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We are informed that unauthor
ized parties are using the sub
scription list of The Henry County
We wish to warn all our sub
scribers and readers against such
No person holding himself out
as representing The Henry County
Weekly other than the regular
office employes, has any authority
to collect or receive subscriptions
or business unless he bears writ
ten authority signed by Frank
Reagan, Editor and Publisher.
Preparing for An Emergency.
The boll weevil will reach Geor
gia about 1912. Anthracnose and
the wilt disease an* destroying
millions of dollars worth of
cotton for Georgia farmers each
year. The cattle tick holds in
check the development of our live
stock industries. The methods of
fertilization and cultivation now
pursued tend to lessen the crop
yielding power of our soils. Our
failure to select seed corn and cot
ton results in reducing instead of
increasing the yields obtained. A
serious situation confronts us.
There are millions of dollars at
stake. The prosperity of the state
hangs in the balance. The future
of the lives of thousands of boys
and girls is involved in the issue.
The place of Georgia among the
states of the Union is being
Realizing the momentous char
acter of the issues involved and
the prize at stake, the College of
Agriculture has organized a cot
ton school and stockman’s short
course to teach farmers how to
overcome these difficulties, it
will take but ten days to secure
eighty hours of definite instruc
tion and demonstration concern
ing these vital matters. It will
cost from sls to $25.
Mr. Farmer are you going to at
tend this short course and broad
en your point of view, become a
farmer, advance the
welfare of your family, increase
youi earning capacity, build up
your lands, and make your state
ermanently prosperous? “Do
not put off until tomorrow what
you can do today” is one of the
best axioms our civilization has
developed. Prepare yourself to
successfully meet the issues which
changed conditions have imposed
on Georgia agriculture. You can
not escape them but you can cir
cumvent them by skill and defi
nite knowledge which science and
agricultural training and educa
tion alone provide.
Appeal to Customers.
The recent fire, which entailed
■uch a heavy loss upon me in my
Millinery business, has placed upon
me the extra heavy burden of re
placing my stock of goods, and for
that purpose, 1 shall badly need all
the money I can raise.
So all my kind patrons who are
indebted to me will greatly favor
and aid mein rebuilding my burned
business by making immediate pay
Yours gratefully,
Miss Blanche Wentzell.
Luelia Locals.
Mr. C. C. Goodman and family
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Mr. B. F. Thjmpson and fam
Mrs. O. L. Wells went to Griffin
Thursday shopping.
Mrs. Tommie Huey Wells and
Miss Dora Hattaway spent, last
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
Mrs. S. P. Brown.
Mis. F. S. Morris and daughter,
Cleo, visited Mrs. Copeland last
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. P. R. Martin left last week
for Macon and other places visiting
Mrs. S. P. Brown and Miss Dora
Hattaway went to McDonough last
Friday atternoon.
Messrs. Brown and Thompson
made a business trip to Atlanta
Dr. R. L. Crawford went to Mc-
Donough Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Morris went
to Griffin last Saturday.
Miss Cleo Morris and Miss Dora
Hattaway visited Mrs. Flem I)n
prce Saturday afternoon.
Brother Drewry filled his regu
lar appointment here Saturday,
but failed to come Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown spent
Sunday with Mr. W. S. Steel and
Miss Birdie Barliam went to
Griffin Tuesday.
There will be a Christmas tree at
the church here next Friday night.
Everybody has a cordial invitation
to come.
Miss Lneile Weems and brother, j
T. D., went to Griffin Monday shop !
Miss Lucy Moore was in Luella a
while last Friday afternoon.
1 am again in business at my old
stand, which I was compelled tem
porarily to abandon by the fire of
the 12th idstant, and have a large
quantity of millinery goods, rib
bons, trimmings, etc., all of which
I shall sell at ridiculously low pric
es during this special sale, lasting
through the holidays.
With thanks t o my former
patrons, and the hope that they
will continue their visits to me and
be joined by many new friends,
at this sale and through the fu
ture, I am
Yours Respectfully,
Miss Blanche Wentzell.
Sardis Locals.
We have been having some rainy
weather lor the last two or three
Wo are glad that Mr. T. A. Bar
ham is able to be up again.
Mr. and Mrs. Webb Martin have a
fine young man stopping over with
Mr. and Mrs. Odns Mason and
Mrs. Parry Laney made a business
trip to McDonough last Saturday.
