Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Whole County Will Send School Children and Meet
ing Will Be at School Auditorium.
The “College on Wheels” of the
Georgia College of Agriculture
will reach McDonough at 8 o’clock
on the morning of next Thursday,
February 9, 1911.
Full description of this train is
given elsewhere in these columns.
An order has been issued by
County School Commissioner Duf
fey, authorizing and requesting that
all schools in the county suspend
their exercises and come to meet
the train in a body. The McDon
ough High School of about 300
studetits and the Hampton schools
of nearly as many have already
signified their intention of coming,
and probably 1,500 school child
ren will be here.
Mr. J. B. Brown, who has charge
in this county of the farm demon
Old Stockbrtdge.
Mr. George Glancy, of Atlanta,
was a welcome visitor of Mr. R. C.
Branan Sunday and Monday.
Little Misses Francis and Ida
Pearl Grant spent Sunday with
Miss Mary Louise Branan.
Miss Lillian Jarrett attended
the all-day services at Rex Sunday.
Mr. Emmett Carroll and wife
were callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Brannan’s Sunday evening.
Mrs. Cleo Brown and sister at
tended the preaching at Rex Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. Parker Mitchell and wife
made a pleasant visit to Mr. Pal
mer’s near Rex.
Rex was blessed with a large
crowd Sunday. If the people all
want to serve the Lord they might
carry that town for God by a
Stockbridge Circuit.
Tin-first quarterly conference
of the M. E. Church, South, for
1911, was held at Stockbridge Jan.
26, Rev. J. H. Bakes, presiding,
who preached at 11 oclock from
Matt. ix:9. Dr. Eakes is an able
expositor of scripture and gave
his auditor’s an interesting dis
After the sermon, the congrega
tion gathered around a table out
side the church that was filled
with good things for sharpened
appetites, and were much enjoyed.
The ladies of the church deserve
many thanks for their ample and
sumptuous provision.
The Board of Stewards elected
S. C. McWilliams chairman, who
reported the assessment for minis
terial support at an advance of
SBO.OO over the figures of 1910.
The four churches reported
$170.00 as collected for pastor and
stration work is now visiting
every school and urging them to
When ample time has been al
lowed everybody to inspect the
train, the crowd, including Prof.
Soule and all the experts who will
accompany the train, will gather
in the High School Auditorium.
Mr. Phil Campbell, who has charge
of organizing boys clubs in Geor
gia, will speak to the people and
will assist in arranging for a num
ber of contests among the school
children of Henry county.
Much enthusiasm is being shown
in the train and the work it stands
for, and it is sincerely hoped that
good will be accomplished by it
and great stimulus to greater ef
fectiveness in farm work be the
, presiding elder for the first quar
The stewards present were: W.
W. Milam, Uriah Askew, A. W.
i Mays, Ward Crumbley, and S. C.
McWilliams, Stockbridge; W. G.
[ Callaway, J. W. Thurman and T.
G. Swann, Bethel; T. G. White and
Edgar Cowan, Union. No Stew
ard was present from Williams
Mr. W. N. South, of Bethel
church, was' unanymously recom
mended to the District Confer
ence for license to preach.
Hon. S. C. McWilliams was
elected leader of the Laymen’s
Missionary for the cir
The pastor reported all the as
sessments against the churches
for 1910 as paid in full, except one,
and two-thirds of that was paid.
The pastor reported seven new
members (all adults) to the Stock
bridge church, and the member
ship of the Woman’s Missionary
Society as doubled in January.
Also a stirring revival as having
been held by ReV. C. M. Dunaway
at Stockbridge during the holi
The second quarterly Confer
ence wili be held at Bethel church.
Misses Atkinson Entertain.
Misses Annie May and Beula At
kinson entertained some of their
friends most delightfully on last
Saturday afternoon.
There were four tables of domi
noes. The*dainty score cards were
tied with pretty bunches of violets.
