The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 10, 1911, Image 5
HAMPTON HAPPENINGS. \TJqq TrAnp \Trvnvo er\riT-»f FJVt/Jnir ■** '-'* iV ' opv,nt i i iuu^v in Atlanta. Mr. J. \V. Derrick, of Atlanta, was here Thursday. t Mr. J. M. Tarpley attended a meeting of the Board of Education of Henry County in McDonough Tuesday. Mr. DeWitt Moore, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moore. Mr. J. B. Settle, of Jackson, was here for a short while Sunday af ternoon. Col. Marcus McWhorter, of At lanta, was here Sunday. Mrs. R. M. Ogle and Miss Kath leen Daniel, of Columbus, are spending a few days here as the guests of Mrs. E. H. Hair. Mr. W. P. Willson is away on a business trip in South Georgia. Misses Mary and Eunice Arnold spent the week-end with Rev. W. W. Arnold in McDonough. Bishop Kilgore preached an able sermon at the Methodist Church Tuesday evening in the interest of Wesleyan Female College. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris went up to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. R. E. Henderson attended a meeting of the Primo Motor Com pany in Atlanta Wednesday. Mr. R. M. Harris, of Georgia “Tech”, is spending a few days Beersheba Items. Mr. W. L. Presson visited rela tives at Stewart Friday. Little Nellie Lawson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. L. Presson, has returned to her home at Stewart. Misses Vera Pope and Leala Presson spent Tuesday night with Nellie Lawson. Mr. Winfield Piper has had a very sick mule but it is some bet ter now. Mrs. Walter Gilmore spent Sun day night with her mother, Mrs. W. N. Gilmore. Mrs. Lige Allen and little daugh ter, Edna, spent one evening last week with Mrs. W. N. Gilmore. Mr. Hemp Presson is quite ill at this writing with measels. Mrs. Jim Berry spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Winfield Piper. Mrs. Bertha Smith, who was called to the bedside of her mother at Lithonia, has returned home and reports that she is not much better. Mr. Frank Berry spent Friday night with his son, John. Bill. Philiippi. Misses Dflla Childs and Lillian Ingram made a visit to Jenkins burg Sunday. The relatives and friends of Mrs. Jim English and Mr. Maxie Jinks are glad to know that they are at home again. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chaffin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Capps Sunday. Misses Odessa Allen, Beulah and Ollie Rosser, and Mr. Marvin Davis attended Sunday School at this place Sunday afternoon. Mr. James Jinks has a good case of the mumps. Hope he will soon recover. Quite a number of the young people attended the singing at By Geo. S. Malaier. U „m*<K Vf*. lici c w 1 in ins yai cino, mi. cinu mi o. W. M. Harris. SeveraMrom here went over to McDonough Thursday, to see the “College on Wheels.” Just two years ago this movement wa s started in Georgia by the railroads and the State College of Agricul ture. At first the people did not fully realize the purpose of the “College on Wheels,” but to-day everyone interested in farming and a number of others more or less interested in the movement, m > Pure for Geor gia along toe agricultural line. Mrs. J. E. Lyons has just re ceived another large shipment of fine hats —be sure that you call and see them or you will regret it. Mr. W. M. Harris went over to McDonough Tuesday on business. Mr. Frank Mitcham is suffering from a severe attack of the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris spent Sunday wiih Mrs. W. E. Carnes, of Jonesboro. Col. Harl G. Bailey stopped off here Sunday on his return from the “land of flowers a'nd sunshine” to his home in Loganville. Messrs. George apd Ed Turnip seed, of Atlanta, spent the week end with Mrs. Litt Tarpley. Ed has just recovered from an attack of appendicitis. Miss Mamie McKibben’s Saturday night and enjoyed it very much. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Jinks and daughter, Miss Annie, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Jinks Sunday. Mr. Oscar McKibben and sister, Miss Lucile, attended service at Timber Ridge Sunday. Misses Bessie and Trevie Crumb ley and Mr. Harris Crumbley went to the Dam Sunday. Mr. Lyndon Jinks and sister, Miss Roxie, were the guests of Miss Agnes Bearden Sunday. Miss Leona Moss is on the sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tingle, Mrs. Cora Rosser and Mrs. S. W. Tingle and son, Gordon, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKibben Sunday. Misses Lucile McKibben and Roxie Jinks visited Miss Mamie McKibben Saturday afternoon. We still have a flourishing school at this place. Had several visit ors Friday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crumbley vis