Newspaper Page Text
Tlie Henry County Weekly
Miss Floy Smith spent the week
end with her parents in Logan
Mr. John Dupree, of McDon
ough, was here Friday and Satur
day on business.
Mr. T. A. Wilson spent Thurs
day in Atlanta.
We think that it would be a very
good idea to have a special regis
ter for the boys who are going
away for a few days’ vacation, so
that their friends and parents
might know where to find them
at any time.
Mrs. E. H. Hair was the guest
of Mrs. R. E. Plowden, of Atlanta,
Sunday and Monday.
Several lots of cotton were sold
here this week. Seems that lbc
cotton is now a thing of the past,
and the dreamers thought it was
time to “cash in.”
Miss Francis Arnold is spend
ing some time with relatives and
friends in Lexington and Athens.
Mrs. Nellie Forrest, of Madison,
is the guest of her mother, Mrs.
A. B. Mitcham.
Mr. Walter Burch, of Inman,
passed through here Sunday on
his way to McDonough and .lack
Dr. F. G. Wallace, of Lovejoy,
was here Tuesday. ■
Mrs. J. E. Lyons is preparing
for her Spring Opening, and will
announce the date in next week’s
Hello, Mr. Editor, and the dear
readers of The Weekly. I shall
give you a few dots from this
corner again this morning if the
waste basket don’t catch me.
Mr. J. H. Carroll, of Ellenwood,
has purchased an automobile to
carry the mail in.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell
visited Mrs. Fannie Marise last
Mrs. Roby. Gilbert and son,
Clayton, visited her sister, Mrs.
W. M. Stephens, Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Avery yisited
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stephens Sun
There was no singing at Tan
ners last Sunday evening on ac
count of the rain, but look out
for the first Sunday evening if the
weather is favorable. Everybody
Mr. N. P. Henderson, of Ellen
wood, is talking of buying him an
We are very sorry to note that
Mrs. George Folds is very sick
with lagrippe.
Mrs. W. M. Stephens has the
finest pig of anybody in the com
munity. It is oply two-and-a-half
months old, mid will weigh one
hundred pounds.
There will be preaching at
Anvil Block church next Saturday
and Sunday by Rev. Charley Mc-
Mr. Alfred'Clark made a basi-
By Geo. S. D. MaLaier.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Henderson,
Mrs. W. A. Wilson and daughter,
' Nell, returned from Miami, Fla.,
Tuesday morning, after spending
several weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Henderson.
Miss Lil Pennington visited her
parents in Covington for the week
Miss Julia Blanton, of Zetella, is
the guest of Mrs. T. W. Redwine.
Mrs. J. L. Moore spent Satur
day afternoon in Griffin with
Mrs. W. J. Harris went up to
Jonesboro Tuesday to see her
mother, Mrs. W. B. Carnes.
Mr. W. S. Davis left for Forsyth
Monday afternoon to look after his
saw mill interests.
A false alarm of the fire whistle
Sunday morning at 3:30 caused a
number of early risers.
A Contest.
On Friday evening at 8 o’clock
at the School Auditorium, Miss Lil
Pennington will give a contest in
order to select representatives to
represent Hampton High School
in music and expression at the
district contest to be held in
Barnesville on April 14th. Hamp
ton will have three representa
tives, a boy and girl each in ex
pression, and a girl in music. To
help defray the expenses of the
judges in the contest, a small ad
mission will be charged, 10 cents.
ness trip to the Gate City one day
last week.
Mr. Editor, come up after a
while and help us eat fried chick
ens. —(Save me the wish-bone.
Editor. )
Blue Bells.
Prominent Locust Grove Citizen
Shoots Himself Tuesday
Mr. Sam Cleveland fired a pistol
bullet into his brain at his home
in Locust Grove Tuesday night at
8.30 o’clock, and death was in
Mr. Cleveland had already re
tired for the night, and only he
and his wife were in the room at
the time. He reached for his pis
tol, which was near the bed, and
before Mrs. Cleveland noticed the
fact at all, she was startled by
hearing the shot.
There is no reason known for
the rash act.
Mr. Cleveland was a prominent
citizen of the county and Locust
Grove, who leaves many friends
to mourn his sudden death.
He is survived by his wife and
one daughter, Miss Clyde Cleve
land, and two sons, Messrs. Bryant
and Russell Cleveland.
The funeral and interment were
at the Baptist church Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o’clock.
McDonough* ghorgia. Friday march 24, mi.
• Loses in F'jsu to oGCOver STQm
Her Recent Severe Burns.
Mrs. W. W. Teasley breathed
1 her last at the Athens’ hospital
Tuesday night at 10 o’clock. Her
death resulted from the effect of
the terrible burns she received on
the 10th of this month, when her
clothing caught fire and was
For several days it was thought
that she might recover from the
accident, and the news of her
death came Wednesday morning
to her many McDonough friends
as a sad shock.
Mrs. Teasley was Miss Lois
Dickson before her marriage a few
years ago to Mr. W. W. Teasley.
She was a daughter of Mr. J. B.
Dickson, one of our town and |
county’s best men and citizens,;
•and was reared here and lived i
here until a year or two ago.
. Mrs. Teasley*was a young wom
an of lovely and attractive traits
of character, and always a faithful
Christian in deed and doctrine.
The remains were brought to
McDonough Wednesday night, and
were interred at the cemetery
here Thursday afternoon. The
funeral services at the Methodist
church Thursday afternoon at 2
o’cleck were the
Rev. J. flMMEnnnd,
assisted McDonou^Pltors.
We extend our sincere sympathy
to the bereaved ones in this sad
hour of bereavement.
