Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Destructive Blaze Destroys Three McDonough
Enterprises and Damages Three Others.
Walker Brothers Company Heaviest Losers. Variety
Store and McDonald’s Drug Store Destroyed.
Bank of Henry County, B. B. Carmi
chael & Son, Racket Store
Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock
fire was discovered in the rear of
Walker Brothers ComDany’s store
here. The breaking of the win
dows by the heat gave the first
Fire-fighters gathered quickly,
biit the smoke was so dense and
the fire had made such headway
on the interior that the flames
could not be extinguished.
The flames worked to right and
left, destroying on one side the
Variety Store and on the other
side Dr. C. D. McDonald’s drug
On the west side B. B. Carmi
chael & Son’s fire wall checked
the blaze, but hard work with
buckets and ropes was necessary
to prevent the heated walls burn
ing the Carmichael stock of goods.
On the east double wall of Dr.
McDonald and the Bank of Henry
County held the fire back and pre
vented its further progress.
The fire fighters did heroic and
valiant work with water, soda and
Ellenwood Items.
On last Friday evening a most
enjoyable program was rendered
at the school auditorium, to com
memorate the founding of our
state; 'the part performed by the
school children was excellent and,
among the other members on the
program was an address given by
Prof. Turner, a teacher of L. G. 1.,
a vocal solo by Mr. Van Clark, and
an essay on “Our Georgia,” by
Miss Bond, of McDonough.
The meeting of the club has
been postponed one week, on ac
count of the program given last
Friday evening. All members are
urged to be present, as there will
be some important matters taken
up. Also all who wish to join,
come. We shall be glad to have
all new members.
Misses Rowden entertained a
few at dinner Sunday. Among the
guests were Misses Estes and
Bond, and Messrs. Bond and Row
Mr. and Miss Gilbert, of Mor
row, were guests of Miss Alva
Burks Sunday.
Our town is growing some. Sev
eral buildings are to be erected,
and several have already been.
A number of the members of the
choir were absent on last choir
practice. Hope this will not occur
Rev. W. O. Butler will preach
here Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Everybody come and bring some
one with you. Sunday school on
salt, and it was by such efforts
that the whole block was not de
stroyed. A large number worked
incessantly on the roofs for hours.
Finally every source of water was
exhausted just as control of the
fire was gained and the town
breathed a sigh of relief it
was no worse.
The estimated loss aggregate
fully $50,000.00, divided as follows:
Walker Brothers Company, loss
$28,000.00, insurance $18,000.00;
Mrs. Emma Walker, two buildings,
loss $6,000.00, insurance, $4,000.00;
Variety Store, A. C. Oglesby &
Coinp an y, proprietors, loss
$5,500.00, insurance $4,000.00; T.
A. Sloan & Company, loss $4,000.00,
practically covered by insurance;
B. B. Carmichael & Son, loss,
cracked fire wall and damaged by
smoke and water, $3,000.00 to
$5,000.00, practically covered by
insurance; Dr. C. D. McDonald,
loss $4,500.00, no insurance; the
Bank of Henry County, loss SI,OOO,
coveted by insurance.
Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock
sharp. All teachers as well as
scholars are urged to be present.
Prof. Fullerton has purchased
a “thorough-bred.” Another in
dustrious man added to the farm
ing list.
Quite a number of the Ellen
wood ladies and gentlemen went
to Tanners Sunday to hear the
singing led by Messrs. Cash and
Miss Pinkie Shettlesworth is the
guest of her sister in Atlanta.
It’s “All a Mistake” that the
young people of McDonough are
rehearsing now, and they expect
to present this play to the public
at the school auditorium on Fri
day evening, March 3d.
The production is in charge of
Mrs. J. T. Weems, and under her
skillful direction, the play is sure
to be a great success.
The proceeds will go the pur
chase of a new curtain and other
stage scenery and furnishings for
the auditorium.
Lizardville News.
Rev. I. G. Walker preached at
; Salem Sunday night.
Mr. J. B. Joyner and Mr. S. H. Ca
thy attended meeting at Sharon
Mr. H. A. Steele made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Friday.
'Mrs. W. J. Knight spent the
week-end with Mrs. S. H. Cathy.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday February 24, \ Q n.
Mrs. Paul Turner and Miss Tye
Mrs. Paul Turner and Miss Tye,
at the home of Mrs. Turner, en
tertained a number of their friends
at dominoes Thursday afternoon.
The rooms in which the tables
were placed were like a glimpse
of spring; quantities of bouquets,
sprays of peach blossoms, and
bowls filled with fragrant purple
violets, and with the potted plants,
were very attractive.
Mrs. T. A. Sloan and Miss lone
Prince served punch. During the
progress of the game bon-bons
were served. After the game was
finished most delicious nutted
cream was enjoyed.
Miss Carmichael Entertains.
Miss Alla B. Carmichael was
hostess to some of her friends on
Monday evening, in honor of hei
guest, Miss Allen.
Music and conversation were
enjoyed and late in the evening
grape juice and cake were served.
Mrs. J. M. Carmichael Hostess.
Mrs. James Carmichael enter
tained at a most delightful party
Monday afternoon as a compliment
to Miss Alla B. Carmichael and
her guest, Miss Zelma Allen.
Purple and white, the college
colors of the honored guests, were
Dominoes were enjoyed at four
tables, and later a salad course
and iced tea were served.
Those present were: Misses Alla
B. Carmichael, Zelma Allen, Jennie
Long, Elise Long, Edythe White,
Blake Bunn, Nina Wall, Annie G.
