
and you will ever understand
many of the deeper mysteries that
are beyond the ken of foolish man,
remembering ever that
“Trailing clouds of glory do we
From God, who is our home;
Heaven lies auout us in our in
Shades of the prison house b. yin
to close
Upon the growing boy;
But he beholds the light and
whence it flows,
He sees it in his joy;
The youth who daily farther from
Must travel still is natures priest
And by the Vision, splenaiu
Is on his way attended.'’
fay ColSecior’s Rounds.
TAX COLLEGTOR'3-~3d Bound.
McMullens, Thurs. Ist Dec.
Beersheba, Fri. 2d “
Sandy Ridge, Mpn. sth “
Tussahahaw, Wed. 7th “
Locust Grove, Thurs. Bth “
Lowe’s, Fri. 9th “
Stoekbridge, Mpn. • 12th “
Hampton, Tues. 13th “
Locust Grove, Wed. 14th “
Weodstown, 10 a. m. ] Thurs.
Island Shoals, 12 m. ; Dec.
Snapping Shoals, 2p. m. ) 15th.
McDonough, every Saturday and
Ist Tuesdays until books close,
D a her 20th, 1910.
, J. $, GILBERT,
lector Henry County.
. furnished rr
y to
Genuine Appier Oats. Price on
tf. A. N. Brown.
00 RhYOfl ST.
Quic . Cl can Service.
; Moderate Prices.
Good Corlee.
By our Divided Pay
ment Plan you can soon
own a beautiful stone
of known value and rec
ognized worth.
Durham Bros.
Optical Company \
Atlanta, Ga.
I Y j vv y \•_ * y
I* -aU « o .X l —w. *• 2 \ i "ti ,
7.30 to 12 A. M. gto 5 I’, m.
Office in XVw AS iic iiuildiQg;.
Plaster your vv • 11s with “Ivory
Cement Plaster” sold by.
Planters Warnborse & I umber Co,
a Gouougii, Ga.
' v. ! i! - -;- .. . -v , i ■ ;i]*ro\ e,
•aims at 7 percent interest, long,
tone. .* on : ■- money write me.
Lest, r < . .« : , n. At y.
ceviile Gh
N a ? r-i H T P» f N 5? ;:: fz
j,':! * A ' "-~3 ,-rs Li i \
w *
• • --V y-/
If yon want either a Viliratins Shntlle, Rotary
Shuttle or a Sinsrle Thread f Chain Stitch]
Sewing Machine write to
Orange, Mass.
Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless of
quality, but the Jiew Home is made to wear.
Our guaranty never runs out '
Solti hy authorized dealers only*
Oil VOt
■v Lo Dia
v- j sc.
Complete line of Cfcekets all styles and prices.
Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru
sted to me.
Embalming done according to latest and most lltt*
proved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Calls answered promptlyvlay and night.
Phones 28 and SO.
HcDonough Ga.
Real Estate—FOß SALE.
100 acre farm located two miles from Jenkinsburg and three miles
from Locust Grove, 75 acres in cultivation, 12 acres in pasture
under wire, 12 or 15 acres in original and second growth wood
land, running water, land lies well and easy to cultivate. Five
room dwelling with hall, front and rear verandas, all sealed,
painted and has lightning rod protection. Good large barn and
all necessary out buildings, one good tenant house with out
buildings, all in good condition. This is a good farm and desire
able home, one-half mile from good school and church.
Price $4,500.
One house and large lot. located or. one of the main residence streets
o' Hfin'i]!' i. Ga., house has four rooms and hall, sealed and
V : < <:d condition. This is a nice cottage practically
hew and a bargain at the
Price of $850.00.
I haveffor sale Monroe county farm lands and homes in Forsyth.
For description and prices apply to
G. C. THURMOND - - Forsyth, Georgia.
Cilice: OppositclPost Office, over Garage.
l- an insured bank and is thereby
a Lie to guarantee a sa e return
to each and every depositor of aU
money deposited with them.—The
safety ai d conservatism of The
Batik of Stoekbridge is second to
none in this section, the city
banks not excepted.
Their almost unlimited financial
connection places them in the
position that no bank is more
able to meet the demands of their
customers than The Bank of
Your bank business is earnestly
solicited and you will always re
ceive courteous treatment. Your
account, whether large or small,
will be highly appreciated and
will receive the personal atten
tion of the Cashier.
The Bank of Stoekbridge
Stoekbridge, « - Georgia
Don’t be a -Chinese Mother
service as well—call for the “Good Sense” Shoe.
Made only by J. K. ORR SHOE CO., ATLANTA
E the little ones room enough
in their shoes. Our wide toe
■—“good sense” line, all sizes
will appeal to you, and do double