The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 28, 1911, Image 4
THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY PHA N U KI.AOW, Fall tor. Entered at the iiostoffireat McDonough, (3a., as second-class mail matter. Advertising Kates furnished on appli cation. Obituaries. One obituary, not more than one hundred words in length, will be published free; only one obituary for each death. All containing more than one hundred words must tie accompanied with one cent per word for all in excess of one hundred words. We cannot under take to cut them down to the one hundred word limit. Manuscripts not accompan ied with postage will not be returned. Warning. No statements purporting to come from The Henry County Weekly are genuine unless they have written on their face the signature of Frank Reagan, Editor, or are presented by him in person. Any person receiving such a statement will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor, McDonough, Georgia. Official Organ of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., April 28, 1911 Locust Grove Locals. Monticello and Senoia ditf well for us last Sunday. Locust Grove was gay with gallant beaux from these towns: four from each place, Messrs. Sasser, Freeman, Mc- Knight, and Dr. Hardnett, from Senoia, were introduced to the belles of Locust Grove by Mr. McKnight, of the Citizens’ Bank here; Messrs. Robinson, Leverett, H. S. Taylor, and Troy Allen, from Monticello, needed no introduction for they are here often. Miss Mattie Joe Pitts spent the latter part of last week in Mc- Donough, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edwin Arnold. Miss Annie Mae Williams spent last Monday in Griffin. Messrs. Jim Hubbard and Otis Watkins went with a new automo bile for Dr. Jackson Colvin down to Odum, Ga., last Friday. They came by Cordele and spent Sun day with Walter Hubbard. Miss Mary Nixon spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Judson Walker, who has lived in Arabi since Christmas, is at home visiting his father and mother. Mrs. J. W. Middlebrooks went to Concord last Friday to spend some days with her mother, Mrs. Gregr, who is quite sick. Mrs. J. B. Wall, of Fitzgerald, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Claude Gray. Miss Eva Key Bailey returned to her home in Jackson Tuesday.* Miss Bailey has been here some time. She will be greatly missed by the young people of Locust Grove. • Mrs. Edwin Arnold, of McDon ough, is here with her bright little son, Edwin, Jr., visiting her mother, Mrs. Pitts. The Baracca Class of the Bap church were entertained at the home of Mr R. F. Smith Wednes day evening. A pleasant time was assured because of the en tertainers, Misses Delia, Margaret, and Esther Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Shealey will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Price the last of this week. They came here from Florida for a visit before they locate at Oglethorpe. Locust Grove institute. Professors Horton and Gray spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. Drewry has greatly im proved the appearance of the campus recently. The grass is green these warm days and the flowers are budding. The pool just in front of the girls’ home is being rapidly completed. By com mencement the campus will be a thing of beauty if not a joy for ever. Monday the young ladies of the TO GET THE BEST YOU MUST COME TO THE STORE THAT KEEPS THE BEST. IT HAS AEVER &EEA OUR FL^M TO SELL POOR GOODS AT AH Y PRICE. IASTE./1D VE SFI I GOOD ' iTIHe GOODS AT A MIR PRICE. imo, WL SELL GOOD I/t BUYIMG FROM A L,dRGE STOCK YOU HyIVE MORE TO PICK ewfw FROM. YOU ZAt\ BUY CHEAPER BEMUSE VE BY BUYIMG IM * L.4RGE LOTS, BUY CHEAPER, yIMD >4S VE BUY TOR LESS, VE SELL FOR LC<i><iL <§>o, WHEA YOU THIAK OF &UYIAG j4AYTNIAG THIAK OF THF r&TORF TM4T HAS THE REPUTzmOM FOR THE BEST GOODS T. A. SLOAN & CO., -■ . . Mc ™K GH ’ school were given an egg hunt. Mrs. Drewry was the hostess. The occasion was one of rare pleasure. The ball team journeyed to Ma