Newspaper Page Text
The Horton Drug Company
Wishes you a Merry Christmas
and would help you provide a
Merry Christmas for you and
We have a fine and large stock selected with care and taste.
Every kind of gift for everybody of every age.
Here you find Doll Land, Toy Land. too. Vases, Beautiful Hand-Painted China,
Toilet and Jewelry Cases, Manicure Sets, Jewelry of all kinds, including Lockets,
Bracelets, Watch Fobs, Stick Pins, secret order emblems.
Nunnaly’s Candies for Christmas, fresh and fine. Send her a box.
The smoker’s every taste can be satisfied in Tobaccos and Cigars in Christmas
packages. Christmas post cards from one cent up.
All the School Books and School Supplies are carried by us. Have a drink at our
Special Holiday Stationary Sale.
Beginning Saturday, December 17th, we shall sell our entire line of box Stationary
at prices ranging from 29c to 69c. Formerly sold at from 35c to 75c.
Each purchaser of Box Stationery can vote tor his favorite in the contest in proportion to the amount of his purchase. Winner in con
test gets a beautitul Writing Desk. Contest closes December 24th. The contestants are: Miss Kate Glass, Mrs. E. C. Cowan, Miss Eunice
McDonough, - - Georgia.
Locust T
Grove locals
Miss Mary Nixon, Mr. J. L.
Gardner’s popular, trimmer, left
Thursday to spend the holidays at
her home in Jacksonville, Ala.
Mr. Hoyt Davis, a student at
Mercer, spent Sunday in Locust
Grove, the guest of Miss Esther
Miss Carrie Knott is visiting in
Atlanta this week.
Mr. M. N. Carter will leave Sat
urday for his home in Copeland,
S. C., to spend Christmas.
Mr. Ed Hubbard, of Macon, will
spend Christmas day in Locust
Miss Elah Bedgood, of Arabi,
Ga., will arrive Saturday to be the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Judson
M. Walker. ,
Mr. Julian McKnight, cashier of
The Citizens’ Bank, will spend
Christmas day in Senoia.
Mr. and Mrs. Schafer James, of
Hamlet, N. C., will be the guests of
Dr. J. S. Heflin and Mrs. M. A.
James next week.
Mrs. Robert Voyles, of Mays
ville, is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Castellaw.
Mr. Elbert Parr spent Wednes
day in Atlanta with his sister, Miss
Lois Parr, returning from Shorter.
Miss Julia Wright left Saturday
for Dublin, to spend the holidays
there with relatives.
Mrs. William Deßardeleben
spent Friday shopping in Atlanta.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo spent Friday
at home in Locust Grove.
The fall term at L. G. I. closed
[last Friday at 1 o’clock. The ma
| jority of the pupils left Saturday
morning, for their home. The
teachers who will remain at the
dormitory during the holidays are:
Miss Hattie Llewellyn Glausier,
Miss Merle Owen and Miss Eunice
Fitz Bohannon.
Mr. Roy Morris and Mr. Emmett
Brown, students, will also spend
Christmas at L. G. I. Mr. Brown
will be the guest of Prof. 0. R.
Horton, at Monticello, until next
Miss Stella Gardner, teacher of
Mathematics at Bessie Tift Col
lege, will arrive Thursday to spend
tiie holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gardner.
The L. G. I. girls-and boys now
in college will spend the Christ
mas holidays at home.
Wednesday night Misses Allie
Mahone, Hester Combs, Lorena
Combs, Estelle Castellaw, Lois
Parr and Eunice Ragsdale came
home from Shorter College; Mr.
Harris Brown from the Tech
School, and’ Mr. John Woolsey
Snead from the University of
Miss Gussie Castellaw, who is
attending Wesleyan College, and
Miss Lucile Middlebrooks, of the
Southern at ■ LaGrange, arrived
Friday to spend the Christmas
season at home.
Mrs. Melvie Hubbard, of Atlan
ta, will be the guest of Miss Ophe
lia Hubbard next week.
Mr. Sam Whit Gardner was the
guest of honor at a dinner on his
81st birthday last Tuesday, given
by his son and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Gardner. Only rela
tives were present.
Mrs. Lloyd Dickson is very ill
with tonsilitis.
