The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 17, 1911, Image 2
Elm Grove. Mrs. .Joseph Wilkerson was the guest of Mrs. Ben Turner Friday afternoon. Mrs. George Crumbley visited Mrs. Joseph Conkle Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turner visited relatives at Stockbridge Sunday. Mr. J. C. Conkle visited Mr. Grady Morris Sunday. Mrs. Ben Turner was the guest Of Mrs Joseph Conkle Tuesday. Miss Essie Wilkerson visited Evie Conkle Friday. Misses Susie and Nettie Conkle were the guests of Mrs. Ben Turner Monuay. Oak Shade. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bradbury are delighted with their new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKee bur ied their little infant yesterday. Mr. Carl and Ruby Roberts and Miss Jewel Sneed, from Conley, visited Miss Fannie Me. and Miss Gertie Hays Sunday. Master Maurice Sprayberry is improving. The children are practicing at our school for another exhibition, Mt. Vernon school. We are glad Miss Lucy Peter man is well again. Preaching at Mt. Zion next Sun- Day. Everybody invited. Broth er Charlie McDaniel is pastor. A. P. S. Rev. W. J. Deßardeleben deliv ered an excellent sermon Sunday at Mt. Bethel. Having been called off to Philadelphia to officiate at a funeral Saturday, he arranged with Rev. Wayman Whitaker to fill his place at Mt. Bethel that day. Mr. Jim Wynn, of the Peeksville vicinity, passed through here on business last Tuesday. Miss Ruth Wynn, of Hampton, visited the family of her uncle, W. L. Wynn, here several days last week. Messrs. John Jackson, Carl Bledsoe, Joe Andrews, and Mrs. Andrews and children spent Sun day afternoon at this station. Mrs. M. W. Dickerson spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lon Strawn. B. H. Welch and family visited in this section Sunday. Homer Hunt and family visited his parents here Sunday. Mrs. Charles Jeffares, who has been on the sick list, was out at preaching Sunday. Lizzardsville News. We regret to say that Master J. D. Joyner fell out of a tree and hurt himself pretty badly. Mr. 11. A. Steele visited McDon ough. last Saturday and Sunday. The convicts have started on the road from town to the camp ground. 1 guess you can come to camp meeting now. Woodstown News. A large delegation from Henry met the Agricultural train at Cov ingtort last Saturday. Mrs. Dora Fincher is in Atlanta for a few lays. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Green are quite sick with the ill effects of measles. Mrs. J. F. Adair entertained a few friends informally at dinner last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lummus were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Woods, visited Mrs. J. E. Woods at Jackson this week. Central Dots. Mrs. N. G. Nichols, Mrs. Tom Castleberry and little daughter, of Atlanta, were guests of Mrs. D. W. Clower from Wednesday until Sunday. Mrs. B. C. Bright and Mrs. N. Barnett were visitors of Mrs. D. W. Clover Saturday. Mr. Kenneth Clower was a wel come caller at Woolsey Sunday. Mrs. N. G. Nichols, Mrs. Castle berry, and daughter, Lucile, Mrs. D. W. Clower and daughter, Eve lyn, were the guests of Mrs. R. H. Moore Friday. Mr. Barney Nichols and father, N. G. Nichols, of Atlanta, were at Mr. D. W. Clower’s Sunday. Hulon Peeples was with Eugene and Douglas Clower Saturday. Mrs. Cliff Peeples and Mrs. R. H. Moore were out here Thurs day'afternoon. Blue Eyes. Phillippi. Mrs. B. F. Crumbley visited Mrs. Ida Goss, of Locust Grove, Sun day. We still have a flourishing lit erary school at this place. Mrs. S. B. Kirnbell was a pleasant vis itor there Friday afternoon. Mr. J. D. McKibben made a pleasure trip to Atlanta last week. Miss Cora Moss has been quite sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. «). McKibben and family enjoyed having with them quite a number of friends Sunday. Messrs. Woodfin Cleveland and Frank Craig were welcome visit ors at this place Sunday. Miss Rosa Sandifer, of Locust Grove, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Mamie McKib ben. Next Saturday and Sunday are regular preaching days and every body is invited to worship with us. Mrs. S. W. i Je and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tingle visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKibben Sunday after noon. There was a singing at the home of Mr. B. T. Crumbley Sunday night. Wanted. Enterprising