Bonbons were enjoyed as the
games were played, at the con
clusion of which, a salad course,
with iced tea was served.
Those present were: Misses
Ethel Sowell, Eiene Neal. Annie
Nolan, Ruth and Ruby Walker,
Agnes Dunn, Lucy Reagan, Laura
Smith, Hall, Cora Betts.
Mesdames Jamie Hooten, B. E.
Horton, T. A. Tifsey, A. F. Lemon,
A. A. Lemon and Alex Brown.
Mrs. T. J. Brown Hostess.
Mrs. T. J. Brown was hostess
to her friends last Monday at her
handsome home on .Jonesboro
The arriving guests were ush
ered into the dining room, where
they were served with delicious
punch by Miss Laura Smith.
A period was spent in conver
sation, after which the game of
“42” was enjoyed for quite awhile.
Refreshments, consisting of a
salad course and ice tea were
A most enjoyable afternoon was
spent with this gracious hostess.
Mrs. A. F. Lemon Hostess.
Mrs. A. F. Lemon was the charm
ing hostess to a few girl friends
on last Friday afternoon.
There were two tables of domi
noes and a lovely salad course was
served at the conclusion of the
Mrs. Lemon was assisted in
entertaing by her aunt, Miss R. A.
Those present were: Misses
Ruby and Ruth Walker, Annie G.
Thompson, Bess Fouchie, Agnes
Dunn, Lucy Reagan a n d Ellen
Miss Sowell Hostess.
Miss Ethel Sowell was hostess
to a few of her friends on last
Thursday afternoon.
She was assisted in entertaining
by her mother, Mrs. Sowell. Domi
noes were enjoyed for some time,
then were served refreshments,
consisting of a salad course, and
hot chocolate.
Those who enjoyed this pleas
ant gathering were: Misses Annie
G. Thompson, Agnes Dunn, Bess
Fouche, Ruth Rape, Leola Dorsey,
Lucy Reagan, Ruth Walker, Beula
Atkinson, PZleen Neal, and Mrs. B:
E. Horton.
Mrs. Simpson. Hostess.
Mrs. John A. Simpson e n te r
tained at dominoes Wednesday!
afternoon, as a compliment to her
cousin, - N! iss Elise Long, of Abbe
ville, S. C.
She was assisted in entertaining
by her sister, Miss Edythe White.
There were five tables of domi
At the conclusion of the game a
salad course and hot chocolate
were enjoyed.
Those present were Misses Beu
ia Atkinson, Bess Fouche, Agnes
Dunn, Annie G. Thompson,' Ruby
and Ruth Walker, Lizzie and An-*
nie Nolan, Cora Betts, Lucy Rea-;
gan, Laura Smith, Hall, Estelle |
Woodward. Ethel iiyer, Eunice
Tarpley and PZlene Neal.
Farmers' Union Meeting Post
The monthly meeting of the
Henry County Farmers’ Union
will be held next Thursday, the
9th inst, instead of the Bth, be
cause of the coming of the agri
cultural train on the 9th instant.
McDonough High School
A number of our teachers were
week-end guests in the Gate City
last week; among them were the
Misses Nolan, Woodward, White,
and Beyer.
Our library is progressing rap
idly, and very much interest has
been shown by both pupils and
Miss Ida Lee Tarpley was week
end guest of ‘Miss Ruby Langston,
a former student of M. H. S. Miss
Langston now resides in Atlanta,
where she is working as a stenog
rapher. She is pleasantly remem
bered by those who were her
schoolmates in days gone by.
On account of the unfavorable
weather on the last meeting day,
the day for the Tuesday afternoon
club meeting was postponed.
Miss Ludie V. Bond, a member
of our Senior class’ll, returned
to her home in Ellenwood last
Friday evening, where she has
Greenwood Gleanings.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Morris visited
friends in McDonough Sunday.
