Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta, Ga.
lieady about May 1,1911
Corner North Broad & Luckie Sts ,
(Temporary location)
Miss Arnold Writes Interestingly
to The Weekly.
We are in receipt of the follow
ing bright and interesting letter
from Miss Orin Arnold, and we
herewith publish it with pleasure,
and we congratulate Shorter, Miss
Arnold and the other girls of Hen
ry on this fine showing :
Shorter College,
Rome, Ga., Dec., 15, 1910.
Mr. Editor —
Thinking you, as well as all
other peoDle throughout Georgia,
are interested in the rising college
of the South, Shorter, I am writ
ing you concerning the part the
Henry county girls are playing in
fhe life of this institution, as well
as a few facts concerning Greater
Henry county is well represent
ed here by the following girls:
Eunice Ragsdale, Lois Walker,
Lois Parr, Lorena Combs, Hester
Combs, Hattie Sue Lowe and
Orion Arnold. You are to be con
gratulated for the prominent part
and the good work these girls
havn done this fall.
Eunice Ragsdale has honored
herself and her county by being
chosen a champion debater of the
Eunonian Society. Beside this,
she is associate editor of the Col
lege Annual and president of the
sophomore class.
Our girls are not only promi
nent for their literary work, but
in athletics also. Lois Walker
won the champinship for the spe
cials in the tennis tournament,
which was played between the
dosses in October.
Loreno Combs has upheld her
record, by being tjie songster and
musician of the band. She has
taken part in two student’s re
And now a few words about
our college. The work done here
this fall has been good. We have
not only gained mentally, but
physically as well. There has
been an average gain of ten
pounds for each girl. The chest
expansion of every one of these
has increased two to three inches.
0 »n Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, Nona Better
T Z. Bay M con Made M achiner/ nnd avoid
\ ex o«JjiTC Freights and long waits lor Repairs
Steam and Gasoline Engines
Portable & Stationary Boilers
Complete Ginning, Sawing and Shingle Outfits
T "ZjLA tarns, T»nk», T • »*»■*. is Asstjless L;;b;is; TUaii
EfEITTHIM m machinery ANN iunnuei
$5, $25, SIOO
Or any amount of money that you do not
actually need?
If so, is it working for you? It takes
money to make money, and you will never
succeed unless you make your money work
for you, no matter how little or how much
you may have.
You can rtart a savings account with SI.OO
and deposit or withdraw at any time. We
will divide our profits with you by paying
you 4 per cent, interest, compounded January
and July.
hTllyer trust company,
Capital and Surplus $300,000.00
Perhaps this is due to the fine
athletics —but as one would natur
ally suppose, it is largely due to
the splendid fare. Never has
there been heard a complaint con
cerning the meals. They are as
good as one could look for.
Shorter is the only college in
the South that publishes two pa
pers. The Chimes is managed by
the two literary societies, Poly
mian and Eunomian. The Acade
my Bulletin is published by the
academic department.
But, what of Greater Shorter?
The buildings are all planned and
the new college is a known fact.
How could it do otherwise than
succeed, with such foundations!
Already we have $40,000 cash,
$75,000 worth of bonds, reliable
subscriptions from Rome amount
ing to SIOO,OOO, value of land
which has been given by Mr. Bass
and others, is placed at $60,000.
The total amount is now $275,000.
In 1911 we are assured of
$2,000,000 from other sources.
Knowing the interest you have
always taken in educational af
fairs, lam writing you this. Wish
ing you a merry Christmas and a
happy New Year. Orion Arnold.
Wanted to rent, a housp in Mc-
Donough. Call or write what you
have. Eliot O. Clement, County
Weekly office.
A Santa Claus Letter.
Mr. Editor—l though I would
drop you a few lines, if lam not
too late, to print in your paper
so Santa Claus can see it. I think
I have been a good little girl; I
want a few nice presents for
Christmas. I don’t want no auto
mobile; I see enough of them in
the big road. I want a real pretty
doll, and a locket and half dozen
apples and package candy, and
you can bring me some oranges
and some other things if you want
to. lam sure to get them for I
am papa’s baby girl.
Little Ethel Hays.
The following attorneys were
here Monday on business before
Judge Reagan: Messrs. Y. A.
Wright and C. L. Redman, of Jack
son; J. M. Fletcher and Ben Man
ry, of Forsyth; and Lucien Good
rich and Lloyd Cleveland, of Grif
We extend to our many friends
and customers our sincere thanks
for their liberal support given us
during the past year.
You are cordially invited to make
our store your trading place for
next year, and we shall extend to
you every facility possible.
We will be closed Monday and
Tuesday the 26th and 27th.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas
and a successful New Year,
We are yours truly,
McDonough, Georgia Phone 25
A Southern Magazine.
Six years have passed since we
ventured to publish a Magazine
representative of the South and
West. To-day we stand alone in
the light of a successful and pro
gressive literary Magazine, de
voted exclusively to the interest
of the Southern and Western
people. The field which we rep
resent cannot be covered by any
other publication, that is why we
stand on solid ground. We are
instrumentaling the development
of our Southern Industries. We
give the people an opportunity to
read of what is being done to-day.
This is a brief outline of what the
Taylor-Trotwood Magazine is do
ing. We are satisfied that this is
the best one dollar and fifty cent
magazine published, but we are
not satisfied with our mailing list.
You may get other magazines for
lep than $1.50 but you can’t get
the Taylor-Trotwood. It is worth
that, at least.
Send your subscription to Cir
culation Department.
T ay lor-T rot wpod,
Nashville, Tenn.
Petition for Guardian's Sale and Rein
Georgia, Henry County.
After four weeks notice pursuant to
Sec. 2646 of the civil code of Georgia, a pe
tition of which a true and correct copy is
is sub-joined and on file in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court In said county
will be presented to the Hon. E. J.
Reagan, Judge of the Superior Court at
the Court House in said county, on the 24th
day of December, 1910, a petition of Lula
Redding, guardian of her minor children,
for leave to sell for the purpose of reinvest
ment in other lands more suitable for
said wards, the following lands, to-wit:
A certain tract In which she holds for
life and said wards are remaindermen,
lying in the Ist land district of said county
being part of lots 229,240, and 243, contain
ing 143 acres, more or less, the same
bought from R. F. Smith on the 26th day
of Nov., 1904, for her and her minoi child
ren. Lula Redding,
12-23, 4 By her An’y, W. T. Dickon.
Treatment of diseases of all animals. All calls
promptly attended to. SURGERY a specialty r
Correspondence solicited.
Bell Phone: Residence, 13 1: Office, 44.
When your Father comes to
town, tell him to call at
and buy a
Norleigh Diamond Wagon
for you.
We have all sizes and they are the
kind that won’t come to pieces.
McDonough, Georgia.
Atto r n ey - a t - La w,
Office ever Star Store.
A nice pony and buggy for sale
or would trade it for good lumber.
T. A. Lifsey.
The fire Monday night does not
stop my work. My friends will
find me in the rear of Horton
Drug Co. ready to serve them.
Very truly,
T. A. Lifsey.