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McDonough, Ga., Feb. 10, 1911
Obituaries not oonlaininK more
than one hundred words will be
published free. All obituaries eon
taining more than one hundred
words jnust he accompanied with
one cent per word for all in excess
of one hundred words. We cannot
undertake to cut them down to
the one hundred word limit. Man
uscripts, not accompanied* with
postage, will not. be returned.
No statements purporting to
come from The Henry Couuty
Weekly are genuine unless they
have written on their face the
signature of Frank Reagan,Editor,
or are presented by him in person,
any person receiving such a state
ment without the signature will
please notify Frank Reagan Editor
McDonough, Georgia.
The other day we noticed our
friend and neighbor, Mr. Charley
Bankston, setting out shade trees
about his beautiful little home.
He was not doing much work,
he was just putting out the trees.
Little Miss Sarah was doing the
You who saw the operation may
question this statement, until you
reflect. Home building and home
beautifying is largely a matter of
inspiration. The thought of it is
ins epa ral4 y linked with the
thought of woman, the one woman
either of our dream or our acquain
It was Buskin who said that
woman is the home and “wherever
a true wife comes, this home is al
ways round her. The stars only
may be over her head; tin 1 glow
worm in the night-cold grass may
be the only fire at her foot; but
home is yet wherever she is; and
for a noble woman it stretches far
round her, bettef than ceiled with
cedar, or painted with Vermilion,
shedding its quiet light far, for
those who else were homeless.”
In the first years each furnishes
the inspiration for the other to
build and beautity, until the grind
of business and exacting house
hold duties seem to consume all
time and often to destroy all am
Then the new inspiration be
comes potent and a little child
gives youth anew to all about and
new hope, so that the building and
beautifying goes on and ceases
As we watched this tree plant
ing, we thought of the time ap
proaching when the fiercer rays
of the sun will he sifted and soft
ened through the shade, but the
tender sunshine of little Sarah’s
smile will he sufficient light. And
we thought we would observe the
growth of the tree and child and
see which should show the faster
And we thought of another
The parent seldom has to be re
minded to provide lovingly for his
children. But the state is parens
patriae, parent of all parents; and
the municipality is a branch of the
In a large measure, a measure
involving great responsibility, all
the children here are our city’s
children. Have we the same solic
itude for their welfare as their indi
vidual parents.
The great majority of McDon
ough’s home owners are constantly
planting shade trees about their
premises and many go far enough
to plant them along the street at
their front doors. In this k ay
much of our city is beautifully
shaded, and a continual blessing
rests upon the planters.
But still there are long gaps of
glare in many streets where no
shade is.
Cannot our city remedy this? If
it cannot itself undertake tree
planting, it can offer such induce
ments to home owners as will
cause it to to be done.
way in which many towns
are doing it is to adopt an arbor day
as a day each year to be given to
public tree planting.
It is a beautiful and useful cus
tom. Let us consider it and adopt
List of Letters.
Remaining Undelivered Fom The Post
Office at McDonough, Ga., For the
Period Ending Feb. 6th, 1911.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Alomore, Guss.
Baner, Mike.
Bowen, J. D.
Charley, J. A.
Fauikner, Charley.
Grier, Jas.
Hays, H. M.
Lahey, Joe.
Sterling, E. 0.
Stroud, Elic.
Tendey, Ashley.
White, Victor.
Allen, Maggie.
Banks, Ruby.
- Dukes, Mary.
Everett, Delia.
Stallworth, Jessie Byes.
Laurens, Eva.
Johnson, Opal E.
Noles, Daisy.
Pair, Jennie.
Fine Mules.
I shall have a fine car of mules
on hand next week. Come to see
me and get your mules right at
right prices.
tf. Joe J. Smith.
Old' Stockbridge.
The services at th e Baptist
Church waslargeiy attended Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Lillian Jarrett and Miss
Annie Foster, with quite a crowd,
attended the singing at Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Owens Sunday evening.
Mr. Parker Mitchell, wife and
baby, spent the week end with
Mr. Palmer, at Rex.
Mr. J. T. Bond ate dinner with
Rosco Brannan Sunday, in Old
Little Mary Louise Brannan
spent Sunday with Little Miss Eu
nice Milam in Stockbridge.
Mr. Joe Dorsey and wife have re
| turned from College Park, where
1 they attended the funeral of Mr.
Dorsey’s sister.
Miss Myrt Mays spent Sunday in
Mr. Joe Bond Shields,of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with his father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Shields.