Miss Vesta Ellis visited relatives
at Locust Grove Saturday and
Mrs. W. E. Copeland visited Mrs.
W. A. Copeland Saturday and
Mr. J. B. Sowell made a business
trip to McDonough Saturday after
Mr. W. E. Rape and wife went
up to McDonough shopping Fri
Mr. R. R. Roan, wife and daugh
ter, Ethel, visited Mrs. W. T.
Bates Sunday afternoon.-
Mr. H. M. Amis has finished his
corn mill at his home, and is now
ready for grinding.
Little Ethel Copeland visited
Misses Kate and Helen Carr a few
days last week.
Mrs. W. E. Copeland was a vis
itor in Luella last Thursday after
Dr. and Mrs. Scott, passed
through this city Sunday.
Mr. A. C. Oglesby and wife were
visitors in these parts Sunday.
Mr. J. H. Carr passed through
here driving his fine colt, Sallie
Jane, Saturday afternoon.
Messrs. Henry Amis and Henry
Oglesby made a flying trip to Mc-
Donough Friday morning.
Mr. John Copeland and daugh
ter, Miss Fanny, visited Mr. W. E.
Copeland Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Henry Oglesby and family
visited his father Sunday.
Mr. Daniel and wife of McDon
ough, visited their daughter, Mrs.
H. M. Amis, Sunday.
Mrs. J. H. Carr and daughters
visited her sister, Mrs. Mary Cope
land, Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Sowel and Mr.
Dorton passed through here Sun
Mr. Rosco Mortis called on his
brother, Mr. Joiner, Sunday.
accepted a class in the study of
Spring must be near. A mem
ber of the M. H. S. pupils, and also
a few of the teachers appeared at
church Sunday night. Although
this is not uncommon, yet it has
occurred several times. Never
theless everything seems to be
favorable this year.
Mr. John Williams entertained a
number of the High School boys
and girls on last Friday evening.
His hospitality was enjoyed by all.
. The Latin class has made a firm
resolution to make a study of the
four conjugations and to give
careful attention to the “may’s”
and “about-to-be’s.”
The eighth history class take
great pride in learning their assign
ed work. Even tho’ they like to be
entertained, they believe the re
freshments and games to be more
delicious and lively than studying
and reciting to a late hour in the
afternoon. Xylophone.
Mr. Allen Rape made a business
trip to McDonough Saturday.
The little babe of Mr. and Mrs.
Elbert is slowly improving at this
Master Howard Copeland spent
last Thursday night with Millard
and Raymond Roan.
Mrs. W. T. Bates passed through
this city Saturday.
Mr. A. E. Brown and W. E.
Copeland went up to the city of
McDonough, Friday.
Flipperi Locals.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alexander
visited Mr. and Mrs. Billie Cope
land, of near Hampton, Sunday.
Mrs. Copelond is very sick with
typhoid fever.
We are having prayer meeting
at Progress every Sunday night.
| Everybody is invited to attend.
The singing given by Mr. Long
I Saturday night was highly en
joyed by all present.
Mr. H. C. Alexander and Mr.
I Bob P/xum made a business trip to
McDonough Monday.
Several from here attended the
1 funeral of Mr. Grover Campbell
which occurred at Liberty Hill
Saturday morning at 11 o’clock.
! Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Adamson
spent the latter part of the week
in Jonesboro, the guests of the
former’s parents.
We have organized a Sabbath
school at Progress. F/verybody
must come out and bring their
Miss Estelle Alexander spent
Tuesday with her grandmother,
Mrs. H. C. Alexander.
Miss Rena Standard and Mr.
-Kirt Bradberry were married at
4 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Callaway South, who
performed the ceremony.
Both the young people are very
popular. Mrs. Bradberry is a
daughter of Mr. John Standard, of
Rockdale county, and Mr. Brad
berry is the son of Mrs. Mary Brad
berry, of Northern Henry.
They have our best wishes.
$i A Year