Newspaper Page Text
A Father's Beautiful Tribute.
The Golden Age publishes the
following beautiful funeral tribute
from a father to his son. it was
dictated from a bed of siekru- ;s /
Edward . Leigh Pell, Richmond,
Va M and read by the officiating
ministers at the funeral of the
father’s first born, Edward Leigh
Pell, Jr., who was a youth of bril
liant promise:
The world has no room for a
boy. He is too rough for its taste,
and in his awkwardness he often
rubs it the wrong way. We treas
ure our men, our women and our
girls, but we only tolerate our
boys —taleraie them with the hope
that they will soon cease to be
But a boy is like a cocoanut
brought to us i ! resi from the tree,
enveloped i 1 its great l aggy cov
ering. The g o a ess ; s all within,
and you mi. era: t a very heart
to find it. You never know what
is in the heart of a bo./ until it has
been craeke l by some hard vicis
situde of like.
When I was tak: r, s'ek my boy
square ! his f u vers to bear
his father’s be i s. Day after
day he went office and tried
to take his lei ts place; and
when they give him business
worries to b: g he ne lie would
often hide t t; : n his pocket and
jpp f 3 • ' wiin a smiling
His father. .1 not be wor
q-jq o. ; ■ * cane hr me in pain
and ml! aovn : s worn. W nen
they .v ,vv- - n h naw ry
to the ha ,pva! i wc- w to h.m and
“;.Iy boy, you k: ow hov/1 have
always L.uu . \ '■ 1 a ’il my
“And I have 1 you with all
my head too,' h.: reyvied. but.
papa, don't wo-: ry; I don’t mind
the operation; 1 am only afraid
you will worry, and it will make
you worse. Don’t worry, papa
And day after day there come a
message of love mom the hosnital
with its admonition not to we ivy.
When at last he began to realize
that he must go he sent for me.
“God has been good' to us," i
said to him, “and we can trust
“I am trusting him,” he said.
“We’ve had lots of good times
together, my boy, and we are go
ing to have many more; for I am
coming to you and we shall live
together forever.”
And he gave my hand a squeeze
that broke my heart.
At the last moment, while talk
ing to his mother, his br.Liant
mind as clear as it had ever been
in all his life, he looked up sud
denly and exclaimed:
“They are coming!”
“Who is coming, my child?”
asked the mother.
“Oh, the angels! I see them!”
“And won’t you come for me,
my boy?” asked the mother.
“Yes, yes; good-bye; good-bye;
And he passed within the veil
as peacefully as a babe drops to
sleep on its mother’s breast.
This is what I found in the
heart of my boy. Perhaps you
will find it in the heart of your
boy, too—
When it has been cracked.
Notice Patrons.
All patrons of McDonough City
School are requested to pay their
tuition promptly, not late: than
the tenth of each month, as it,
takes money to pay the teachers
and we have have no time to come
to see you about it. Get certifi
cates at Bank of Henry County.
J. B. Dickson, Pres.
City Board of Education.
Oak Shade.
I wjJV point* •< tin with ii few
lints tl:i» lno'-ni/i.-, to lot yon all
ho r fr«on nr y-r tho comity.
Wo >O very M> to s'ty Mrs*..
>li S r--; b- t r is is■ 11 sick with
- v r. In.*].•>•. patil is abcuifc well
an Howard is son-.t hotter. " - v
iiss Fannie lit;yes spent Sat--
Urdu;. ;tnd Sutit.ny vith-Mlss “Lucy
Poten.oin. *
a" ss Hnrtonsv Warren has • re
timed homo to Pantliorsvillo, after
a pleasant- stay of several weeks
with M iss Florence Simpson. She
will be greatly missed.
Miss Gertrnde Haves attended
the wedding >f Miss Eva Roberts
and Mr. Amos Baker Sunday at
Conley, (Ja. We wish them all the
health, wealth and happiness.
Mr. W. B. Hayes visited his
daughter, Mrs. O. N. Conkle, at
Stock bridge yesterday.
Mrs. Eetov McGun.y end chil
dren from VloDonont/h, visiting |
Mrs. Joe Hayes, her sis!, r.
The young folks will have a box
supper at ‘MI. Vevnen school house
Friday night.
Unci * Ctawford Pope is still
very feeble at this writing.