Thompson, Ethel Sowell, Ellene
Neal, Lucy Reagan, Bess Fouche,
Ruth and Ruby Walker, Agnes
Dunn; Mesdames J. G. Smith and
R. A. Sloan.
Misses Wall and Bunn to Enter
Misses Nina Wall and Blake
Bunn have issued invitations to a
“42” party at the former’s home
on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Neal Hostes.
Miss Ellene Neal was the charm
ing hostess to the Epworth League
at its regular monthly social meet
ing Friday evening.
The unique and pretty invita
tions were the work of the hostess.
Delicious refreshments were
served, and the whole evening
was thoroughly enjoyed by the
Mrs. Alex Brown Hostess.
Mrs. Alex. Brown was charm
ing hostess to some of her friends
Friday afternoon.
She was assisted in entertaining
by Mrs. Mary Alexander and Miss
Rosa Lee Brown.
Progressive “42” was played at
four tables, Miss Bess Fouche
making the highest score.
Bonbons were served at each
table, and later a salad course,
with coffee.
Those present were:
McDonough High School
We have come again to occupy
a portion of your valuable paper.
We have seen a great interest
taken in our corner and others
Winter time has met us on our
journey through our school.
Spring seemed to be almost here.
“So near yet so far.”
Much care must be taken about
our pot flowers, else they may die.
Miss Lucile Tolleson most de
lightfully entertained a number of
the younger set last Friday eve-
Misses Bess Fouche, Ruth and
Ruby Walker, Ellene Neal, Annie
G. Thompson, Lucy Reagan, Beu
la Atkinson, Blake Bunn, Nina
Wall, Eunice Tarpley; Mesdames
R. L. Sloan, Asa and Fouche Lemon,
Marvin Turner,B. E. Horton, James
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carmichael
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carmichael
entertained at dinner on last Satur
day evening as a compliment to
their guests, Misses Turner and
The excellent dinner was served
in courses.
Those present, beside the home
guests, were Misses Nina Wall,
Ruth and Ruby Walker, and Fred
Near Worthville.
We regret that Mrs. Silas Doby
is very sick, because of a fall last
Mr. Manry Gray and wife, of
Worthville, visited Mrs. Lizzie
Lewis Sunday afternoon.
Miss Susie Clark is visiting her
sister Mrs. Reeves, of Jackson, this
Mr. Jim Doby and family, of
Woodstown, visited his mother,
Mrs. Silas Doby, Sunday.
Mr. W. P. Stephens made a busi
ness trip to Jackson last week.
The candy pulling given by Mr.
Jack Stewart Friday night, was
enjoyed by all present.
Miss Mittie Stewart was the
guest of Miss Fannie Belle Steph
ens Sunday afternoon.
“Blue Eyes.”
Locust Grove Institute.
Joe Applewhite, after a three
weeks stay at his home in Miller
county on account of sickness, has
returned to resume his studies.
Thad Green was called home
last Thursday to the bed side of
his father, who is now much bet
ter. Thad returned to school
Prof. Gray spoke at Luella Sun
day in the interest of the Flint
River Association Laymen’s Move
Saturday night weeek, March 4,
\ a concert will be given to raise
money for the athletic association.
:An interesting program is in way
sot preparation. The glee club will
PAGES *< A Year
ning. All present enjoyed
hospitality to the highest exttsnfl
The test on English last
given in honor of (he Seniors, *nr
thoroughly joyous.
But what has become of our’So
cial Club? We must revive torn
w .k immediately.
Miss Russell, a member of fl*
tenth class was absent last Moruto*
on account of illness.
No news of interest can be tea#,
so hope to have more next time
render several selections, and v+-
cal solos will also be a featum
The music and expre sion depart
inents will have students on tt«
Prof. Turner delive d a talk r
Ellenwood last Friday night. Tt«*
Graded school of that place
served Georgia Day in a fiU.itr
Mr. Nathan Burch, a student zZ
Mercer, spent Sunday on the cam
pus with his sister M;ss Essie.
Miss Rannie Griffin, of Atlasrt*
who was a stuuem in the sclwi *
two years ago, spirit Sunday acil
Monday here, the g.aVi of MScr
Vallie Pitts.
Dr. Ragsdale and Prof. Turwr
attended the Laymen s meeting r*.
Griffin Wednesday. The Laymeirir
Movement is gaining ground steaal
ily, and the impetus lent the caa*»-
by this gathering was noticeaftk
The quarterly conference war
held at the McDonough Metliewiss*
church Sunday. One of the heap
est crowds of many years
ed the meetings, and much en
thusiasm was shown and muqp
fine reports made.
Sunday morning Dr. Fakes, tfce
presiding elder, preached a
i'ul sermon, which impressed ail
who heard It.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curry, of neur
Jackson, visited Mr. and Mrs. fe
B. Childs Sunday.
The young people of this mo
tion enjoyed the evening
much at a valentine drawing Ivt
Tuesday at the home of Miss M.*»-
tha Jane English.
Messrs. Sam Rosser and Rufta
Rodgers, of L. G. 1., visited Jfc
Gordon Tingle Sunday.
Mr. J. M. Bowden and lady, J?
Locust Grove, visited relative
near here Sunday.
Rev. Z. E. Barron filled his reg»
lar appointment Saturday and Sup
day at this place. A large crow?
was present both days.
Miss Della Childs had as Lo*
guest Sunday, Misses Eva R 3.
Ethel Coan, Lillie McKibb n, B «
Sie Ingram, and Messrs. Da\*e
Gaillard, Peilum Wallace, Wilbii*
Gossett, and Frank Coan.
The Woman’s Missionary Meet
ing Saturday afternoon was v dfi
attended. Brother Barron wss
with us, and toid some very
esting things. We invite him a
come and be with us again.'
Miss Trevie Crumbley visit ?
M - Mary Lou McKibben S; . .*