Mrs. Robertson and two chil-
dren, Eva and Jack, will spend
Christmas at their old home in
Henderson, Tenn,
Mr. J. L. Gardner is moving this
week into his remodeled store.
The store now is the largest and
finest in Locust Grove, and will
carry a salendid slock of mer
Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Colvin,
Messrs. Eugene pnd Odell Combs,
Jim Hubbard, Robert Peeler,
Charlie Watkins, Otis Watson and
W. M. Carter went up to Atlanta
Thursday night to witness “The
Midnight Sons” at the Grand.
The friends of Mr. Jerry Walker
i are glad to note that he is up
I again, ■ softer a serious illness from
typhoid fever.
Misses Emily and Moily Ethel
Banks went down to Jackson
i Thursday, to attend the public de
bate. •'
Mr. Ernest Gray, who has been
teaching in North Georgia, is the
guest for the holidays of his
brother, Prof. Claude Gray, of
L. G. I.
Mr. Woodfin Combs' returned
Wednesday from Fitzgerald, to
spend several days at home.
♦a ■**,; ’* * f 4l ft tw.'v »i. .7
Mr. Charlie Watkihs was a visi
tor in Atlanta Wednesday.-
• V * * ♦.«&* *\
Miss Esther Smith Hostess,
Miss Esther Smith entertained
very informally on last Wednes
day evening.
Music and conversation were
enjoyed, and a salad course was
Miss Smith’s guests were: Misses
Allie Gardner, Margaret Heflin,
Lillian Price, Floy Parr; Messrs.
Jim Hubbard, Charlie Watkins,
Elbert Parr, M. N. Carter and Mr.
Stockbridge Locals.
The Joe Wheeler Chapter, U.
D. C., had the regular monthly
meeting with Mrs. Harriet Haw
kins last week. There was a good
attendance. The following offi
cers were elected for the ensuing
year, the retiring officers begging
that an entirely new corps of offi
cers be elected : Mrs. John Wal
den, president; Mrs. John Ward,
vice-president; Miss Greene Liv
ingston, recording secretary; Mrs.
Rosa Lee Ellerson, corresponding
secretary; Mrs. Marvin Power,
treasurer; Mrs. Berry Hinton, reg
istrar and historian.
Mrs. Luke Livingston and fami
ly have moved into Mr, W. W.
Ward’s former home here.
Miss Carrie Gossett, Miss Ward
McWilliams and Miss Lutie Bellah
who are attending school at differ
ent colleges, are expected home
for the Christmas holidays.
Rev. C. M. Dunnaway is expect
ed to hold a meeting here at the
Methodist church, South, Christ
mas week.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Terry and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark are
to spend Christmas with Mr. and
Mfs. M. A. Terry.
Mr. O; B. Turpin was in town
\ v tTZ *’ k ' 1 • ' r '' y
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Swann are
expected to attend the Dunnaway
meeting and be the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Swann.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Power and
little daugter, Mildred, will leave
Saturday to be the guest of Mr.
Power’s parents at Comer, Ga., a
few days.
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sprayberry
will be the guests of Mrs. J. W.
Hightower a few days next week.
Mrs. John Ward attended the
marriage of Miss Claudine Blalock
at Jonesboro this week.
Mr. H. J. Shields and daughter,
Miss Jessie Hugh, spent last Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Holiday Notice.
On account of the holidays, we
will close Saturday night, t not to
open again until the following
Wednesday morning.
We wish, at this time, to
our customers for their patronage,
and extend to you all a merry
Turner Brothers, Bankers.
Lost or Strayed
One red pig, weighing 40 or 50
: pounds; has been gone about a
week. Notify J. E. Smith, route
2, McDonough, Ga.
Judge Harris Denounces Charges.
Editor of The Weekly:
Please allow me space in your
columns to deny emphatically
reports which are being circulated
concerning me and of which I
have just heard.
Designing politicians are charg
ing that I am responsible for the
Tax Collector’s obeying the law
this year in closing the tax books
last Tuesday night:
Nothing is further from the truth,
for I requested of him and some
of his bondsmen and insisted that
he remain in his office at the court
house the remainder of the week.
Those who are circulating such
reports about me know, or have
perfect opportunity to know, that
they are lies of the whole cloth,
which I do not believe the fair
minded citizens of the county will
believe. Yours respectfully,
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.