con last Friday and tried conclu sions with Mercer’s second team. The result was in favor of the prep team. 11 to 5 told the tale. Green for Locust Grove was especially effective, yielding but six hits and striking out eight men. He lined out a home run in the ninth inn ing. Mrs. Walter Hightower has been quite sick, but is much better. Misss Green Livingston was the guest of Miss Alma Hinton a few days this week. Mr. Jim Livingston made a trip to Locust Grove this week, taking the fine colt, “Don” to the train ing school there. Mrs. Berry Hinton was a caller in Stojkbridge last Saturday after noon. Mrs. Arthur Mays spent two days in Atlanta last week. Mrs. John Walden and Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison visited Mr. and Walter Estes at Rex last Sunday. Mrs. Homer Turner, of near Mc- Donough, was here Monday and drove to Atlanta Tuesday after noon to be at the Memorial Exer cises there Wednesday. Children's Day at Methodist Church. We are requested to announce tiiat the Children's Day Exercises will be held on the evening of next Sunday, the 30th instant, at 7.30 o’clock; instead of on the first Sunday in May, as at first an nounced. Everybody is invited to come. Stockbridge. Mr. and Mrs, Helen Hightower, of Atlanta, were the week end guests of Mrs. James Hightower. Mrs. R. A. Hawkins and Miss Helen. Clark left Sunday for Shreveport, La. Miss Nina Wall was the dinner guest of Miss Ruth Clark last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Power spent last Thursday in Atlanta. Little Miss Mildred Power was the delightful guest of Mrs. Parks Lee on that day. Monday the Ist Stone Mountain comes here for a game. This is to be the last game of the season, as well as the best. We invite our McDonough patrons down. Mr. L. B. Guillebeau, who grad uated here last year and has since taught school at Luella, has open ed a real estate office in town. This is a new departure in the business life of the place, but we realize the need of an energetic, live real estate man, and believe Mr. Guillebeau possessed of just thqse qualities. i hursday a picked team from McDonough and Locust Grove played the school team. The school boys sewed the game up in a bag, winning by the score of 14 to 1. As we go to press Superior Court has just adjourned, after disposing of 32 criminal cases. Sardis. Mr. Olis Mason and family, of Ola, visited Mr. Ennis Carter and family Sunday. Mr. Go wan Smith and fimily, of Jenkinsburg, passed through here Sunday. The musical entertainment given by Mr. Jack Haynes Saturday night was a success. Quite a large crowd of Worth ville people were visitors here Sundav afternoon. Come again. School is out at this place qnd our teachers will leave today (Monday) for their homes, and I, a scholar of Pine Hill, wish them back again. So, wishing the Editor and the readers much happiness, I am, Parrot. Wanted. Enterprising young man to act as agent for oldest old line Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States. Liberal contract. Money in it for right man. Bloodworth and Jackson, Forsyth, Ga. Fifth Sunday at Rex. Among the preachers who are expected at the all-day meeting at Rex on April 30th, are the follow ing: Rev. H. L. Edmondson, of Atr lanta; Rev. W. J. Deßarueleben, of Locust Grove; Rev. John L. Loftis, of Atlanta; Rev. W. 0. Butler, of Stockbridge; Rev. Sam Haynes, of Atlanta; and other workers and singers. No meet ing on Saturday, but all day Sun day, beginning 9.30 A. M. An ounce of forethought is worth a pound of wish-you-had. Eventually —yes. John R. Smith’s Machine Shop —the little-farther to but nearer-back place to have your work done. Phone 75, McDonough, Ga. SOCIETY. Mrs. J. M. Carmichael Hostess. Mrs. James Carmichael was hostess to some of her friends at a “42” party Friday afternoon. Alter the game, the hostess served delicious refreshments in two courses. i Her guests numbered twelve. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner Hosts. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner en tertained most delightfully Mon day evening. Music, dominoes, and dancing were enjoyed. A delicious punch was served. Those present were: Misses Elizabeth Lasseter, of Selma, Ala., Jewell Lewis, of Woosley, Agnes Dunn, Bess Fouche, Lula Hall. Lucy Reagan, Edna VanDeventcr; Messrs. Arthur Bowden, Adam Sloan, Hughie Turner, Fred Walk er, Hendley Daniel, Walter In gram, Benton Thompson, and Tommie Tolleson. Miss Lucy Helen Turner Hostess. Saturday afternoon little Lucy Helen Turner had those of her grade of the High School at a party. They searched for Easter eggs for a while, and then went into the house and played games. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. H. B. Carmichael Hostess. Monday afternoon Mrs. Harris Carmichael entertained for her little children. Invitations in rhyme were sent to fifty of their friends from five years of age down. Many were there and a merry good time they had, looking for the eggs. Delightful refreshments were enjoyed. List of Letters. Remaining Undelivered From The Post Office at McDonough, (3a , For-ihe Period Ending April 24th, 1911. S. E. Dailej, P M. Messrs. Dempsey, T. J. Jr.; Hen derson, Charley; Jenkins, Henry; Johnson, Sam; McCord, Henry; Mitchell, Jas.; . ight, Bob E.; Stew art, J. S.; Stone, E. M.; Wellons, J. D. Mesdames. Conkel, Eliza; Evins, Treliie; McGarity, J. D.; Tucker, R. H.; Tomlinson, Pinkie; Thomas, Loula; Vason, Mollie. Head, Lizzie; Lenear, Minnie; Outlaw, Mulissa; Wever, Estelle. J^OQals. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Carmichael and Mj\ and Mrs. J. T. Weems and Miss Bess Fouche will leave today to attend the grand Opera in At lanta. Mr. Ed Alexander, of Atlanta, was in our city Saturday. Miss Forrester spent last week end with friends in Atlanta. Prof. Lawrence Duffey, of Mc- Donough, was in the city yester day on his way to Barnesville to attend to some business at the Sixth District Agricultural School. He will assume charge of the du ties of this school at an early date. Mr. Duffey was for many years County School Commissioner of Henry County and is an able edu cator who is well qualified to dis charge the duties of president of the Sixth District school.—Griffin News. LOCUST GROVE Real Estate For Sale. A splendid 5 room cottage on one of the best streets in Locust Grove Lot 78 by 420 feet. The depth of the lot gives plenty of room for a good garden amt other truck pa tches. Reason for selling owner is in business that calls him else where. There is a bargain in this for some one. If interested, let me hear from yen at once, for at the price it is offered, it will not be on the market lontr. Cash preferred, but will consider terms. A beautiful new 5-room cottage on one of the prettiest lots ir. town, vei \ convenient to business sec tion and to schools. Lot 100 by 200 feet, with goon little barn in rear Owner wants SI.BOO for if. and it is well worth the money. Cash or easv terms. A good 4-room dwelling with 2 1-2 acres of lai d. This is in 200 teet of railroad and right mar de pot. The landcrin be cut up into lots and sold a! a profit, to sav nothing r.f the building. Price SI,OOO. Cash or easv terms. Business Opportunity. I have 11 s led for quick sale one of the best brick stores in Locust. Prove. It is on Main St., opposite, depot, and e< nvenient to both banks The store is 40 by 70 feet, and the lot is 40 b\ 100 feet, giving a v a can r lot 30 by 40 feet in tile rear, lilt-* building is one story, but the walls were made sufficient iy strong fiu- another story to be added. \\ itli the store will be sold a stock of General Merchandise. The stock is good and up-to-date, but tile owner will sacrifice it at 90 P«r cent. Selling tin stock of stoods and renting the store would be considered. If you want to buy a good business in a GROWING Town, here is an opportunity. If interested, come quick before the other fellow gets it. The price is right. L. B GUILLEBEAU, Real Estate and Renting, Locust Grove, - Ga. Office on Main Street. Phone No. 30.