Miss Hattie Hightower, was a
caller on Mrs. R. C. Branan Satur
Mrs. Emma Evans spent Thurs
day in Atlanta.
Miss Laura Mae and Lillian
Davis spent Friday afternoon with
their aunt, Miss Joe Dorsey.
If you should need any machin
ery repairing of any kind and
should happen to forget the name
—just think of ’phone No. 75.
tf. John R. Smith.
If you want building material
call on R. C. Brown, Locust Grove,
SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $
EQUAL * ■> V"’_ Guaranteed lor
'ls three year* and
BUGGY / 111 s42.®®
, It Bailies Competition
It Is Absolutely Unmatehable at tbe Price
SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ s g SAVE $ $ $
placed on a line of vehicles,
and certainly is worth several dollars more to you than any ordinary one-year guarantee. Our Ve
hicles are exactly as illustrated and described, and we defy any Reputable firm in the U. S. to dupli
cate ht prices, quality considered. We do not offer to compete with those who make false claims and mis
representations. We sell our goods in competition with legitimate concerns only and invite comparisons
with others who will ask you from $20.00 to $30.00 more.
Don’t Delay—Write Now—Save Money
By Getting Our Big New No. 105 Vehicle and Harness
Catalogue—lT IS FREE—It Will Save You Money
Dept. Y Atlanta, Ga. 1
SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $
Application for Charter.
Georgia, Henry County:
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of j. D. McCullough and'.T,
G. Ward, both of said State.and County,
respect fully shows:
I. That they dysire for themselves,their
associates, successors and assigns to be in
corporated under the name and style of
period of Twenty Years, with the privilege
of renewal at the expiration of that time.
» '1 in ■ ~i i; ■t' ..lid -1
corporation is to be*Ten Thousand Dollars,
to be divided into shares of the par value
of One Hundred Dollars per share. They
ask for the right to increase said amount
of capital stock from time to time to a
maximum of Twenty Five thousand Dol
lars. All of said capital stock of Ten
Thousand Dollars has been actually paid
4. The principal office and place of busi
ness of said proposed corporation shall be
in the town of Stockbx-idge, said State
and County, but petitioners desire the
right of establishing branch offices and
places of doing business anywhere in this
5. The object of said proposed corpora
tion is pecuniary profit and gain to its
6. The particular business to lie carried
on by said proposed corporation is that of
general retail mercantile business, and to
deal in dry goods, notions, clothing, gro
ceries, farm supplies, cotton, cotton seed,
fertilizers, hardware, wagons, buggies,
live stock, buying and selling for cash or
credit all such articles and things as are
usually embraced in the retail mercantile
business and all such articles and things
as may be profitably handled in connection
therewith, to exercise all the powers and
do all the usual, necessary and proper acts
which pertain to or may be connected with
the business of dealers in the articles
7. Petitioners desire the right for said
corporation to sue and be sued, to have
and use a common seal, to buy, hold, rent,
lease, sell and convey real and personal
property, to execute notes, deeds, mort
gages,bonds and other evidenees of debt for
debts incurred by them, to extend credit
to others and secure the same by notes,
deeds, bonds, mortgages and otherwise as
is by statute allowed.
8 They ask for the right to apply for
and accept amendments to this charter as
same may seem to them necessary.
9. They ask for the right to make by
laws, rules and regulations for the go' ern
inent and conduct of said corporation, not
inconsistent with the laws of this state
wherefore petitioners pray to be incor
porated under the name and style afore
said, with the powers, privileges and im
munities herein set forth and allowed
corporations by the laws of Georgia, and
subject to the liabilities fixed by law.
This Jauuary 24th, 1911.
E. M. Smith, Petitioners' Attorney.
Filed in office January 24th, 1911.
J. A. Fouche, Clerk, S, C. H. C. Ga.
Georgia, Henry County.
I, J. A. Fouche, Clerk of the Superior
Court of said County, do certify that the
foregoing is a true and Correct copy of the
original petition for charter of The Stock
bridge Mercantile Company, as appears of
file in this office.
Witness my hand and seal of said Court
this January 24th, 1911.
J A. Fouche, Clerk, S. C IT. C. Ga.
Bankruptcy Notice. *
In the District Court of the U nited
States for tiie Northern District of Geor
gia. In Bankruptcy.
In the matter of E. A. McGarity, bank
rupt in bankruptcy.
