Newspaper Page Text
His Letter to The Weekly is Given
Permit me to express our thanks
for the very cordial reception ex
tended the second agricultural
train by yourself and associates.
Your expressions of appreciation
will do much to encourage our
workers, and the interest taken
by the people of your community
in this movement is the best evi
dence of the great educational
awakening now in progress in
Georgia. Evidently the farmer
and business man are both alive to
the necessity of instituting better
methods of agricultural practice
and acquainting themselves with
the latest information concerning
the management of soils, the use
of larger and better implements,
and the necessity of placing within
the reach of boys and girls infor
mation which will enable them to
better realize the possibilities of
farming when directed along scien
tific lines.
The patient hearing given our
speakers under trying conditions
will ever remain a pleasant mem
ory. We thank you for the many
courtesies extended and trust that
we may be able through legislat
ive action to render more and
more efficient as the years go by
the services of this institution to
the constituency which it is sup
posed to serve —the people of
Assuring you of our best wishes
and our desire to assist you in ev
ery way possible, I am,
Very respectfully,
Andrew M. Soule,
, President.
Old Stockbrtdge.
Mrs. Emma Evans has left for
Atlanta to spend a few days.
We are glad to know Mrs.W. C.
Milam was able to be out to attend
the fine sermon delivered by Rev.
W. 0. Butler Sunday.
Miss Ora Evans and sister, the
daughters of Richard Evans, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
relatives near Stockbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Carroll spent
Sunday witn Emmett Carroll and
“Say” you people, don’t work so
slow on that Holiness School. We
wait much longer. We want
to see it going on.
At the Wedding.
Jim will you take Bet
Without any regret,
To love and cherish
Till one of you perish,
And is laid under the sod
So help you God?
Jim having given the usual af
firmative answer:
Bet will you take Jim
And cling to him,
Both out and in,
Through thick and thin,
Holding him to your heart
Till death do you part?
East Peeksviiie.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
On account of the bad weather
last Thursday only a few people
visited the agricultural train.
We regret to note that Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Jinks are both on the
sick list this week.
Mr. Jack Nail made a hasty visit
to Mr. Stevens Thursday after
Mr. Asa Force visited friends and
relatives in Butts county Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lane visited
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harkness, near High Falls Satur
day and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cash visited
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jinks Sunday
aftornoon. ‘‘Daisy.”
Notice to Debtors unit Creditors.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all the credit
ors of the estate of Mrs. Bessie Daily
Burch, late of said county, deceased, to
render in an account of their demands to
me within the time prescribed by law,
oroperly made out.
All persons indebted to said deceased are
hereby requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
O- B. Dailey,
Admin. Est. of Mrs. Bessie Dailey Burch.
This Feb. ttth, 1911.
3-17, 6.
label for Divorce.
Ruth Burch ) Libel for Divorce
vs. in
Jeff Burch j Henry Sup. Court.
Filed to October Term, 1910.
To the defendant, Jeff Burch, who re
sides without the County of Henry and
without the State of Georgia.
You are hereby notified that the plain
tiff in the above stated case has filed in the
office of the Clerk of the Superior Court
of Henry County, Ga., a suit for divorce
against you, and you are ordered to be
and appear at the April 1911 Term of
Henry Superior Court to be held on the
third Monday in April, 1911, to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon. li. T. Daniel, Judge
of said court, this Feb. 4,1911.
J. A. Fouche,
3-10, 4. c. S. C. 11. C. Ga.
l or tjuit Claim Title.
Henry Court of Ordinary. Feb. 7 1911.
To the heirs at law of Thomas Fields, late
of Henry County, deceased:
J. E. Mays has filed in my office his ap
plication. asking that .1. F. M. Fields, ad
ministrator on the estate of Thomas Fields
deceased be required to make his quitclaim
titles to certain real estate, which is fully
described in a bond for titles made by the
said Thomas Fields to the said J. E. May ,
a copy of which bond is attached to said
application. The said J. E. Mays alleges
that he has paid off and discharged the
notes mentioned in said bond as being
required to be paid before titles are made.
I will pass upon said application on the
first Monday in March, 1911.
3-3, 4 A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Application for Charter.
Georgia, Henry county.
To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of
State, Atlanta, Georgia:
The undersigned, whose names, signed
by each of them, and residences attached,
all of said State and County, bring this
their petition, in pursuance of an act of
the General Assembly of the State of
Georgia, approved Dec. 20th 1893, and acts
amendatory thereof, and respectfully
1. That they desire to form a corpora
tion for the purpose of carrying on the
business of Ban King.
2. The name and style of th e proposed
corporation shall be “The Farmers and
Merchants Bank.