Mrs. Dr. Ellis has just returned
home from Atlanta, where she has
been visiting her sister.
Mr. Mrs. W. S. Stroud went to
Atlanta last week.
Misses Vera Stroud and Elon
Mason visited Miss Kate Stall
worth, of Bethany, last Saturday
night and Sunday, and attended
the box supper at the Union Grad
ed School Saturday night.
We are glad to note that Mrs.
W. A. Banks is still slowly improv
Messrs. Odns and Fred Mason
made a business trip to Jackson
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
W. C. and W. W. Milam’, ad
ministrator of estate of Wyley Mi
lam, deceased, having in due form
made application for leave to sell
all the lands belonging to said es
tate, this is to notify yon that said
application will be heard at the
next regular term of Court of Ordi
nary for said county on the first
Monday in January, 1911.
This Dec. 5, 1910. ' A. G. Harris,
12-30,4 Ordinary.
I have sold the finest load of
Mules ever shipped to McDon
ough, and gone to Indiana to ship
another load from the same place.
Come see them next week.
H. M. Tolleson.
Genuine Appier Oats. Price on
tf. A. N. Brown.
Qjiick, Clean Service.
Moderate Prices.
Good Coffee.
By our Divided Pay
ment Plan you can soon
own a beautiful stone
of known value and rec
ognized worth.
Durham Bros.
Optical Company
Atlanta, Ga.
Office Hours :
T. 30 to 12, a. M. '.to 5 P. M.
Office in yew Masoi ic Building.
Plaster your walls with “Ivory
Cement Plaster”, sc Id by.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber Co,
McDonough, Ga.
I will loan money on improved
faimsat 7 per cent interest, long,
time. If you need money write me.
Lester C. Dickson, Atty.
Fayetteville, Ga
If yon want either a Vibrating Shuttle. Rotary
Shuttle or a Single Thread fCAam Stile hi
Sewing Machine write to
Orange, Mass.
Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless ol
quality, but the New Home is m2de to wear.
Our guaranty never runs out r
Sold by authorized dealers only.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
All creditors of the estate of J. L. Alex
ander, late of Henry county, deceased, are
hereby notified to render in their demands
to the undersigned according to law, and
all persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment.
This Dec. 10. 1910. Edd Alexander,
1-21,6. Administrator.
Complete line of Ct-Eketsall styles and prices.
Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru
sted to me.
Embalming done according to latest and most im
proved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Calls answered promptly day and night.
Phones 28 and 30.
ilcßonough Ga.
Real Estate--FOR SALE.
■■WSEtfUK WfflWS MHBBKIB i-;i 2
1.00 acre farm located two miles from Jenkinsburg and three miles
from Locust Grove, 75 acres in cultivation. 12 acres in pasture
under wire, 12 or 15 acres in original and second growth wood
land, running water, land lies well and easy to ctiltivate. Five
room dwelling with hall, front and rear verandas, all sealed,
painted and has lightning rod protection. Good large barn and
all necessary out buildings, one good tenant house with out
buildings, all in good condition. This is a good farm and desire
able home, one-half mile from good school and church.
Price $4,500.
One house and large let. located on one of the main residence streets
of Hampton, Ga., house has four rooms and hall, sealed and
plastered, in good condition. This is a nice cottage practically
new and a bargain at the
Price of $850.00.
I haveffor sale Monroe county farm lands and homes in Forsyth.
For description and prices apply to
C. C. THURMOND - - . Forsyth, Georgia.
Office: Opposite Post Office, over Garage.
is an insured bank and is thereby
able to guarantee a safe return
to each and every depositor of all
money deposited with them.—The
safety and conservatism of The
Bank of Stockbridge is second to
none in this section, the city
banks not excepted.
Their almost unlimited financial
connection places them in the
position that no bank is more
able to meet the demands of their
customers than The Bank of
Your bank business is earnestly
solicited and you will always re
ceive courteous treatment. Your
account, whether or small,
will be highly appreciated and
will receive the personal atten
tion of the Cashier.
The Bank of Stockbridge
Stockbridge, - - Georgia
Don't be a Chinese Mother
the little ones room enough
in their shoes. Our wide toe
—“good sense” line, all sizes
will appeal to you, and do double
service as well-call for the “Good Sense” Shoe.
Made only by J. K. ORR SHOE CO., ATLANTA