ited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tingle Sun day. Stockbridge Locals Mrs. C. M. Sprayberry and her mother, Mrs. Sprayberry, Mrs. Ab. Harris, Mrs. Parks Lee and Mrs. Marvin Power were the guests of Mrs. Walter Hightower last Friday. Miss Ruth Clark is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Barge, in Atlanta. Mr. John Livingston, from At lanta, spent Sunday with his rela tives here. Mrs. Harriett Hawkins is in the Atlanta Sanitarium taking treat ment. The most delightful social event of the winter for the young people was the party at the home of Mrs. John Walden, in honor of her guest-, Miss Mary Ola Lee of Atlan ta. Games were enjoyed until a late hour. Delicious refreshments were Srrved. Among the out-of town guests at Mrs. Walden’s i . • party were: Miss Fay Callaway, of Ellenwood, Mr. Frank Oglesby of McDogough, Messrs. Victor Car michael, and Smith Settle, of Jack son, and Messrs. Earnest Allen and Rosser Ward and Mercer Lee, of Atlanta. Mrs. Susie Pierce Dies at Gainesville. M rs. Susie Pierce died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas L. Sutton, in Gainesville, after a long illness. , Mrs. Pierce had resided in Hamp ton most of the 78 years of her life, until a short time ago, when she went to Gainesville in search of health. She was a mother of M rs. Thomas Sutton, who fo r a long time lived in McDonough, and many friends of her and Mrs. Pierce here and in Hampton mourn the loss of this good woman. The funeral and interment were at Hampton Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Copeland Passes Away. Mrs. W. E. CoDeland died last Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock at her home near Mt. Carmel, after a long illness. ’ The funeral and interment were at Mt. Carmel Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. J. E. England conducting the services. Mrs. Copeland was an excellent Christian woman, whose departure is mourned by many. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, "iss Floyd, and two sons, Messrs. Elbert and Oz. Copeland. Bargains in Buggies and Wagons, * Four or five good second hand buggies in good running order for sale cheap. I also sell the fa mous Hampton Buggy, none bet ter. I also have a good second hand two-horse wagon, to go cheap. Edd. Goodwin, tf. McDonough, Ga. Notice Stockhoiers' Meeting. Editor Henry County Weekly: Please announce through your paper that all the stockholders and subscribers of the Ola-Woodstcnvn Telephone Company are requested to meet at Ola, Ga., Tuesday, Feb ruary 14th at 2 o’clock p. m., to consider a proposition to sell line and to attend to other import ant business. A. C. Norman, Sec. and Treas. Ola News. (Last AV ek’s Letter) Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ricks were the guests of mi*, and Mrs. G. V. Jenkins Tuesday. Mr. Gumery Rosser went to McDonough Friday :o purchase a mule. Mr. Victor Jenkkins has finished his lit tle black smith shop. Mrs T. E Jenkins and little son are sick at their home. Mr. c’arenco Meadows was the guest of his father Sunday. Mr, Bose Copeland and family, of Locust Grove, were the guests of Mr. George Nall and family Saturday night and Sunday. ) There was a singing at Mr, Bill wilker son’s Saturday night. Mr Marshall Terry, of Stockbridge, was the guest of Mr. .T. H. Rape Sunday. School Boy. Libel for Divorce. Ruth Burch , Libel for Divorce vs in Jeff Burch ) Henry Sup. Court. Filed to October Term, 1910. To the defendant, Jeff. Burch, who re sides without the County of Henry and without the State of Georgia. You are hereby notified that the plain tiff in the above stated case has filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Henry County, Ga., a suit for divorce against you, and you are ordered to be and appear at the April 1911 Term of Henry Superior Court to be held on the third Monday in April, 1911. to answer the plaintiff's complaint. Mandeville Mills HIGH GRADE Fertilizers _ Why You Should Use Them Because when you give to your crops the right sort of available plant food, you grow cr ps tnat yi id you good money at a littL cosl. Users of Our Fertilizers often make a bale of cotton to the acre, and lead n banner crops generally. If you have net used them, do not fail to do so tins season. -M-M- Fertilizers are Superior You insure against waste when you buy them. There is a special tested brand to suit YOUR en and soil. Let us tell you about it FREE Mandeville Mills' Carrolton, Georgia. - FOR SALE BY GREEN, TARPLEY & tio., McDonough, Ga. Witness the Hon. R. T. Daniel, Judge of said court, this Feb. 4,1911. J. A. Fouche, 3-10, 4. C. S. C. H. C. Ga. L or (Juit Claim Title. Henry Court of Ordinary, Feb. 7 1911. To the heirs at law of Thomas Fields, late of Henry County, deceased: J. E. Mays has filed in my office his ap plication, asking that J. F. M. Fields, ad ministrator on the estate of Thomas Fields deceased be required to make his quit claim titles to certain real estate, which is fully described in a bond for titles made by the said Thomas Fields to tke said .1. K. May<, a copy of which bond is attached to said application. The said J. K. Mays alleges that he has paid off and discharged the notes mentioned in said bond as being required to be paid before titles are made. I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in March, 1911. 