Newspaper Page Text
Its time to get your valentine
ready, boys.
The warm weather lias pro
longed the life of many swine.
Odus Rodgers and lady, visited
relatives near Salem Sunday.
Jim Curry, of Butts, visited
friends here Sunday.
A. i Jewell, of Hampton, visited
his parents Sunday.
Luther Price, of Locust Grove,
was a welcome visitor here Sun
Marion Sandifer, of Jackson,
made her regular trip here Sun
Glenn Rosser visited near Locust
Grove Sunday afternoon.
J. T. Sowell, of McDonough,
spent Saturday night at the bed
side of his sick father.
Mr. Robert Wynn and Miss Kate
Stallworth,were the guests of Miss
Hester Davis Sunday.
Homer Craig and lady, of Mon
roe county, spent Sunday with rel
atives near here.
G. W. Dickson and Luther Hol
somback, of Locust Grove, were
visitors at Philadelphia Sunday.
Roscoe Laney and lady of Lo
cust Grove, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Dickson Sunday.
Mr. M. V. Sowell, who has been
seriously ill, is improving some at
this writing.
Arthur Duke and lady, of At
lanta, spent the week-end with
home folks here.
Rev. J. A. Jackson and lady
were the guests of Mr. L. H.
Thompson and family Sunday.
Rev. Way man Whitaker will
preach at Philadelphia next Sun
day at 11 o’clock.
Philadelphia, church has pur
chased the vacant lot, containing
two acres, which join the church
property on the east.
Quarterly conference of the Lo
cust Grove on Saturday before the
3d Sunday.
Rev. W. J. Debardeleben filled
his appointment at Philadelphia
Saturday and Sunday. His wife
accompanied him on Sunday. He
delivered very forcible sermons
both days.
Union Graded School is pro
gressing nicely under the present
corps of teachers, and its principal,
Professor Jackson, seems to be
the right place.
J. S. Duke, who fell from a
wagon some time ago and broke
both arms, is fast recovering the
use of his arm again, although it
will be sometime before he will be
fully recovered.
W. W. George, one of the farm
demonstrators in this county under
the agricultural department, has
shown conclusively how quickly
farming land can be brought to a
high state of cultivation. He is
preparing to make a larger yield
of cotton per acre this season, and
his experiments have already
shown how quickly land can be
improved. Great improvements
are being made in cultivating
growing crops.
New gospel songs, will put new
life in your Sunday school, and
church; sing the same old song
over and over and over, and it will
not have the best effect. A ser
mon from the same text every'
Sabbath would not have the same
effect as it would to change about.
Song writers are impressed to
preach the gospel in song today
as they were a hundred years ago.
Ministers are impressed to use
different subjects today as they
were a hundred years ago.
New sacred songs from any book
mixed with the old, will put new
life in your Sunday school and
church. Try it.
The big dam on the Ocumulgee
river near Jackson is rapidly fill
ing up, and owing to the large
territory it is covering, it is caus
ing wild game that infests the
river swamps to hunt other quar
ters, and rabbits in large numbers
are be mg driven from the swam ns.
so much so that a hunting party a
few days ago killed thirty raubits
in just \ short time. What effect
this great body of y. ater is going
to have on the health of people
near its borders, cannot be fore
told yet.
Mr. William Owen, of Atlanta,
passed thru “town” one day last
Mrs. L. L. McMullen, a well
known drummer of Jonesboro,
made a business trip here last
Mr. Fred Mays, of Stockbridge,
attended Sunday School here
Sunday afternoon.
Little Miss Laura Fields was a
visitor in Tunis Saturday night.
. d
Mrs. J. F. Moseley, Mrs. Miller
and little daughter, Ada, spent
Wednesday in Stockbridge, the
guests of the former’s parents,Mr.
and Mrs. Henderson.
Mr. Charley Coan, of Locust
Grove, and Misses Kate and Mae
Glass spent last Saturday night
and Sunday in Jonesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. C. Dailey vis
ited the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Smith, of near Tim
ber Ridge, Wednesday.