Well, good-bye to you for this
time. A. merry Christmas and a
happy new year to all.
Phillip *i.
We are having some more beau
tiful weather.
Mr. John Rosser and son, Theo
dore, of Alabama, spent Sunday
night with Mr. J. L. Jinks.
Mr. and Mrs. Noli Jinks spent
Sunday with Mr. Job Coker and
family Sunday.
Mr. J. <’. ! .in. -y mad ■ a business
trip to At-h. nta k-Purdr .
Mn Rihgewai of con
passed through is-sh:: v Monuay
The Ladies .oks-iow ry ;s i *v
will meet Sati ior r, . noon at.
Ihe church So C a B Fat en
may m it, with ~s. -,, ..? o yieesod
to know that i ., m r
rfii ocitttion s •i o - ode,;• v ill
i ;eet with us. We : - -at a. of
the ladies will im ‘ for 1 am sure
tin,re. vill be someth<.ig gmd '■
sti r -hem.
jvlvs. s. B. Ki iihie s Monday
wr V iier dan liter, : \ rs. L; iiu
One of the prettiest arriages of
the season was that, of Miss Lucy
Belle McKibben and Mr. J. Tin mas
BeardoL, wni<M was sulemmz d <>n
Sunday aft t noon at 3 o’clock.
The bridal party was entertained
with a delightful luncheon at the
home of the bride. Those present
being Miss Lillie Mae McKibben,
Mr. S. A. Jinks. Miss Roxie Jinks,
Mr. S. R. Bearden, Miss Mamie
McKibben, Mr. P. E. Jinks, Miss
Agnes Bearden, Mr. U. L. Jinks,
Miss Rosa Sand iter, Mr. C. L.
Bearden. Miss Anna McKibben.
Mr. A. C. ChaffiMr. Russ 11, Miss
Clyde Clevelanu. Miss I\ >te Bear
den and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Linney.
At 2 o’clock the prospective bride
and groom and attendants set out
for the home of Rev. J. A. Jackson,
by whom the marriage ceremony
was performed in a most impres
sive manner.
The bride was daintily attired in
a becoming gowu of blue broad
cloth, with touches of gold and
white about the bodice and neck,
and hat and gloves to match.
The ceremony having been per
formed, the happy party returned
to the home of the groom, where
they were pleasantly entertained
throughout the evening.
The bride, who possessed many
lovely traits of character, is the
daughter of Mr. W. J. McKibben. a
prosperous Henry county farmer.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. M. Bearden, also a success
ful and influential farmer, and is
a young man of sterling worth and
premising future.
l - The to
' tlieni a'*
hre at he
In mm of j i • .-* ...
Central Dot».
Well, it seems, th v t e
weafherTial brok-P u; iast in s
‘Mr. and Mrs.H. F. 'Stanfield, of
Bodingbpoke, are visiting relatives
here at this writing.
Mr. W. A. Callaway went to
erect a chimney for Mr. Jesse
Greer, hear Hampton last Wednes
day and Thursday.,
Everybody iJPh j rush around
here building and moving and try
ing to get ready for another year.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dorsey and
family and Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
Stanfield were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Stanfield Sunday.
There were several who visited
the school at Liberty Hill Friday
afternoon to near the scholars
speak. We he frtily agree with
the teacher for having them to re
cite every two'weeks it trains them
to memorize and also learns them
to speak in public when they are
older. \
Mrs. W. A. Callaway and her
twd little Sisters, Mi ses Maiddie
Crawford and Le a Callaway, vis
ited Mrs. Jessie Stanfield Saturday.
Next fourth Sunday. Christmas
day, there will be speaking at Lib
erty-Hill by the little gins and
boys. It wiil be iii the rr-cming
before preaching i.ours and Rev.
Uh i will preach the eleven o’clock
sermon. We insist ail who can
co ne rnb be with us, for we are
auu thus in the best way to have
it —to :o to the house of ; i d , .d
and pieuC-i'ng about ins Sn.iom*
who uied, was buried and rose
again font might shaie sis
blessn ./i'n tli.-x grand and tener
hiissjs idattie aid Carrie Wa.-
iaco visiL-.a urs. Ii). L. McLeji-.iv.ui
Saturday ana Sundry.
bliss Mea Meadows was the
guest of sirs. W. H. Barnett Sat
urday night.