3-8, 4 A. G. Harris. Ordinary. Application for Charter. Georgia, Henry county. To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, Atlanta, Georgia: The undersigned, whose names, signed by each of them, and residences attached, all of said State and County, bring this their petition, in pursuance of an act of the Genera l Assembly of the Slate of Georgia, approved Dec 20th 1893, and acts amendatory thereof, and respectfully show: 1. That they desire to form a corpotyt tion for the purpose of carrying on the business of Ban King. 2. The name and style of t! e proposed corporation shall be “The Farmers and Merchants Bank. 3. The location and principal place of business thereof shall be in the city of Mc- Donough, County of Henry and State of Georgia. 4. The amount of Capital Stock is Thirty Thousand Dollars, divided into Three Hundred Shares of One Hundred Dollars each. 5 The nature of the proposed corpora tion shall be that of a bank with the fol lowing powers: (1) To have continual succession for the term of Thirty Years, with the right of renewal for a like term, with all corporate powers and privileges heiein granted. (2) To sue and be sued. To have and use a common seal and at pleasure to alter the same. (3) To appoint such officers and agents a* the business of the corporation requires, prescribe their duties, fix their compensa tion, and remove them at pleasure. (4) To make such by-laws as maybe necessary or proper for the management of its property and the regulation of its affairs. (5) To hold, purchase, dispose of and convey such real and personal property as may be necessary for its uses and business (6) To discount bills, notes or other evidences of debt, to rev. >nd pay out deposits, with or without ini* rest, to re ceive on special deposit money, bullion, foreign coin, and stoeks. ur :~ and oth'-r securities; to buy and sell foreign and do mestic e echange or other r -got table paper, to lend money upon personal security, or upon pledges of bonds, sfm ks or negotiable s«*curities; to take receive security, by mortgage or otherwise. on property real or personal; and generally, to do and pee form all such other matters and fchinirs not hereinbefore enuin crated as are or may be incident to the business of bank ing. (7) To increase or decrease the Canitair Stock in the manner provided by law. Petitioners herewith ha d you the char ter fee of Fifty Dollars and pray to be ir corporated under the laws of Georgia, Signed: H. J. Turner, McDonough, Ga 1) J. Green, W. D. Tarpley. C. Fargason “ I). C. Turner, \V. J. Turner. W.W. Turner. “ W. It. Green, Georgia, Henry County. Before me personally appeared the un dersigned petitioners, who »n oath depost and say that? Fifteen Thousand Dollars aS the Capital subscribed to‘‘TheFarmersan€' Merchants Bank,” for which bank depon ents are now -Peking incorporation by the Secretary of State, has le*en actually paid in cash by the subscribers, and that the same is in fact held and is to be used sold} for the business and purposes of the cor po ration. H.J. Turner. D. J Green. W. I). Tarpley. C. C. Fargason D. C. Turner. W. J. Turner. W. W. Turner. W R. Green. Sworn to and subscribed before me thii Feb.7th. 1911 * [skai. ■ A. G. Harris, Ordinary Henry County,Ga E M Smith. Atty for Petitioners. State of Georgia, Office of Secretary of State I Philip cook. Secretary of State, of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify that the three jiages of typewritten and written matter hereto attach* d. contain a true and correct copy of the application of the in corporation of ‘‘The Farmers and Mer chants Bank” for charter, as the original of same appears of file in this office. In I testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set j ruy hand and affixed the seal of my office, jat the capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this the 9th day of February, in the year of our j Lord. One thousand, Nine Hundred and j Eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Ilun j dred and Thirty-Fifth. Philip Cook, | (Seal.) Secretary of State