Mrs. G. R. Parker Dies at Stock
Mrs. G. R. Parker died at her
home in Stockbridge Wednesday
afternoon at one o’clock.
Mrs. Parker was but 36 years of
age, and was a woman whose at
tractive personality and Christian
kindliness of heart had endeared
her to a host of friends.
She is survived by her husband,
Dr. G. R. Parker: one son and
two daughters: her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Ragsdale, of East
Atlanta: five sisters, Mrs. George
Simmons and Mrs. Bessie Crumb
ley, and Miss Dora Ragsdale, of
Atlanta; Mrs. Ophelia Owens, of
Decatur, and Mrs. John Keen, of
this county: and three brothers,
Messrs. James Ragsdale, Charley
Ragsdale, and Oscar Ragsdale, of
The interment will be at Flat
Shoals this morning, Friday, at 11
o’clock, the Rev. W. 0. Butler,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rawls Lose
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rawls’ in
fant, three weeks of age, passed
away Monday night. The re
mains were interred at Philadel
phia Tuesday afternoon.
They have the sympathy of The
Weekly and the community in
their loss.
Meeting of U. D. C. Postponed.
Because of the funeral of Mrs.
Teasley, the regular monthly meet
ing of the Charles T. Zachry Chap
ter of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy was not held yester
day. It will be held next Tues
day, the 30th instant, in the chap
ter room in the Masonic temple.
McDonough High School
On last Friday evening Miss
Carrie Van Deventer was hostess
lat a delightful party. A number
! of guests were present, and all en
joyed her hospitality to the fullest
extent. She was assisted by her
sister, Miss Edna Van Deventer.
Miss Lennie Thrasher was de
tained from school for a few days
on account of sickness.
Miss Ludie V. Bond was called
home on last Friday.
The “spring fever” has sum
moned a number of our school
mates to their rooms for a few
Miss Sowell Hostess.
Miss Ethel Sowell entertained
some of her friends in a most de
lightful manner Monday evening,
the party being in honor of Misses
Matthews and Parmaloe, the
guests of Miss Ruth Rape.
Conversation, music, and domi
noes were enjoyed, and late in the
evening a choice iced course was
The guests numbered about I
Misses Van Deventer Entertain.
The younger set of girls and
boys enjoyed a party at the home
of the Misses Van Devanter last
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner en
tertained some of their friends in
a most delightful manner last Fri
day evening.
Miss Ruth Rape Hostess.
Miss Ruth Rape was the charm- 1
ing hostess to her friends last
Saturday afternoon, as a compli
ment to her house guests, Misses
Parmalee and Matthews, of Grif
After the guests had all arrived,
they were served to a choice salad
course and iced tea.
Then the game of “42” was en
joyed for some time, Mrs. Willie
Turner scoring highest.
There was served an ice course.
The guests numbered twenty.
Missionary Lecture.
Rev. James M. Taylor, of Knox
ville, Tenn., a returned missionary,
will lecture at Lovejoy M. P. church
on Tuesday, the 28th instant, at 7
o’clock, P. M., and on Wednesday,
the 29th instant, at 10.30 A. M.;
and at Stockbridge M. P. church
Wednesday night.
All are cordially invited to hear
E. B. Aycock, Pastor M. P.
Negro Killed by Train.
Grip Barber, an old negro, who
lives on Mr. Andy Combs, Jr.’s
place on the McDonough and
Locust Grove road, was struck
and instantly killed by the south
bound passenger train Tuesday
morning. His body was mangled
beyond recognition.
He was one of the “old time”
negroes, whose passing away is
always a regret to scores of white
as well as coiored friends.
A new piano has been placed in
our auditorium to he used in our
The school house caught on fir*
Monday morning, it was soon
discovered, and, by the aid of a
I few, was quickly extinguished. N] (
; damage was dene except to a
small portion of the ceiling or*
second floor.
Seven weeks will bring the close
of school, and some are glad,while
the Seniors regret very much to
have to say that “this ; s our las*
year in old M. H. S.”
Gordon News.
Miss Maude George visited home'
people Saturday and Sunday nejn
Forest Park.
Mrs. Verner Gardner visited her
mother one day recently.
Mrs. Kennedy was the gut d •
Mrs. Pratt one day last week.
Mrs. Willie Gardner was the
guest of Mrs. Pratt one evening
Mr. Jim White and v ife spenJ
Monday with Mrs. W ird~ and
Miss Otis Thurman visited Miss
Vera White recently.
Mr. Mitt Scarbrough’s family
visited at the home of Mr. Tom
Ward recently.
Mrs. Nancy Stanley and Miss
Victoria Thurman were the wd
come guests of Mrs. M ry Berry
Mr. Jack Austin was in our
midst Sunday.
Mrs. Martin is able to sit up a
little about twenty m nutes aftei
being shocked once a day.
Mr. B. F. Kennedy pa d the Gate
City a call Saturday.
Misses Ethel and Ruth Simp
kins attended preaching Sunday
at Mt. Zion.
Mr. Phckett was the gue§t oi
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Thurman Sun
Mr. PL M. Scarbrough and son*
Clarence, paid McDonough a visii
Those who received their mail
at 4 o’clock on Pdlenwood R. F. D,
No. 1, now get it at 11 o'clock, as
the carrier, Mr. John Carroll, now
owns an automobile.
Mrs. Ruth Turpin two
days and nights with Mrs. Nancy
Miss Mina Austin was with
home people Saturday.
Sail Blink is on the lazy list to
Wishing for all a happy Easter.
Sail Blink.
Mr. T. J. Speer, of the Henry
County Union, will speak at Unioa
Graded School at Bethany on the
first Saturday night in April. Let
everybody come.
Si A Year