Newspaper Page Text
It has been said not
with toe much emphasis,
“Every conceivable con
sideration ot interest and
sentiment impels every
Southern man now to
stand shoulder to should
er with his neighbor, in
support ot Home Indus
tries and Enterprises.”
McDonough, ga.
Tribute of Respect.
On th_ morning of January 27,
1911, just at the “peep of day,"
Mr. Grover Campbell, of Riverdale,
Ga., passed peacefully away, sur
rounded by loving friends and rel
Mr. Campbell was born June 17,
1385, and united with the church
at Liberty Hill Sept. 1, 1903.
Being identified with his church
as an active member, his loss will
be deeply felt by all. May his life
of love and reconciliation, which
is now but a blessed memory, point
many a weary pilgrim in life’s des
ert to a better land. Though the
voice of the sweet songster is
hushed, yet through the vibrations
of memory, we hear the sweet re
frain, and know that even now
Heaven’s music is sweeter for its
mingling of his voice with the An
gelic Choir. Bearing his suffering
patiently and having made full pre
parations, he met death like a
Christian hero and has entered
upon his reward.
Mr. Campbell leaves behind him
a wife, (nee Miss Fanny Crain), a
son, (aged about four years), an
aged father and mother, one
brother and six sisters, to whom
we extend our sympathy in this
sad affliction.
We, as a commiitee, upon reso
lutions, appointed by the Sunday
School at Liberty Hill, of which he
has been a member, submit the
Whereas, it has pleased God in
His all-wise providence to remove
from our midst our beloved
brother, Grover Campbell, and
whereas, we as a band of Sunday
Such is Central Georgia as is being demonstrated by
an ever increasing number of our most progressive farm
ers who realizing the importance of heavy fertilization are
making crop yields per acre surprising even themselves.
Surely all of our farmers seeing the profits arising from
such increased yields will use more commercial fertilizers
this season than ever before.
Composed of men knowing the needs of this section of
the State, earnestly interested in its prosperity, and who
are themselves directly interested in farming,
Made from the Best Materials Obtainable in the Markets.
Our brands ot fertilizers have made enviable reputations as crop producers, and wc will
continue to keep up their high standard ot excellence realizing that our farmers need and demand
the very best fertilizers to be had.
We believe that a trial of them will convince you that they are
Of Superior Merit.
School workers, have lost one of
our most devoted workers.
Be it resolved: That while we
deeply deplore and regret our
great loss, we bow in humble sub
mission to the will of our loving
Father, who worketh all things to
gether for good to those who trust
Be it resolved: That we treasure
his memory and may his beautiful
life, his devotion to duty, and con
secration of self be an inspiration
to his sorrowing friends. Brother
Campbell has fought a good fight
and when the end came passed
peacefully over the river,secure in
the knowledge of duty well per
Be it further resolved, That we
tender to his family our deepest
sympathy and consolation in this
their great affliction and commend
them to the loving Father,who has
promised to be a present help in
the time of need;also be it resolved
that a copy of these resolutions be
published in one of our county
papers, that they may be read by
those who knew him.
Miss Mae Meadows,
Miss Lillian Stanfield,
Mrs. George Barnett,
Mrs. Willie Callaway.
Committee on Resolutions.
West Ola.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Miss Leona Welch,who is teach
ing a school at New hope, spent
the week-end with home folks, and
entertained several of her friends
Saturday night. All reported a
good time.
Miss Ophelia Banks spent Tues
day night with Miss Clara Cowan.
Mrs. L. R. Ricks, who fell some
time ago and hurt herself, is im
proving. Lilac.
In Memory of Brother W.J. Goss.
Whereas God in his wisdom has
seen fit to remove from our midst
our dearly beloved Brother Goss,
and whereas we realize that we,
as an organization have sustained a
great loss, as well as that ot the
County generally:
Therefore, be it resolved that
we, as a County Union, draw up
an obituary of Brother Goss and
and have it published in both of
the McDonough papers.
Brother Goss had just entered
into his best manhood, being 30
years old.
We, as an organization have al
ways found him in faithful dis
charge of his duties as a member
of the Farmers Union,beingCounty
Trading Agent of the Union Phos
phate Company at the time of his
death. We regret very much to
give up Brother Goss.
We will miss him very much in
our future meetings, and work of
our order.
While we realize that Brother
Goss passed over the river, we
also realize that his good deeds
will live after him.
We commend his example to all
whom it was a pleasure to know
We, as an organization extend
to his immediate family, as well as
those of his relations, our heart
felt sympathy, and point them to a
Higher Power who is the healer
of all wounds.
Respectfuliy submitted by com
mittee of Sardis Local Union No.
R: W. Cash,
W. L. Green,
M. A. Wilson.
Read and adopted by the Henry
County Unit n.
R. W. Cash, Pres.
J. H. Rape Sec’y.
• Speakin 5 of School
It’s so hard to get any shoes that will
stand those rowdy boys and that rouip-
Did you ever try
RED SEAL SHOES g E o*, ; .,v
Complete line of CMketsall style* end prices.
Careful and polite attention given all funera'.e entru
sted to me.
Embalming done aocordlngto latest and most im
proved methods. ™
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Calls answered and night.
Phones 28 and 30.
HcDonough Ga.
For Administration.
To whom it nmv concern.
Mrs. l laG.Goss,having made application
to me in due form to fee apjiointcd perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
W. J. Goss, late of said county,
notice is Ivereby given that said applica-
Some of Our
Most Popular
Brands are:
Field’s Climax 12-2.47-3
Hampton High
“ Blood A Bone 9-2.47-3
“ Blood £ Meal 9-1.65-3
Grain Grower No. 2 8-1.65-4
Harris Extra
High Grade 10-2.47-3
Henry County
High Grade 10-1.65-2
Moore’s Special
Pride 10-1.65-2
Hampton Grayland 10-1.65-4
Grain Grower No. 1 10-0.82-4
tion will Ih‘ heart! at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county, to
l>- held on the first Monday in March,
Witness my hand andofficial signature
this fith day of February, 1911.
3-3, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary.