The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 24, 1911, Image 2
Flippen. Mr. Onby, of Atlanta, was here Monday. Mrs. John Roundtree and daugh ter, Miss Willie, spent Wednesday in Stockbridge. Miss Millie Kate Stansel attend ed Sunday School at this place Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley, of Rex, visited the former’s son, Mr. H. C. Riley, Wednesday. Miss Fannie Lee Burch, of near Salem, was the guest of Mrs. A. J. Burch, Friday. Misses Florrie and Lois Owen, Myrtice Fields, and Maggie Daily spent Saturday night with Miss Wil lie Kate Stansel. Miss Ida Lou Knight, of McDon ough, visited relatives here Friday. Mrs. W. L. Pair spent Wednes day in Stockbridge, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. I). McCuliough. Mr. and Mrs. A., J. Burch spent Sunday most pleasantly with rela tives near Salem. . Miss Estelle Alexander, of Dutch town, was the guest of Miss Kva Fields Saturday afternoon. Master T. R. Hightower, of Stockbridge, visited his sister, Mrs. A. G, Harris, Jr., last week. Mr. John Lovorn, oi Hampton, was a welcome visitor here Satur day. Mr. C. F. Fields, of Atlanta, spent last Sunday with homefolks. Misses Florrie and Lois Owen, of Tunis, were the guests of Miss Myrtice Fields Tuesday night. Mr. Dudley Fields, of McDon ough spent Thursday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riley spent Friday in Atlanta. Miss Cora Johnson, of near Sa lem, attended Sunday School here last Sunday. Valentine Party at Flippen. One of the most beautiful affairs of the season was the Valentine Party given by Mr. and Mrs. Bai ley. The house was beautifully decorated in hearts and a profus ion of flowers. Misses Kate Glass and Maggie Dailey assisted Mrs. Bailey in en tertaining. Some i nte res ting games were played, after which delicious refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Maggie Dailey, Eva Fields, Kate Glass, Myrtice, Laura and Dennis Fields, Leila and Oza Johnson, Lois and Florrie Owen; Messrs. Ford Johnson, Candler Dailey, Tom Rowan, Charley Simpson, Mike and Tom Glass, Lovett Burch, T. K. Hood. Fielder Glass, Mary in Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. How a ! Glass. S. K M. Bethany. * V'l. Am.iur Jackson spent Sat urri in Auanta. G, v\ 1 and Irnty visited rela tive.- , .u* Jonough Sunday. J- .< Wv .li and lady visited rel ative , Oakland Sunday. St . sser was a visitor to tins , unday. M. rman and baby spent Sum. r this place. Re ur Jackson filled his appc t here Sunday. T. ram and daughter, of UeD , were visitors here Sum Lu English, of Tussahaw, has i i in an automobile. In >mmunieation of last i week : ltended to say Prof. I G. N. “Cox” instead of Prof. G. N. “Cash.” We make this correction in behalf of Pi of. Cox. Measles are raging a few miles east of this place, a number of people being quite sick with them. Rev. I. G. Walker will fill his ap pointment here next Saturday and Sunday at 11 o’clock a. m., and 7 p. ill. Bethany church has purchased a complete up-to-date lighting sys tem for the church, and also a street lamp for the outside, and will install the system in a few days. The many friends of Alton Sow ell, who recently moved with his father down near Cordele, will re gret to learn of his serious illness. Rev. J. A. Jackson, who was quite sick a few days ago, is able to be out again, after being con fined to his room for several days. Mr. J. P. Rodgers has purchased the Dr. Langston residence in Mc- Donough, and w'ill move his fam ily there this week. In my last communication, we mentioned two farms that had been greatly improved, and, as this is a day of great advance ment along the farming line, why not every farmer, whether land owner or renter, select one or more acres this season and try his luck on a brag patch. Try it and see what the result will be. What you say, Mr. Farmer? At this season of the year there is generally a scarcity of hogs and pigs for sale, and consequently numbers of farmers do not get hogs to raise meat at home, and it seems to us that the extreme high price of meat that prevailed last year, would stimulate some of our thrifty farmers to embark into a new business on that line. There is a demand for more hogs in this country. I recently saw a copy of a paper published during the civil war, which was the issue of July 2,1863, of the Daily Citizen published at Vicksburg, Miss., J. M. Swords, Proprietor. It was in a good state of preservation and contained some very interesting things in re gard to the war which was in pro gress at that time. One thing that struck me very forcibly, was | that the date of issue was on the same date that the father of the writer lost an arm in the battle of Gettysburg. The paper stated that part of the army was march ing on towards Gettysburg, and as it went to press on that date, while not aware of the fact then, yet one of the most terrible battles of the war was then being fought on the battlefield of Gettysburg. Prof. Arthur Jackson has the copy of the above paper. “Jack.” Greenwood. Mr. Allen Rape visited McDon ough on business Saturday. Mr. J. B. Sowell and Emmett ; Dorton visited McDonough Satur day. Messrs. W. A. and 0. C. Cope land dined with W. E. Copeland