Miss ~laud Banks has returned
home after a two weeks visit With
her sister Mrs. Ada Wallace at By
Mr. Emmet Wallace visited
homefolks Sunday.
Mr. Morris Pendley of Millernes,
| visited relatives in this vicinity
! Sunday.
Mr. John Babb died last Sunday
leaving a widow and six children,
four girls and two boys, to mourn
his death. He was 42 years of
age, a good citizen, a good father,
and a kind husband. We were
very sorry to lose “Jack,” as every
body called him, but God knew
best. And we will say to the be
reaved ones to weep not for this
is his eternal gain.
The B. C. Ward stock business
will be carried on at Stockbridge*
Good stock for sale at all times.
12-9, 3.
For Leave to Sell
Georgia, Henry County.
J. \V. Gossett, administrator of
the estate of J. J. Gossett, deceased,
having in due form made applica
tion for leave to sell all the lands
belonging to said estate, this is to
notify you that said application
will be heard at the next regular
term of Court of Ordinary for said
county on the first Monday in Jan
uary 1911.
This Dec. 5. 1910. A. G. Harris.
12-30,4 Ordinary.
£ *' \ *
"A r *W V •
i Uftru*
• ; ui -if i.h.i! .
: - >i,i i: 1j i Ilf.ii tj
f' i ’ - : lav- i.
•• c . .. *** ii. ’h
• !i. •- ■ 1,. *
..•iu *, i• I! .’l -•• li
ft-. I i • . ,t
-- :
12 0, I
hi, JV:.
Gfor-jia llcurv Cui',
Will lx- siild on i i
nary next ut public
House in said cou'o\
hours of sale to the h ■
certain personal j -|
following is a full ;i <■
One net sprihg site
black Ima'gy. ruldn r 11 -
siTivtic hanhss.
Said propely levied on a,
VV. A. Hanks to salisft
issued from the (Comity 1 u
llounty in favor of 11. L i .in.,
against said W. A. Ban • •j- ii,
12-30. 4 A. V Sowell, Sh- rut
Bor Twelve Months import
Georgia, Henry comity.
Mrs J. L. Alexander having m.ade up
plication for twelve months supnort out
«>f (he «Htato of .1. 1.. Vlexander. deceased.
All persons concerned art* hereby required
to show cause before the C urt of Ordi
nary of said county on the first Monday in
January, 11)11, why said application should
not. lie jji-iii,ted.
'Jills Dec. 5,19 H). A. G. Harris.
12-39,4 Ordinary.
East Pesksvilie.
Wc!k * » : - will give you
a hev <!••!< ■ ruin this ]>laoe.
Wu ate hitiing some right pretty
wont h r now.
C :os iii s* oi! be hero and
wo. wish one aud atlaun Chrisi
; v ,. ~I /j r. ,/. t:[. W iox
i Mb !ti Vo *B(3ay.
i. ’•-«» ivo if. Maddox
•c» «<•; vo oar cominun
iUv, 1 - him and family in noli
o ;,i ; di i i liis i iiitio homo, fie
s ;,ii jackson next Thursday.
M . and Mrs. Will Mason were
visit -ig Mr. and Mrs. Cowan
Smith Sunday afternoon.
Miss Rosebud Force and Mr.
Jessie Stevens were out riding
Su 'day afternoon.
Mr. R. W. Cash worshipped, at.
Mt. Bethel Sunday morning.
Mr. Jack Nail w.nfc to JacKson
S mday afternoon.
Mis. William Hardy was visiting
Mrs. W. W. Nail Monday after
Mr. Asa Force w T as a guest of
Miss Fanniebelle Stevens Sunday
Miss Plstelle Hardy was a caller
at Mr. J. E. Jinks Sunday.
Mr. R. W. Lee and family have
left for South Georgia, to reside in
the future. We wish them many
happy years.
We Are Here To Save You
SI 3.85 $17.00 522.50
Sale Delivery Guaranteed Dept. Y Atlanta, Georgia
Larger aiuLJetter
forjQl 1
f * , 4- * „ bf,
l; - ' *!%? ! J
;- •<v mM ii
I ii
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KAmilv Parlor, the Garden, the
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