Newspaper Page Text
The Henry 'County Weekly
Mr. J. E. Hooten in Charge and Will Greatly
Improve Service.
Tuesday the Southern Express
Company moved its office from
the depot, more than a lialf mile
from the public square, to the rear
of Mr. W. O. Welch’s Grocery
Mr. J. E. Hooten, who has been
the clever and accommodating
agent at McDonough for some
time is still in charge, and ready
as ever to serve the public.
There will be free delivery to
the business houses on the public
square. If parties elsewhere and
residing within the city limits de
sire Mr. Hooten to make deliver
ies, he will do so for five cents for
packages not weighing more than
100 pounds, and ten cents for those
weighing more.
This is indeed a great improve
ment and convenience for McDon
nough, and Mr. Hooten deserves
the people’s thanks for his enter
Rockey Branch.
Rev. Olin King filled his regular
appointment at Turner’s Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. Roland Berry and wife spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Lester.
Mr. T. J. Nail, of Jackson, visit
ed his daughter, Mrs. Lilia Lane,
Saturday night.
Mrs. Clahdie Brown has been
very sick for the last few days.
Claude Moss and Hard Crumb
ley were visitors in this com
munity Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Ector McGarity and wife
visited his brother, Mr. Homer Mc-
Uarity, Sunday night.
Blue Eyes.
Bethany Locals.
No more plowing in February.
Guess quite a number of school
children were disappointed be
cause of the rain last Thursday.
Most of them were expecting to
go and see the “college on wheels.”
Mrs, G. W. Cathy and daughter,
of McDonough, visited friends and
relatives here last week.
Miss Bertha Rodgers is the guest
of Miss Barnes, of Jackson.
Mr. Thomas D. Stewart, of At
lanta, was a visitor here last week.
Miss Kate Stallworth was the
guest of Mrs. Olin Cathy last week.
Mr. and Nrs. J. P. Rodgers, Ed
na and Mason, visited Mr. Elliott
Mr. H. B. Rosser, had the mis
fortune to lose his milk cow this
The many friends of Mr. M. V.
Sowell will be sorry to hear that
he is no better.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dickerson and
Mrs. R. C. Crumbley were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stall*
worth Sunday.
Little Miss Julia Cathy, of Mc-
Donough, spent Sunday with her
grand-parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A.
Mr. Samuel Rosser, who is at
tending L. G. 1., was a visitor here
The many friends of Mrs. C. W.
Morris are glad to know she is on
the piend a little.
Mrs. Geo. Welch visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomp
son, of Sandy Ridge, last week.
West Ola.
Many were disappointed on last
Thursday in not getting to meet
the farm train on account of the
bad weather.
Mr. George Welch, of McDon
ough, spent the week-end with her
parenfs, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp
son, and family.
Mr. Bill Kimball and daughter,
Mrs. John Duke, spent Saturday
near Stark.
Mr. L. R. Ricks and wife called on
Mr. W. W. Patterson and family,
Messrs. Frank Turner and Ho
mer Bryant attended Sunday
School at Bethany Sunday.
Mr. J. P. Rodgers and wife and
little son Manson, spent Sunday
most pleasantly with Mr. John Elli
liott and family.
Mr. Pete Turner and Miss Alice
Thompson worshipped at Bethany
Miss Bertha Rodgers will spend
a few days with her cousin, Miss
Blanche Bonds, at Jackson this
Misses Kate Stallworth and Miss
Edna Rodgers were the guests of
Miss Lillie and Ruth Craig Sunday.
Prof. Arthur Jackson, of Union
Graded School, will preach at
Bethany Sunday night. Let every
body come out and hear him.
Elm Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conkle
were called to the bedsjde of their
son, Mr. W. A. Conkle Wednes
day. He was seriously hurt While
working in the Southern Railway
Miss Epsie Wilkerson visited the
Misses Euel and Susie Conkle Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. John Wilkerson visited Mr.
Ben Jones Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Minnie Walden was the
guest of Mrs. J. C. Conkle Monday
Mrs. Ben Turner visited Mrs. Jo
seph Conkle Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lemon Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lemon enter
tained a few friends most delight
fully Monday evening.
Cards and music were enjoyed
and at a late hour dainty refresh
ments were served.
Those present were Misses Ruth
and Ruby Walker, Bess Fouche,
Lucy Reagan; Messrs. Hughie
Turner, Benton and Talmadge
Thompson, John Hightower, Tom
Tolleson, Arthur Bowden, and
Adam Sloan.
Littld Miss Upchurch Hostess.
Little Miss Kathleen Upchurch
entertained a number of her
friends at a birthday party on the
4th instant, at her home on Jones
boro road.
They made merry in many a
game, and then refreshments con
sisting of cake and tea were
The little ones had a most pleas
ant afternoon.
Mrs. McDonald and
Mrs. Roy Turner Entertain.
Mrs. Julia McDonald and Mrs.
Roy Turner entertained at dinner
on the 4th instant.
A beautiful and delicious dinner
was served, and it was a happy
occasion for all.
The guesis were:
Mr. and Mrs. Will Turner, Rev.
and Mrs. J. A. Simpson, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Lemon, Mrs. 0. E. Ham,
of Stockbridge; Mrs. Laura Smith,
of Ozark, Ala.; Mrs. Robert Tom
linson and Mrs. Stewart Combs,
of Atlanta; Misses Edythe White
and Elise Long. )
Mrs. H. B. Carmichael Hostess.
