The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 17, 1911, Image 6
Jenkinshurg. Mrs. Laura Phillips and daugh ter, Miss Nina Mae, visited Mrs. Effie King last Friday. Misses Dilh and Lena Smith visited Miss Elon E’Dalgo Friday afternoon. Miss Vallie E’Dalgo visited Miss Margarette Cleveland Thursday afternoon. Mr. L. D. Rutledge, from Hazle hurst, Ga., visited relatives in this section last week. The singing at Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Benson’s Friday night was enjoyed by all present. Wonder when Mr. J. H. Miles has been over about Helfin and Price’s mill? Messrs. Hope Manning and Val vard Mills made a trip to the city of Jackson Saturday afternoon. The singing at Miss Elon E’Dalgo’s Saturday night was en joyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. John E’Dalgo vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. E’Dalgo Sunday. Blue Eyes. Along Route Four. Warm again; almost like sum mer time. Farmers are busy now hauling guano and plowing, al though 1 believe it is going to rain. Quite a large crowd attended services at Turner’s Sunday and heard a good sermon by Rev. King. Mr. and Mrs. Tink Berry had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wilson, Mrs. Johnie Upchurch and little daughter Lillie Mae, Mr. B. T. Berry and daugh ters, Misses Rosa and Willie, and Mrs. Savannah Fargason. Mrs. Laura Upchurch and Lill ian Jackson will spend this week at Locust Grove where the former goes to take music lessons. Mr. J. E. B. Rawls, of Jackson, spent Saturday and Saturday night with his brother, Mr. John Rawls, of this place. Mrs. Lizzie McGarity and little son, Archie, of McDonough, spent Friday night most pleasantly with Mrs. M. H. Berry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones and children, of Locust Grove, spent Saturday night and Sunday in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Upchurch visited the latter’s parents Sunday afternoon. The measles are dying out, and the children that stopped school have gone back. Hope they will have a good school from this on, as they haven’t much longer to go anyway. We!l, I will go, as I haven’t any news much this week. Central Dots. The Quilting given by Mrs. Tom Dorsey last Friday was much en joyed by all present. Miss Lela Campbell spent Fri day night with Mrs. Chat Dorsey. Mrs. Hattie Campbell and daugh ter spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Henry. Mrs. Cliff Wise and little daugh ter spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Miles Campbell. Miss Ruth Wynne is in Locust Grove this week. Mrs. Green Mitchell and daugh ter and Mrs. Miles Campbell vis ited friends in Lovejoy Thursday. Born March 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor a fine son. Mrs. Tay lor is at her mother’s, Mrs. I'om Abercrombie. Pearl. JESSE W. GOODMAN DIES IN TEXAS. Was an Old Henry County Con federate Veteran. We take the following from the Cass County Sun, of Linden, Tex as, concerning the death of Mr. Goodman, who was for many years a resident of Henry county, and is remembered here as an ex cellent man and citizen: Resolutions of Respect. To the Worshipful Master, Ward ens and Brethren, Jims Bayou Lodge No. 491, A. F. & A. M., Kil dare, Texas: Dear Brethren: We, your com mittee appointed Oct. 22nd, 1910, to draft resolutions on the life, character and death of our be loved brother Jessie W. Good man, beg to submit the following: We find that Bro. Goodman was born near Concord, N. C., on Jan. 20, 1831, and died at Kildare, Tex as, Oct. 21, 1910, aged 79 years, 9 months and 1 day. He removed with his parents to Harris county, Ga., in 1841; moved to Butts county, Ga., in 1852, and was mar ried to Miss Martha Andrews in 1854. To this union was born 8 sons: William H.; James 0.; Jes sie A.; John H.; Robt. Aaron; Chas. Wright; Edward L., and Walter P. Bro. Goodman joined the Bap tist church in 1853; removed to Henry county, Ga., in 1860; en listed in the Confederate service, 53rd Georgia regiment in 1862; was wounded in the battle of Chancellorsville and returned home on furlough; rejoined his command in 30 days; was in the battle of the wilderness and in other important engagements, fin ally losing his right arm in the battle of Cold Harbor, arriving at home again in September, 1864. Bro. Goodman joined our Hon orable Fraternity in 1862 or 1863, exact date not known, under