The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 17, 1911, Image 7
THE BANNER FARMING SECTION. It has been said not with too much emphasis, “Every conceivable con sideration ol interest and sentiment impels ever) Southern man now to stand shoulder to should er with his neighbor, in support ot Home Indus tries and Enterprises.” FOR SALE BV McDonough, ga. West Ola. Mr. W. A. Craig and little daugh ter, Clovis, of Monroe, came up Friday to be at the funeral of Mrs. Susan Hopkins, and stayed over until Sunday with friends and rel atives. Mrs. Roxie Rape spent Saturday night with Mr. i. P. Rosser and family. We regret to note that Miss Irene Capps is real sick with pneumonia, and little Annie Cnaf fin is also sick. Mr. Elijah Allen and family spent the week end with Mr. J.J. Welch and family. Mr. Jim Willard says he is no better with matrimonial fever at this writing. Miss Katie Stallworth was a vis itor at Mt. Bethel Sunday. Mr. Tom Ingram and his charm ing daughter, Miss Lillian, of Mc- Donough, attended Sunday school at Bethany Sunday. Mr. Lonnie Chaffin and wife vis ited Mr. Bob Miller and family Monday. Dr. Smith and P. B. Cheek, of McDonough, passed through here Sunday morning. Mr. J. J. Welch and family spent last Wednesday night with Mr. Cammie Craig and family. The singing at Mr. A. C. Nor man’s Sunday night was enjoyed by all present. Mr. L. B. Bicks and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Joe Morris and wife. Mr. Bob Miller and family spent the week end with Mr. George Chaffin and wife. Next Saturday and Sunday are Such is Central Georgia as is being demonstrated by an ever increasing number of our most progressive farm ers who realizing the importance of heavy fertilization are making crop yields per acre surprising even themselves. Surely all of our farmers seeing the profits arising from such increased yields will use more commercial fertilizers this season than ever before. HAMPTON FERTILIZER CO. ass; Composed of men knowing the needs of this section of the State, earnestly interested in its prosperity, and who are themselves directly interested in farming, IS MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE F, Ri i Z <>, Made from the Best Materials Obtainable in the Markets —T ——* Our brands ol fertilizers have made enviable reputations as crop producer , ml \a wih continue to keep up their high standard ol excellence realizing that our lainu t- n< < i dem nd the very best fertilizers to be had. We believe that a trial ot them will convince you that they are regular preaching days at Sna on. Let everybody that can go out and hear something good. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Della Cowan is improving at this I writing. Mr. Proncy Blissett and family spent Sunday with Mr. George Nail and family. Lilac. The Garden Spot. Mr. T. D. Alexander and family were visitors in the Sixth Sunday. Mr. Bart Ballard and lady, of Savannah, are visiting the family of Mr. Emmett Touchstone. Mr. A. A. Exum and lady gave an entertainment Saturday night which was very much enjoyed by the young folks. Mr. Sherwood Branan and lady | visited the family of Mr. Tom | Strickland Sunday. Mr. Bud Exum, of Flippen, has moved to Mr. Tom Strickland’s and will farm this year. We wel come him to our community and are glad to have such a good man tor a neighbor. Mr. H. A. Rowan, of Flippen, visited our community Sunday. We regret to hear of Mrs. Nath Strickland’s being sick and hope for her a speedy recovery. The peach crop is not killed, but damaged. I am of the opinion that our farmers will get ahead of the car farmers, if it continues to run on wheels much longer. Mr. George All, Jr., is making improvements on his farm. He is a hustler from Dutchtown. Mr. Poll Parker is starting an experimental farm and will show the people how to make lots o. stuff on a little land. Let the good work go on. he is a young man and a hustler. Judge R. W. Exum, one of our model farmers, is going to use a thousand pounds of guano on one acre this year. Bob knows just how to make cotton and corn. Ellenwood. Brother Long preached a fine sermon here Sunday and wili preach again next second Sunday morning instead of the afternoon. Miss Gertrude Shettlesworth and MisS Nannie Bond, of Atlanta, visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bond, here last Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Bond and two little sons visited her parents at McDon ough part of last week. Miss Artie Rowden, Mr. V’an Clarke, Mr. I. Id. McVicker and Brother Long ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bond and family last Sunday. Mr. W. O. Needham was very sick last week and his wife is very sick this week. We hope they will soon be well again. Our Sunday school meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 A. M., and is rapidly growing. Let every body come that can and bring somebody with you. Mr. J. S. Bond made a business trip to Atlanta Monday, buying material for the blacksmith shop, j Fine Eggs for Sale. Pure white Plymouth Rock Eggs , at $2.50 for 15. Mrs. D. W. Clower, R. F. D. No. 1, Hampton, Ga. 3-31, 4. Be in Style The latest fashions always found in RED SEAL SHOES QUEEN BESS WINNIE DAVIS LUCY COBB AGNES SCOTT TWO FIFTY TO FOUH DOLLAitS Sold everywhere — made only by J. K. ORR SHOE CO., ATLANTA lioWAKO CAKMICNAEL LEADING UNDERTAKER. Complete line of Ct.eketf.all styles and prices. Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru sted to me. Embalming done aocording to latest and moat im proved methods. Newest and most up to date equipment. Calls answered promptly t day and night. Phones 28 and 30. HcDonough Ga. Taylor saw mills lead In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, None Better r —" O Buy Macon Made Machinery and avoid \ 'exooniiive Freight* and long waits lor Hapaira . Stum and Gasoline Engines Portable & Stationary Boilers Complete Ginning, Sawing and Shingle Outfits j ~~ M Pumps,Ts' , ks, Tewers. R>■ f no, Acetylene Lat '**9 Fbrts I £ EVERYTHING IM MACHINERY AND S'J’PLIES ar - MALLARY MACHINERY CO., 3 »AcoN r . r ea!' j Some of Our Most Popular Brands are: Field’s Climax 12-2.47-3 Hampton High Grade 10-1.65-2 Blood & Bone 9-2.47-3 “ Blood & Meal 9-1.6 3 Grain Grower No. 2 8-1.6. t Harris Extra High Grade 10-2.4'. 3 He High Grade 10-1.65-2 Moore’s Special Pride 10-1.65-2 Hampton Grayland 10-1.65-4 Grain Grower No. 1 10-0.82-4