Miss Eva Fields spent Saturday
night with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
1 Glass. f
Mr. C. K. McMullen, of Jones
jboro, was here a short while Fri
| day.
Mr. 11. G. Glass, a most energetic
young farmer, made a “pop” call
to McDonough Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. J. D. McCullough, of "Stock
bridge, visited relatives here Sun
Mr. H. C. Riley and sons, James
and Coleman, spent Saturday in
Little Miss Claudine Henderson,
of Stockbridge, was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. J. F. Moseley a day
or two the past week.
Messrs. J. H. Varner and M. A.
Knott, of McDonough passed
through this place Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Rowan and Miss
Lizzie Davis were the guests of
the former’s sister,Mrs. Alexander,
of Dutchtown,Thursday afternoon.
Mr. L. L. Hood spent last Thurs
day in Locust Grove, the guest of
Mr. J. M. Johnson.
Mrs. S. Glass and Mrs. W. H.
Burch Jr., spent Tuesday in At
Miss Willie Knight, of McDon
ough, spent the week-end with
Miss Willie Mag Glass.
Ask Colonel Hood what there is
so attractive to him in Tunis these
Mr. Tom Fields, of Stockbridge,
was a welcome visitor here Satur
Mr. Colvin, of Locust Grove,
was here Monday.
Mr. 0. B. Fields made a busi
ness trip to McDonough, Saturday.
Col. J. K. Hood, Misses Eva
Fields, Oza Johnson and Maude
Stephens visited friends at Tunis
Miss Carrie Sue Fields, of Mc-
i he Logical Way
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i Remington Writes Here 1\
Typewriter l[y!^M^ IcTS yWjg 1
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ing Attachment is the only general I' \ illllllYn
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Remington Typewriter Company
Atlanta, Ga. 56 N. Broad St.
The Origin of Royster Fertilizers.
Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the
Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality
above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster s
idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea
to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight
Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers.
Donough, spent Saturday with
Miss Myrtice Fields.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dupree passed
through here in their automobile
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Millie Kate Stansel, of near-
McDonough, was the guest of Miss
Maggie Dailey Sunday.
Miss Myrtice Fields spent last
Saturday night with Miss Florrie
Mr. T. J. Brown was here a
short while one morning last week.
A good many attended the prayer
meeting at Mrs. Cora Fields’ Sun
day night.
The candy pulling given by Mrs.
George Anderson Saturday night,
was enjoyed by all. Those pres
ent were: Misses Bird and Julia
Glass, Lois and Florrie Owen,
Myrtice and Lura Fields and Lucy
and Lucile Glass. Messrs. Tom,
Mike and Fielder Glass, Fred Mays,
Candler Dailey and C. J. Simpson.
S. K. N.
Enterprising young man to act
as agent for oldest old line Mutual
Life Insurance Company in the
United States. Liberal contract.
Money in it for right man.
Bloodworth and Jackson,
Forsyth, Ga.
In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, None Better
«■"' o Buy M neon Made Machinery and avoid
6zoet*i%ive jFreifclit* and lox*6 for Rapaira
l j. rA. | Steam and Gasoline Engines
Portable & Statioharyßgilers
- 4 * Complete Ginning, Sawing and Shingle Outfits
' Props.T»nNs,Tawer*.« ufn*. Acetylene Hub "Mi Mart*
everything in machinery fcftD supplies
Treatment ot diseases ol all animals. All call*
promptly attended to. SURGERY a specialty
Correspondence solicited.
Bell Ph e: Residence. 13 Office, 44.
J KS ON. CEC-ma.
They are the best plows ever made for fbe v ~k intended and are so ggM,>
for every line of work on the fa:.';.. L r- . draft, they save ;
_ u , strong and economical in repairs; no bolt hol^F
to weaken, no bolt heads to wear. Sold sul-
M, ject to your approval by trial. Ask par
-5k . ticularlv for th 3 plow at your dealer’s. If ho
is out of it, send us his name and be suppd*4,
. /