a special dispensation of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, receiving all the degrees of the Blue Lodge at one time, and ever afterward he was a true and loyal brother, and had pleasures in its many virtues, love, relief, truth, temperance, for titude, patience, justice, faith, hopt, charity, integrity and im mortality. On these he stood; by these he died, and through these he shall live again. Bro. Goodman’s wife died in 1879 and he was married again to Mrs. Saray Echols in 1880, who still survives him. Resolved, first, that in the death of Bro. Goodman the county has lost a good citizen who was a brave soldier in General Lee’s superb army, and his neighbor hood a good neighbor, upright and honorable through all these years, and his church a loyal and true member, the lodge a faithful and trusted brother, his wife a kind and loving companion, his child ren an indulgent and affectionate father. Resolved, second, that these resolutions be placed upon the records of the lodge as a page set aside sacred to his memory, and a copy be furnished each The Cass County Sun and the Citizens Journal, with a request that they publish same. v (Thos. Walker, Committee: J. T. Dodd, ( M. G. Gambell. Old Stockbridge. The friends of Mr. Jim Henry is glad to know he is improving. Mr. Joe Dorsey and wife spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. Bill Mitchell went to Atlanta Wednesday. Mr. Emmett Carroll and wife CHICAGO E. ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY ST JOSEPH OKLAHOMA CITY MORR |5 “SUPREME” and BLOOD, BONE “SOUTHERN BIG” and TANKAGE BRANDS W’nW FERTILIZERS Atlanta' ga. When the farmer buys fertilizer, he is providing plant food for his crop—not for a week or a month, but as long as there is need of plant food as a sustaining and maturing element. Unless he buys with this one idea prominently in view, he lays himself liable to losses incident to a stunted growth both in stalk and fruit, and to the greater loss of shedding. All these losses can be avoided by the use of our “Supreme” and “Southern Big” Brand Fertilizers, which are made of the highest class of materials known to the trade. MORRIS S K* A MO CUANO a..'" '■ K ! Blood, Bone and Tankage, prepared according to our improved methods, feed the crop con tinuously from the time the seed sprouts till the crop matures. They stand the drouths and wet seasons much better than other fertilizers and keep the plant in much better condition. They are finely ground and absolutely dry, thus insuring easy, even and uniform distribution. Call on your nearest dealer for a copy of our 1911 Year Book. It he can’t supply you, write us direct and we will promptly mail you a copy so you can see what our customers say about them. Our Fertilizers have made big crops for others, give them a chance to do the same for you. Don't be satisfied to buy “just guano,” but INSIST on getting the “Supreme” or “Southern Big” Brands. They are all good. FOR SALE BY GREEN. TARPLEY & CO., McDonough, Ga. A. G. COMBS. Locust Grove. Ga. McWILLIAMS &■ MANN, Stockbridge. Ga. R. W. EXUM, Flippen. Ga. spent Sunday with Mr. Carroll’s in Stockbridge. Miss Myrt Mays made a visit to Atlanta Wednesday. Rosco Branan and wife spent the day in Atlanta Thursday. Mrs. Fannie Grant and Mrs. Rosco Branan spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. Jim Henry. Mrs. Emma Evans went to At lanta Thursday on business. Look out for low price cotton next year, for Lee Branan has gone to farming, although his friends are glad to see him make a start. Mrs. Ethel Blewshawn is spend ing a few weeks with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis. Beersheba Items. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Presson spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mrs. A. J. Lawson at Stewart. Mrs. Emma Piper spent one day last week with her grand •mother, Mrs. Gunn. Mr. Jessie Dukes spent Satur day night with Mr. L. H. Presson. Mrs. Charles Stroud spent one evening last week with Mrs. Bertha Smith. Old Grandmother Piper is very sick at this writing. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Piper spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Berry. Mrs. Winfield Piper spent one evening last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Emma Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry are visiting their son, Mr. Manse Ber ry, near Stewart, this wsek. Petition for Discharge. