The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 10, 1911, Image 8
locals. Miss Annie Nolan spent several days visiti gvends in Atlanta this #eek. While there she was the guest of honor at a box party at Creatore’s Concert. Miss Mamie Irby, of Atlanta, is the attractive and accommodating assistant postmistress at the Mc- Donough postoffice. She takes the place o ; Miss Lillie Stilwell, who has gone to Atlanta to accept * position as bookkeeper at the New Kimball. WANTED—To learn the home of a belled b. zzard, which visited the farm of Mr. S. M. Oglesby last week. WANTED. —Dry pine wood. Enquire at The Henry County Weekly office. Mr. W. L. Presson, of Beershe t»a state pain McDonough and The Weekly a vis.t Tuesday. Mr. J. M. Johnson, of Locust drove, visiteJ McDonough Tues day. Mr. Sterling Price has returned from a sever il days’ visit to Ma con. Mrs. Grant, of Stockbridge has aeeii the guest of her sister, Mrs. N A. Glass this week. Miss Mamie Johnston has re turned from o visit to her sister, Mrs. Butts, at Barnesville. Mr. Tom Sutton, of Gainesville, was cireufetirg mong his old friends here this week. The friends of Mrs. .J. B. New man will regret to hear of hersick rt ss with LaGrippe. Miss Ethel! Sowel has gone to Sewanee to spend two weeks with ter friend, M ss Ste vie Brogdon. Miss Ester; Stroud spent last week in east Henrv visiting her iticle, Mr. V/Jl Stroud. Dr. J. G. Smith, Dr. Henry High lower, Mess;-. H. M. Turner, R. L. Turner, and Eidsen Smith made r.i automobile visit to Atlanta Monday. CASH PAID for old rags at The Henry County Weekly off) -. Mr. C. 0 Fargason, of McMul len’s district, was in our cty Tues day. LOST. — On High .School g ounds Tuesday, a gold locket containing photos oi‘ lv\ > little girls v ib en graving “Tq >ne 1 Love.” Finder retun) t . The Henry County Weekly Office. Messrs. Cloud Russell and Ar thur Bowdei made a busint ss trip to Atlanta Saturday. Mr. H. M. rl ass, of Stockbr dge, vas in our city Tuesday. Captain C uts. M. Speer visited Jenkiasburg Friday. M: ' Annie May Atkinson at tending a bi -mess college in At tarto. FF.u i nnk Patterson, one of Mc- Muu’ district’s best • b/wns, visited our city Tuesday. Mr. Scab Harkness was twn Tuesday. Nina Walihas accepter’ the! aas.s :-n expression it Stock bridge. The class is t < be congeal: .ted u t y securing such a good tea- aer. | Messrs. J( mi Hightower. Fred Walker, and Franl Oglesb> at tended the party given by JP's. Walden in St ;>ck bridge last Saiur aay evening. Mr. Harry Dunn spent last Fri day and Saturday in town with ais parents, Mr. and Mi s. H. L. Drain. Mr. W. W. Milam was in our :ity ialesday fron Stockbridge •Messrs. Frank Oglesby and tieorge Alexander dined witn Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oglesby and their visitors at Greenwood Sunday. The other guests visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby Misses Jennie Agan, Harry May Withers, and Kate Ellis. Miss Blanche Wentzell was the guest of Mrs. Verna Wright and Miss Lena White at Jackson Sun day. Mrs. Asa Lemon spent several days last w r eek with her parents near Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown spent last week end with the latter’s mother in Bullochville. Conley. Mr. J. A. Cash has done more fanning than any other man I know at this time. Mrs. Battle, who has been very sick for over a month, is improv ing very slowly. Mr. Pete Sneed and wife are very sick with Typhoid fever. Mr. W. A. Stephens is improv ing slowly. Rev. Burdette did not fill his regular appointment at Tanners Sunday, on account of his mother being very sick. Rev. Defore, of Macon, filled his place, and all present enjoyed the sermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell, of Ellenwood, visited their children in Atlanta Tuesday and Wednes day. Messrs. W. M. Stephens and J. M. Av -ry made a business trip to College Park Wednesday. There will he a singing at Tan ner's Church next Sunday at 2:00 o’clock p. m. Everybody cordially invited. Blue Bells. Locust Grove Institute. