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Rules of Contest For Medal Offered By The
Weekly Are Again Given.
We again call the attention of the school children of Henry
county to the Gold Medal offered by the Editor of The Weekly.
The Rules and Regulations adopted by the Joe Wheeler and
Charles T. Zachry Chapters of the Daughters of the Confederacy
were published in these columns some time ago. Copies of the same
were also mailed to each teacher in the county.
So let our school girls and boys begin to work on their essays,
and each strive to win the medal.
Everyone who writes will be amply repaid for his work in the
increased knowledge and experience as a writer gained by the effort,
whether he wins the medal or not.
The period of the past which the writer shall treat is not limited;
he may begin with-the county’s organization and trace its entire his
tory, with incidents in the lives of those who made its history, or he
make take any particular period of its history, such as the Civil War
period, narrating the sufferings of our county in the same and the
part played by any of our citizens in the same.
The essay may consider the county’s industrial, church, or other
history, —in brief any line of activity which has been any part of our
county’s history.
To this end, the children are urged to interview their most aged
neighbors and relatives for the facts known only to them, and so
permanentlv preserve much valuable information.
The Joint Committee’s report is as follows:
Report of Committee.
The Committee appointed by the Charles T. Zachry and the Gen.
Joe Wheeler Chapters met Feb. 18, —1911, —To form rules and regula
tions to govern the essay for the gold medal offered by Mr. Frank
Reagan on “Henry County in the Past,”
Rules and Regulations.
1. The.contest is open to all white children under the age of 16
years, residents of Henry County in school or out.
2. The length of essay to be from 1,000 to 15,000 words.
3. Preparation made at home or elsewhere, with full use of all
references, —essays to be written before a teacher.
4. Essay shall be signed by fictitious name and state age of writer,
accompanied by a sealed envelope addressed with same fictitious name
but containing real name, address of writer, name of school and age.
5. The Principal of each school shall send to one of this commit
tee all essays.
6. Essays shall be sent to local committee on or before the 15th
day of May, 1911.
7. The manuscript to be graded upon subject matter and style.
The committee is Mrs, E. J. Reagan, Mrs. J. F. Wall, Mrs. T. J,
Brown, Mrs. Berry Hinton, Mrs. Augustus Swann, Mrs. Rosa Lee Elli
son, Secretary.
Elm Grove.
* (Last Week’s Letter.)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huget, of
Atlanta, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Conkle Saturday
night and Sunday.
Mr. Joseph Conkle is very sick
with the mumps.
Miss Epsie Wilkerson visited
Mrs. O. N. Conkle Friday.
Mr. Georg,) Crumbley visited
Mr. Joseph Conkle Thursday.
Mrs. O. N. Conkle visited Mrs.
Ben Turner Wednesday afternoon.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Miss Ophelia of Locust
Grove, visited Miss Della Childs
On last Tuesday a crowd of six
teen made a very pleasant trip to
the big dam. Tlipy report a nice
time, if it did rain.
Bro. Z. E. Barron filled his regu
lar appointment at Phillippi last
Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Tassie Kimbell and Min
nie Jjnrnmns and Messrs. Sam Mc-
Michael and Clifford Kimbell visit
ed Miss Tdllie Mae McKibben Sun
Quite a crowd from this section
attended the singing at Bethany
Sunday afternoon, and enjoyed it
very much.
Mr. George Bowden and lady.
Mr. James Curry and lady. Mr. I,on
Chaffin and'lady, and Mr Sam
King and daughter were the pleas
ant visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Crumbley on last Sunday.
Misses Roxie Jinks and Odessa
Allen and Messrs. Lyndon Jinks
and Gordon Tingle visited Mr. Ray
mond and Miss Agnes Bearden
We now get our mail at twelve
o’clock, when we used to get it at
four, as our mail carrier. Mr.
Grady Castellaw. has purchased a
motor-cycle. We like it so much
Mr. Perry Allen was a pleasant
visitor of Mr. G. B. Childs Sunday.
Miss Bessie Crumbley visited
Miss Mary Lon McKibben last Sun
Flat Rock.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
One more Easter Sunday has
passed, and wasn’t it a beautiful
day? Everybodv that we had the
chance of meeting seemed to be
happy and enjoying the day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bellali visit
ed’relatives at Stockbridge Friday.
The children of Woodland school
enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at that
place Friday afterneon.
Mr. G. W. Hinton made a trip to
the Gate City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Ford are all
smiles—"just one girl.”
Mr. and Mrs. W S. Patillo spent
| H usiness
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Some of the essential Foun
dation stones are Blocks of
Space in the Newspaper.
Henry County Week
ly’s Advertisement help you
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McDonough, Ga. Editor and Publisher.
Telephones: Office 23; Residence, 15.
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bined writing and adding work.
Remington Typewriter Company
Atlanta, Ga. 56 N. Broad St.
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Some of our young people at
tended the singing at Mr. John
Ford’s Saturday night.
Messrs. Doc Moseley and Ky
Bowen spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Little Milledge Owen has the
mumps at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Henry, of
this place, spent Saturday at Stock
bridge, the guests of their daugh
ter. Mrs. U. R. Hinton.
Mr. Gus Owen had the misfor
tune to get his arm broken a few
days ago.
Messrs. Lee and Carl Hinton.
Lon Wilson, and Louis Bellali
made a visit to Stockbridge Satur
day afternoon.
Messrs. Gus and Henry Owen
are doing a hustling business saw
ing wood in this vicinity.
Administrator's Sale.
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold be
fore the court house door in McDonough,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the
First Tuesday in May, 1911, one hundred
and sixty-six acres of land, in Locust
Grove District of said county, bounded
on north by lands of J. V. Goss and east
by Ben Brown and Jack Castellaw; south
by Ollie Tingle and Brooks, and west by
lands of 1). A. Castellaw.
April 3, 1911. Ida G. Goss,
4-28, 4. Administratrix.
If your Bread and Pastry are not
satisfactory. Perhaps your skill is
handicapped by inferior flour, l our
baking troubles will vanish if you
will use
Rising Sun
(The Flour with the spotless record 1
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McDonough, Ga.
5-5, 4.