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In re—E. A. McGarity, ) No. 2327 Bankrupt. Sln Bankruptcy. A Petition for discharge having been tiled in conformity with law by above named bankrupt and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said peti tion ite had on April 22. 1911, at ten o’clock A. M., at the United States Dis trict Court room, in the city of Atlanta. Georgia, notice is hereby given to all cred itors and other persons in interest to ap pear at said time and place and show cause, if any they hitV. . why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. W. C. Carter, Clerk. 4-14, 2. By F. L. Beers. Deputy Clerk. Wc Arc Here To Save You S/3.85 S 17.00 522.50 FREIGHT PREPAID Safe Delivery Guaranteed IpFROST proof cabbage plants Y GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS \ FROM THE OIUGINAL CABBAGE PEANT GROWERS. j \ EaRLYJEHSEY WAKEFIELD. CHARLESTON LARGE TYPE. S*'-• - • AUaU-T- '“RUCKER, "t7,T'':M \IKU I , \ The F.ariiett WA KEF I ELD. -Lar A iiiat «r PUT DUTCH. / J . V Cabbie Grown. :J I.j'.-m K ! » . <’* than r- „cco*aion. Larff*<i »r.o Lftt>'St CahbARQ. / I TKADIMAi.. CO-~t. -TED Established 1 868. Paid in Csoifn! Stock $30,000.00 We crew the first FROST PSW PL4HTS in ISIS. V >w have over twenty thousand sati -f! -d customers. We have crown and sold raor- cshS g ■ o' mis than ali other pTsons in the Southern states combined. WHY? Because our plants nturt pi or we send your money back. Order how; it is time to set these plants in your section to get extra early cabbage, and they are the ones that sell for the most money. We sow three tens of Cabbie Seed per season Fruit trees and ornamenta's. Write fur free catalog of frost-proof plants of the best varieties, containing valuable info-mation about fruit and vegetable growing. Prices on Cahhasrt Plants:— In lots of 600 at Si.oo; 1000 to 6000 Si 60 per thousand;6,ooo to 9.000 $1.25 per thousand; 10.000 ami over ShOO per thousand, f. o. b. Yonges Island. Our special express rate on plans in very low. Wm. C. Geraty Co., Box 95 Yonges Island, S. C. For Administrator. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern: Mrs. M. O. Starr having made applica tion to me in due form to have J. A. Fonche C. S. C. appointed permanent Ad ministrator upon the estate of E. C. Starr late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary for said county, to be held on the First Monday in April. 1911. Witness my hand and official signature this 6th day of March, 1911. A. G. Harris, 8-31, 4. Ordinary. will save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. -wr*. Take No Substitute. From S2O to S3O in the purchase of one of our celebrated High Grade Family Sewing Machines, as against the Jobbers’, Dealers’ and Agents’ profits. Besides the saving the Sew ing Machine is covered with our TEN YEAR GUARANTEE Our Sewing Machines are constructed from the Beat material, in the Beat possible manner by Skilled me* chanies. Highly finished. Finely adjusted, Fa»y run ning dnrable and handsome. We have thousands ot letters from customers confirming our statements as to the True Merita of our celebrated Sewing Machines. Our Big New Catalogue Illustrates. Describes and Prices our entire line of Sewing Machines. Cooking and Heating Stoves and Steel Ranges. It is full of In terest from start to finish, as it fully explains <> ur rect selling plan and how we save you from S2O to S3O. Send lor It today—lt Is FREE. MALSBY, SHIPP & CO., Dept. Y Atlanta, Georgia Notice. The Public Schools of Henry County will close for the present term as follows: White, Friday, April 21st, 1911. Colored, Friday, Mar. 24th, 1911. Let all, both teachers and pat rons, take due notice. By order County Board of Edu cation. Lawrence Duffey, C. S. Com. McDonough, Ga. March 6, 1911. 3-17, 2. Notice to Debtors and Creditors Georgia, Henry County, lo whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given to all the credit ors of the estate of W. M. Burch, late of said county, deceased, to render in an ac count of their demands, to me, within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. All persons indebted to > >id deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Feb. 6, 1911. 3-17.6. O. B. Dailey, Administrator Estate of W . M Burch. * —* MORRIS SOUTHER* R I C CUANO