The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 24, 1911, Image 5

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LISTEN: The Store that keeps the prices down.
If you want to save money during squ read STOCKBRIDGE
MERCANTILE CO.’S Ads. and buy your supplies from them.
It’s to our mutual benefit that you get our prices before you buy anything.
Perhaps we might mention some prices below that would in
terest you.
Choice Red Cob Corn, per bushel - .2 _ C
Sso. 1 White Clipped Oats, per bushel 50c
Tries Red. Rust Proof Oats, per bushel 55c
Pure Georgia Cane Syrup, per gallon 42!c
19 Lbs. Standard Granulated Sugar - $ 1 «0U
Peerless Star, full patent Flour, per barrel - $5.25
Good Three-Quarter Patent Flour, per barrel, $5,.00
And many other things to sell at our store at very low prices.
Stockbi idge, Georgia.
j£p cals.
Miss Jennie Long came down
from Agnes Scott College and
spent last week end with her
cousin, Mrs. J. A. Simpson.
Mrs. Howard Carmichael had as
her guests the last week end
Misses Prudence Sprayberry, of El
lenwood, and Ella Turner, of At
Miss Alla B. Carmichael, of Ag
nes Scott, spent last week end
here with her parents. She had
as her guest Miss Allen, of Elber
Miss Hattie Sue Low came home
from Shorter to spend the last
week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Low.
Mr. Carl Sloan was at home from
the Ga. Tech, the last week end.
Mr. Fred Kelley spent last Sat
urday and Sunday here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kel
Miss lone Price, from near Flip
pen, spent a couple of days here
last week, a guest of Mrs. Paul
Turner and Mrs. J. G. Smith.
Dr. Phillips, Mr. David Gailliard
and Misses Gailliard, from near
Griffin, made an automobile trip
to our city last Friday.
Miss Lucy Reagan expects as
her guests for the week end
Misses Haygood, of Decatur, and
Lollie Bloodworth, of Forsyth.
Mss Ruth Turner returned home
Monday after a visit to friends at
Toccoa and Gainesville.
Miss Lena White, after a few
week’s visit to relatives in this
city and at Worthville, left Mon
day for Baltimore. From there
Suffering Some but Still Serving
— Our Excellent Trade. ;
Fire temporarily drove us into the street and disarranged our goods, but we
are now back, and in a few days expect to have everything in order.
We value and appreciate the patronage of our many friends.
We only ask of them a few days’ patience, and that they endure the brief
inconvenience, THEN COME AND SEE
T. A. SLOAN & COMPANY, - McDonough, Ga.
she will go to Pulaski, Va., for the
millinery season. —Jackson Argus.
Mr. W. J. Kimball and Mr. John
Duke, of Henry County, were vis-
I itors to the city Wednesday. —Jack-
! son Argus.
Mrs. Joel Bankston, Sr., has re
; turned home from a several weeks’
■ visit to relatives in Culloden.
Messrs. Woodfin Combs, Char
lie Coan, Elbert Parr and Lindsey
Coan, from Locust Grove, visited
our city Sunday.
Mr. Sidney Smith, of Savannah,
spent a few days in our city this
| week.
1 Mr. Terrell McMichael, of Jack
| son, was in our city Sunday.
Mr. Dee Tolleson and Mrs.
Hanes, of Jackson, spent Sunday
here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.
■ M. Tolleson.
Mesdames J. F. Wall and E. J.
Did you
know that
we sell
Make us
prove it.
Reagan spent last Saturday in
Stockbridge as the guest of Mrs.
Augustus Swann.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Nolan, of Ea
tonton, spent two days here last
week as guests of the Dunn House,
on their return home from At
lanta, where they secured plans
for a beautiful new residence they
will erect in Eatonton.
Mr. Wyman Sloan, who is at
tending the University School for
boys, at Stone Mountain, spent the
week end at home, as the guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Mr. M. A. Norman made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Monday.
Mr. Joel Bankston visited rela
tives in Culloden several days this
and Mrs. John DuPree and
children made an automobile trip
to Macon Saturday afternoon, re-
Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!!
Like books and friends, had better be few and
well chosen ; than many and little worth.
Come in and let us show our ROYAL BLUE
ana KING QUALITY lines. They stand lor
“There's a Reason.’’
turning Sunday. They had an ex
cellent trip, with no trouble at all
with the car.
LOST —Small broach in shape
of wish-bone, with holly leaf con
taining pearl. Lost between Sher
riff Sowell’s and Mr. Jim Carmi
chael’s residences. Finder receive
reward by returning to Miss Ethel
Soweil, McDonough, Ga.
Have your bicycle, pistol, or gun
repaired by
3-10, 4. W. T. Atkinson.
W. % 0. Welch now handles fine
stall fed steers, which have been
fed by Mr. A. G. Combs, at Locust
Grove. Also self-rising flour.
Come and try it.
Get your Harness Oil of the fin
est quality. Just as cheap. At J.
W. Welch’s.
Notice of Application for Parole.
Notice is hereby given that application
for the parole of John Wyat , who was
convicted of the offence of rape at the Oc-
; toiler Term i 909, of Henry Superior Court,
and sentenced to the Penitentiary for a
term of four years, will lte made to the
Governor and Prison Commission of Geor
gia at the March Session, 191 T, of the Pins
on Commission commencing on the 7,
day of March, 1911.
This the 18, day of February, 1911.
3-3, 3 John Wyatt.
Libel for Divorce.
i Aimer Cato / Libel for Divorce brought to
vs. the April Term 1910,
: J. W. Cato. ) of Henry Superior Court .
It api>earinc to the Court that the de
j fendant J. W. Cato does not reside in tlii6
; State and that it is necessary to perfect
; service upon said defendant by publica
tion. It is ordered by the Court that ser
vice be perfected on the defendant by the
; publication of this order in the paper in
j which Sheriff's legal advertisements are
j published twice a month for two months
: before the next term of this Court this
1 October 19th, 1910.
E. J. Reagan,
Judge, S. C. F. C.
Georgia, Henry County.
I, J. A. Fouche, Clerk Superior Court of
said County do certify that the above and
foregoing order is a true extract from the
minutes of Henry Su{ erier court. This
Feb. 16th, 1911.
:M0,4 J. A. Fouche.