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The Henry County Weekly
Daughters of Confederacy Have Prepared In
teresting Entertainment.
We give below the program for
Memorial Day Exercises, as pre
pared by the Daughters of the
Confederacy here.
The exercises will be held at
the McDonough High School audi
torium, beginning at two o’clock
in the afternoon on next Wednes
day, the 26th instant.
An excellent program is the one
given, and no doubt a large crowd
will be present to enjoy it.
We hope that on that sacred
day there will be few in our South
land who will not give their atten
tion, at least briefly, to the mem
ory of those heroes who have
achieved immortality for them
selves and shed an unfading
splendor on our fair section.
Invocation —Rev. Olin King.
Chorus —“The Old Folks at
Home.” By audience.
Last week we gave the news of
several sales of cows at good
prices recently made by McDon
ough men.\
There are other cow trades in
which the cows do not change
owners. They are profitable ones,
Messrs. John B. Lowe and J. T.
Sowell are demonstrating this
fact in their dairy and creamery
operations. They have secured
the property lying -in the triangle
between the railroad, the street
leading in front of Dr. Campbell’s
former home and the John Smith
machine shops, and are now haul
ing the sand for a modern cream
ery building there.
The structure will be of con
crete and will be the receiving
station for the milk, where they
will separate the cream and keep
in cold storage up to the very
limit of the train times for ship
We rejoice in all such industries
in our town and county.
Whereas, our Dear Heavenly
Father has seen best to call from
us our beloved co-worker, and
friend, Mrs. Lela Ragsdale Parker,
therefore be it resolved:
First, that we, the Gen. Joe
Wheeler Chapter U. D. C. feel a
deep sorrow in this loss from our
midst of so estimable a woman,
who we can truly say was a good
wife, mother, daughter, sister,
friend and citizen—a splendid
home maker.
Second, That the sincere sym
pathy of the Gen. Joe Wheeler
Chapter U. D. C. be extended to
Dr. G. R. Parker and children, the
father and mother, relatives and
friends in their bereavement.
Tlie citizens of Stockbridge were
Reading—“A Judith of 1864.’,
Miss Nina Wall.
Solo “Home Sweet Home.”
Mrs. J. A. Fouche.
Male Quartette.
Recitations —Annie Ola Sloan,
“A Tar Baby,” by Joel Chandler
Recitation —Annie Minnie Rog
ers, “A Georgia Volunteer,” by
Frank L. Stanton.
Solo —Miss Annie Nolan. Select
Introduction of Speaker —Col.
T. J. Brown.
Memorial Address —Col. R. 0.
Instrumental Solo “Dixie.”
Annie G. Thompson.
Benediction —Rev. W. W. Ar
Marshal of the Day, Mr. P. B.
Ushers: Mr. H. M. Turner, Mr.
Ralph Turner.
all rejoiced that Mrs. Parker had
come to dwell among them again
and beautify another home as she
did tffcr former home here.
She was always ready to help
in any way within her power when
called on. We shall miss her
everywhere, and it is with sorrow
indeed that that we think of her
as passed to the great beyond.
Also be it resolved that a copy
of these resolutions be sent to Dr.
G. P. Parker, published in The
Henry County Weekly, and re
corded in the minutes of the
Joe Wheeler Chapter U. D. C.
Again expressing our great sym
pathy, we subscribe ourselves,
The Committee.
Mrs. Augustus Swann,
Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison.
For Twenty-Nine Years a Sub
Mr. A. D. Martin, now of Eaton
ton, but for many years one of
Henry county’s best citizens,
writes the following letter in re
newing his subscription.
We appreciate his letter and his
long remembrance of The Weekly:
Mr. Frank Reagan,
Dear Sir:
Find enclosed SI.(XJ. Mark my
subscription to January 1, 1912,
this being my 29th year to 'Hie
Henry County Weekly.
Wishing you success, I am,
Yours truly,
A. D. Martin.
Shingles and Sheeting Free.
The trustees of ShinglerooL
Camp Ground announce that the
old shingles and old sheeting
from the old tabernacle at the
camp ground will be given away,
at any time after next week, as!
long as they last, to all who will j
come and haul them from the
McDonough. Georgia, Friday april 21,1911.
One of Locust Grove’s Fairest
Daughters Is Married to Pro
minent Physician of Ogle
The marriage of Miss Lillian
Price to Dr, Leonard Shealy was
one of Henry county’s most bril
liant affairs of the season. The
happy event occurred Wednes
day afternoon at 5 o’clock at the
Locust Grove Methodist church.
Miss Minnie Bailey, of Jackson,
was the maid of honor.
Mr. Hugh Shealy, brother of
the groom, of Oglethorpe, was the
best man.
The other attendants were:
Miss Eva Key Bailey, of Jack
son; Miss Rosa Thompson, of At
lanta; Miss Ida Shealy, sister of
the groom, of Oglethorpe, and
Messrs. Baldwin, Coogler, and
Harden, of Oglethorpe; and Dr.
Milner, of South Carolina.
Miss Delia Smith beautifully
played the wedding march.
The Rev. W. J. Deßardeleben
pronounced the words that made
them one, and invoked the bless
ing upon the union.
Messrs. J. C. McKnight, James
Hubbard, and Elbert Parr were
the ushers.
The church was tastefully and
beautifully adorned with the flow
ers of spring, and was a fitting
scene to accord with the charm
ing beauty of the bride.