Saturday. Mr. H. M. Amis and family and Miss Vesta Ellis were out automo bile riding Sunday. Mr. H. I’. Oglesby and children visited his father Sunday. Mr. Arthur Sowell and sisters visited their grandmother, Mrs. Hammond, Friday night. Mr. \V. E. Copeland and family visited Mr. John Copeland and family, Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Carr and Mrs. C. H.! Consistent pm Saving 1 Egfej Isa method that insures success. To be i . .jgpJ consistent is only to save judiciously save where it is possible. It will be pos f*5 *ummU siblc to save alter you have started in more wavs than you think. Each sum fmi placed in our Savings Department draws interest. Wealth made step by step is sure s it°i the kind that will he ot some Start a Savings Account, save steadily, and llCli/ Dll I VCD you will sure,y acc l uire wealth. NtW HiLLlhn tt*ii x. trustco. bldg. Hillyer [rust Co. „ Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 “HOME OF SAVINGS.” Corner North Broad & Luckie Sts., ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. (Temporary location) f? FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS { GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS \ \ EA*LY"jER3EY WAKEFIELD. CHARLESTON LARGE TYPE. SUCCESSION.' AUGUSTA TRUCKER, SHORT STUMMED / \ Tn# Ftrlirai W ,u h FIELD. The Earliest A HttV later FLAT DUTCH. /, Cabbage Grown. „M flat Head Variety. than Sacceslion. Largest and Latest Cabbage. / \ THADE MARK COPYRIGHTED ~ " Established 1 868. Paid in Capital Stock $30,000.00 Wortpw th<> first FROST PHIIF PL4MTS in lS'.s. N have over twenty thousand satisfied customers. We have erown and sold mors cahbasj * plants than all o'her persons In the Southern states combined. WHY? Because our plants must pleasn or we send your money back. Order now; it la time to set these plants in your section to (jet extra early cabbage, and they are the ones that sell for the most money. We sow three tons of Cabbage Seed per season St aw berry Plants, I l Fruit trees and ornamentals. Write for fr»*<*catalog of frost-proof plants of the best varieties, containing valuable Information about fruit and vegetable growing. Prices on Cabbage Plants:— In lots of 600 at $1.00; 1000 to 5000 $1 50 per thousand; 6,000 to 9,000 $1.25 per thousand; 10.000 and over SLOO per thousand, t. o. b. Yonges Island. Our special express rate on plants is very low. Wm. C. Geraty Co., Box 95 Yonges Island, S. C. TALMADGE CARMICHAEL, McDonough, Ca. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Day Phone No. 51. Night Phone No, 52 and 6 J. All calls answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefully done and according to best methods Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled. Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had. We furnish the best steel, briok or oement Vaults. TAYLOR SAW MILLS LEAD In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, None Better I Kuy Macon Machinery and avoid ? 'daßSte exoessiT* and ion 4 waits for Repairs Sthii mid Gasoline Engines '' Portable & Stationary Boilers Complete Ginning, Sawing and Shingle Outfits Pumps. Tanks, Towers, RjUng, Acetylene L ab ice Plants v "•' >* W'P* EVERYTHING in ,machinery and supplies ~ MSUftRY MACHINERY CQ.V^rJ: Martin called on Mrs. \V. E. Cope land Friday afternoon. Mrs. H. M. Amis visited relatives in McDonough Friday. Mr. Paul Mays has moved to H. M. Amis’. We are glad to have a good neighbor to move in. Mrs. Jim Lester and daughter visited Mrs. W. E. Copeland Wed nesday. Mrs. R. R. Roan visited Mrs. Joiner Morris Monday. Dr. R. L. Crawford and Harper Moore went up to McDonough Wednesday. Messrs. Harlin and O. C. Cope land were mingling with friends in these parts Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Sowell and little son James visited McDonough Wednesday afternoon. For Sale. Right new lady’s bicycle, of full size and best make. See or write to the editor of The Henry County Weekly, McDonough, Ga. tf. E. J. REAGAN, Attorney at Law, McDonough, Georgia. Office in the Masonic Building. Will practice in all the courts. T. A. \A FSIVY. DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 a. m. l to 5 p. m. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-A T-L AW, McDonough. Ga. J). A. BROWN, DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. to 5 P. M. McDonough, Ga. R. O. JACKSON, Attorney=at = Law, MCDONOUGH, GA. Office over star Store. FOR SALE. House and lot an Lawrenceviile street, or House and lot on Keys Ferry street. One of these lots must go. Terms. H. J. Turner. DIAMONDS By our Divided Pay ment Plan jmu can soon own a beautiful stone of known value and rec ognized worth. Durham Bros. Optical Company 20 EDGEWOOD AVE. At a La, Gd. fHE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE RUNNIWjj^ Ifroa wa nt elthpr a Vibrating Shnl tie, Rotary ShutUeor a Single Thread [Chain Sitich] Sewing Machfae write to THE SEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COWPAiT Orange, Mass. Many sewing machines are made .Hsei! regardless ifll Quality, but the Ke« Home to wear. Our guaranty never runs out r Sold by authorized dealinsi only. FOR SALE BY FOR SALE. Genuine Appier Oats. Price on application. tf* A. N. Brown.