Mrs. H. B. Carmichael was host
ess atan.elegant domino party Fri
day afternoon to seventy invited
The score cards were the beau
tiful hand work of the hostess.
After the games were enjoyed
for an hour or more, an elaborate
course of refreshments was
Mrs. Carmichael was assisted in
entertaining by her mother, Mrs.
Carrie Turner, and Miss Helen
Mrs. Carrie Rawls and children
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kneeiie Kimball, in Monroe, last
Misses Mattilu Cleveland, Annie
Lou Coker, and Mr. Stanley Davis,
Miss Margaret Cleveland and Mr.
Homer Smith were out riding Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. Lurn Jones was down in
this part of the country, threshing
peas last week.
Wonder what the attraction is at
Helfin & Price’s mill? Ask Mr. J.
H. Miles.
The “college on wheels” was at
tended by a large crowd in Jack
son last Thursday.
There will be prayer meeting at
Jenkinsburg every Sunday night.
Everybody come.
Blue Eyes.
Mr. Ben Nichols returned from
Forsvth Sunday, where he has
been for the past two weeks look
ing after the saw mill interests of
Mr. W. S. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Carnes, of Jonesboro.
Mr. Charles Hammock went up
to Atlanta 'Tuesday on business.
Mr. Ed Turnipseed, of Atlanta,
is spending some time here with
his sister, Mrs. Litt Tarpley, re
cuperating from an attack of ap
Col. T. E. Patterson, of Griffin,
was here Saturday on legal busi
Mr. T. Alwyn Wilson spent the
week-end with friends in Griffin.
Mr. H. A. Moore spent Wednes
dap in Atlanta.
Col. W. E. Smith, of Manchester,
spent the week-end here.
Prof. J. B. Turner, of Locust
Grove, was here Sunday as the
guest of Mr. Homer Fields.
Col. J. R. Bedgood attended Jus
tice Court here Saturday, repre
senting Mr. J. M. Middlebrooks, of
Mrs. E. H. Hair left Tuesday to
spend some time with her brother,
Mr. A. F. McMahon, of Jackson.
Mr. J. J. Callaway, of Sunny
Ola News.
Mr. Nelson Rape was the guest
of Mr. Lawrence Chaffin Sunday.
Mrs. L. R. Ricks has in a new
quilt. Come in neighbors, and
help her.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Miller were
the guests of the latter’s relatives
last week.
Leon and Bessie Jenkins have
been sick at their home with bad
colds, but have about recovered.
Afton Rape and two brothers
were the guests of Leon and Guy
Jenkins Sunday afternoon.
School Boy.
Midway and Between.
Mrs. Maud Smith and Mrs. J. H.
Moss visited Mrs. Cliff Fields Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. Bill Fields visited her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Friday.
Mrs. Green Mitchell visited Mrs.
Mat Mitchell Friday morning.
Messrs. H. J. and Porter Moore
went to McDonough one day last
Mr. R. L. Pritchett made a busi
ness trip to Hampton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Mitchell vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mitchell
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Foster
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Barnett Sunday.
Messrs. Malone Fields and A. P.
Floyd called on Mr. Calvin West
moreland Sunday.
Miss Rosa Henderson visited
i Miss Minna Daniel at Poorest Park
i Saturday night and Sunday. Miss
By Geo. S. Malaier.
Side, was here for a short while
Tuesday on business.
Two very able and impressive
sermons were delivered by Rev. J.
E. England, the Methodist pastor,
at Hampton Church Sunday fore
noon and night.
Misses Eunice Arnold, LiPPen
nington and Floy Smith went up
to Atlanta Saturday to see the
play, “The Rosary.”
Mrs. R. M. Ogle and Miss Kath
leen Daniel left for their homes in
Columbus Saturday, after spend
ing a week here with Mrs. PL H.
Col. E. M. Smith of McDonough,
attended Justice Court here Satur
day. Judge Dafis presided with
the air of a Supreme Court Judge.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins, of
Norfolk, Va., are spending some
time with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Haw
The prodigals have returned
home after a few nights away
from home. There is no bed like
father’s, no table like father’s and
no love like that of mother. Boys!
your parents are your best friends
on earth; do not in their declining
years add unnecessary misery to
their lot and cause the world to
gaze upon you as not having been
properly trained in your home —it
is not only a reflection upon your
self, but upon your dear father
and mother.
Daniel returned home witn her
to spend several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barnett
visited the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Barnett, Sunday.
Several around here are waiting
for cold weather to kill hogs. Time
enough yet.
Master Leslie Barnett, of near
Lovejoy visited his cousin, Wilson
Barnett, Sunday.
Wheat and oats are looking fine.
There are several fine hogs in
the 6th district yet to kill. R. W.
Exum and A. A. Exum, each have
one that will weigh about 300.
Mr. W. E. Touchstone made a
business trip to Griffin last week.
Gary Strickland is going to join
the matrimonial club as soon as he
gets his fine young mule broke.
We are proud to see the Jones
boro Enterprise spreading its news
to over a thousand homes.
The grand old Henry County
Weekly is visiting about 1,500
families in Henry county each
week,and is one of the best weekly
papers in the state.
Fire-wood and overcoats were
in demand a few' days last week.
Miss Jainie Mays, of Oakland,
visited a day in the 6th last week.
No doubt but what there will be
a sight of marrying this spring, as
there will be several days courting
in this county, and no doubt but
each case will be argued before
Judge R. T. Daniel.
It may be matches made under
Judge Daniel’s decisions won’t
have to be divorced.
$1 A Year