Mrs. Shealy is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Price, of Lo
cust Grove, where she is uni
versally loved ror her beautiful
traits of character and amiable
ways and , admired j for her
charm of person.
» Dr. Shealy is a thriving young
physician of Oglethorpe, and of
one of Georgia’s most prominent
Immediately after the ceremony,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Price held a
reception for the bridal party, and
Dr. and Mrs. Shealy departed at
6.40 for a tour of Florida, before
returning to make their home at
Two Popular Members of McDon
ough's Younger Set are United
Wednesday Evening.
Miss Leola Dorsey was married
to Mr. Ben Bankston Wednesday
evening at 6.30 o’clock at the resi
dence of the bride’s uncle, Mr.
J. F. M. Fields. The Rev. Olin
King performed the ceremony.
It was a quiet home wedding,
and only the immediate families
and near relatives of the contract
ing parties were present.
The bride is a daughter of Mr:.
Sallie McCall, of Macon, but has
made her home in McDonough for
some time. She is a young lady
of many attractive traits of char
acter and person, and will indeed
bless the new home over which
she presides.
Mr. Bankston is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joel Bankston, of our
city, is associated with his father
in business, and is a popular young
man of aimable ways and capable
and industrious in business. He
Society Happenings
Mrs. Paul Turner Hostess.
Mrs. Paul Turner entertained
for Miss Mary Lucy Turner Satur
day afternoon.
Her guests numbered eight, and
the game of dominoes was en
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Patterson's
Son Dies.
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Patter
son’s five months’ old son breath
ed his last Friday evening at his
parents’ home near Sharon church.
The funeral and interment were
at Sharon Saturday morning at
11 o’clock, the Rev. J. G. Walker
conducting the services.
In Honor of Miss Mary Lucy
Miss Ethel Tye Wright was
the hostess at dinner on Thurs
day evening, as a compliment to
Miss Mary Lucy Turner, of Gaines
ville. who has been the attractive
guest of her cousin, Miss Ruth
A delightful course dinner was
served to the guests, who were:
is receiving the congratulations of
his host of friends.
After the wedding ceremony the
happy pair and the families, with
a few friends and neighbors, were
entertained at an elegant supper
given by Mr. and Mrs. Joel Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bankston have
engaged rooms in residence of
Mr. Kimbell Patterson, where they
I are at home to their friends.
Judge Daniel Makes Fine Im
pression ori the People.
Superior Court convened here I
Monday morning with Judge Rob
ert T. Daniel presiding. Solicitor!
General J. W. Wise and official
reporter, W. E. H, Searcy, were !
also on hand.
This was -fudge Daniel’s first
court in Henry county, hut lie pre
sided with the perfect ease and
grace of a veteran; with all the
machinery of the court running
without friction. |
An immense crowd had come
from every section of the county
and was here Monday morning
to hear the new judge’s charge to
the grand jury. The McDonough
High School, with the faculty, also
came to hear it.
And the crowd were not disap
pointed, for it was an excellent ■
charge which they heard. Judge j
Daniel impressed the grand jury,
with their importance and respon-j
sibility as a body, showed them
how the county’s high standard of
morality and law observance
largely depended upon them and
their active pursuit of their duties.
He traced our most frequent
crimes to their sources, and en
forced upon all the importance of
how the larger crimes, which are
effects, will cease when the smaller
Misses Turner, Messrs. Tom
Tollesson, Fred Walker and Adam
Sloan. f
Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Lowe enter
tained at dinner on Tuesday for
Miss Mary Lucy Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brown Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Brown en
tertained the young people most
delightfully on Friday evening in
honor of their neice, Miss Mary
Lucy Turner.
Miss Louise Brown served the
guests with punch.
Music, conversation, and danc
ing were enjoyed, and late in the
evening a salad course was served.
Miss Laura Smith assisted Mrs.
Brown in entertaining.
Those enjoying Mr, and Mrs.
Brown’s hospitality were:
Misses Ellene Neal, Bess Fouche,
Lula Hall, Agness Dunn, Annie G.
Thompson, Lucy Reagan, Ruth
Turner, Messrs. Tom Wall, Tom
Tolleson, Fred Walker, Hendley
Daniel, Adam Sloan, Raleph Turn
er, Arthur Bowden, and Judge
Andrew' Brown.
| We’re delighted once again to
meet you;
Happy meeting,
• Merry greeting,
We hail you with delight.
Tho’ Mr. Russell is not attend
ing school, he is a frequent visitor
to our city. Wonder why?
Mr. E. D. Gunby made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Saturday.
The seventh, eighth, ninth, and
last but not least, the tenth grades
went up to hear the judge’s charge
to the jury. Quite an interesting
affair, and all were benefited, we
Mr. Harrel Wallace was detain
ed at home a few days last week.
Mr. Tom Woods was a welcome
visitor on the campus this week.
Examinations begin and work is
some thing fierce.
M sses Van DeVenter were hos
tesses at a delightful affair on last
Saturday evening. A large crowd
was present, and all enjoyed their
Some little discussion has been
among the high school girls about
the hero of the play. No serious
trouble has yef appeared.
things, which are the causes, are
checked and stopped.
A number of cases were settled,
some were tried, and the calendar
was almost finished as we go to
About seventeen divorce cases
at this term made a record for our
Miss Mary Lucy Turner, of
Gainesville, left Monday, after a
pleasant visit to relatives here.
She will visit friends at Hawkins
ville before returning home.
$i A Year