To the creditors of E. A. McGarity, of
McDonough, County of Henry, and Dis
trict aforesaid, a Bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that on Novem
ber 28, 1910 the said E. A. McGarity was
duly ad judged, bankrupt, and that a meet
ing of his creditors will be held at the of
fice of the undersigned at Griffin, Ga., on
February 4, 1911 at 11 o’clock, a. m., at
which time the said creditors may ittend,
prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, ex
amine the-Bankrupt, and transact such
other business as may properly come be
fore the meeting. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr.
2-3,2 Referee, Griffin, Ga.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern,
j J. S. Bonner, administrator of the estate
of Mrs. M. J. Bonner, deceased, having in
due form made application for leave to
sell the lands belonging to said estate,
consisting of acres of land, situated in
land district of said county. To be sold
for distribution among heirs. Notice is
hereby given that said application will be
heard at* the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in February, 1911.
Jan. 4, 1911. A. G. Harris,
2-3, 4. Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all the credit
ors of^ the estate of Mrs. Bessie Daily
Burch, late of said county, deceased, to
render in an account of their demands to
me within the time prescribed by la tv,
properly made out.
All persons indebted to said deceased are
hereby requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
O- B. Dailey,
Admin. Est. of Mrs. Bessie Dailey Burch.
This Feb. 6th, 1911.
3-1 6.
label Suit for Divorce.
J. P. Turner, Libel for Divorce
vs. in
Mary S. Turner. j Henry Sup. Court.
Filed to October term, 1910,
To the defendant, Mary S. Turner, who
resides without the County of Henry and
without the State of Georgia.
You are hereby notified that the plaintiff
Our Big New Catalog
Illustrating and describing
nearly Two Hundred Styles
Highest Grade Runabouts,
Speeders, Buck boards, Top
Buggies, Stanhopes, Phae
tons, Surreys, Spring Wag
ons, Mail* Wagons, Farm
Wagons, Road Carts, Auto-
Seat Buggies and Harness at
actual factory cost, with but
one small, legitimate profit.
Our plan of selling direct
SAVES you the Jobbers’,
Agents’ and Dealers’ Profit.
Guaranteed 3 Years
30 Days Driving Test
Our Vehicles are covered
with on r binding THREE
YEAR guarantee, which is
the STRONGEST and most
LIBERAL that has ever been
in the above stated case has filed in the
office of the Clerk 8f the Superior Court
of Henry County, Ga., a suit for divorce
against you, and you are ordered to be and
appear at the April term of Henry Supe
rior Court to be held on the third Monday
in April, 1911, to answer the plaintiff’s
Witness the Hon. R. T. Daniel, Judge
of said Court, this Feb. 4th, 1911.
J. A. Fouche,
3-10, 4. C. S. C. H. C. Ga.
For Twelve Months Support
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs.’Martha Knight, having made ap
plication for twelve months support out
of the estate of W. J. Knight, deceased;
All persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi
nary of said county on the. first Monday
in March, 1911, why said application
should not be granted.
This Feb. 6, 1911. A. G. Harris,
3-3, 4 Ordinary.
For Guardian.
Georgia, Henry County.
H. E. Rosser, a resident of said state and
county, having duly applied to heap
pointed Guardian of the person and prop
erty of Gettis Rosser, a minor under the
age of fourteen years; notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the next regular Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Monday
in March, 1911.
This Feb. 6, 1911. A. G. Harris,
3-3, 4. Ordinary.
Application to Make Title.
Georgia. Henry County.
To J. F. M. Fields and W. G. Copeland,
executors of the last will and testment of
J. P. Copeland, deceased, and to Mrs. J.
P. Copeland and Miss Cora Betts, heirs-at
law and legatees under the will of the
siad J. P. Copeland, deceased:
J. A. Solomon, having made application
to require titles to be executed to him to
certain land described in a bond for title
thereto attached purporting to be signed
by J. P. Copeland, late of said countv, de
ceased, the said application alleging that
said land had been fully paid for, this is to
notify you that said application will be
heard on the first Monday fh March, 1911,
before the Court of Ordinary for said
Given under my hand and official signa
ture this Feb. 6th, 1911. A. G. Harris,
3-3, 4. Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Georgia. Henry County,
lo whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all the credit
ors of the estate of W. M. Burch, late of
said county, deceased, to render in an ac
count of their demands, to me, within the
time prescribed by law, properly made out.
All persons indebted to said deceased
are hereby requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned.
This Feb. 6, 1911.
3-1 o 6. o. B. Dailey,
Administrator Estate of VV. M. Burch.
SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $