The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 17, 1911, Image 8

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    Twenty thousand of them, a composite, living,
overwhelming argument. Each reason —reason
enough,convincingandsatisfying,yet, wereit pos
sible for you to investigate, question, prove each
separate reason, you would probably find some
new point of interest to rivet your attention and
create in your mind a like desire to own the car
that could stir up such enthusiasm and scatter
broadcast such satisfaction.
It is easy to write on paper mere statements to
waste the public’s time and abuse its patience
by wearisome reiteration of platitudes that have
been dished up in rhetorical display over and
over again, talking the merits of this and that
car, with the same old jaded adjectives. But, in
the name of the great Automobile Industry, let
us get down to the tangible, living thing that has
the red blood of sincerity in it, the personal grip
ping interest that shines in the eyes of men as
th y talk face to face about the great thing they
have put their hearts and faith in.
Reasons clothed in flesh and blood. And there
is no argument like unto this argument —pro-
duce any man, no matter what his birth or breed
ing, whether he moves in high society or not, so
long as he be honest in his opinions, strong in
his convictions, has stood the test of experience
and found out that it is infinitely better to
“know” than to “believe:” that man has a right
to stand upon his feet and have his say, and
what’s more to the point, the world will surely
Proudly and confidently we introduce you to
twenty thousand such men. In a moment, as it
were, we can usher you into the charmed circle
of a great living friendship that with twenty
thousand tongues will affirm one concrete abso
lute fact, in twenty thousand different methods
and words of expression, each and every one en
thusiastically endorsing the some truth —a unity
of “reason why” such as the commercial world
has never before seen.
Twenty thousand E-M-F “30” owners. They
are our reasons. Each one a thinking, separate
personality—each one with likes and dislikes
that differentiated him from all the others, for
no two out of all that immense number ap
proached the question of “shall I buy” or “I will
buy” an E-M-F “30” from quite the same reason
ing point. One, had to weigh carefully the ques
tion of first cost; another, the “after buying
cost” of upkeep. One never considered price,
but was attracted by quality; another, having a
bent toward mechanics, saw quickly the perfect
chassis. One, considered the financial stability
of the Company behind the product; another
that same Company’s good faith and so on—ad
But they all reached the same conclusion. There
was some unanswerable argument presented,
some fact of mechanical supremacy that could
not be denied, some record of enduring quality
that appealed, some enthusiastic owner that
“boosted,” which compelled each and every one
of these 20,000 men to buy an E-M-F “30. M
Through the maze of all other rival cars for sale
they found their way to the one car that ex
pressed to them in terms of power, speed, relia
bility, comfort and serviceability the “ideal”
each and everyone possessed. That in buying
an E-M-F “30” they proved their judgment to be
correct, is now a matter of record.
The Strongest Guarantee Ever Placed on an Automobile Is Given With the Purchase of Every E-M-F “30”
The E-M-F “30” Five Passenger Standard Touring Car $lOlO Roadster “30” SIOOO.
Detachable Demi-T nneau “3u” $1450
THE E-M-F COMPANY, Automobile Manufacturers, DETROIT, MICH.
L .s' .IVIO NBF*rDT Fi HR S * c> ? ts pi * t h ’a a
These men are representative of all that is best
and constructive in our great commonwealth.
E-M-F “30” owners form a democracy of varied
interests, among them being Bankers who
know the value of money and its purchasing
power — Lawyers who are skilled in discovering
the weak points in any argument— Tradesmen
who know how to buy for profit— Farmers who,
as a class, are the most careful purchasers of
automobiles — Business men in the great popu
lous centers, who had every opportunity to
draw comparisons and weigh the merits of
rival cars — Doctors who demand the kind of
car that must be always ready—at a moment’s
notice —to go anywhere over any kind of road —
every trade and profession—millionaires and
men who live upon modest incomes are all rep
resented in the great army of E-M-F “30” own
But there is one reason why you should buy an
E-M-F “30” that is greater and more convincing
than any one of those 20,000 reasons that made
men choose an E-M-F “30” rather than any
other car at any other price. And this, what we
call “the unanswerable reason,” has been get
ting stronger and bigger every day, from the
time the first E-M-F “30” passed into the hands
of the first owner, until this very moment; in
fact, now, it is like some irresistible power, mov
ing all over the land and sweeping everything
before it: we call this invincible “reason” by a
simple name everybody knows.
“Satisfaction.” That’s it. Each and every man
who owns an E-M-F “30” is satisfied. They are
all subscribers, as it were, to the enthusiasm and
interest about that proved, enduring quality and
record-breaking price, which have made the
E-M-F “30” the most talked of Automobile in
America, perhaps, in the world, because, and we
say this without fear of contradiction, there is
no car made upon which so many men abso
lutely agree. These 20,000 satisfied owners will
tell you one story, simple and convincing, that
they own a car they are proud to drive, to
“boost,” to endorse, a car, that not only backed
their judgment, but above all, taught them the
lesson —that it isn’t necessary to decorate a
check book with a lot of fancy figures and rob
a bank balance to buy an automobile whose
quality is in the chassis, where it belongs.
The history of this universal satisfaction which, by
the by, will sell another 20,000 E-M-F “30” cars
this year, is the history of the E-M-F Company,
an organization that revolutionized the automo
bile industry, not alone in values, but in meth
ods of manufacture; that gave the buying pub
lic a car which has literally defied competition
and sold itself. The E-M-F Company has always
been a year or two in adyance of the times.
We make practically every part of our car, cast
our own cylinders, forge, stamp and heat-treat
our own steel and make our own bodies. Mr.
Flanders’ forecast, published in March, 1908,
that “\Ve can manufacture more automobiles of
a better quality at a lower cost than any other
concern now in existence,” w’as a prophecy that
has been magnificently fulfilled.
Why? Why was Flanders’ prophecy fulfilled? Ask
any one af the twenty thousand owners of an
E-M-F “30.” He will show you his car and say,
“There is the reason.” So you look at it, ex
amine it, ride in it, listen to the owner recount-
ing its prowess, its mileage, its speed, what it
has done and the magnificent way it has stood
the “gaff.” Because an E-M-F “30” is such a
Glutton for service, it sort of lures a man on to
give it hard usuge. Automobiles have their par
ticular kind of personalities. You get to “know”
a car. What may be expected of it under cer
tain conditions and an element of pride and
friendship is established. So when Mr. Flan
ders’ determination “to make a better quality
car at a lower cost” than any other concern
made or sold, took shape in an E-M-F “30,” then
also was created the “reason” of the enormous
sales and colossal growth of the E-M-F 1 Co.
The car fulfilled the prophecy. That’s why you
can’t purchase a second hand E-M-F 1 “30.” Men
don’t sell “automobile satisfaction” when they
“know” they own it.
We will visualize it for you. There it stands!
A five passenger touring car, graceful in body
lines, with that “straight away look” which is a
symbol of strength, elegance and comfort. Not
a fad or fur-below to cumber it with useless ap
pendage. Under the hood, a 30-horse power
noiseless motor that has won distinction upon
race track and road. A motor so perfectly ad
justed in power, weight and balance to the rest
of the chassis that it creates an absolute unit of
mechanical efficiency. To the expert engineer
the chassis of an E-M-F “30” suggests the limit
of scientific construction: to every owner it has
proved it—proved it by enduring service, for
no E-M-F “30” has ever- been worn out.
The ninth car built, shipped by us a little over
two years ago has travelled some 73,000 miles,
which means nearly 15 years of actual life
crowded into the thirty months of it’s existence,
and it is mechanically ready for 73,000 miles
more. The life story of “Bullet,” this famous
car, can be had for the asking. When you buy
an E-M-F “30,” the confidence you put into your
purchase is returned to you a hundred-fold.
The investment of SI,OOO, in an E-M-F “30” will
be the wisest expenditure you ever made,
whether you own an automobile or not. The
most you can get for your money would be 6 to
8 per cent, interest. But here is the car at the
price any man can afford. And to own a car is
the ambition of every man. The automobile is
a tremendous factor in our every day life. Aside
from its utility there is the pleasure it freely
gives, the sense of freedom it imparts. It brings
the country to the city, and makes every dwel
ling place a country home. At a moment’s no
tice it is ready to whirl you and- your family
upon the sunlit, open road into the world of
green fields —the country’s life-giving “out-of
doors.” It means health to the wife and child
ren, and binds the family in closer ties. It is a
tonic, nerve builder, it trebles the value of time;
it means recreation, the banishment of the doc
tor and capacity for the duties of the day—in
short, it is a necessity. An E-M-F “30” will
meet this necessity and excel any expectation
you may now possess in the purchase of a car.
The Other day we read in an advertisement that
“you can buy a real automobile now for as low
a price as $1500.” We can take SSOO off that
price and say the same thing, for you can buy
an E-M-F “30” five passenger Touring Car,
fully equipped, which means Magneto included,
for SIOOO and that’s the “realist” automobile
value you can buy anywhere.