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Drewry drove their car to Atlanta Thursday. They were accempanied by Prof. Gray. Misses Clara and Lillian Thorpe spent the week-end at their home in Dry Branch, Ga. The Philomatheans triumphed over their sister society last wee k in a tennis tournament, winning three out of four sets. Neal and Cousins represented the Matheans, Sams and Allen’the Sophians. Two Griffin visitors happened our way Sunday. They brought ..Fencing Time.. IRON FENCE CHEAPER THAN WOOD Just tlJJJJJjlfftAlJ.lllllJl Car received Load . WIRE FENCING Good Time to Build Fences. Our tences are ihe standard kind and stand the test ot summer and winter. Let us figure with \ou on your needs tor Chicken, Hog, Cattle, Cemetery and \ aid tences. Single and double gates. OUR PRICES ARE ATTRACTIVE. Very truly, Copeland-T urner Mercantile Company, Phone 25. McDonough, ga. along a camera and against the law and command, persisted in taking views of the campus, build ings, et cetera. Policeman Wall was called. The men were arrest ed and Mayor Combs did the rest. He bound the transgressors over, and fined each of them fifteen sim oleons and costs. Professors Cousins and Turner attended a banquet given by the L. G. I. boys at Mercer last Friday night. They report a pleasant time. The school’s 1 a rge repre sentation at Mercer reflects credit ably. The base ball schedule has been completed and consists of the fol lowing games: March 20, Gordon at Barnesville. March 25, Tech High School at Locust Grove. March 31, Tech at Atlanta. April 10, Gordon at I. o cu st Grove. April 12, Stone Mountain at Stone Mountain. April 24, Georgia Reserves at Locust Grove. May 1, Stone Mountain at Locust Grove. Lizardville News. (Last Week’s Letter.) Well, Mr. Editor, I am torn up up so bad that I don’t know any thing to write. J. B. Jovner and wife visited S. G. Bryan and wife Sunday after noon. . Hugh Fannin, Bennie Morris and David Cathy were headed some where last Sunday afternoon. Smith Steele and family visited J. C. Fannin last Sunday. Hugh Fannin spent last Satur day afternoon with Lawrence Mor ; ris. Central Dots. Mrs. Z. T. Peebles visited Mrs. D. W. Glower. J. K. Glower spent last Saturday night with H. A. Peebles. “Kenny” Glower made a busi ness trip to Griffin Wednesday and Friday. H. I. Peebles and “Kenny” Glower were visitors at Woolsey Sunday afternoon. D. W. Clower and wife and Dixon Andrews and wife attended the funeral of Grover Campbell last Saturday. Blue Eyes. Phone Your Troubles TO THE VARIETY ■ STORE ■ We are prepared to do ail kinds oi Plumbing and Pipe Work, Fixing Bicycles, Putting in Window Glass, Etc. Fresh Garden Seed 10 Packages 25 Cents. I Really at Cost. AH our Paints* s and Painters' Mate rials such as Leads, (Oils, Etc., in stock, • we shall sell out at ACTUAL COST. * We are doing this j because we- shall j l handle no more ( heavy paints in the \ future, and wish to dispose ot present stock to make room tor other goods. THE HORTON DRUG CO. McDonough, Ga. During the Next 3o Days I am ottering what Wagons I have on hand at prices that will interest you. It you t are going to buy a wagon this spring it will pay you to see my— Prices at Once Call to see me for Gasoline Engines, Pump ing Outfits, Disc harrows, and anything else in the line of machinery. G.W. CATHY, McDonough, Ga