young man to act as agent for oldest old line Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States. Liberal contract. Money in it for right man. Bloodworth and Jackson, v Forsyth, Ga. For Final lUscliartie. Georgia, Henry County: Whereas, .T. F. M Fields. Administra tor de bonus non est of Thus. Fields, rep resents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has Hilly administered Thos Fields’estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con j corned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not he discharged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismission on the First Monday in April, 1911. 3-31,4. For I leave to Sell Georgia. Henry Countv. To whom it may concern: Ida G Goss, Administratrix of the es tate of \Y J Goss, deceased, having made application for leave to sell the lands be : longing to said estate, consisting of one ! hundred and sixty-six acres of land in Locust- Grove District, notice is hereby given that said implication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary for said county, to be held on the , first Monday in April, 1911. March «, 1911. A. G. Harris, 3 31,4. Ordinary. Liltr Consistent tfM Saving 1 . foa&l Is a method that insures success. To be j , tegut consistent is only to save judiciously — mm save where it is possible. It will be pos sible to save alter you have started in 2 more ways than you think. Each sum I Jlsßltj placed in our Savings Department draws interest. Wealth made step by step is sure; it is of the kind that will be of some Start a Savings Account, save steadily, and IICU/ Ull I VCD yOU will surely ac( * uire wealt h. TRUST CO. BLDG. Hillyer Trust Co. 1 urn KiMTDK CT Ca P ital and Surplus $300,000.00 “HOME OF SAVINGS.” Corner North Broad & Luckie Sts., ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. (Temporary location) TALMAOGE CARMICHAEL, j McDonough, Ca. < Funeral Director and Embalmer. \ i Day Phone No. 51. Night Phone No. 52 and 6J. ( J All oalls answered promptly d»y or night. » All embalming carefully done and according to best methods ► Our stock of metal and wood caskets and rohes are unequalled. t Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had. ] We furnish the best steel, briok or cement Vaults. Mandeville Mills HIGH GRADE Fertilizers Why You Should Use Them Because when you give to your crops the right sort of available plant food, you grow crops that yield you good money at a little cost. Users of Our Fertilizers often make a bale of cotton to the acre, and lead in banner crops generally. If you have never used them, do not fail to do so this season. -M-M- Fertilizers are Superior You insure against waste when you buy them. There is a special tested brand to suit YOUR crop and soil. Let us tell you about it FREE Mandeville Mills Carrolton, Georgia. FOR SALE BY' GREEN, TARPLEY & CO., McDonough, Ga. E. J. REAGAN, Attorney at Law, McDonough, Georgia. Office in the Masonic Building. Will practice in all the courts. T. A. LA FSPY. DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, McDonough, Ga. D. A. BROWN, DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. to 5 P. M. McDonough, Ga. R. O. JACKSON, Attorney-at-l aw, MCDONOUGH, G A. Office over Star Store. Just added a line of fresh Uneeda Biscuit Wafers, Nabisco Wafers, Fig Newtons, Zu Zu Gin ger Snaps, Graham Crackers, Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles in bulk, Pork and Beans, Van Camp’s and Campbell’s Vegetable and Tomato Soups, Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, and many other nice things. Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co. DIAMONDS By our Divided Pay ment Plan you can soon own a beautiful stone of known value and rec ognized worth. Durham Bros. Optical Company 20 EDGEWOOD AVE. Ati u, Ga. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE fc .LIGHT RUNNING teg £ Ifvou want eilhera Vlhrntlngßtmttle, Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread f Chain Stitch] Sewiug Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Orange. Mass. Many sewing machine' are made to sell regardless of Quality, hut the Bicw Homo is made to weal. Our guaranty never runs out ' Sold by authorized dealers only. FOR SALE BY W. 0. Welch now handles fine stall fed steers, which have been fed by Mr. A. G. Combs, at Locust Grove. Also self-rising Flour.