3. The location and principal place of
business thereof shall be in the city of Mc-
Donough, County of Henry and State of
4. The amount of Capital Stock is
Thirty Thousand Dollars, divided into
Three Hundred Shares of One Hundred
Dollars each.
5 The nature of the proposed corpora
tion shall be that of a bank with the fol
lowing powers:
(1) To have continual succession for
the term of Thirty Years, with the right of
renewal for a like term, with all corporate
powers and privileges heiein granted.
(2) To sue and be sued. To have and
use a common seal and at pleasure to alter
the same.
(3) To appoint such officers and agents
as the business of the corporation requires,
prescribe their duties, fix their compensa
tion, and remove them at pleasure.
(4) To make such by-laws as may be
necessary or proper for the management
of its property and the regulation of its
(5) To hold, purchase, dispose of and
convey such real and personal property as
may be necessary for its uses and business.
(b) To discount bills, notes or other
evidences of debt; to receive and pay out
deposits, with or without interest, to re
ceive on special deposit money, bullion,
foreign coin, and stocks, bonds and other
securities; to buy and sell foreign and do
mestic e change or other negotiable paper;
to lend money upon personal security, or
upon pledges of bonds, stocks or negotiable
securities; to take and receive security, by
mortgage or otherwise, on property real
or personal; and generally, to do and per
form all such other matters and things
not hereinbefore enumerated as are’or
may be incident to the business of bank
(7) To increase or decrease the Capital
Stock in the manner provided by law.
Petir ioneraherewith hand you the
| ter fee of Fifty Dollars and pray to be in
I corporated under the laws of Georgia.
I Signed:
H. J. Turner, McDonough, Ga.
D. J. Green,
W. I). Tarpley, “
C. C. Fargason “
D. C. Turner, “ “
The Logical Way
to do combined writing and adding is on
a combined writing and adding machine
The New Model I 1
of thc / \
Remington y Writes Here \
Typewriter //_^EMfe Hcre \
with Wahl Adding and Subtract- | J)
ing Attachment is the only general IJ|\ l If j Tfl
writing machine which adds. It is in /n i l J
the only adding and subtracting I i n /
machine which writes. It is the \|lN’hill 10// 11 i■ l
only machine which affords the h—* /f^vTyXlvU KJllf IJIJI pTTTrw
maximum of labor-saving in com- I / \ pTP/
bined writing and adding work.
Remington Typewriter Company
'■ Incorporated)
Atlanta, Ga. 56 N. Broad St.
W. J. Turner, “
W.W. Turner, “
W. R. Green,
Georgia, Henry County.
Before me personally appeared the un
dersigned petitioners, who on oath depose
and say that Fifteen Thousand Dollars of
the Capital subscribed to“ The Fa l iners and
Merchants Bank,” for which hank depon
ents are now seeking incorporation by the
Secretary of State, has l**en actually paid
in cash by the subscribers, and that the
same is in fact held and is to be used solely
for the business and purposes of the cor
H. J. Turner.
I). J. Green.
W. D. Tarpley.
C. C. Fargason
1). C Turner.
W. J. Turner.
VV. W. Turner.
W. R. Green.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
Feb. 7th. 1911
[seal] A. G. Harris,
Ordinarv,Henry County, Ga.
E M Smith, A tty for Petitioners.
State of Georgia,
Office of Secretary of Stab*.
1 Philip cook, Secretary of State, of the
State of Georgia, do hereby certify that
the three pages of typewritten and written
matter hereto attached, contain a true and
correct copy of the application of the in
corporation of “The Farmers and Mer
chants Bank for charter, as the original
of same appears of file in this office. In
testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed the s< al of my office,
at the capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this
the 9th day of February, in t he year of our
Lord, One thousand Niue Hundred and
Eleven, and of the Independence of the
United States of America, the One Hun
dred and Thirty-Fifth. Philip Cook,
(Seal.) Secretary of State.
mark lr
■ »m~
That there is more to a Fertilizer than
Analysis is proven conclusively hy the results
obtained every year from Royster Fertilizers.
J hey are made from experience obtained hy
actual field experiments of what the plant
requires, and not from ready reference
Every ingredient in Royster Goods is
selected for its plant food value, and has its
work to do at the proper time, therefore the
plant fertilized with ROYSTER goods is fed
regular from sprouting time until harvest.
Ask your dealer for Royster goods and
see that the trade-mark is on every hag.
When you see this you know that
you are getting the genuine and original
ROYSTER Fish Fertilizer.
Really ai Cost.
Ail our Paints
and Painters’ Matt
rials such as Leads,
Oils, Etc., in stock,
we shall sell out a*
We art ng this
because • shaii
handle > more
heavy pi in the
future, an. wish to
dispose present
sn ck to n .e room
tor other g- ods.